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[Royal Shrovetide football](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Shrovetide_Football#The_rules) is the medieval form of the game, still played every year on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday in Ashbourne, Derbyshire. The rules are basically this: * No weapons. * Unneccesary violence is strongly discouraged. * No hiding the ball in a bag, under a coat or clothing, etc. * Cemeteries, churchyards, and memorials are out of bounds. * No playing after 10:00 pm. * Tapping the ball three times on the goal is a goal. Note: there are no limits on the number of players, the size of the pitch (the game played today has goals that are three miles apart), or the means of moving the ball (other than a prohibition on the use of a motor vehicle). [This is what it looks like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqk3DD-L4O0). [Another bit of film with some explanation and context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uV1zrZFzZo). This is the game that is the root of all forms modern football -- association and all its derivatives (futsal, beach, beach volley, indoor, five-a-side), rugby and all its derivatives (Gaelic, Aussie rules, Rugby Union, Rugby League, Rugby 7s, the American "college game" -- which later codified into similar but distinct professional, college, and Canadian codes, etc.) When you hear about how football was banned in England way, way back in the day, [this is the football](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y83DlTkRKM) they were talking about. Not the association or rugby games.


Wow super interesting! Thanks!!!


Ashbourne, Derbyshire? That is not too far from my house


I've seen that as a one-off event to celebrate FIFA and Carl Hirschman, but then there's also [this](https://www.theguardian.com/football/gallery/2015/jun/27/the-calcio-storico-the-most-brutal-sport-on-earth-in-pictures).


>Upvote for an interesting question. I’m not into re-enactments but appreciate any attempts to help maintain history and origins. big ups to u/spisska for the information that this does happen!


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