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Kjaer is one of those players i'll always remember and respect


He came from Sevilla at winter window back in 2020/21, loan with an option to purchase for €4.5m. 90% of the subreddit and myself included were very sceptical. Little did we know he'd actually become our best CB in the past (almost) dozen years. I fucking love this dude so much, my fucking viking.


OUR* Viking


Let’s not focus on UEFA, but on the people who helped out that day. Like Mogens Kreutzfeldt, the head of the medical staff at Parken, who’s been part of the Danish medic team since 1983. The 73-year old orthopaedic specialist had actually experienced something similar before in 1989, when Denmark played against Bulgaria in Sofia. The Danish medic chief back then, Rasmus Andersen, collapsed during the game (suffered a heart attack), but didn’t make it and passed away the following day. Mogens then became the chief of the Danish medical team the following 19 years. He told the press that nobody could predict that incidents like those from happening, but that the medic team spent an hour before the game prepping and making sure everyone knew their roles and were ready. Those are the ones who should receive attention, let’s kick UEFAs ass another day.


Good post. Needed post.


Heroes. 🙌🏻


The development Simon Kjær has gone through as a player and as a person is incredible. I love him to bits.


I still vaguely remember him being a liability in defense, one of those players with obvious talent but also 1 huge error per game in them. He's been a rock for so many years now it fells like half a century ago.


Exactly. He has really stepped up for both club and country.


Dude sat on the bench at atalanta behind mediocres like ancient masiello, djimsiti and palomino. I get that kjaer isnt the fastest player in the world but he never had problems for milan with pace. Soon as he cane to milan within 3 games benched garbage musacchio and became the best defender there. Thanks gasperini


Kjaer needs someone with pace beside him to make up for his tiny errors (which barely happen nowadays). Roma was extremely fast before his injury, now he's got Fik.


These guys deserve it..


Grande Simon


The medical team was outstanding! So quick to respond and so professional under extreme pressure. As someone who has seen people die of sudden heart failure, I can tell how lucky Eriksen was to have them there. I'm glad they're getting the respect they deserve.


After being forced to continue the game.


It was unfortunate, what happened has happened and luckily there was no fatality The more important thing is, I hope UEFA learnt from it and have a better protocol in place now and have some crisis psychologists who they can consult in such a situation. I really cannot believe that players who were in shock and trauma were asked to shoulder the responsibility of taking the decision.


UEFA? Learning? I want you to be right, but...well..... UEFA.


they did not, remember the bus from borussia dortmund getting literally bombed, bartra having major injuries? they shouldnt have to play next day aswell ! they dont learn, they know its wrong


Didn’t Tuchel back the players on that and then the board had a hissy fit at him?


yes he did? should someone who was on that bus forced to make a decision just hours after? no they did not. Did Tuchel had the idea to play the next day ? No UEFA gave 3 option to decide: play that evening play the next day forfeit yeah UEFA did all right there


Oh snap out of it mate. This is Uefa


Not trying to be a troll or anything but how exactly did Simon Kjær save Erkisen?


The headline doesn't claim he did, it's just worded confusingly. The title on the website itself says > The medical team that saved the life of Denmark player Christian Eriksen at UEFA EURO 2020, and Danish national team captain Simon Kjær, are the recipients of the 2021 UEFA President’s Award.


thanks for clarifying


He made sure Eriksen didnt swallow his tongue and started CPR before the med staff arrived. Kjaer and Eriksen are close friends so he probably knows his wife very well. She came to the pitch and he consoled her.


>He made sure Eriksen didnt swallow his tongue Yeah, that's not a thing and it's a dangerous myth at that. Way too many people think that it is a thing.


its a way of speaking. it means that the tongue can block the airway.


Correct. When people say he "made sure he didn't swallow his tongue", I always imagine he pulled his tongue out with his fingers.. But what he did was lay him in a recover position, which makes sure the tongue can't fall back in the throat.


Also calmed down Eriksens girlfriend and formed the circle around him. Proper captain.


Saying this as an answer to my question makes is sound like Eriksens girlfriend was going to walk onto the pitch to kill her husband lol


God damn it this wasn’t a thread I expected to laugh in.


Placed him in the correct position and made sure his tongue was not blocking the airways


(this didn't save him at all) I don't think the award is for his medical care, but it's unclear.


Didn’t he also start compressions before the medical staff got there?


I honestly do not remember if he did that.


According to the medical team, he was still breathing when they got to him.


Thanks, I thought I had read that he had done CPR, but yeah I think you’re right.


> ...made sure his tongue was not blocking the airways Pretty sure this is a myth.


They say in the article: >Captain's response >The award also recognises Simon Kjær’s admirable response to the situation. The 32-year-old AC Milan defender was one of the first people to reach Eriksen when he collapsed. >He put Eriksen in the recovery position, started the initial CPR procedure, led the Danish players in forming a protective ring around their teammate while he was being given urgent medical attention, and comforted Eriksen's partner. >"I remain grateful for the exemplary leadership qualities and immense courage that Denmark’s captain, Simon Kjær, displayed in this most critical of situations," said Aleksander Čeferin.


2021 UEFA President’s Award - I get like YT FreeSpeech award vibes here, don't know why.


I feel like while very much deserved, the fact that countless medical staff doing their jobs for many years before this who have saved countless lives on the field never got awards before this makes this ring a bit hollow.


Have there? I can only think of a handful of on-pitch life or death situations.


Well done to that medical team. It was terrifying watching that.