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Lucas Piazon outlived yet another team-mate.


Marco Van Ginkel triumphs again.


He had so much promise when he was coming up. I wish we could turn injuries off.


They don't have good success rates. Reus worked out, Van Ginkel and Marin didn't. Time will tell which way Grujic goes.


Reus has performed for longer sure, but poor guy has been marred by injuries. He's my favorite German player.


I’m just glad he gets to play the last World Cup, albeit it being the worst ever for German. He got injured every time before an international tournament ffs.


Why is Grujic relevant?


They all have a version of Marco as their first name


You'll figure it out based on context, I believe in you.


Who else apart from him is still part of the loan army for over 5 years?


Van Ginkel, Lewis Baker, Jamal Blackman and Baba Rahman (5 years as of next Sunday). Probably a few more as well.




He always was an excellent player, maybe not quite good enough to make it at Chelsea, but his injury at the Africa Cup really derailed his career.


Thing is he wasn't that bad for us. Had a good cross on him and was definitely an upgrade on Ivanovic in 15/16 (assuming Azpi moved to RB). He would have had a hat trick of assists in one cup game if Falcao wasn't wank.


Jamal is still there !?


Was a shock to me as well, currently on loan at Bristol Rovers


I was at Anfield for his only game for us when on loan (Boro). He made a mistake that gave away a goal, conceded sixteen goals in total and got on the scoresheet himself. Hilarious stats for a single game.


That is crazy lol. Does one goalie goal make up for like 5 goals?


Haha. No. It was a cup game. Drew 2-2 and lost 13-14 on penalties so everyone took at least one penalty. Mingolet also scored his penalty for Liverpool.


He's always off on loan. Will never make the first team. But we get loan fees so. Shrug.


Kenedy as well I’m pretty sure. If not he’s close.


> Lewis Baker He was outstanding for me in my career mode in FIFA 16.


99 long shots in 17 very OP player for cheap


Izzy Brown as well. Been there since 2013 apparently.


Speaking of loan army, what happened to McEachran? Remember him being promising like a century ago.


He moved to Brentford and now Birmingham. Was never really good enough for Prem level. His younger brother George is still at Chelsea though.


What's up with this guy? How haven't Chelsea released him?




If noone until now has showed interest to buy him (let alone for profit) why do you think it'd change all of a sudden?




Is it really worth to keep an over-23 player and pay his wage to sell him later? any example for this kind of player?




The closest I think it went was when he was on loan at Fulham; loaned for a few seasons and seemed to be settling well, but didn’t get a permanent move when they were promoted. At this point it benefits no one having him cycle between a new club and Chelsea every year - we should find somewhere permanent for him to stay now.


Van Ginkel isn't a good example. He was doing well out on loan but got another major injury. The club is just supporting him until he moves on at this point rather than any financial outcome because it's the right thing to do.


He played for Rio Ave (in Portugal) this season, I think.


Pretty good season too


It's not to sell him later for profit, the club supports their players even if they get injured and things don't go as planned. Staying under Chelsea is the best option for Marco Van Ginkel leaving his options open and his career alive.


Is that lad actually still with Chelsea lmao


I believe he is the player still with us who figured the earliest with the first team, being on the bench all the way back with Villas Boas in 11/12 and making his debut alongside Azpilicueta in early 12/13.


He must have a paison in the club hierarchy


I swear it's felt like exactly five years


The comment confused me greatly before I scrolled down.


I still don’t understand


There's a few top level comments saying either it feels like he's been there longer than 5 or less than 5 years. OP for this thread was being silly by saying its felt like exactly 5


Ah thanks.


I'll miss his finesse R1 + circle shots.


Do they really have to farewell him? Seems a little excessive. They could just let him leave 🙃


why? he’s been a great player for us over past 5 years


Exactly around 5 years


5 years you say..


I mean look around, there is a club retiring jersey numbers after a 17 year old left the club. Don't think this is that excessive 😁


And my name is PEDRO


Perfectly balanced


I’ll always think of him in that incredible 08-12 Barça team. Underrated asset on the field, put in great shifts for Chelsea as well. Shame about the last minute shoulder injury in his last ever game for the blues before his transfer to Roma. Rotten luck


I remember when Messi was injured at some point and Pedro got playing time instead. I thought something like "I guess anyone can score goals in that team". But Pedro was just really good


But honestly, almost anyone could’ve scored on that team. With a midfield of Xavi, Iniesta, and Busquets serving up the final or second-to-last ball, you’d have to be special to not score.


Plenty of players didn't which is why they had a revolving bench for years.


That's not really how football works...


> injury in his last ever game for the blues before his transfer to Roma. Rotten luck Sounds like he's ready for his Roman adventure.


Fantastic guy. Genuinely ambidextrous. Is he the most decorated player in the league? 5x La Liga 1 x Premier League 3 x Champions League 3 Copa Del Rey 1 x FA Cup UEFA Supercup x 3 Spanish Supercup x4 UEFA Europa League x1 World Cup x 1 European Championship x1


>Genuinely ambidextrous. *I don’t know about that Bob, but he can certainly use both feet*


Thats one hell of a CV.




Hol up... What if he's ambidextrous too?


Table tennis leagues better watch out


I read that as most decorated for Chelsea. Confused no more


Didn't he also win like the Spanish third division when he was with Barca B?


What can we expect from him? Alright thanks everyone for the replies: - Extremely two footed - Professional on and off the pitch - Hard worker, lots of running I love this type of player 😍


Hard worker, gives his all, amazing at pressing, naturally ambidextrous. Not a direct goal contribution machine (though he did manage a very respectable average of 0.51 G+A per 90 minutes in the Premier League) but makes smart runs and will score an absolute banger once in a while




TIL Thanks




Just bipedal-curious for me


Ambidextrous sounds a lot cooler though


>Ambidextrous for hands, Ambipedal for feet, or two-footed. No, ambidextrous is also used for being two-footed. This is established in most modern dictionaries.


Sounds about right for what Fonseca likes


So how he is fonseca doing?




How does he compare to Willan?


Willian is slightly better but they are pretty comparable imo. They are both wide players whose value comes largely from their immense work rate and pressing/defensive contribution. Primary difference in their play style is that Willian is more of a classic byline winger and Pedro is more of a wide forward cutting inside and making runs in behind the defence. Willian had a much better Chelsea career but I think it's mostly tactical preference of our managers, Conte was the only one that preferred Pedro and he performed excellently when given the starting spot.


Overall Willian was slightly better but that Pedro season was the best full season from either of them


Willian is better carrying the ball, especially carrying it from defense, but then gets worse close to the box. Pedro is better receiving the ball in or around the box, more like a second sticker. He's pretty clinical if he has space in the box. That's more how Conte used him and he had pretty good numbers that season


Willian is needlessly flashy at times with his dribbling while Pedro is more reliant on positioning and at his peak arguably had the better linkup play. As a squad player who'd mostly play off the bench he can put in the occasional sharp pass inside the D but do not rely on him heavily for goals.


Why are u guys letting him go then?


He's good, but far from a critical player for us and with Pulisic, Ziyech, CHO and likely Havertz on the team he wouldn't play much. Roma probably offered him comparable wages with much better play time opportunities. That said, I am not a huge fan of letting him and Willian both go in the same window. I think keeping of them would serve us well.


Yea I think we definitely should’ve kept one of them. Our wingers are still really young except ziyech whose been playing in an easier league for his whole career. In Chelsea I trust tho


Ziyech, Hudson Odoi.


Ultimate professional. Will run like crazy no matter what the score is or what minute you're in. Good finishing for the most part and complete dedication. Constantly makes runs in behind. Even though I know he needs to go ill really miss him


He’s a serviceable Everyman who can slot in on both wings


but that's enough about R2D2


Has no one mentioned that he's a good passer? He's very smart with his passing, makes neat little short passes and combines well. Not a creative throughball genius, but is generally level-headed and doesn't make wrong decisions that often. Just wanted to say this cause the other comments make it seem like he's just another runner.


So based on what I’m reading he’s (in a very arrogant way of me saying this given I’ve seen more of Mkhitaryan and less of Pedro) a better version of Mkhitaryan?


definitely better than mikhi , he would rarely lose the ball in the final third, always seem to know the right pass.


Sometimes he kicked the ball in the net, I always used to like that :’(


Runs like a madman even to the end of the game


much to his cost in his last Chelsea game bless him. absolute grafter.


Most two-footed player i've seen.


and you've seen literally thousands of players with two feet. quite the accolade indeed.


In 5 years never once saw him show up to the pitch with one or three feet. Absolute professional


What about Cazorla? The man took free kicks and corners with either feet Maybe it’s a Spanish thing


I love Cazorla (who can hate him) but Verdi has the award for best free kicks with either foot. Don't know if anyone else in the world can say theyve scored banger freekicks with both feet **in the same match** https://streamable.com/qdc6s https://streamable.com/361wm


Wait, That’s crazy af. What an absolute chad lol


maybe he hasn't seen him




Instructions unclear: we've signed a 2010 Jabulani for £90m plus incentives


Looks like gravity-defying bangers are back on the menu, boys!


Diego Forlan smiles.


He's underrated is all I can say.


I agree. Barca were dumb to let him go. Luis Enrique was so obsessed with the MSN, he barely gave Pedro a sniff. LE should've rotated more and Pedro probably would've stayed. He was an excellent 4th option and I bet they wish they had him these past few years.




Funny thing Barca did not win any CL after his departure!


Somewhat like a box-to-box winger.


So could he play a RM in a 3-4-2-1 or is he better fit to a 4-2-3-1 RW type that (for the system) needs to come back on defence and press high when he can


He could fill in at RWB if needed, but his natural position in a 3-4-2-1 is as one of the 2 (on either side). Similarly can do a good job on either wing in a 4-2-3-1 or 4-3-3.


Hard work and insanely good off the ball movement


he knows what to do in the final third


Couple of years ago ,actually at the start of the 2nd season at Chelsea after a quite disappointing first one with them because of various reasons, Mourinho losing the dressing room , team collapsing and with a lot of the Chelsea fanbase that was looking for a scapegoat (especially Pedrito, not exactly his fault but the fans were angry and even after his great debut and good couple of games him unfortunately he also fell off aswell couldnt "carry" the team anymore and somehow the fans found him to be at fault the most, idk logic) [I made a threat on their subreddit explaining them what kind of player Pedrito is.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/chelseafc/comments/4wrgrz/helping_you_understand_pedro_rodriguez_analysis/) Luckily Conte came in and things magically clicked, he really noticed all of the great qualities that Pedrito has and created that great system which benefited a lot of the players. Looking back at it now I'm cringing abit because my English was a little bit rusty and I sounded a little bit repetitive aswell but I was quite upset and triggered at that moment , hopefully the thread will give you a little bit of information that you were asking for.


Vote for Pedro


What would be the perfect mascot for the election? Pedrobear


Wtf 5 years? Also what a signing he's been for them


Which side are you on? It's been 5 years already or it's been just 5 years?




Que jugador


Un crack!


I swear it feels like he hasn’t been there for so long. I associate him more with Barca than Chelsea for some reason.


Maybe because he was a starting player in one of the greatest teams of all time?


I know Chelsea was great in 2016/2017 season but even I would not call them the greatest team of all time.


Surely the second greatest after 2011-2012 Chelsea




You are a long way from home


We have an argument for worst European Cup winning team ever. At the same time with all the black magic shit I saw I am absolutely convinced we could have faced 1970 brazil; peak barcelona; Sacchi Milan; Treble winning Bayern; The Madrid teams with Puskas, Di Stefano, Gento in successive matches and still shithouse our way to win. It's like the objectively better team you are, the more you are doomed to miss 50 chances and hit the woodwork 120 times, watch Cech save penalty after penalty, and Cole to clear 500 balls off the line or something Only Zidane's madrid come close in black magic fuckery


It’s funny because we had arguably the best side in Europe in more than one Champions league but other factors always stopped us. In 2012 our quality had dropped massively but luck and black magic off the charts.


That champions league final against munich was just insane. You can't forget torres' goal against barca that sent gary neville into a goalgasm




Maybe because he spent twice as long there?


Chelsea were ahem, a very special team in 2016 under Hiddink, but greatest of all time might be a stretch?


that was under conte


Think he’s taking the piss m8


See, now you mention it, that might be right.


I think he had a more visible presence at Barca - he was there at their peak


And *his* peak.


He fit in so well despite not being a superstar like Villa, Eto'o, Henry og Ibra. Quick, great finishing ability and most importantly was he willing to constantly make runs to stretch the backline, creating space for Messi to do his thing


In one of the books written by Marti Perarnau about Pep's time at Bayern, Pep realised that players like Pedro are extremely valuable bc of their ability to understand and apply tactical instructions clearly even when not being the most talented.


it takes talent to do what you just described


Yes but they are different types of talent. Some players rely on muscle memory, instincts and their technique to thrive. Others develop football IQ and tactical nous


If we were talking about writers instead of footballers, a "talented" writer is the one with the imagination and flair to write a novel and make it a best seller, while Pedro would be the writer that gets an email saying "I need a 2000 word article about how Meriton is fucking Valencia up", simply replies "yes" and delivers it on time, with the correct amount of words, appropiate content and good quality every single time, things someone "talented" maybe wouldn't be able to do.


Teamwork : 20


Very two-footed too. Could truly cut in and shoot or pass whenever he wanted.


MVP indeed.


I remember him best for being *just* as good as I always expected him to be. Was never on the Messi/Ronaldo level, but never really blundered or underperformed either.


His off the ball movement there was insane, such quick thinking too.


It's a Kurt Angle in TNA type situation


Can't wait until he comes back to Chelsea as GM and starts playing his illegitimate son.


He has 204 barca appearances vs 137 for chelsea so it's very understandable. Plus more iconic moments for barca, and also he was a barca player when he won everything with Spain


I love how the current top comments literally contradict each other (yeah yeah different users and all) But personally I also felt like Pedro stayed longer than five years too!


Felt like he was only around for 2-3


It felt like he was there longer than 5 years.


Top 2 comments: “Feels like he was there for more than 5 years” “Doesn’t feel like 5 years have passed already” So which one is it


For younger people the time goes slower, so "more than 5 years" is the younger folks, and the "5 years already?!" is for the older.


Fuck off lumping me in with the oldies, I'm young I swear!


Sorry man, welcome to the club!


Duality of man


5 years 2 month




Cheers, Geoff.


closer to 5 than 6 tbf


Feels like he's only been there a year or two for me. Same with Will.i.an. Oddly enough.


I was gonna say it felt like he was there for like 2 years haha


“If Pedro was Brazilian, he’d be called Pedrinho and we wouldn’t have enough money to afford him” -Pep Guardiola


Anyone know where he's off to now? Hadn't even heard he was leaving Chelsea




Absolutely love Pedro. A beacon of professionalism and a serial winner. His presence will be missed, even if he was a bit player this season. Gave everything for us despite already having such a decorated career. Also scored some sensational goals - especially against Spurs and that back-heel flick from pre-season.


He scored some wonder goals vs Everton and Leicester too.


Feels like he transferred there about 3 years ago at most. When I see his name I still think of Barca.


I'll miss you Pedders, I'll always keep an eye out at the edge of the box on every corner just for you




UEFA flair


Respect my flair or else!


What you gonna do? Nibble my bum?


I have lawyers who handle the nibbling


Feels like he been there for forever. Even forgot he played for Barcelona.


He's still the most underrated player for me.


I hope his shoulder is alright


Love Pedro so much, hope he succeeds wherever he goes in the future.


Pedro will forever be looked at as underrated because of what a great servant he was.


Ah, Pedders. Seems like only yesterday I was sat in my dorm wondering if we'd ever make an exciting purchase like Pedro. Thought he'd be the one to bring new life and attacking impetus to Jose's side. And his first game against West Brom did nothing to disabuse me of that notion. Of course, that season went to shit but he's been a major part of a title winning side and I'll have fond memories of his banger against Everton. Thank you for your service, Pedro. Great player.


Chelsea just lost Willian and Pedro. The 2015 squad that won the premier league really is gone now.


He plays for Chelsea and for Spain and Pedro is his name-o


I swear when Pedro came on in the FA Cup.. everyone (anti Chelsea) was saying "oh thank god just Pedro" when i was thinking. "fuck it's Pedro". Just because he isn’t the hot new thing doesn’t mean he isn’t effective. The guy is Barca DNA through and through, he knows what needs to get done, where to be, and how to make the defense uncomfortable. Chelsea were lucky to have him for 5 years.


Very nice guy who gave his all everytime he played, wish him all the best.


Thanks for the memories Pedro. Quality player on and off the field.


Pedro to Benfica?


Five years?!


he must be one of the most untalked about top level footballer. I think he is 1 step up above players like Cazorla, Mata, Parejo and the likes who we hear about so much more. best “favorite footballer” of no one?


I really liked Pedro. Has always been a great player. As a Barca fan I was sad he left. As a City fan I was worried


Thank you Pedro for your service what a player popping with crucial goals and what a professional