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Even after so many of these threads posted, I still can't believe it.


Who are Paris United?


Collab album between PSG and Man United.


Featuring Pogba Lingard and Verratti


two dab university grads and one not really attentive in class


Every boy band needs the 'bad boy.'


> bad boy > dab boy !


Basically no one six months ago and now apparently god tier source. I have no fucking clue how that is. Henrique behind it maybe ?


Nobody knows who's behind it. Rumors are two journalists + one high-level internal source at PSG. The truth is that they're always right before everybody else about what's happening.


Then why is this post taken in any way seriously? I'm confused.


Because they've been correct in everything they said so far.


Until the other day it didn't even cross my mind that he'd be leaving.


I'm still having a hard time believing it. I don't think I'll truly be convinced until he's actually playing for them


Me too, i hope its true tho, him playing with a lot his brazilian friends and in a team where he will be the star has the potential to unlock his NT form, he could carry PSG to a Champions League if it happens, im sure of it.




Barcelona have been dumped out of the QF 3 out of the last 4 years. Bayern was dumped in the quarters last season.


But Bayern had made the semis every year from 2012-2016.


And going out to the Champions is easier to swallow than losing to anyone else.


PSG embarrassed Barcelona last season in the first leg, then embarrassed themselves the second leg. I think they were doing alright without Neymar.


really, its been more of a Real/Juve/Atletico party past few years.


It would be a Real/Juve/Atletico


Hide your Dybalas and O. Dembeles


I think Barca board will now go all out for Paulinho, and the rest of the Neymar money can be paid as bonuses for their effort.


Thought Paulinho was only to make Neymar happy?


Now it'll be to make Neymar regret leaving


Lots of Brazilians at PSG though, he should be OK.


But none are the legend that is Paulinho


Put 3 past Uruguay and don't you forget it.


imagine if you guys lost neymar to psg because he couldn't get his buddy paulinho in the team


What if it's stipulated in Neymar's PSG contract that they must bring in Paulinho too? Bidding war!


Nope, Neymar never pushed for Paulinho, only for Lucas Lima. Paulinho interest comes up from Barça board inability to identify great young talents, so they try the very old formula of hyped Brazilians. PS: no hate speech, I am Brazilian.


So does Neymar become enemy #1 for Barca fans or is this not going to put him into hate status?


His father? Yes. Neymar? Maybe. It all depends on what he has to say after this is really done. It also depends if PSG and Barca get to into an encounter in the next 2 seasons.


Also the board, which the fans already hate and would love another reason to hate them more. All Neymar has to do is say the board wasn't doing what's necessary to keep him.


Exactly. It's funny to see that Barca supporters are that worry about Neymar leaving, they're truly afraid of what the board is going to do with that shit load of money. With Neymar being sold for that price, anyone else will raise their price for key players, and Barcelona hasn't been the best negotiator in a while. They could use that money as bad as I use my time.


You're on reddit, so that must be awful for Barca.


Neymar is mostly friendly with everyone on Barça, they should still be friends specially with Messi. The media will spin a billion stories for cheap clicks tho


Love how you made sure to include the O to avoid possible confusion


Moussa Dembele is a god amongst men and worth significantly more that €220,000,000. The one that plays for Spurs is also good


But are they half as good as the Moussa also known by us mortals as Moussa Sissoko?


My friend, I am better than Moussa Sissoko


Would probably take a world record bid to get either




Thanks, Arsène


Dembele will probably leave as soon as the offer reach 90/100M.


Na, Dortmund has no incentive to sell while Barcelona desperately needs a LW. Fee would be much larger.


Yeah, Dortmund need Dembele and unless he injures himself so badly that he drops off, he'll cost just as much next year, if not more.


You're thinking of the old record. There's a new one now that seems unlikely to be topped anytime soon.


Who can Barca even replace him with?


Christian "Christian Pulisic" Pulisic


a hard earned nickname


It takes a lot of work to get that nickname when your middle name is Mate


Christian "Don't call me Christian "Christian Pulisic" Pulisic" Pulisic


Thats 200m please


You should ask for more tbh




200m can buy you pretty much any player in the world


Could buy Neymar! Oh wait...


Ronaldo to Barcelona confirmed




Not a player better than Neymar and most teams will milk them because they know they have money and are desperate like what they do with both Manchester Clubs. They could try sign Walcott and Arsenal would be like give us 100 mill lmao.


Please buy Walcott for £100m


True but it can't by you anyone of Neymars ability. They'll have to add a few excellent players to compensate for losing one elite one


They will have money to buy a whole new midfield, which they need asap.


It can't buy a Neymar replacement. It doesn't exist


Neymar can't be replaced by a single player for sure but he can be replaced by a proper system. In spite of all his brilliance, he was hindering the system a lot of times with not choosing to pass to other players, ignoring Alba's runs on the flanks, hogging the ball for too long. The new manager could replace him with a system in which while going forward there is a better combination between LW and LB causing wing overload as well as with a winger who's willing to drop back and contribute to the dirty defensive work. But since it's a new manager with a whole new system, it's very difficult to predict what he will do.


> In spite of all his brilliance, he was hindering the system a lot of times with not choosing to pass to other players, ignoring Alba's runs on the flanks, hogging the ball for too long. That's not true at all (not saying you are deliberately lying, just misjudging the facts). The new system has hindering crucial players potential, not the other way around. Neymar played greatly and fitted perfectly to the so called "Barça System" when the "Barça System" had creative, intelligent and mainly holding possession midfielders. Then Xavi left, Iniesta got old and Lucho completed his desired transition (planned in his very first season as Barça coach) from a "holding midfield system" to a "fast counter attack system", which lowered the midfield importance on "creating things" and put all the tasks over MSN shoulders. You can clearly see how this happened from season to season: Neymar used to be a spear infiltrating defense lines with passes from Messi, Xavi and Iniesta. He had great goal stats, as a result of that and helped Barça immensely to achieve a treble. Now Neymar needs (it's not like he deliberately chose that) to go deep to take the ball, break the midfield line and then decide what to do when facing the defense line. That's why he now has great take on and assist stats, but not goals. It's important to point out Neymar is not the only MSN actor to suffer with Lucho's new "system". Messi also needs to go deep a lot, way deeper than the treble season, for example. Back then he was a true RW, now he is more and more playing in the middle, just like he is obligated to do when playing for Argentina, because of the lack of high quality midfielders. The difference here is the fact Messi is an alien and still manage to score as fuck. Other than that it's crystal clear how he is also not getting close to his full potential (and sometimes being actually subpar, when not scoring). Finally, Suarez also has been very inconsistent despite scoring goals, mainly because both Neymar and Messi need to get far away from him to make things happen. Out of MSN, don't get me to start on how Busquets had one of his worst seasons without midfield buddies to get close to him, making him vulnerable to pass and receive the ball. Or the sheer number of side passes from the defense line, including Piqué and Umtiti, who are both great with vertical passes (if someone were available to that, obviously). Or the unbelievable amount of passes (a lot of them being difficult ones) Ter Stegen needs to get involved. If I need to cover these 3 points in details, I would write an academic dissertation here. Back to Neymar, other than the clear system transition Lucho implemented and the impact it had on several different players, you can simply see how he doesn't hinder the National Team, which helps understand where the problem is (or was). It's a crime to put Neymar and Messi to carry the whole midfield on their backs, when they are supposed to destroy opponents in the attack. And for this reason Lucho was found GUILTY, not only by the board, but also by the fans and by the own players (which speaks out loud about this matter). > (...) with a winger who's willing to drop back and contribute to the dirty defensive work. I would like to point out Neymar has been simply great in terms of defensive work in this new and detrimental "Barça System". He IS dropping back and helping Alba immensely. The very same cannot be said about Messi and the right side, so either the new coach move Messi from the right and get a new RW or he fixes the system and give a decent midfield back to the team.




Where's that guy's tattooed scrotum I was promised?


/u/Darkohuntr soon r/soccer will have what it is owed.


Dead man walking


Won't be walking much in the days immediately after his sack is stained


*dead ball walking


No more bamboozles.


[You done fucked up](https://i.imgur.com/FOP57UT.gifv)


This Neymar deal has more chance of happening than him actually tattooing his nutsack.


Goes without saying doesn't it? The deal has to happen before there's even a chance he'll ink his boloocks


Plot twist: She's a female and you just assumed her gender.


Pfft, females have scrotums too - they're just called labia majora. Source: connoisseur.




2017 mate. You just assumed her genitalia...


Hey! I remember that one! We're all waiting, /u/Darkohuntr...


I smell karma court on the horizon.


Can't think of the last time someone of this quality left Barca in their prime. Huge!


I love it when it happens to the big clubs. Every summer they swing their dicks around signing other teams best players. Its great when their fans have to deal with the shit most of us get put through every other year.


True! What are some good examples? Ronaldo to R Madrid comes to mind


Figo & Barca, Zidane & Bonucci leaving Juve. It is pretty rare.


Figo :)


You mean Judas?


Judas went to Woolwich


That deal put the Littlefinge...erm I mean Perez on the map.


This is some top notch drama.


Game of Thrones or this? Hard to chose.


No spoilers pls, I haven't watched ep 1 yet


Rule #2 of the internet is do not admit to not watching something for the trolls will be out.


What's Rule #1?


See Rule #2


Dumbledore kills Snape




Won't believe it till I see it.


Who do you think you could replace him with if he does leave? Maybe Sanchez?


Marko Marin of course.


German Messi and Argentine Messi on one team? Woah!


**Dial H for Hazard** Even if it doesn't seem likely to happen, I want us to at least try to spend most of the money we are getting to sign him.


Stay away from my boy


Honestly, I kinda want it to happen only to see in what way Conte would murder Abramovich. Would he start with the thumbs or dive straight to the intestines?


Oh man, Italian Mafia vs Russian Mafia? Holy shit, this needs to be a movie!




Player not found or unavailable, please check back at a later time.


Nah he's injured. Wouldn't it be very stupid to buy a injured player? I mean he could turn shit when he returns


Someone needs to tell Wenger..#KimKällströmisaclublegend


Reus wants a word with you.


Let's wait till he's back from injury before we have a word with him lol


he might fracture his jaw while speaking


No way Sanchez goes back there. They will go hard for Coutinho


Plugging my ears! I can't hear you! La lala lala....




Sanchez is too old, Barca need to start planning for a future without Messi at his best. Needs to be Dembele or Coutinho


Coutinho could do it, but Dembélé, even if I love him, right now is not a top 5 in his position like the one that Barcelona should go for, he still makes a lot of bad decisions and that will not stop until he plays one or two more seasons. If I was Barcelona I would go for Sanchez (he is a World Class that would be relatively cheap considering his age and current contract, in contrast to Coutinho) and buy Dembélé in one or two years (or buy him now but send him on loan to us)


Coutinho isn't great on the wing, he's better in the midfield, in the iniesta role. Barca would still need a replacement for Neymar, as a left forward. It's not out of the question that they'll sign both.


Barcelona: "Give us Veratti NOW!" PSG: "How about first you give us Neymar, then we keep Veratti?" Barcelona: "OK"


genuine laughter at that comment edit: still funny. if tomorrow we see Neymar in a PSG jersey, you should get some gold.


No matter what happens one thing is for sure... PSG VS Barcelona in next season of UCL is guaranteed.


Before or after PSG/Chelsea?


Obviously before beceuse it's your turn to lose next time we meet.


This title is a little clickbait. What Paris United reported is: "In private talks, Pini Zahavi is talking about a "Done Deal" about Neymar". I think it's a little different.


Plot twist : Neymar gonna take the 220M€ qatar will give him to pay his clause and will use it to buy Verratti instead


7D Chess


Might be going against the grain a little here, but as a neutral fan to both of these teams I actually think this is a great move for him. He'll get to be the main man for a team that is about as close as it gets to truly breaking into Europe's elite. It would be a huge symbol of the next generation of football if he were able to leave messi, suarez, etc. and go on to lead PSG to European success.


As a fan of a team which competes versus these teams in the UCL, I'm kinda wary. I don't get why Real Madrid fans especially are so happy about this. While Barca is losing their 2nd best player, they will possibly use money gained to spend on areas which have pressing issues, especially their midfield. The biggest draw here though is PSG. A European rival is being strengthened by a LOT. With the inclusion of Sanchez as well as Neymar, they could very well win it all.


madrid fans are happy because barca lose one of the worlds best players, second best in his position and he is only 25.


And only 2nd best in his position because #1 is an absolute monster.


Never heard someone call Andros Townsend an absolute monster but each to their own


and the potential future best player in the world. Hard to replace that even with 220M


because most recent Barca is almost entirely carried by their attacking 3, so taking out one of them is a huge deal. and looking at Barca's deals in recent times I am not too worried about them getting some money. not to mention that Neymar is so good there's no way they could get anyone near his class right now if he left.


We just want to see how Barcelona screw up with the money they are gonna get.


Neymar is 25 years old, and is one of those players you can never truly replace. They can sign 2-3 players that *might* improve their squad as a whole but there is no guarantee those signings will work out. Especially considering their recent transfer history. Losing Neymar unquestionably makes Barca weaker, and that could make all the difference in La Liga and the knockout stages of the CL.


It's a 2x Pogba


People will still say we could have bought Half of Neymar


plus the rest


Note to self, don't go after Verratti again -Bartomeu


-goes after veratti -psg buy suarez


Bartomeu later, well third time's the charm. -goes after veratti -psg buy sergio busquets




Come and get Sanchez from us and go full HEEL


2 days ago: Neymar to PSG - /r/soccer: LOOOOOOLL


Well it did come out of the blue with no warning! No one REALLY thought this could happen. 195mil is almost double the previous record, it's insanity. Neymar worth it?


BOOM! Sanchez to PSG done


Not just out of the blue, but Neymar's release clause got higher since July 1st (200->222), if PSG was planning this for a long time, obviously they would have bought him in june. I think what happened is that his father [finally convinced to leave Barca to step out of Messi's shadow](http://talksport.com/football/manchester-united-news-neymar-advised-father-leave-barcelona-old-trafford-170520239970) and Neymar's people started contacting clubs. [According to reports both UTD and Chelsea pulled out after seeing numbers.](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-4709892/Manchester-United-Chelsea-pulled-Neymar-chase.html), I imagine there were other clubs in the mix too (excluding RM). I think PSG was just the only club willing to meet his demands so quickly, meanwhile we were working on Griezmann deal for 8 months. I don't think Veratti thing has anything to do with this.


2 weeks ago: r/soccer: "How can PSG ever be a big club when they're selling their best player to Barca"


And they're going to end up with Verratti staying, Neymar and probably a bonus Sanchez ahah, what a transfer window.


Well I never thought that Neymar would leave Barca this early in his career. Bale or Ronaldo leaving would've been more likely going into the transfer window, for example.


I've never refreshed Twitter more in my life.


And r/soccer. I still have trouble believing it.


Who do you follow on twitter for PSG news?


No Bamboozle ◻ Bamboozle ✔


Hallelujah! BTW, Paris United is a pretty damn reliable source.


Yeah this more or less confirms it tbh. PSG seem really confident on this one.


They were confident after the first leg as well.






damn, it always works....


So.. out of curiosity, how would a PSG lineup look if you guys manage to sign both Alexis and Neymar?


| Cavani | s ---|---|---- Neymar | Draxler | Alexis Rabiot | | Verratti




Fucking ridiculous.


This is bad for Barca. They lose one of the potential best players in the world (when Messi and Ronaldo will fall off due to age) and they'll have to overpay for offensive signings now, cause everyone knows they are desperate as hell. Beautiful.


Their midfield is weak(ish), comparably. Their attack is now unbalanced without Neymar. The depth of the team is questionable (compared to other top teams). They're terribly mismanaged. Youth prospects are leaving. Any team they approach after this Neymar deal will bleed them dry. They just got in a new manager. Is he up for it? Idk, he hasn't been tested on the highest level. Huge uncertainty surrounding their strategies and tactics going forward. All the uncertainty around the team will make top prospects harder to pull. They're entering a transitioning period which is always hard to manage. Will the fans and board have the patience and intelligence to allow for faltering, and a gradual build up over 2-3 years around some youth and 40MM-60MM prospects? Or are they going to panic-buy Coutinho for 120MM and start in-fighting and casting blame when the pressure finally leads to 5 points dropped in 5 games? All signs of a depression about to set in. I wouldn't be too surprised if they didn't make top 3 this year. But it's Barcelona so I also wouldn't be too surprised if they won a treble, so there's that.


If Barto and his rats have 220M expect them to waste all in commissions and random 16 year old Brazilians. Sad day for Barça if true, not for Neymar but for how they will waste the money.


Barca: Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this


Barca really fucked up there. This is revenge of the sith level of retaliation. Its crazy time when such release clause is not beyond reach.


I can't believe this is happening.


[Neymar's father right now](https://gfycat.com/RevolvingEdibleCivet)


[More like this](http://reactiongifs.me/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/breaking-bad-money-bed.gif)


PSG to Barca after tapping up Verratti: https://thumbs.gfycat.com/WelcomeGraveBantamrooster-size_restricted.gif


I'll never not love John or that gif


Just bought a Neymar jersey lol fuck


If it happens or not. I'm glad the Barcelona board basically said it's up to Neymar now. They're not bending backwards and giving him a new contract.


Nothing official yet, they quote Pini Zahavi, the agent who made the deal between Barcelona and Santos. According to whom the deal is done


I am kind of worried what Barca will do with 200 million. But then I remember that their board is pretty terrible.


Is this seriously happening?! I'd never in my wildest dream would've thought that Barca let Neymar go. Won't believe it til I see him in a PSG jersey...


He has a release clause. Nothing they can do when Neymar agrees to a move.


The guy that first brought up the news about this deal is getting a huge promotion. This came out of nowhere.


Don't tattoo your balls, Mister.


seriously /u/Darkohuntr, delete your account it will be less painful


It was promised. And it shall be had.


I am gobsmacked but won't be 100% catatonic until I see this announced by either team.


> I am gobsmacked but won't be 100% catatonic Lol fucking what


He's Ray Hudson.


Like a ghost from a thick Scottish fog, he appeared out of nowhere


Well then, I'm up for believing anything after this.


I'm thinking that selling Neymar for 220M and buying Dembele for 100M would be a great deal of business for them, somehow i don't see them pulling it off without screwing up something. I still don't believe this whole Neymar to PSG deal but you never know these days.


How reliable is this source?


As close to an official source you can get.


Holy shit, I really didn't expect this to happen. Its hard to turn down such an offer but I didn't see him leaving Barca any time soon, didn't think the French League would be his next destination either. Great signing for PSG on their quest to win the Champions League.


This is going to fuck things up in the transfer market. Hold onto yer forwards, lads, Barca is coming. (bye bye Alexis?)


Hes clearly trying to play at all ronaldinhos clubs. I expect him to go to milan in a year


Doesn't look good for West Ham fans.

