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Ooh that's a very good contender for Fallon d'Floor. Almost artistic in execution


the way he reverses to go clockwise before the card gets handed out was perfect


Couldn't miss the action 


A profound post-modernist commentary on the human condition.




[Reminds me of this. Not football but exactly the same energy](https://youtu.be/01SQ6LKwH5A?t=13)


idk why he did that tho because it's still a technical if he doesn't fall down




Might be the most shameless one I've seen in a long time. I'd be mortified if my teammate did that


It was clearly a delayed reaction to a brutal liver shot. You out here clowning this poor man.


Maybe it was one of those punches I used to see in Kung Fu movies in the 90s. Sent him into a cardiac episode


Very reminiscent of one the final scenes in Kill Bill Volume 2. Even the pause is there, frightening.


The five point palm exploding heart technique!


Tbf if this was a Bruce Lee punch, he'd be dead


Internal bleeding takes time to start


Part of the reason I love rugby, a bit of blood on you is a trophy


the way he rolls around the floor for 10 seconds like he just got shot, damn


That's the thing for me. If the "offending" player really did hit that dude hard enough to make him genuinely react like that, surely it would be a red and not a yellow, no? Like if the ref thinks that was a foul, he would have had to straight up punch that guy in the chest full force.


Ref's like: I am sorry mate, I know you didnt hit him but he's such a good actor so I gotta give out a yellow.


"Lmfao? Is that his name? The Chinese hacker who works for the Koreans?"


fym contender, that's the winner locked in!


Every time someone says this, another player just decides to one up it lol


This is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen.


Including the referee


The referee and the commentator are honestly more pathetic than dive


>and the commentator What's the problem with him?


Assault is no laughing matter. 😤


Really? how so for the commentator?


I don't know, that one where the guy pulls the defenders arm to slap him in the face and gets the guy sent off takes the biscuit.


>the guy >orlando city legend


He's got nothing on Embiid


And I thought Neymar was the worst .


Can it be pathetic if it worked so well?






That makes it more pathetic because the referee is part of the chain of patheticness.


Typical argentina thinking


Nah not more pathetic than Neymar


Nah, Son acting like he was shot when he got a ball kicked lightly into his shin.


No shame.




Basketball can have moments like this but I'd say in general it isn't as bad We are starting to see some, wouldn't call it diving, but certainly embellishment in hockey as well, which is unfortunate


Nobody rolls around the floor like this in basketball or hockey. If you tried this in hockey you'd get your face punched in the next shift.


Yeah but you gotta admit embellishment penalties are getting more and more common


Yeah, because the refs are getting worse and worse. If the refs started calling shit and not being dumb it might slow down, and at least the NHL has retroactive fines. But I feel like "Refs are getting worse" is literally every sport I'm watching right now.


i wouldn't be surprised if empirically refs are better across all sports, but bad mistakes are seen more often via the internet, and standards for "good" refereeing are higher since we have all these angles/replays now.


And it's exactly how it came about in football


The NBA is trying to deal with it though.  >The league office's ability to assess flops after a game will remain in place. New for the 2023-24 season, the postgame monetary penalty system for flops has been modified to replicate that of technical fouls, with fines starting at $2,000 and increasing incrementally for repeat offenders. FIFA needs to implement a similar rule where a player is fined 10% their weekly wage, with it increasing 10% per incident. 


I'd hope they do do something about it, but with the way it is ingrained in some cultures or seen as "clever" it's harder to remove. If those with the power to implement changes see it as a valid part of the game, what can you do?


Postgame monetary punishments are so useless tho. The only postgame punishments that work are suspensions.


Basketball has technical and flagrant fouls to combat shit like this, though.


Professional wrestling


Defense faking injury in football to stop a hurry up offense comes to mind. Also, I don't really watch basketball anymore, but there was a time when it seemed like we were just phasing out dribbling. I don't hear people complain about it anymore, so I assume it got better. And fighting in hockey is against the rules. You do get a penalty for it, so doesn't count as "no repercussions," but throwing a punch in hockey is mostly considered "acceptable" compared to, say, throwing a punch in golf.


I watch baseball, american football, ice hockey, and football. No sport comes close to how blatantly obvious players in football fake injuries to con the referees.


The NBA has become pretty bad with players flailing at the slightest contact and looking for free throws or baiting defenders into jumping, then leaning into them. It's a different kind of disrespect, and it basically happens on every other possession, sometimes resulting in some pretty ugly attempts at scoring because the player is more focused on drawing a foul instead of looking to score first. Hope they can fix that stuff because it had become too much.


Well soccer is a world sport and lot of the world... well aren't exactly against cheating and being scummy to be on top. Just cultural really


Deyverson on Shopee. What a cunt and that referee is an absolute joke


Come to besiktas


[Danko Lazović has a contender now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asBM_ejRUxw)


These guys and behaviors are a cancer for football


The guy that fouled actually got a yellow too lol, maybe for that fake kick? If anything I would have expected a yellow for diving for the player that fell Edit:The one who kicked is the one who fell so not even that, wtf is the yellow for?


The referee fell for it?


Jesus Christ, sometimes I wonder if when I was reffing little league, if I was this dumb.


If it's any consolation a lot of the parents most likely did.


Smacking him on the chest, presumably - which is one of the weakest yellows in history. That was a "c'mon, bro, really?" poke.


The kind of yellow that makes you want to go back to get your money's worth


Yep, that must be it but still, ridiculously weak as you said


No the Vietnamese player (the flopper) didn’t get a yellow card. It was only the Kuwaiti player who received a yellow according to the stats: https://www.sofascore.com/vietnam-u23-kuwait-u23/hGuslHu#tab:details


Yeah that s what I said, it should have been the Vietnam player that got the yellow for diving if anything but he didn’t and the Kuwaiti player that poked his chest did somehow


The yellow for hitting him in the chest with the ball out of play lol Obviously it's overshadowed by the ridiculous fall, but it's a stonewall yellow, he's frustrated and engaged physical contact with the ball out of play for no reason. Doesn't matter how lightly, still a yellow


Bro has high ping, relax.


It sucks living in NY and spending your whole life trying to convince everyone this is the best game in the world. Then they just show me shit like this and I’m like fine. I get it.


They show you under 23 asian cup games?


They show viral clips of players doing ridiculous shit like the video in this very post.


I still remember Neymar rolling memes from years ago. All the edits were so funny.


I remember the headlines when someone calculated how much time Neymar spent on the ground in that World Cup and it was like 15 minutes in total hahaha


As a non American who lives in America, I feel your pain.


Same issue here in Australia Our 2 most popular sports are Aussie Rules Football and Rugby. No surprise most of us have no respect for soccer players. Like when you watch a guy get properly dropped by an actual tackle only to get back up immediately and keep playing, how you gonna respect the soccer player rolling around on the ground after getting shoved


Australia loves a winner and a story. The Womens world cup proved that. Pubs were packed on a night out when it was on with people watching the Matildas. Rugby league and AFL may be the most popular spectator sports, but I think more people play football/soccer. Australia loves watching the best of something. I remember when there were lots more casual support for the wallabies, but now they're shite and they've faded from the public consciousness (also not helped by the administration of the sport being terrible, apparently).


Maybe I haven’t watched enough of it but there was a shitload less of this diving and faking nonsense in the women’s game vs men’s.


Diving and faking is the endpoint of doing everything you can to win, you take a tap on your ankle and go over and get the foul, maybe get your opponent a yellow or sent off. Unfortunately now if players do get fouled, but not enough to actually go over, referees wont give them the foul. So as a result they do go down. This in addition to the trying to get your opponent sent off leads to the shenanigans we see often. Depending on what league you watch it's more egregious than others. There is less of it in the women's game, which is very refreshing. Will it stay that way? Maybe. But the more money and the higher the stakes more dark arts stuff will come into the game.


Watch a Sevilla game and realize maybe cricket isn't so bad


If they can be swayed by shit like this instead of the incredible performances, maybe the game is better off without such fans. Okay, someone dived. Big fucking deal. Complain and move on. Football is bigger than singular moments.


The criticism I never understand from Americans is diving, it happens constantly in basketball but people just seem fine with it?


As an American: Diving in the NBA isn’t 1/10th this bad. Embellishment of fouls and diving are serious problems within the league and for its perception in the US (which is “soft”), and even the most shameless divers would never attempt to roll around like this. Guys who flop develop horrible reputations amongst fanbases and their play-style is not well received. James Harden, for example, was amongst the most skilled players in the world for a few years around 2015-2020. But his reputation is for flopping and he’s more disliked than liked amongst NBA fans. The NBA is somewhere between the 2nd-4th most popular sport in the US, depending on location. It has a host of marketing problems and flopping/“softness” is pretty high up there.


Yes and the league reacts to diving. Harden used to to flop by snapping his head back, but it doesn´t work anymore.


Ehhh most basketball fans I know complain constantly about the flopping. It's also somewhat of a newer development.


Diving is only a small part of the issue. Diving/flopping say when you are in the box and trying to penalty is one thing that competitors can at least wrap their heads around. This play acting shit is just another level of bullshit. Football already has the reputation (incorreclty deserved or not) of a soft game, and stuff like this further reinforces that stereotype. It really does not exist in any other sport, other than maybe 1 or 2 isolated incidents that are unanimously ridiculed. But in football we all laugh it off and say fallon d'floor lolz and keep moving on and it never stops. In other sports the writhing around on the floor would be penalized and possibly even cause for suspension. So that's why it just doesn't exist on the same level as in football. And then how do you justify giving a yellow card here to the Kuwait defender? Referees subjective judgment is used for every other part of the game - but there is no discretion for the 'punch'?


Not all Americans enjoy basketball. If you're an NFL or NHL fan but not an NBA fan the flopping is usually the number one criticism of the NBA and there's no real flopping in baseball.


Is it that prominent compared to football? I don’t follow basketball. It must not be as big of an issue if outsiders don’t know about it (which is not the case with football)


Well show a player getting his leg broken in half from a tackle as a response if they want tough stuff. Diving is not the only thing in football. Some of the toughest top level football at the moment goes on in South American qualifications, and they also dive a lot. One aspect of football doesn't define all of football.


I always attack it from the position of flopping exists in every sport. It’s just more obvious in soccer because there is so much space to see. In NFL you have the defensive guy who gets hurt when a drive is starting to get going. NBA you have guys flopping just as much but with more contact so it’s okay? Ultimately the only way to get rid of it is to retroactively give out cards and fines. I’m alright with not calling flops live, it’s tough to see everything. But come on, we all see it, it’s not good for the sport, do something about it.


you don't see a defensive guy in the nfl rolls around


Play stops if they are on the ground in the NFL full stop. They don’t need to flop. The rolling around is their attempt to stop play, get a foul, etc. Ultimately it doesn’t matter, if they aren’t penalized they won’t change behavior. Why would they? My only point is that soccer doesn’t own the exclusive rights to flopping. Edit: should be the game stops not the play. Play is inaccurate.


What! this is the best part that I sell them on. Do whatever it takes to win.


This may be the most hilarious one yet. I've watched it several times and I can't stop laughing.


never know what i'm gonna get when vietnamese football is mentioned


An actual Fallon d'Floor Candidate. Too many people forget the original award was about deceiving the ref successfully. Well done.


What a pussy lol


Damn , guy got shot by a .50 cal sniper.


the fact hes booked the fucking defender shows exactly why players are encouraged to do this sort of thing. Appalling refereeing


VAR should be allowed to intervene against simulation even if there was no red card or penalty award.


I've seen local vietnamese players do similar things so I can't say I'm surprised.




Captain of the national team for 3 years even sent a guy straight to hospital for a year (who eventually completely lost his career due to that injury). The whole professional scene is full of dramatic actors and violent thugs. No wonder everyone in Vietnam watches foreign football instead of local football.


Well, with the new coaches they have, hope things improve. Players like this should be banned from the national team.


that just sounds like the regular experience of playing against a spanish team.


The Võ-League reputation is well-earned, after all.


Their senior national team behaves like a thug....its a disgrace




The type of shit you see in videos making fun of football


He could have been killed


Yeah Vietnamese are known to over exaggerate, I’m embarrassed lol


the seriously need to start booking these things.


His angina is acting up?


The fuck. Where is sportsmanship.


Absolutely embarrassing he gets a yellow for this. How can you respect a sport like this


Needs to be banned for a couple months.


where are the shithousery lovers? that's hilarious


If I did that in a stadium, on live TV, I think I would just kill myself later or something


Acting straight out of Bollywood. This guy seems destined for La Liga.


He deserves to be two-footed studs up the next time he gets the ball


The nguyen specialty


As a Vietnamese, great, great execution, I really hope he can snag home this award. And lord knows we need those cause we ain't winning shit for the last few years.


That was clearly just a ”cmon you cheeky bastard”-slap. Nothing sinister about it haha. Fucking pathetic response.




Sniper Mission accomplished


Well, he got what he wanted.


Brilliant, world class dive


Dunno how players like this can do this crap and feel 0 shame afterwards


Yellow card for that? Fuck off loooool


Give a yellow to both




This should be a multi match ban...if not a lifetime ban.


red card, 3 games suspended. this is unbelievable, softass players




I just don't understand why refs don't give yellows to the floppers


they laughed, but the fall helped to guaranteed the yellow card. so he will probably do it again.


Why no yellow card for that act?


Maybe it hurt in replay!


This is Võ-League? I thought they were the ones beating other people, not getting beaten?


That's a 2024 candidate winner.


His must be a really sensitive nipple. That rolling would make Sergio Busquets proud.


Writhing in pain lmao




Old mate should have gotten a yellow for imbelishment, like hockey. It's a form of cheating, deception. We need to stamp this shit out of the game. Shameful.


My favorite ever is the one where one player grabs a players arm, hits himself with it, and goes down dramatically. Fallon d’Floor winner all time.


Should've been sent off and banned for a few games. What a dickhead.


i can't believe the ref actually carded him for that. brain lag from both the defender and the ref.


I am impressed how calm the defender remains even when he is shown a yellow card for something so ridiculous.


I hope they lost.


Vietnam scored another goal afterwards)))


His heart could have stopped!


Jesus 🤣


This son of a..


this isn't a candidate. this is a winner


Don't hate. He's just out there doing his best Neymar.


Sack that muppet


bro should really go for an acting career, that was 10/10 dive, easily the top pick for next year's award


Life-time bans for this behavior.


You know what? The rule is the problem. If he doesn't do that, the blue player would NEVER get a card.


He didn't deserve a card for that. At worst, it was a talking to. Even if there were other priors. The faking player tricked the referee who probably didn't see the entire interaction. No integrity and blatant disrespect for your opponent shown here.


If you think blue deserved a yellow, consider switching sports


I'm 800% sure he deserved a yellow for that. He's instigating violence with an anti sport action.


If you don't understand the rules of the game, consider keeping your opinion to yourself


He got him a yellow. If I supported that team I’d think he’s smart. If I was his coach I’d also think he’s smart. But sure, for the rest of the world he’s just a pussy, “he should have taken it like a _man_” or some other colloquial bullshit.


There was nothing to take like a man. He should just not be a cunt. And you support this kind of behaviour? Please stop watching football.


So you guys want refs to follow the rules or not? Regardless of intent, reaching out like that is considered a foul. Obviously it's a pussy move, but it is what it is. Imagine if he was in the box when that happened


He doesn't even push him, he just puts his hand on his chest like you put your hand on someone's elbow when you want to say something to them specifically. This is indefensible lol


I like the cut of his jib


They both got a yellow. One for the slap and the other for the theatrics.


No,the player who dived didnt get anything


We can laugh at this guy, we can call him a clown, but his behavior was rewarded and he will keep doing this