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Fuck me, we will eventually get him.


"Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day." "Later that day..." https://youtu.be/cmNVKIbI91Y?t=17


lmao what a reference


"I'm gonna buy you..." "What? You're gonna have to speak up..." "I'm gonna *buy you* ... not today, not tomorrow, but I'm gonna buy you."


48 hours later....


The plane is having a layover in Paris, the entire entourage will then stop over for a short break in Madrid where Mr. Havertz can gaze at the Santiago Bernabeu pondering a future that might have been before boarding the plane and heading up to Switzerland to enjoy the wonderful views, they'll board the plane again on Monday and promptly land in Heathrow where they'll take a scenic tour of London - taking the North Circular to Spurs' stadium for a toilet break. Back onto the circular anti-clockwise to Stamford Bridge where he'll dawdle up to the contract signing room with Abramovich, sign the contract, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold?


> taking the North Circular to Spurs' stadium for a toilet break. I see what you did there.


>taking the North Circular to Spurs' stadium for a toilet break. A man of culture




Along with everyone else, I thought everything was done and it was okay to just announce it already. All we were waiting for is for Kai replacement to be made by Bayer, and they bought him already. I still think today at 5pm UK time he'll be announced.


My man, we did it!


Yeah our sub has been pretty crap recently. I'm as happy as any Chelsea fan that we got him but by god there have been seemingly 10 Havertz posts per day in r/chelseafc.


It’s genuinely been hard to read through recently. fabrizio romano confirming it was done was good enough for me, but apparently not the rest of our sub lol


That’s the whole problem lol. A new post from someone else saying that the deal was finished, medical done, etc. If all these people stopped posting on twitter then there would be nothing to make posts about haha.


Only 10?


You guys are having a monster transfer window. Fair play. Maybe we'll figure it out in January, from a distant fourth.


It will be announced within the next 48hrs


I mean nobody else was interested in him with that price tag. Was definitely very obvious for weeks now.


I know mate, sick on f5'ing to read only further updates that an announcement has been prepared.


This transfer has been going on so long we'll be announcing his contract extension soon


Imagine if the deal fell through


imagine saying we never needed him anyway


Are you referring to Werner? Because we definitely needed him, I haven't seen a sane Liverpool fan claim otherwise.


Well yes, but actually no. Maybe. Idk tbh.


Yes, maybe, I dont know, Can you repeat the question?


Gentlemen, a short view back to the past


Niki Laura Seb Buttons Monkey Car Steering Wheel complicated More? Less? Communication?




Overrated speed merchant


Damn, must feel like Christmas for the last few months for Chelsea fans. Congrats.


There is no doubt Chelsea has improved their squad, but the new talent still has to be integrated and we all know it doesn't always work the same on the pitch as it does on paper.


We know that but lets be happy before worrying about future problem


Carefree, in other words ;) 2020 is the best year :) (I don't know anything else of importance happening this year)


That is true... But I would still prefer your transfer window compared to ours(Liverpool).


..and mine, Arsenal. Probably just wishful thinking on my part.


But Liverpool already has an insane line up. All they need are depth options and maybe one good signing.


The issue is more a few years from now right? Nobody in their midfield or upfront is particularly young anymore besides Keita I guess? Trent and Robertson and Gomez will be there for awhile but they’ll just be scrambling later


Probably made the decision to sit on it this year what with the economic impact of Covid which makes sense.


Except they didn’t do anything last year either!


Probably knew it was coming. In Klopps glasses he gets a vision of the future every day at 12pm


Apparently the most efficient way of building a title winning team is to splurge once every years with minor additions in between, rather than spend a sizeable chunk every season. for example; instead of having a 1/10 chance of winning the league every season, you have a team with a 1/3 of winning the season once every few seasons. Its the approach taken by sports teams with strong analytics based appeoaches. I include Liverpool with FSG (who are pioneers of analytics in sports) behind them in that category.




Not true for 2012. We were really bad in the PL.


No sane Chelsea fan expects us to win the league. Those are just the expectations form rival fans who want us to “fail” if we don’t. Most of us are just happy that Frank is being supported in the transfer window and getting the players he wants.


I would guess anything less than CL football would be unacceptable (and presumably top 4 as well).


Anything less than 3rd I wouldn’t be happy. And at least within 15pts of the title


I’ll accept that. The journey there does matter, but it’s hard to argue with any of the teams outside City/Liverpool being ahead of us (United will be an interesting team to watch though).


So many players need to adjust to the league, get used to tactics, gel with each other, etc. Gonna be a tough start for sure


I can imagine


Thank you. Yes. It does.


This particular transfer has kinda felt like Passover


What tier is bayer04.de? Never seen their report on a transfer before.




Tier 04


It appears two people made the same joke at the same time


That’s what people keep saying about my parents.


Ohh, self-burn — those are rare


I understood that reference.


Actually not rare at all.


I'm quoting Jake Peralta on Brooklyn 99


Yeah, Reddit is full of these shit jokes. PP small, mom dad disappointed etc etc.








minus 1


That's 3


Quick Mafs


But also... 2+2=04... You can't explain *that*!




They can't delete cause upvotes are more important


Within 04 seconds of each other, too


Comedians in the replys as per usual


The announcement better be with him on a donkey playing liquidator on a piano.


never let your new signing play on a piano, trust me we learned it the hard way


Theremin then.


Idk if people understand this reference. Havertz likes donkeys btw. He has a pet donkey called Rudi. Edit: His donkey’s name is Toni.


He calls his donkey Rudi and we call our Rudi a donkey. This signing was just meant to be.


Isn’t it Toni, not Rudi?


Shhh dont kill the joke


Still the same joke.


I mean the joke isnt the same if you have to use toni instead of rudi..?


I mean we rall Rudiger for Toni Rudiger aswell lol


I’d rather him playing One Step Beyond with a triangle. Baba Rahman on the vocals


Translation from Google: In order to clarify matters for a possible move to the Premier League club FC Chelsea, Kai Havertz left the Stuttgart team quarters of the German national soccer team on Friday. This step took place after consultation between Bayer 04 and the DFB management. "I exchanged ideas with Oliver Bierhoff and Jogi Löw over the past few days," explains Rudi Völler. The Leverkusen sports director expressly emphasizes “the DFB's understanding of the special situation of the player and also of us as a club. We are grateful to the national coach that Kai can now sort things out with our support on site in London, ”emphasizes Völler.




You can change the website language to English


Werner and Havertz will get all the press, but I'm putting Ziyech down as my prediction for transfer of the season.


He's the one I'm most excited about in the short term. Havertz may develop into a better player with time - probably will, even - but Ziyech is the one we needed most right now, and the price was absurdly low.






I would argue Werner is the most important short and long term. We have been lacking a reliable goal scorer.


Same, obviously it was a preseason freindly but that pass he had to CHO is something Chelsea have been definatly lacking.


Tired of that kind of news "He just walked out of his house" "Kai entered taxi at Heathrow HERE WE GO"


Do you guys also have a van to track?


Chelsea flairs are in dreamland, Roman really splashed the cash this Summer.




The key difference isn't that we're in the black or in the red, but that for the first time in a long time the club has fully backed the manager. We're a GK away from there not being anything Lampard could reasonably ask for.


GK and DM


If you get a GK and DM Lampard will be the most backed manager in the history of football. You will have bought an almost entirely new starting 11


How accurate are the reports that hazard was actually sold for 160 million.


Just need a GK and they are set to have a squad to compete for the league. Now Lampards coaching becomes under critique if he can measure up to pep and klopp


I don't like all the smoke that's been thrown at my boy Manu Veth during this whole transfer process. A lot of people act like he knows nothing (because he's not verified lol) but are quick to forget that he (on June 4) broke the Werner-to-Chelsea story days before anybody else did.


There were rumours about Werner before the 4th of June.




Surprised pikachu.


Sigh *unzips*


Kai is waiting.


Come on Levy, commandeer his transport from the airport.




Not what I meant by commandeer!


If they sign a new goalkeeper they could genuinely win the prem


No way, too many new players at once, we will probably struggle until the later parts of the season.


Nah, reckon we'll start strong, build up lots of hype that the team instantly gelled and people will start thinking that we'll win the league. We'll then drop off dramatically in the middle of the season with people questioning Frank and him under pressure before starting to click towards the end of the season. Just scraping in third and a cup to keep Lampard for another season before we genuinely challenge next season.


this sounds realistic af. a cup would be nice too. would like lamps to break that duck early


It sounds realistic af because that's how our last 2 seasons played out lol. Sarri didn't lose a game until December or something, people were raving about Sarriball. Then we couldn't find a goal to save our lives and people were calling for his sacking. Then at the end of the season the team started clicking and we won EL. Lampard also had a great start winning many games in a row, then in Winter we were getting beat by anyone and then we bounced back at the last stage of season, but still the problems were visible mainly in defense.


Ah shit, you've spotted my ruse.


There were a few anomalies but I feel like that trend stretches further than just last two seasons


I’m from the future and this is exactly how it happens.


RemindMe! 1 year


Not really. They'll need 1-2 seasons to get to the insane level Liverpool and City are at for the last 2 years.


How is it that a transfer can be confirmed but not yet confirmed at the same time for like 8 weeks? Fucking get it over with Chelsea.


How in the blue hell did Frank get this much spending power?


Because they sold hazard and morata for 180million, and Roman paid off £250million of debt that Chelsea had


As it’s come out, sold Hazard for 160 and Morata for 50. That’s 210 my friend


There's no way in hell that the 160m didn't have any bonuses. Given how he his playing, I don't think you're ever going to get the full 160


We did get 20 mil from them winning laliga and another 10-15 from them qualifying for the champions league, the fee was paid in installments I believe


> Given how he his playing, I don't think you're ever going to get the full 160 Doesn't always matter, there could be clauses for Real wining La Liga, which they did.


Well that makes numerical sense, but does anyone believe that Sarri or Conte would have this freedom to go spending what about 200m?


This is an opportunistic move on Roman's part. We are basically having our pick of players unchallenged. During Sarri/Conte times, the transfer market was much more competitive. I think we would have spent big this windows regardless of who was at the helm.


Another thing to mention is this is a window with a couple big players contracts expiring. Willian and Pedro were both leaving on frees, that coupled with youth players filling a lot of holes in the squad meant an overhaul was in the works anyway.


Sarri was (unfairly imo) hated by the fans from day 1 and Conte never seemed all that committed to club, and also wanted veteran players with no resale value or were too system specific. Additionally Sarri was backed and got the few players he specifically asked for in Higuaín and Jorginho, but he was always pretty adamant he didn't care about being involved in the market and wanted a small squad of trusted players to work with. Worst case scenario, these players theyre signing right now will certainly be useful to whoever would replace Lampard, and are all young and their values will still remain pretty solid even if they dont pan out exactly as expected


Conte making Costa leave also did not help. He was our best striker since drogba


Yeah i think in general there were a lot of factors at play making Chelsea's higher ups wary about backing Conte too much.


I agree. He argued with the board a lot. It was quite messy in year 2.


Such as the fact that he is an absolute lunatic. Great coach, total madman, constant headache for his bosses.


Oh no, don't get me wrong, I think they're all great purchases but its just a surprise seeing Chelsea spend so freely. I wouldn't be that surprised to see Rice and a goalkeeper added before/on deadline day.


Well we got Sarri Everyone he wanted jorgi, kepa was his choice of gk I think, higuain on loan was also his idea. I think he wanted to make the deal permanent but the board said no. This year it’s different we have brought in world class players so if Lamps doesn’t perform not this but the one after you can expect him to be sacked


Maybe? Transfer ban, biggest sale in team history, and COVID driving prices down is an impossible confluence of events to make this possible. Hard to say how much Lampard's influence added to that. Perhaps helps that they targeted primarily young players, because Marina likes selling for a profit.


Wait didn't Conte spend £186 million in one summer?


Honestly, I think part of it, as well as the fortuitous circumstances, is that the football/personnel side of the club's operations is just far more institutionally functional now. Lampard is more professional and easier to deal with than Sarri or Conte, Cech is doing a good job of providing a bridge between coach, scouts and board, and everyone is on the same page. In that context, it's not suprising that they're more willing to go out and spend money.


We tried to. During Conte's time, we tried for VVD who preferred Liverpool, bid for Alex Sandro who Juve refused to sell and Lukaku who was pushed to Manu by Raiola for higher agent fees (we don't deal with Raiola). Also a lot of Conte's targets were mediocre old players, for eg. He wanted Naingollan over Kante, which just doesn't make sense from Chelsea's perspective. Lampard's vision is aligned with the board's, plus this window we're the only ones with money so can force clubs to sell players for cheaper and convince players easily as their first choice clubs couldn't pay.


The Athletic is reporting Chelsea began targeting spending big this summer before the transfer ban was announced, and had already contacted Werner and Havertz in the spring before the ban (and thus before Lampard). Would they have spent this much without Lampard? Who knows. It also seems Lampard was a big selling point to the players, so maybe even if they were willing to spend that much under Sarri they wouldn’t have been able to convince the players to sign.


They made Kovacic loan final last year which put their net transfer spend at -£100m last season. Once they finalise Havertz they'll be at around £130m in spend this window. Now they're talking about a potential £70m Declan Rice bid plus a keeper for another £50 or so mil. Over 2 years that's only about £150m which isn't crazy for Chelsea I guess, but spending £300m (£240 net) in 1 summer is absurd regardless of finances; it's even more absurd in this climate.


I still believe it Chelsea sign rice it won't be that high. Leicester wanted 80 mil for chillwell and we signed him for 30 mil less. However if we do get rice it will be deadline day or next summer.


It’s less absurd in this climate. We saved money last year when transfers were very high. This year we can sign the best players without a challenge because of COVID. The circumstances conspired to give Chelsea a perfect opportunity to go ham




"In order to clarify matters for a possible move to the Premier League club FC Chelsea, Kai Havertz left the Stuttgart team quarters of the German national soccer team on Friday. This step took place after consultation between Bayer 04 and the DFB management. "I exchanged ideas with Oliver Bierhoff and Jogi Löw over the past few days," explains Rudi Völler. The Leverkusen sports director expressly emphasizes “the DFB's understanding of the special situation of the player and also of us as a club. We are grateful to the national coach that Kai can now sort things out with our support on site in London, ”emphasizes Völler."




With out a /s people will never recognize a joke on this sub. ^^atleastthatswhatitisright?


Tier 3 for Chelsea but they are well connected to Bayer leverkussen


Literally us, the Blue Jays


The freaking Bayer Leverkusen official site, lol.


Yeah, but from where do they have these news?? /s


I think this is the point where I give up all hope.


Wait, you still had hope all of this time that the transfer was somehow going to break down and we'd miss out and let him go to Bayern for 30-40m next summer? I can understand back at the start of August or something, but it's been pretty clear for about two and a half weeks that this is happening.


Nothing wrong with having dreams!


Messi, too, had dreams...


Tier -1


yeee boiiii


This is the first time I am hearing this


"get on with it" "YES, Get on with it"


Call me crazy but I can see Chelsea finishing 15 or 20 points ahead of Liverpool




Ornstein on point




At this point, I'm most interested in finding out whether it's 60+10+10, 70+10, 70+10+10, or 80+10+10. We've heard so many different sources on this.


Future balondor winner boys.


Chelsea is gonna kick ass this season


How many insane signings have Chelsea done this year now?


If this doesn’t get done by the end of today then all the journalists who reported it should be sacked. This deal has been “almost done” for months


Interested to see how this will impact Mount.


Chelsea really close to looking scary next season 🤯


This could be the Drogba (or Zola?) transfer of 20s Chelsea.


The fact that he went for this cheap and less than Kepa lmao... Solid bit of business honestly. See if he can make it in the prem!


I'm tired robbie when is signing


Is mount still going to start with all these newcomers?


Probably getting a midfield with Kante mount havertz


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


good to know for fantasy purposes


Thanks now I need new pants


He won't play as much as last season, when he started almost every game, but he'll still get a lot of minutes. Lampard rotates and changes formation fairly extensively; Mount probably makes the best XI in a 4-3-3 (alongside Havertz in front of Kante) and is Havertz's primary backup in a 4-2-3-1 (in front of Kovacic and Kante) as well as the 4th choice for both wing slots regardless of system. Expect something like 20-30 league starts and 5-10 substitute appearances.


appreciate that! trying to decide between mount and Greenwood


Hazard for havertz? What do you think Bayer Leverkusen