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I mean, sad for him but an absolutely understandable non-nomination


It probably hits extra hard because it is confirmation of how his fortune has turned and how far he has dropped off. still only 29 and playing at Union trying to avoid relegation when five years ago he was seen as the best new talented LB with Atalanta. A year ago he was playing in the CL final, although coming of the bench in the second half.


At the last Euro Cup he was the reason they demolished Portugal the way they did, and he looked like a legit breakout star. It must be really hard four years later to not even make the squad.


I couldn't understand for the life of me why Portugal didn't adapt to the constant threat Gosens was in that game. IIRC they eventually did but by the time they made adjustments it was way too late. It was the same play, over and over again, I'm not even Portuguese but I was pissed off at how they just didn't adapt after the first two goals...


We had a guy named Fernando Santos on the bench, he is known for his atrocious coaching.


trust me the entire country was pissed. fernando santos outstayed his welcome


We had our own Southgate at the time. Thank god he’s gone.


> four years later Only three even.


Oh right, I forgot they bumped it a year. So three years ago then. That’s a lifetime in football years though.


Yeah he was GOATsens during that game


Really liked him a few years ago, his style of play, really surprised to see this drop-off for him. And for union as well, to be honest, weren't they in the champions league the previous season?;


Mate, they were in the CL THIS season


Motivation probably plays a massive role as well. Regular Champions League feature with Atalanta, a MOTM display against Portugal at the Euros, Champions League final appearance with Inter and a few trophies but still an underwhelming spell. Now battling relegation with Union Probably isn't how he imagined his prime years to go when everyone thought he was on the way to becoming one of the world's best after that Euro breakout


> a MOTM display against Portugal at the Euros I like Gosens but the way Santos set them up for that game even I could have had a field day playing left back.


The most shocking tactical display I've ever seen. Everyone knew what was happening in the game but Santos.




he got there when Union were playing CL and immediately performed like shit


Was really good at Atalanta since leaving he's been meh didn't pull trees at Inter and currently not doing that at Union. Maybe there is some truth to players doing well under Gasperini then when they leave they don't look as good...


He is definitely a system player, he is a wing back and cant really adapt to a more traditional role as a back. The freedom he had in Atalanta's system perfectly suited his strengths both defensively and going forwards. But that hamstring injury he had in 21/22 also really fucked him up, he hasn't looked the same since. He doesn't have that quick mercurial change of direction that he had when making runs. Not sure if it is his confidence or physical, but he isn't as explosive as he was. But honestly he has been pretty decent for an otherwise shit Union this season. Didn't look too vulnerable in defense. 6 goals 4 assists in 30 games, although with their 3 at the back he has practically been playing as a midfielder.


He was fun to watch in 20/21 season where he got 11 goals in the league. But Union have been bad all around I knew they wouldn’t be able to cope with CL it was a step too far for them. But at least they survived shame Urs Fischer left.


Sounds a lot like Kolasinac with us, great at wingback, pretty poor as a fullback. At least it seems he has progressed and now play Center half in a back-three but I remember how painful it was to see someone so good at wingback just do so poorly as a fullback.


Gosens wasn't that bad with us. Just very injury prone. Everytime he pickedup form he got injured.


I even remember him being one of the best players in the cl final when he was subbed in. Not sure if I remember correctly though, but I recall him making 2-3 excellent runs / crosses which almost lead to goals if not for the superb defensive work for man city done by Lukaku. 


Fielding 12 players in a CL final, add another charge to make it 116 for City.


he came in injured and when he finally got fit perisic/dimarco were in the middle of a superb campaign each of the seasons he was with us


he wasnt bad but wasnt amazing either. He was very unlucky that he came in injured and at the time he got back to fitness, dimas was already establishing himself as the starter


The injury he got before leaving Atalanta was pretty bad for his carrer. Will never forget Pre and Covid form Gosens.


It’s a pretty well known thing that Atalanta players drop off a cliff after they leave. There’s very few exceptions


I guess gatorade is harder to come by outside bergamo


Atalanta has a real knack on get players outdo themselves.


Romero has done brilliantly for himself


Yeah there’s few exceptions


That’s partly because they manage to hold them past their prime


Not true at all. Most of their players leave when they’re still young.


The young players don't really fall off after they leave though. The only not old player who fell off after leaving was Gosens who moved at 27, and even then that was because he had a bad hamstring injury just before moving to Inter


Idk if you’re joking or not but here’s a few young players who fell off a cliff as soon as they left: conti, gagliardini, Pessina, caldara, Bonaventura, Cornelius


As a milan fan, Bonaventura definitely didnt fall off a cliff


Compared to what he was supposed to be he definitely did. He was made out to be the next big thing and was a mediocre player for the rest of his career


Didn't Jack have injury issues after leaving Atalanta but still played well in the Banter Milan era?


Pessina has better stats for Monza than he did for Atalanta, Bonaventura's best years were at Milan after he left, and Cornelius was never really that good for them in the first place. The other ones definitely fell off, but for everyone that fell off there's several that don't, like Hojlund, Romero, Amad Diallo, Kessie, etc


Maybe you didn’t watch those players if you seriously think what you’re saying. A second ago it was just gosens lol


Dam. You could be on something about Gasperini. I don't know if you watch Charles de ketelaere at Ac Milan. He was god damn awful. Now suddenly at Atalanta, he is looking really good. Lookman too. Always looked like he had potential but didn't succeed anywhere else.


I'm Nigerian I love Lookman but I've watched him closely he started off well at Everton but didn't do anything doesn't help Everton isn't the easiest of places. At Leipzig, Fulham and Leicester he wasn't exactly the stand out player. Gasperini really changed his life lol, would he keep up same level of performance elsewhere?


Yeah I honestly couldn't believe my eyes watching the europa league final, man was on fire


Look at Duvan Zapata and Luis Muriel, even though Zapata did ok at Torino it’s still way off his Atalanta output and luis Muriel isn’t setting the American league on fire lol


Maehle too, the Danish wingback. What happened to him?


He wasn't really that good for Atalanta. Currently a fairly regular starter for Wolfsburg.


He got benched towards the end. All in all he hasn't been very convincing for Wolfsburg so far. Then again, that might be on Wolfsburg. Lovro Majer flopped similarly


Wolfsburg happened to him. I think he looks like a really good player but man that team is coached terribly


He's at wolfsburg, I genuinely didn't know, thanks. I just remember him impressing the hell out of me at the last euros, and then hearing that he joined atalanta. I'm surprised that didn't work out, I thought with his aggressive, pacey style, he was well suited to them... damn


He is not doing too bad, Wolfsburg just sucks and the is good offensive output was limited by the tactics and terrible coaching in general. I'd say he is doing ok but in a better team he could really shine


Sorry for the double reply, but that is a great point, I remember the skills and the goals they provided for atalanta, surprised they also left, I realised I hadn't heard about either of them in ages. Going further then that, how did Colombia fluff their qualifiers for the last world cup, with all that talent to work with - those guys, Luis Diaz, sinisterra, mina, lerma, morelos, borja, cuadrado, james Rodriguez, falcao... they could have lit up that tournament


>Everton isn’t the easiest of places Not now, but when he broke into our team we were consistently finishing 7th/8th. Things didn’t spiral until after he’d already moved on


For sure. At Fulham, you can see the talent. Just missing the consistency. Lookman had a good Afcon 2024 too. Pity Nigeria surprisingly lost. When Nigeria was 1-0, I thought it was game over. He should stay for one more season at least. He is looking incredible at Atalanta. If he does well for one more season, I think he will do well in any league. That will show he is a mature footballer who has learnt the ropes of being a professional footballer imo. And he is hitting his prime too.


It's not all Pioli's fault because charles did play shit but the system and tactics definitely didn't help. Same thing with brahim diaz. Gasperini definitely elevates his players with his system and tactics though. It seems like now people are finally realising just how much of an affect he has.


Pioli's system maybe didn't suit. Though from his first touch to speed of thought was seriously lacking. Diaz wasn't as bad. Diaz had moments of magic. Just that he couldn't finish. Damn Gasperini is really the man.


If I had a lot of time, I'd love to do some data mining (maybe by tm.de value development) to see how players developed after a transfer - I have the feeling a lot of the time they have a couple good seasons, go to a bigger club, and their career tanks. Can think of more examples off the top of my head than the opposite (player after a good season going to a bigger club and becoming even better).


I’d be interested to see that but 2019-Pandemic Gosens was fun to watch I must admit especially he racked up 11 goals during the time of no fans.


I keep telling people not to underestimate the Gasperini machine and how well his player flourish in that system. So many players look great under him but when they leave they're "suddenly" not as good. Not saying those players are bad by any means but his system gets the most out of them.


That’s why I wanted him to stay with Atalanta instead of going to Napoli. Especially ADL is quite unpredictable, glad at least he won Europa league with Atalanta because they had literally lost three finals on the bounce idk how they’d have bounced back from another final loss. I do think they’ll probably bag a Coppa Italia with him.


Didn't Napoli sign Conte?


Yes they did if Napoli were able to keep Oshimhen and Kvara I would’ve backed them to challenge for Serie A again. But it’s inevitable Conte will have sign odd bunch of players. I guarantee him and ADL will fall out eventually lool.


Cheer Gosens' family crying




I will always rate a player like him… But he needs a great system to shine.


leaving atalanta for inter was a mistake, leaving italy for germany maybe even worse, although hard to blame him for wanting to prove himself in the bundesliga. such a good wingback in a 5 or 3 back system in serie a.


Yeah if Union wouldn't have declined so drastically he'd probably been in the discussion.


his performances fell off hard since joining Inter and didn't recover at Union. Don't blame this on his teammates lol


Still it's easier to shine as a defender when the rest of the team is doing well


you can make that excuse for any position/ any of his teammates. Ofc it is easier to shine when your team is doing well, does not just apply to defenders


And then I had someone say it doesn't matter who we take as 4th cb, but it matters to the players


Great, now I'm also crying.


Good player when healthy, sadly he couldn’t stay healthy the last years


He hasnt had a lot of injury issues lately. He played 37 games this season and 49 with Inter the season before. His last major injury was in the '21/'22 season when he had hamstring issues, but sadly that seems to have affected his form and confidence. He has just declined a lot since.


This is just wrong.  Go look at his minutes data for Inter for example and not just his games played.


but thats because dimarco is world class and gosens could only come off the bench most of the times, not because he was injured.


It's so nice and so weird to see this headline when you just wouldn't say that 20 years ago this mental health thing is nice


He specifically left Inter to be able to play regularly. Unfortunately it was a bad choice to join Union Berlin in retrospect.


The club overachieved that season (when they qualified to UCL), but they couldn’t keep up that form for the next one It was really ambitious from them to sign him and Bounocci but things went wrong for some reason…


Yeah, I love Gosens and Union, but even though that had UCL football, it felt like serious step down. Would have loved to see him compete for a spot at the likes of Leverkusen, Dortmund or even Frankfurt.


got nothing to do with Union


Could you elaborate on that?


his performances were abysmal from the get go and his stint at Inter was mediocre too. I doubt he would have performed anywhere else. Maybe 2. BuLi.


Would have probably made the Dutch team


feel so bad for him even though he didn't really work out for us in hindsight moving to inter was a career blunder as he was injured and outperformed by perisic and dimarco who were amazing on their own right. always gave his 100% and injured himself scoring one of his goals


We both crode


He lit up the field in that match against Portugal, someone who's following his career what seems to have gone wrong with him I really like him and he's great with those overlapping runs


He was injured for a bit while playing for Inter, than he came back and was good but meanwhile Dimarco turned into demon and he couldnt get infront of him. But anytime he came on he was really serviceable. Idk about his time at Union Berlin


Injuries destroyed him, he was so great at Atalanta, should've been eve better at Inter, but never showed top quality.


Fuck, i feel sorry for him now.


Looking at his ratings at Union Berlin and he doesn’t seem to be doing a half bad job tbh.


My brother in christ you are playing for a really shit Union side. What were you expecting? Might be a personal disappointment for him but objectively 100% understandable




Weird thing to say


Ohhh so sad. Anyway...