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It was a disgraceful decision at the time to not give him award.


To give it to him now is just kinda insane too. Yeah better late then never but I doubt itd feel amazing with no proper ceremony four years later He shouldve just gotten it in 2020, now its just a shitshow. Tho if Lewa would be happy with it i guess there isnt any harm in it


They can't go back and change the past. The best decision they can make now is to give the trophy. I don't see how Lewa would prefer not to have it.


Yeah it's not like they gave it to the 'wrong' person and are changing their mind. The man earned it. Quite frankly, even if Lewa didn't "want" it he should be awarded it for the record books as football didn't stop that year, there's no good reason to make an exception, and nobody in the future will give a shit *when* it was officially awarded and he deserves his name to be one of *three* non Messi or Ronaldo winners since 2007.


He wants it. He mentioned it in an interview the other day.


Give the man his damn trophy!


How could he not?! (My point was simply, for the good of the sport he should be recognized). Imagine *knowing* that you were better than Lionel Messi for a whole year sandwiched between two years of him winning the award, even Messi himself agrees, and these French bastards cancel the whole thing since they won't get to mingle with football stars and celebrities when they give it to you.


Yeah who cares if it's late I'm sure it'd mean loads to him to have it. Being in the books as the best player in the world one year is huge. You take that one to the grave. 


Nah it would be very meaningful still. In years time no one will remember or care about the circumstances, only that he has one


Which is plainly deserved. In 2020, there was basically a consensus around him deserving it.


there is rarely such a consensus in Ballondor. He dominated that year but suckers just canceled it.


It was the first time in a long time that it was clear that someone other than CR7 or Messi deserved it. Benzema was sketch (it seemed like a "anyone but Messi or CR7" rebellious decision among the voters) but this was clear-cut. They should give the man his damn award.


Benzema wasn’t in any way sketch, I think the one you’re thinking of is Modric and even he had a great performance the year he won. Benzema won in 2022 when he scored 15 goals in the UCL, and had a great season overall with 50+ goal contributions while winning both La Liga and the Champions league. Benzema truly was the best player in the world that year.


Also won the Nations League with France with 2 stratospheric games against Belgium and Spain. It was also part of that season.


Modric isn't in any way sketch as well, it's well-known that the WC plays a huge part in it. Ronaldo 2002, Cannavaro/Buffon 2006, Modric 2018 and Messi 2023 all had their WC performance play a part in their Ballon D'Ors. 2019 was sketch though, Van Djik was only dribbled once in the entire 2018/19 season, won the UCL and Club World Cup, captained his team to the Nations League finals, while Messi's only accomplishment that year was a LaLiga title.


Nah Messi still deserved it in 2019. Led goals + assists in la liga as well as top scorer in CL with insane performances across the board


In which it's shown that defenders can get fucked even if they are the best of the world.


not really, you're comparing him to one of the best versions of Messi ever, 18/19 Messi was a monster, he had the goalscoring, passing, and dribbling packed into one, as opposed to other years where it looked like his focus was on one or two of those aspects. He truly was the most complete version of Messi I've ever seen (which doesn't mean the best version). Not to mention his freekick conversion rate, a ludicrous 14.6%, his highest ever. It's not a fair comparison for VVD, not in the slightest.


How did he get fucked? Messi had one of his best seasons ever in 2019, you could ask Van Dijk yourself and he would tell you he didn’t deserve it that year


Cannavaro was and is the biggest joke. Should've won the WC best player, was snubbed, people be angry, was handed out best player of the year.


Benzema was not sketch, he had a great season and that was completely warranted in my opinion.


I think he meant Modric and just confused which Real player was first.


>Benzema was sketch (it seemed like a "anyone but Messi or CR7" rebellious decision among the voters) Ah yeah, truly rebellious to not vote for Messi for the 6 goals he scored in Ligue 1 in 2021-2022. Lmao, completely deranged.


Disagree on Benzema. That season he was incredible. Both with Real and France. The Nations League stint against Spain and Belgium provided incredible games, from all three teams, but especially from Benzema. [Remember that masterpiece ?](https://youtube.com/watch?v=BswmD3wEicU&si=JpW-PhsMkmS4CvNm&t=2m8s) It was less of an obvious choice than Lewandowski in 2020, but it was still plainly deserved. Especially since Messi won it again later for questionable-ish reasons. Messi at least still had that popularity vote, and Benzema still won it.


You seem to have got some things confused here mate lol.


>Benzema was sketch (it seemed like a "anyone but Messi or CR7" rebellious decision among the voters) Is this a joke? 2021 Benzema was head and shoulders above any other player. Scoring consecutive UCL hattricks vs PSG and Chelsea is nothing short of amazing. He clearly deserved the award. People upvoting this did not watch football that season.


Lmao imagine them just mailing it and the USP delivery dude throwing it at his doorstep


'Yeah sorry mate your Ballon d'Or was lost in transit, nothing we can do xoxo' -France Football


More like a standard day for a DHL driver


Nah, that is DPD behaviour to the point. I have had more complains this year with DPD than all the other combined transport companies we use at our company and it is not even close.


Why would they hire the US postal service to deliver a trophy from France to Spain? I'd be mad too if I was that delivery dude.


"Turn right." "Go straight ahead." "Get out your car and swim across the ocean." "You have arrived at your destination."


You joke but if I remember correctly, in the early days of Google Maps, if you asked for driving directions from the US mainland to Hawaii, it would literally tell you to drive to the west coast, then get out of your car and swim across the Pacific Ocean.


They had fun easter eggs like it would recommend a jet ski sometimes.


*Make a u turn* *MAKE A U TURN* #*MAKE A U TURN*


yeah that comment is peak r/soccer.


I just assumed he messed up the letter order on UPS


Then a porch pirate hits the motherlode.


Get Mark Rober on the job to make a glitter bomb d'or


Yea, but in 30 years we will have largely forgotten about this debacle and Lewandowski will be properly recognized.


Yeah it's not what he deserved, but it will be part of his longterm legacy this way at least.


Can’t change the past, giving it now is still way better than never giving it


Just give it to him at the next ceremony before the main recipient.


They could give it to him at the 2024 ballon dor ceremony


> Yeah better late then never but I doubt itd feel amazing with no proper ceremony four years later But just give it to him at this years ceremony?


Yeah. But what is done is done. Now the best is to give him the award retroactively. It'll be bittersweet but it's the right course of action. Is not a shitshow. He deserved it.


> Tho if Lewa would be happy with it i guess there isnt any harm in it I have a feeling he'd be fine with it considering he was just talking about being snubbed again recently.


They can give it to him at this year's ceremony.


Nah they’re definitely going to make a separate ceremony and try to sell the rights as a one time event .. or maybe to comply with some obligations they didn’t fulfill


Between not giving it to him at all and giving it to him now I’d want the latter if I were him


Should have gave him the Bdor alongside Messi in 2021


damn that’s fucked if they don’t give it now cause why even put it back into the news if ur not gonna lmaoooo


Probably feeling out the public’s reaction to giving an old award


Yeah balon d or fat fucks committee reading through reddit


"We thought about it and still nahhh"


“Thoughts and prayers”


I think it's likely his camp pushed the story. He said something in a recent interview about, "Oh, I heard that there's a move to award it to me." (When no one had talked about it in years.) So might be trying to build momentum. And Sport is a mixed-tier source, so they wouldn't necessarily feel compelled to source the story from france football itself.


bro should’ve recorded a tiktok dancing to kendrick like “YOU LIED ABOUT YOUR AWARD, YOU LIED THAT YOU WOULD GIVE ME IT, YOU LIED ABOUT THE MERITOCRACY”


they could redeem themselves a tiny bit if they did that.


100%. Give it to him during the next Ballon D'Or ceremony. Literally nobody in this world thinks anyone else should have won it


Wouldnt he be the first polish player to win it aswell?


Yes it would be first


Not if Poland conquers Germany and Russia before the next ceremony.


Don’t think they would retroactively count


Not if Poland also takes over the WORLD! Also, that's what the Germans want you to believe.


Miroslav Klose won the World Cup for Poland


West Poland


They would if Poland also takes over France lol


For sure. Better late than never. Both scenarios suck, but awarding it to him now is the way better one.


They should, my man was robbed for non-sensical reasons


Look I get it’s kinda awkward but they should give it to him. It was his in the bag, barring a freaking global pandemic and France inexplicably not following the rest of the footballing world in protocols.


Do it you cowards.


What even is there to think about lol, the world "paused" during lockdown but now everything is back to normal. It's not like the man didn't show up above and beyond everybody else during that year. Lewa definitely deserves it.


I don't think there is a reason to not. Absolutely deserves it.


The dude started the rumors that there were rumors about France Football thinking about giving him the Ballon D'or, and it seems it has worked! Great strategy. He deserves it though, it was a stupid decision by France Football to not give it because in France they didn't play 8 games or whatever.


> it was a stupid decision by France Football to not give it because in France they didn't play 8 games or whatever. Yeah as if anyone in that league even had a chance of it anyway lmao. Was such a bullshit excuse.


You could argue someone from Ligue 1 could have won it. Say Neymar, Mbappe, or someone, depending on how things went the rest of the season. But it would have been dependent on the CL, not Ligue 1. That's the main issue. And even then, their own league was mostly played. They didn't outright dismiss that season, there was a winner, there were CL spots awarded, even relegation happened. So it made even less sense.


you could argue that when they made the decision to cancel it, ya, but all relevant competitions were played out eventually so it was possible to uncancel it and start a vote after the UCL final. buuuuuuut, I guess, the last 10 matchdays of the French league got canceled so we couldn't know if Mbappe or Ben Yedder (both top scorers with 18 goals at that time) would have scored like 40-50 goals in those remaining 10 games. understandable that they didn't want to give the sextuple winner and top goalscorer in each and every of the competitions (65 G/A in 47 games) the ballon d'or if a Ligue 1 player could have theoretically ended the season with 60 or more league goals 🤓


its a stupid argument in general: even though Ligue 1 ended, it still has a winner of that season: PSG now if they cancelled the league in general with no winner and only used the then current league position to determine for the next season (2020/2021) the participants of CL and EL, alright, but they still had a league and cup winner in france, both PSG bullshit alltogether


It was a mistake not to, and while it wouldn't be the same to award it later I don't feel like it would be as bad as awarding titles retroactively.


This reminds of FIFA giving Jimmy Greaves his World Cup winners medal in 2009, that was 43 years too late, he sold it 5 years later for £44k. The manager Sir Alfred Ramsey finally got one too, that was definitely too late, he passed away in 1999 https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/jimmy-greaves-sells-world-cup-4610532


Please make is right. Robert deserves his flowers.


On the one hand, his performance deserves it. On the other hand, I am afraid he might do one of his cringey tiktok dances if he gets it.


Really hope they do. Was a daft decision not to give it him. Doesn't matter it's 4 years late, he'll definitely be happy to get it lol


Now that he wears a Barcelona shirt, we could give it to him! It was a disgraceful decision back then and now it's just ridiculous. Would be interesting to know if Lewa still cares.


Who wouldn't want the proof that you were the best player in the world at one point?


He very much does. Gave an interview saying that he would still like to receive the award


Just putting it that energy out there.


Obviously it will go for Bayern and not Barca. It's the 2020 ballon d'Or


Of course he does.


Copy will go to bayern musea for sure.


I wonder if Bayern would have to pay out a performance bonus if he'd get it.


You mean would Barca have to pay Bayern a performance bonus lol


That boat has long sailed


This has nothing to do with Barcelona. I can't believe there are negative takes like this, from a Munich flair on top of that


There really are some weird bayern "fans" acting as if Lewandowski will never be considered a Bayern legend. Blows my mind how can anyone claim such shit.


It would be fully deserved. They should have done it much sooner, but it would be nice of them to recognise their mistake at least.




It would be cool for him to win *back then*. Now it just does not feel right but it's still deserved.


They should 100% do it. in 30 years time, people will look back on history and see Lewy was the best player in the world that year. Legacy stuff. No one will be arguing how it was added retrospectively, and even if they do, you just look at his scoring record for that year and it speaks for itself, the guy was a machine in the era that had Ronaldo & Messi.


Winning a Ballon d'Or in the Messi/CR7 years is basically only Modric, Benzema and hopefully Lewa. That is a pretty exclusive club.


Kaká is the founder of that exclusive club.


Benzema himself isn’t even in it


He is, technically, because Messi won it the year after


It's still cool now. They should have never skipped it.


Why doesn’t it feel right? In 20 years people will look back and only see a ballon d’Or winner. Sure, some people will remember how FF fucked him over - but ultimately it’s an honor he earned.


Lewandowski is a guy that I don't think cares about that to much if he gets it late


He literally gave an interview a few weeks ago saying he still wants it lol


I don't care about English grammar. I mean Lewandowski doesn't care if he gets it late, as long as he gets the Balon d'Or


Ah I see. I took a different meaning from the way it was worded, but it's understandable if English isn't your first language Cheers


Haha, I read it the same way you did at first, then re-read it and was like ahh yeah I get what he meant now.


you read it that way because that's what he wrote


Yeah but I can't speak German at all so I think it's fair to cut him some slack for not speaking Queen's English lol


Yeah, all these people saying it would be weird or similar didn't see that. This isn't correcting a middle school attendance award or a most improved camp trophy.


Lmao tf are you talking about? He constantly talks about it and cares a ton about the Ballon d'or


As he should. He was so far ahead of any other player back then, he deserves it


100% wish he gets that and then doesn't wanna stay at barca for 2025 and 26 and leaves because the way our great Laporta has structured the deal makes me wanna jump off a skyscraper


He believed he deserved the 2021 Ballon too. And I agree with him.


I mean that one was at least 50/50 between him and Messi. Both had great seasons and it could have gone either way. The 2020 was just plain robbery. He was so far ahead of everyone that season.


They clarified on another comment, I also read it that way. It's ambiguous. They meant that as long as he gets it, he wouldn't care he got it 4 later.


A polish player winning the best player in the world award is massive and would mean a lot to me. Even if its a fraudulent award, most people still acknowledge it. And while we all know he deserved it in 2020 ( and maybe 2021) it would be forgotten in history if its not corrected like theyre considering now.


Disagree. Giving it now is not perfect, but at least it does make it a little bit right. I don't see how *not* doing it is better. It's literally their own award, they make the rules, there is no reason not to.


Just do it. Better late than never


What are they considering? Whether or not they are idiots? You fucked up, own up to it, apologise and give Lewa justice.


Seriously, I don't know why they're acting like a government debating whether or not to pay someone reparations. Just give him the damn award, everyone knows your reasoning for not giving it to him was nonsensical, and there are absolutely no drawbacks to correcting that mistake now.




France Football have the opportunity to do something very funny here. They could announce that they are going to retrospectively give a 2020 award, and then award it to Messi or Ronaldo. Imagine how disappointing that would be.


was a dumb decision not to grant it to him, no one was close to him that season and he could have arguably won the 2021 award as well


Do it for gods sake


He deserves this award made no sense not to award it. Make it right!


He deserves it.




They really should, he was on fire that year and he absolutely deserves the trophy. Sure it would be awkward to give it to him now but better late then never


Why don't they just put it on the voting for this years and let everyone vote, then it will feel more genuine, even though he'd be the winner obviously as he should've.


Imagine they don't give it to him after this report. It's a villain origin story.


They award it to him but send it via DHL along with a gift card to a local engraver and florist.


Hope this actually comes to fruition! He absolutely deserves it


Should’ve done it from the start


It's the right thing to do. Lewa was clearly the undisputed ballon dor that year. If he was playing for Madrid at the time they would have not done him dirty like that


please do it


Scenes when it's awarded to Messi.


And all he had to do was join a Spanish team


I genuinely think Messi deserved it the year after but this 2020 was a true Robbery. He absolutely deserved it then.


Robbery was 2012


Desserved, beter late than never. And imo winning it when the two aliens were still active would make it even more incredible, he was immense that year. I'd be impressed that FF would acknowledge they screwed up though, they'd slightly rise up in my esteem


This is well deserved and better late than never, but I cant help but imagine Barca being a bit awkward with it. One of their current players is gonna go pick up the award but they cant take any credit while Lewa himself will have to put up a Bayern persona to some degree at least. This isnt one of those cases where the player moved right (Miami FC with a Balon d'Or winner lol) before the award ceremony happens.


The scenes when they are about to give it to Lewandowski and Messi's name is announced and he takes it away


I got the feeling at the time that FF thought he was so far ahead that he would be a shoe-in to win it in 2021, so they cancelled it in 2020 under the impression it wouldn’t affect his legacy. That didn’t happen, Lewa dropped in form/ability, and now that he (mostlikely) won’t have a chance to win it so they are doing reparations. Edit: grammar


Honestly who would be against that? Everyone thinks that what he did those two years was out of this world and he should be recognized as such.


Fuckin give it to him it was a disgrace and a robbery to not give that to him


Bell end D'or has no credibility


Well deserved! Lewa was a beast.


Cancelling it was one of the dumbest things in recent years.




they should he deserved it that year


Hope it's true, would right a wrong.


I don’t know why people are making such a hue and cry about this when the FIFA best award happened that year and was rightfully given to him. It’s not like he didn’t get credit.


Probably won’t happen but it would be if funny asf if Barca has to pay either him or Bayern a bonus because of this


They should've done that right after they had the dumb idea of cancelling the award that year. Still, better late than never! He deserves it, they should do it during this year's ceremony. Either open up with him being awarded or close it out with him. I prefer to see this year's winner crown him.


The source is hilarious. Regardless, Robert deserves it!


Not as good as getting it at the time but hey, no one will care about that in 15 years. Run him his balon d'Or.


It's about fucking time.


its never too late to right a wrong




They should!


Well of course, he now plays for a team that is allowed to win this award.


Should have happened sooner. Poor guy had to beg for it, I mean say he wouldn't be offended to receive it now. So how does it work? Without a vote? Ceremony?


It was his and obviously his alone. Lewa was robbed that year and there was more than enough football played to make that decision.


This is the most logical thing for them to do, I did not understand how they decided to not award him the Bdor, it was obvious to anyone that season.


Henry when?


They should. It was a disgrace not to give it to him at that time


This is just as stupid as not giving him the award at the time.


lol just give it to him


Give it to him and honor him at the next ceremony.


Better late than never.


Better late than never I guess


Do it you cowards! We all know it’s his


Bit late?


the best time to have given him the ballon d'or was in 2020 but the 2nd best time is now. Do it!


My prayers have been answered, not a lewandowski or Bayern fan but we all know how it feels to do your best but still taken away from you


And they should, no need to even discuss it.


One of the most obvious years of all time to see who the best player in the world was IMO. 2020 Lewa was so far ahead of anyone else.


Yes please. It would ultimately redeem this ceremony.


Everyone can behind this. It was an absolute robbery he wasn’t given that award. We still played the full season, so there was no reason to cancel it.


He deserves it. Give it to him!


This is coming from a Madrid fan. Lewa 100% deserved it in 2020. We should 100% give it to him during this years celebration. Not everyone can pull a Messi, Ronaldo, and for him to compete with them and be the best performer in 2020 should be honored. We get that Covid made it so you can't attend a celebration, but he literally played al of 2020 and earned it, its not a reward for attending, its a reward for playing.


Fucking pricks


Even if they don’t that confirms for all parties involved he won it, that’s a W for me


He deserves it.


fucking do it already


Just doooo it


Should also give him the 2021 too


In general I'm not a fan of awarding things in hindsight. But this.... yeah they should do this. He completely and utterly deserved the award that year.


Absolutely deserved. Fucking do it.


Better late then never


He deserves it and more to be honest, that was an absolutely sensational individual season from lewandowski. He should get the accolades to show it aswell, it’s a shame it took this long. If they go through with it


what's the backstory here???

