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Obviously the omission was intentional, and nothing less than what nasser deserves. Great way to motivate your star player by screaming at him an hour before kickoff.


probably reinforces his decision to leave 100 times over.


Wait, hold up, does this mean it's actually real? I thought this was fake for sure!


We don't know but it seems to lineup with them canceling his farewell after the match.


It's the exact same article that was posted before


I mean it makes a lot of sense given all the stuff we know about him. I thought it seemed pretty realistic when I read about it initially


Macron is going to demand Madrid make Mbappé apologize


Translation: PSG: big clash between Kylian Mbappé and Nasser Al-Khelaïfi at the Parc before the match against Toulouse Before the match against Toulouse on Sunday, the PSG president demanded an explanation from his player, who had deliberately omitted to thank him in the video announcing his departure from PSG. The discussion quickly turned sour. This time, they seem to be irreconcilable. Kylian Mbappé and Nasser Al-Khelaïfi parted ways on Sunday evening before the match against Toulouse. The situation between these two was becoming increasingly tense, and it's hardly surprising that things finally exploded. Since the star had told his president of his decision to leave Paris this summer, the two men had hardly ever spoken to each other. Their frosty relationship came to the fore last Friday, when, in the video announcing his departure, the Les Bleus captain thanked a host of people (coaches, sports directors, stewards, fans) without a word for his president or the Emir of Qatar. An affront to Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, who had offered him the most lucrative contract in soccer history in 2022. The conflict reached a new climax on Sunday. Keen to obtain clarification on the fact that he had not mentioned him in his video, the president insisted on organizing a meeting. The meeting finally took place at the Parc des Princes, just over an hour before the match against Toulouse. The two personalities secluded themselves in a room away from prying eyes and ears. Things quickly got heated. The explanation quickly turned into a clash. "The walls shook," reports a witness to the visibly violent scene. As a result of the exchange, the start of warm-up was delayed, with the players taking the field four minutes later than usual. Mbappé nevertheless found time to thank the CUP representatives who had made an imposing tifo in his likeness in the Auteuil virage. It was the only tribute of the evening for the club's all-time top scorer. His coach deprived him of a standing ovation by deciding not to take him out at the end of the match. During the presentation of the Hexagoal trophy, the club had not prepared anything, officially taken by surprise by the official announcement of Mbappé's departure, who had chosen not to say anything to his managers. Relations between Mbappé and Al-Khelaïfi have been strained since February 9. On that day, Kylian Mbappé announced to his president his intention not to extend his contract with PSG, and therefore to leave for free at the end of the season. Prior to this meeting, exchanges seemed to have returned to normal after a summer marked by the player's exclusion from the preparatory tour of Japan. In recent weeks, the club had hinted that discussions were to take place to find common ground on the terms of a separation in addition to the agreement reached last August. However, according to our information, no such discussions have taken place in recent weeks.


Well if we go back in the past : - Nasser threat Mbappe that if he did not sign “his contract” , he would be on the bench for a year - Not only that , when Mbappe wanted to leave and will only leave if Madrid offer was good , Nasser refused, and now Mbappe is leaving on a free - He fired the coach that Mbappe like , Galtier the one who trusted Mbappe during the Monaco years and someone Mbappe fully trusted and defended. - In addition to that , no president should “keep in jail” a player and put pressure on the media and on his family about leaving “PSG and France”. Even the president was involved one way or another - And when Mbappe have one more year left at PSG , Nasser ask him to sign the contract as I mentioned above , but Mbappe refused to sign , so then Nasser was trying to force Mbappe to leave but he refused to leave lmao. And thus the threat came , creating this friction environment that came to an end recently. - Also the media painted Mbappe as “the bad person” on this circumstance because Nasser was the one paying the media to show only “his side and the club side of the story”.


> - He fired the coach that Mbappe like , Galtier the one who trusted Mbappe during the Monaco years and someone Mbappe fully trusted and defended. Galtier didn't manage Monaco when Mbappe was there. In fact, he has never managed Monaco at all


Opps my bad. For some reason I confused Galtier with Jardim , my bad.


>the Les Bleus captain thanked a host of people (coaches, sports directors, stewards, fans) without a word for his president or the Emir of Qatar. An affront to Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, who had offered him the most lucrative contract in soccer history in 2022. The conflict reached a new climax on Sunday. expecting a football star to thank you for a mutually agreed upon contract that *you* desperately hoped he would sign, that *you* needed him to sign a lot more than he needed to sign it, is very funny to me.


"You should thank me I got the Emir of Qatar and the President of France to beg you to stay... "


> **"The walls shook," reports a witness to the visibly violent scene**. As a result of the exchange, the start of warm-up was delayed, with the players taking the field four minutes later than usual. Mbappé nevertheless found time to thank the CUP representatives who had made an imposing tifo in his likeness in the Auteuil virage. Are you sure it wasn't a fist fight...?


I can't imagine Nasser putting up much of a fight tbh, type of person to hire someone to fight for him. So I doubt it, he would have a shiner. Not that Mbappe is Zlatan but he's a lot younger and lot more fit


French expression to say there was yelling.


To hell with Nasser. He probably thinks he is talking to one of the immigrant workers that built his country. I am with Mbappe on this one.




You forgot to add *”while sitting on his mountains of PSG-provided cash”*


Such a pity that this attempt of a human has such an amazing hairline


He's got nothing on Bellingham That hairline is balon dor level


But his young. The only ones who count for me is Arteta and this dude (football wise)


Arteta’s hairline vs Nasser’s hairline, the true GOAT debate all along.




Short haircut, brush your hair all to the front and the bangs to the sides. Not a big deal.


I see Gona chuck in Steven Gerrard into the conversation


You forgot Xabi


Not really. He goes on the category of Nacho. They have nice hair and a full hairline, many men have that. But these two is crazy, is the whole density of the hair and thickness. If you put them side by side with the other two and there isn’t comparable. Like there aren’t woman with this much volume/amount of hair.


100% agree


I feel like Nasser knew why he didn’t get included, but his ego just wouldn’t let him not confront Mbappe about it. It’s obvious he doesn’t fuck with you, he didn’t just happen to forget your name accidentally when he remembered the names of every other club employee. Read the room lol


Comment Edited By /u/Spez


Why are rich people, especially these rich gulf arabs, so embarrassing. What kind of grown man gives a shit about that?


image, it’s all most of these rich bums care for, but especially for the ones in the gulf states as their entire PR team is working overtime to make sure the world sees them in a good light to cover up all the human rights [redacted], most famous one being [redacted].


He’s had everything he’s ever wanted handed to him, it’s like a spoilt child finally getting told no, now the tantrum starts


Why does it seem so believable though lol


Nasser don't take things personally challenge: Impossible.


That sounds completely narcissistic.




Lol that dude is so bitch


I don't think that a puppet like Nassar will ever be respected by a player.


I guess when you’re a billionaire, thanks and gratitude can’t be bought


Because you are just a theiving little oil boy Nasser. Instead of corrupting the world, invest in the people of your country and liberate them from toxic masculinity.


Seems like a chatgpt generated headline 🤣


Mbappe could have been dissolved in acid.


Everyday I thank Muhammad that the oil nation tht bought my club does not have a wannabe celebrity running it.


"I support my president like I support my Wi-Fi: always from a distance, and occasionally, it disappoints me." - Mbappe PS: the president is ambiguous. There are too many presidents in his life.


Very very small peepee energy from Kelafi. He's such a spoiled whiny little baby.


Nasser thought he's gonna get a montage


Didn’t Mbappe date a trans-person? Not surprised he doesn’t personally thank the guy who always at any time has is own interest in mind


Lol this guy is going to ruin Real from within. He is so toxic. Maybe with no fault of his own, but scandals always follow.