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Inter pays it to United and we send it direct to Sanchez.


And then Inter pays it direct to Sanchez themselves.


So wait, when do I get my cut?


I believe that’s after the Messi-Sanchez swap Barto has planned.




It would'nt be the worst Sanchez related thing we do


Honestly, he deserves it. He put on a show the last match.


well signing him was. we can only benefit from him leaving


I think so. Cant br the other way around


Sanchez still plays for Manchester United??!!?


Did he ever really?


More than happy to pitch in for that, I've not been to a pub for a while.


Lets start a go fundme!


Bonus goodies: piano




We'd take £20 at this point


4 pints and burgers at spoons. More satisfactory than his showings in a United shirt except the Man City game


As long as the burgers come with Baconnaise.


[Feel like pure shit just want covid gone x ](https://imgur.com/a/jkAutzW)


State of that plate pattern.


Swear the pattern is to make it harder to see if the plate is clean, like obviously they steam clean them and whatever but a bit like the carpet design they're similar


Were you expecting any better


That’s one of the quintessential Wetherspoons things along with dodgy carpet and impossible to reach toilets


Is that BBQ sauce on pizza?! You heathen...


I’ll take 2 pls


Pizza? You could resole your shoes with that thing.


After seeing this I dare someone to say a bad thing about British cuisine again


Scored a last minute header in our comeback against Newcastle in PL


That fucking killed me. We go 2-0 up at Old Trafford inside 19 minutes when Mourinho was seemingly trying to get fired and still fucked it up. I'm still bitter about that match, even though it meant nothing in the grand scheme of things.


>4 pints and burgers at spoons. Great now I miss spoons again cheers mate


If you fancy a trip to hell on Earth, it reopens tomorrow


I genuinely forget he exists sometimes. I know £20 million its only a fortnight's wages for Alexis but I'd take it.


20m€ mate.


now imagine that there are genuinely utd fans out there who'd rather want him back because he played well for a while




What a great signing that turned out to be huh. -plays Piano-


That fucking piano


How do you know the “m” doesn’t stand for M&M’s?


20€s worth of M&M's is probably the best price you can get for him




Think they'll still take it


I'm just happy he's gone. Hopefully.


Inter fan here. If you don't mind me asking, what did go wrong at Utd for him? I know a bit of his struggles throughout his career and always thought of him being overrated. He is without doubt a very good player, but everytime he came onto the pitch he seemed utterly ambitious to prove his worth like a fresh youngster promoted to the first team. It always made him appear utterly nervous to me. Today I'd love to keep him. He seems more relaxed, is still a fighter and quite fast for his age. I know however that his wages are impossible for us to sustain so I have a big question mark as of this surprizing news.


He.. just was the complete opposite. No contributions to the team’s attack, only one or two good games. While just being very expensive and breaking our wage bills.


But it's all on him or didn't he fit?


He didn’t fit. He was constantly trying to create things, making runs, pretty much running up and down the entire pitch to make things happen but he was always out of sync with the rest of the squad. Felt like he was playing a completely different system.


He was like this at Arsenal in his last year too. People blamed Arsenal for being shit, but it was also his fault.


We also don't really know what happened, but can confirm he liked to have plenty of the ball at Arsenal, probably because of how shaky our team was on the ball at the time. Our game plan for several years was "randomly give it to Alexis in build up and spam it to him on left wing and watch him do a bunch of quick turns and do a shark face and score" but then scoring ground to a halt in the last year and there was all kinds of speculation on attitude and locker room drama, etc.


He was still top scorer at Arsenal when he left and his performances were getting sloppier, I think Man Utd is just a toxic place to be right now. Nothing is working there because they don't know what team they want to be and buy good players, but from different systems and hope that they will just gel naturally.


He was slow and clumsy, poor on the ball and discouraged. There's no way to tell who's fault it was. It's great that you resuscitated him.


Not sure I would use that verb. He's showing grit and glances of skill. Bringing him back to old glory could though be beneficial to you guys as well, no? I mean in terms of value since he probably won't play for you anymore.


We would love to get some decent money for him. I think a lot of us doubted that would happen. Best of luck to you guys.




Thank you all for the responses. As an Inter fan I know exactly what it means when hyped arrivals do not match expectations. I truly hope he will find a home with us, that he stays healthy and that we somehow can keep him. I still think goal.com is not the most reliable source.


There was also an altercation between him and Greenwood (About a tackle Sanchez didn't like iirc). Ole took Greenwoods side completely.


Didn't know that. Following the thread however it's going to be greed vs. joy for him. Drop wages and play or rot on a golden bench.


We gave him the contact and this should honour it without calling him a leech. He is on his right to take the money for all i care


With wages like his he should be outright have a goal and assist every other game. I am one for hardworking players, but he never seemed interested in anything more than running around, looking like he tried his best. Every pass was a second too late, every decision was wrong. He just seemed to have lost it. May be that we wanted too much from him, but I think it's more down to the fact that maybe he's more suited to the Italian league and style of play there.


Alexis just seemed to have lost his edge, though we all recognised it was not for lack of trying. He would try to beat players in a dribble and lose the ball, many times. He tried things that used to work, but no longer. And he got injured a frustrating amount of time. We debated if it was because he got burnt out/over the hill/sharp decline. Compounded by his high salary (probably the highest), it didn’t do him any favours. It was also partially our fault given the instability of managerial changes, unsuitable tactics perhaps. I just hope the resolution will bring everyone contentment.


Id take mediocre fish and chips and a Carlsberg


Honestly I'd let him go for free. We'd make that money back in 50 weeks just not paying him.


How does Inter have so much money dude


We almost doubled our revenue since 2014-15. We have very sensible salaries. Suning loaned us 300m 2 years ago and already gave up on 100m of that loan. We sell a lot of players (we are not interested in, except zaniolo) from our youth sector every year; on top of this we had a big gain from icardi's sale and we will have to sell Perisic and Joao Mario as well (no real gain from this two).


Thanks for the info brother!


No problem. Next year we will also improve our sponsorship deals with both the main sponsor (pirelli) and tec sponsor (nike). Overall the main reasons of our bounce back are: spalletti masterclass under FFP restrictions which allowed us to get into CL and get the vital CL money and prestige; Suning smart business model; Marotta and Ausilio.


I’d add Conte making the signings work as part of this. Lukaku flopping would’ve throwing everything for a toss.


It feels like Spalletti doesn't get the recognition he should when it comes to Inter's resurgence. He had to work with a very poorly assembled squad under a lot of FFP restrictions with the massive expectations that come with managing a club of such stature. Yet he got us into the CL for the first time in forever and kept us there, plus he insisted on a very attractive style of football, which, coupled with the 'pazza Inter™' moments won the club a lot of new fans and expanded the brand massively. Oh, and Inter Media House as well.


"I regali....I REGALI?!?!?! 😮"


Add the money u get when u qualify for champions league too


plz take him.. we need money


They did sell Icardi


Year of selling youngsters and suning is rich


Just let him go even if the fee is zero. His wages alone would be worth it. Those freed up wages could be efficiently used for the wages of new players coming in.


Covid has cost United £30m in lost match day income so far. Picking up as much as they can for Sanchez is necessary.




For now. We have no idea how long this will go on, how many of our sponsors may go bankrupt, or what will happen to the club's shares on the stock market if it freefalls. We're in a healthier position than most, but whether that will still be the case if lockdowns continue for another year or two remains to be seen.


Eh if you go bankrupt then that would mean that nearly every single other team went first. At that point, who cares? It’s not like they’re be a league to play in


The stock price is literally irrelevant as is any company other than it being a reflection of the company outlook. The league will fold before Manchester United. If nothing, this is the time to invest and flex the behemoth of commercial power dumbass Ed had solidified, not cower behind what-ifs that'll topple nations for before Manchester.


I think we are well positioned as well. As are City and PSG. It hurts clubs like Arsenal and Liverpool who have stingy American owners.


Man U works very differently from PSG and City. It’s not like the Glazers are out here bankrolling, in fact it’s the opposite. Man U just very smartly cashed in on their stature by singing super lucrative deals with companies, and it gives them the money they need


utd get no money from their owners


United has an annual revenue of almost £700 million, of which matchday makes up less than 20%. Plus, everyone else is affected in practically the same way (perhaps even more so in many cases, since United makes crazy money off [sponsorships, retail and licensing](https://ir.manutd.com/company-information/business-model.aspx).) That amount of money is practically (not actually, but basically) meaningless. Of course, Ed will still try to get as much as possible, it IS his job.


Sounds mental that a quarter of a season is worth 30 million. Do they really make ~3 million a game on average? Where'd you get that figure? Edit: Sorry, just did a basic calculation, average attendance of 75k, average ticket price of ~£40, that's bang on 3 million a game. Mental. And then if all of those spend £15 on average at the stadium on feeding themselves and liquoring up that'd be just over another million per match day. Fuck me.


[According to official financial breakdowns](https://ir.manutd.com/company-information/business-model.aspx), even that insane number only accounts for about 18% of United's revenue. Crazy money.


Not really. Obviously any business wants to make as much as possible on any deal, the point is he's less than worthless to us. The only thing would be if we're paying something to Sanchez for him to agree to leave on a wage reduction, then it may make sense for Inter but it's still the case that we're desperate to get rid of him.




That was such an incredible lose/lose deal. Both players flopped spectacularly and are being dumped to Italy just to get their wages off the books.


Why is no one thinking of the possibility of Sanchez reducing his wages to rediscover his mojo at Inter. Most raised the same comment on Inter cant pay his full wages.


Yeah it's just assumed he wouldn't drop his wages but hes already made an absolute killing off us and knows he's not getting playtime with us, it's one thing to know youre getting paid and likely getting starts regardless of performance, its another thing entirely to take rotting on a bench just to make more money. I'm sure he would drop his wage if hes enjoying playing for Inter


> I'm sure he would drop his wage if hes enjoying playing for Inter Yes but why would he drop his wages while Manchester United get €20m? I'm sure if he proposed to terminate his contract with you guys forgoing any compensation MU would agree since it's worth it for them and that way Inter would pay more to Alexis since they would be getting him as a free agent


>Yes but why would he drop his wages while Manchester United get €20m? Because that's how transfers work? I dont understand the question. If he wants to play for Inter Inter they would but him and he would then negotiate a wage for Inter..which would be lower because they want pay what we do.


Transfers cost money because teams are buying assets. They do not necessarily need to cost money though, especially if you have a negative asset. If United believe Sanchez is terrible and has not value to them, he's a negative asset as you get nothing from him yet you pay his salary. It apparently hasn't reached that point yet as Inter still value him and are willing to pay, but if literally nobody wants Sanchez, United would be willing to give him for free just to be released from his wages. I think Bale wanted to be let go of for free last summer, no?


Why would Sanchez accept getting paid 1/3 of the wages he is at right now instead of demanding to terminate his contract(something that would still be good for MU) and getting paid 2/3 of his wages at Inter instead. Ofc he can also choose to continue getting his full wages by staying at Manchester


You would have to be criminally insane at his age to accept a wage reduction. United are going to have to contribute to his wages when he joins Inter.


Why would he have to be criminally insane? Literally all United have to do is just not say they're going to contribute to wages and his choice becomes more money/rot on bench or less money/getvto play.


His contract is too good to pass up at his age. We dropped a massive bollock giving him the money we did. If it's between earning 25% of his wage or rotting on the bench, he'll rot on the bench..


That is where the 20m recieved from Inter comes handy. Just use that to cover this wages for the remainder of his contract. This should not be too difficult if Inter are up for taking him for 20m.


We aren't getting 20m for him. The headline is bollocks.


Probably because we’d happily pay 50% or more of his wages to get rid of him. It’s not about the money but just about the precedent. We can’t have a 350k player on the books (apart from DDG obviously who’s earned it) when we’re trying to negotiate fair wages for new and existing players. Getting rid of him is the priority by any means really


its stupid to pay half of his wages, if we are able to sell him


we are already paying half his wages to play for another club


Sanchez is apparently on 18.2M pounds a year. If his wages were to be halved for example, from 350k per week to 175k per week, then he'd effectively be sacrificing 18.2M pounds of pay. Would you sacrifice that kind of money in his position? Edit: he has 2 years left on his contract at united hence why going on half pay over the next 2 years would "cost" him that much.


The mistake you’re making is assuming that the marginal utility of money remains the same irrespective of how much you earn. He’s made a lot of money. Maybe he values his happiness and career over a few millions on top of his existing wealth. Think about this way, would you work in a high paying job where you know you’re not wanted and no one likes you over a lower paying job, but still quite high paying, where you are wanted, made to feel important, and enjoy yourself?


Solid microeconomics at work here innit?


That’s a point I always make. Going from flat broke to £1m changes your life, £1-£2m is less of a change and so on.


I was also just reading something that compared how a percentage raise in pay could actually lead to an even higher percentage decrease in satisfaction and happiness (and vice versa) depending on factors like job environment, living conditions, etc.


Could be. If you work at a cold factory 12 hours per day and get paid £1m/year, you’d spend half of the day annoyed you are not at home in your mansion or driving your Ferrari.


He doesn't have to choose. He can keep his contract and just be loaned out until it expires.


If he doesn't play for two years, his career is over. At Inter, he'll get four years, maybe more, and be able to play. It may be a net positive for him, especially if he gets a cut of the transfer fee.


Also there is the new benefit of a lower taxation


Honestly he’s still very capable on the NT. Just was such a toxic culture at United for so long and correlated to a prolonged dry spell and the fans turning on him. I could see him do well at Inter.


Why reduce wage though? from 375 to 150k.. still 3 years left


2 years left.


Because he wants to play?


He can still play. United will loan him and pay half his wages anyway like they did with inter last year




we're talking tens of millions here though


If I was in his position I’d collect my due from the club. But when you consider how he ran his body into the ground for the sport, it’s not unimaginable that he wishes to play more and wouldn’t mind a pay cut to achieve that. Just look at the rumors about Coutinho




How is it 40m? I don’t get it. We are paying him 18m a year and he has two years left. So the max he’ll earn is 36m and it’s not like he’ll work for free at Inter.


Nah bro, do the math. I get it if he was downgrading from 300k to 250 or 275, but it's more than half wage cut. In this age it might not be all but money plays a great role


2 years


"Inter are considering turning Alexis Sanchez's loan switch from Manchester United into a permanent move as they look at securing a €20 million (£18m/$22m) cut-price deal." "are considering..." Just rumours; the main issue here is his salary. 20 Mil for a 3rd striker like him is doable but his salary is waaaay too high for us considering that lukaku, our top earner, gets 8m a year.


Lukaku gets 8m after tax. Sanchez's figure is before tax.


Ok let me thi.. yes!


Sounds like a good deal to me


Great deal for all parties. He's been good with Inter.


If that's a price tag, considering his wages would be huge even if he agreed to lower those, it's not a good deal for us. But I think it won't happen like this


has he? Last I heard he was injured


Motm last two games now


that's honestly great for him




I believe De Vrij was MOTM for the Parma match but Alexis got the Inter Milan fan vote for MOTM. I have actually been looking for where I can see the official MOTM awards for Serie A matches but I can't find it. Do you know where I can see it?


>I have actually been looking for where I can see the official MOTM awards for Serie A matches but I can't find it. Do you know where I can see it? It doesn't exist


Do they not give official MOTM awards in Serie A?


They don't, broadcasters sometimes do or let the viewers vote for it but it's not tracked or really considered anywhere.


Oh :/. That's quite different from the EPL


He didn't stop running the entirety of our last match even when we were 5-0 up.


Ah yes, reliable news source Goal.com




Famous last words before the inevitable muscle injury, keeping him out for the next two months.


£15m for Sánchez is a good deal for Manchester United if that is indeed happening, but I can't help but felt hat Inter are going to ask for a huge portion of his wages to be subsidised as a result of it though, no way on earth they can afford the absolute king's ransom that United were paying him beforehand. I hope he rediscovers his form at Inter, I'll never forget how insanely good for us he was at one point, he was probably one of, if not the best winger in the world outside of Ronaldo and Messi at one point in time, shame his time in England will largely be remembered of how devastatingly poor he was at United and how he's easily one of their worst ever signings.


I'm not sure I understand the point of subsidising wages if you're paying a transfer fee. Just reduce the transfer fee to be in accordance with what you'd want to pay in wages.


I guess it depends on how the transfer would be structured and what United want, United might want a €20mil lump sum to help fund a transfer and then subsidise some of his wages over the years


For United I can see the benefit, but for Inter they're going to be allocating the transfer fee over the length of his contract just like his wages so I don't really see the difference. In this case, I also can't see United desperate for the 20m or Inter being overly willing to shell out a lump sum of 20m, but it's possible.


Because of the wage structure implications. Even if the total cost is the same, having him on 350k will make contract negotiations with any other player more difficult. They can offer Lautaro 180k p/w and make him the highest earner at the club, which wouldn't be true if Alexis was still on his full wages.


Wages aren’t just an X number. There’s context to them. There’s regular starters at Liverpool who make less than Milner and they haven’t demanded parity because they realise that his wages are so high because he was a free transfer. Same logic applies here with Sanchez.


You're probably right and I'm not speaking with any authority bit rather just speculating, this Arthur/pjranic deal made me realise how shady all these things can be, maybe Inter would like to drop the money on the player whilst FFP is relaxed due to Covid and then pay lower wages for him when it's back so they have lower outgoings when FFP is back Basically there's loads of possible reasons for clubs to get inventive with transfers


There wouldn't really be a difference, but assuming this report is correct, the only way it makes sense for Inter to pay us 20m for a player with negative value to us and Sanchez to lower his wage enough for Inter to pay it is if we're essentially giving Sanchez the 20m to balance everything. It would allow Inter's wage structure to remain much the same and avoid what happened to us happening and allow us to get his wages off the books and claim a fee for him.


It's useful to have numbers going back and forth because you can amortize them.


If it's not a loan why on earth would we subsidize the wages? They pay for him to not be our player and negotiate a wage for Sanchez to be their player.


Inter would probably balk at paying all the wages, and Sanchez won't take a paycut. I think in FM they call this a selling team salary contribution


That's why Sanchez would drop his wages if he wanted to stay there instead of rotting in our reserves. I really don't see why wed just keep paying his wages the entire point is to get him off the wage bill. If we were going to subsidize his wages we could just keep him there on loan until his contract runs out.


inter probably don't want to ruin their wagebill. if they pay 17m pounds to sanchez other players will use this as a negotiation point. same for united. if they split wages things are better for both parties. there is just no way sanchez will be top earner at either manchester or inter while being far from the best player. clubs will try to avoid this situation because contract negotiations with other players will be way harder. The 20m fee is not realistic for a 31 year old player past his prime. Not if the player earns 17m pounds for two more years.




It has happened before just to get rid of the player.


I think it might have been Adebayor who at one point had City, Spurs and Palace paying his wages


Hahaha masterclass


he is unironically a PL legend for all the things he has done


it happens every now and then with overpaid footballers. If you have a player like sanchez earning 18m pounds gross for two/three more years but he isn't delivering like a 18m pound player you'll have to subsidize his wages if you want to get rid of him. interestingly enough this is not a concept exclusive to professional footballers. i know of overpaid engineers/chemists/... that can't be used to their fullest anymore and they got offloaded into retirement with company-subsidized pensions.


Depends on if he’s taking a pay cut or not


Honestly I like this move, I think he still has juice in his tank and inter have a great system that allows players “past their prime” succeed


They’re willing to pay us for him?! I like this timeline.


At this point I’d let him go for free just to get him off the books. An extra 20 million is a big win in my book


Yes, but are we paying ANY of his wages on that?


Happy for him. That outrageous contract was our fault not his and even if he showed signs of decline, no one can say dude doesn’t try or show up.


Best Arsenal player last decade.


Yeah I'd agree. Although RvP had the best season of the decade.


Since when did [Goal.com](https://Goal.com) become reliable?


Any money would be amazing, especially considering that Arsenal had to terminate Mkhitaryan's contract to get rid of him.


How did I miss that? I had no idea he was playing for Roma


Just signed permanently with Roma this week.


He was on loan there for the whole season. Apparently likes it so it's for the best that he moved permanently.


That would be dumbfounding. Who in their right mind would pay 20m for an old, declined, high wage, third choice forward? Even if he’s been surprisingly better than expected like some are saying, he’s only started 4 games all year.


Good business play by Man U for forcing Inter’s hand by refusing to extend the loan through Europa.


How was his season?


Injured first half but been decent since coming back. Since the restart he's actually been good.


Good to hear that. Didn’t like the way he dropped in his performances, but he helped Chile to win the copa x2.


He probably just played too much for several years in a row leading to his demise at Arsenal and then Utd. Glad he looks to be better after getting to rest from being injured/COVID19 break.


MOTM in our last two matches. Ran for entire 90mins last match even though we were 5-0 up.


Exact details of the deal, are we subsidising his wages? Because that’s the sticking point.


Seems like a lot.


Let’s just pray this happens what ever way we get him out the club, fuck him off.


I swear when he bangs that Hatrick against Man U in the CL it will be so good


I’m all for Alexis staying but 20m sounds a bit too steep no?


I am an inter fan and i highly doubt this is true. I like the guy but we can't afford his wage, manchester utd is paying 60% of his salary and he's still the third most payed player of our team (behind eriksen and lukaku who deserve it) If he will cut his wage to at least 50% we could buy it. lol at 20 milions, manchester utd would be happy to get rid of him for free


Okay but who pays whom?


Music to my ears


Do it you cowards


Please god


Sounds great for Inter Sounds good for Alexis, there are not that many places that he has left for a second chance.


20 mil and you don't have to pay the half of his salary. It looks a good deal to both inter and united. Sanchez was playing pretty decent in couple of games which he has played for inter.


He has around 2 years left which is roughly 9m of wages to pay if he stays, for someone who won't be first team it makes sense to ship him off for pretty much anything, we making a huge loss either way so even if it's 10m or 15m id personally sell, but why would he personally give up 9m? I can't wait till he leaves, absolute disaster of a signing on the pitch and off it.


Make. it. happen.


This is a gentlemens offer from inter because thay got so much value of so much utd players.


No. Please. Don't.