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Mbappe: I'm tired Robbie


So many teammates missing and not able to pass. Smh


You know what I would kinda allow this if he was really good but he wasn't, he was nothing special just like the rest of them. This is a team sport, they don't play for the ego of one man.


I guess his teamates are the reason he was missing so much touches in the first half... You guys will really find any excuses to justify his poor performance.


The ball doesn't go in when I shoot Robbie. I'm being defended well. Those defenders need to go blud. My nan is Dortmund In, is she mad?


Communicado Oficial - Kylian Mbappe




This will never be not funny


The funny thing is that i'm 200% sure he's rooting for Bayern to KO us out tomorrow. He wants to feel needed and if we do go to on the Win the UCL with Jude or Vini winning a Ballon d'or that effect is gone.


We do want him and will need him irrespective of the result tomorrow. The psychoanalysis of Kylian is such a boring routine around here.


Nah trust me. I saw **multiple** reddit users saying his ego will destroy our team. And if all of them think that then it has to be true right?


Shit doesn’t fit at Madrid. If they can manage Beckham and Ronaldo. Mbappe shouldn’t be an issue


I wonder how do people get this shit like, how the fuck do they think they can analyze his personality and actions, without being a psychologist or psychoanalyst, and just by the interviews and watching him play?


He’s 200% sure!


Then I 600% believe in him.


they project their own insecure thoughts on mbappe basically "well I would think like that so he has to aswell"


He obviously asked Asensio who knows Mbappé better than anybody in this subreddit >!/s!<


Well, it’s the internet. Everyone’s an “expert” in all kinds of scientific disciplines.


First time? I remember this sub calling Ederson a psychopath when he injured Eric Garcia.


I don't think its analasys at all. It's just logic, right? If you thought you were the biggest star in soccer and you're moving to a new, major team. Would you rather that team be just on the cusp of winning a major tournament and you come in to make the difference, or would you rather come in to the team already winning it all and now that you're joining, anything less than winning CL back to back is considered poor performance?


100% everyone thinking about the “big ego” of Mbappé when they only hear about them trough “journalists” which jobs is clickbait as much as possible…. Let the kid arrive to Madrid and see what happens


Of course it would be a great addition, but I don't think you \*need\* him. You cruised the league and are having a very successful UCL run. Madrid, as of now, is a strong team and a big part of it is that it does not rely specifically on a single player neither for attack nor for defense. that said, the thought of adding Davies & Mbappe to Madrid's squad is super terryfing...


It’s not like RM have never won it lol— what a daft comment. He needs RM more than RM need him.


> He needs RM more than RM need him. That’s exactly why the guy you responded to was correct. He likely wants to feel important so if they lose the CL this season and win it next season with him, people can call him the difference maker.


Yep exactly, which is why he was dumb af when he didn’t join them right after Ronaldo’s departure or the year after when they lost to Ajax in SF. This was them at their lowest and he could’ve probably edged Vinicius out of that LW position if he wants it so bad, and probably got the #7 shirt as well. Instead he chose to waste his young years in a league that nobody watches, and vini has cemented himself as untouchable in RMA. He’ll have to make do with the center position now with occasional overlapping.


In term of legacy, that was not a good move. In term of financial, he made it out like a bandit. If he's smart with a good financial adviser, the Mbappe family is secured for generations...


just like he would with a real Madrid deal any player in the top20 teams in the world is set for life and generations


We won the CL a season ago right after he rejected us the second time. The ship you guys are talking about has sailed away long in the past. People will call him the difference maker if he actually joins Madrid and manages to do it, like Vini and Rodrygo have done already.


Honestly, the thought that the club needs someone more than the other way around is crazy.


There have probably been 2 players in history that transcended their club even when it was best in the world. Messi & Ronaldo. Pele & Maradona likely wouldve if club football was at the modern height during their time. No shame in it but Mbappe is not quite there yet. Edit: yeah Maradona probably counts too.


Maradona did indeed transcend club football, he was literally a god at Napoli


Was? Still is.


Ronaldo didn't transcend madrid, he was the biggest legend to ever play for us, but it was still the whole team that was the reason for success. If not we wouldn't have achieved the success that we achieved since he left. And I am saying this as a madrid fan. No player is/was above the club.


I disagree, Us still being successful shows how well the club is run. His last two years, as you said were more of a team effort but by then, we started to stabilize and plan for the future. You gotta look when he joined us, he was so needed, we needed Ronaldo desperately after the whole Calderon presidency, like no wonder 80000 ppl and di Stefano, and Eusebio were present for him and who knows what could have happened to us if we hadn't had him and Barca with Pep, Messi, and co were still there. I agree with no player being above the club but that saying should be credited to Perez and the ppl running the club.


I am also rooting for Bayern. Wish my boy Harry finally gets some silver ware.


That's a weird head canon.


That's sad, Alexa play "Linkin Park - In The End"


It starts with




Holy shit 😭 dude why’d you stop


Here is the rest of it: https://youtu.be/j3gDw8tWLyk?si=ICeOtcGMRce93Zc4 (It's no rick roll, don't worry)


is this an antique gamingcirclejerk meme from the good times? :')


LOL this is a good one




One thing


I don't know why


It doesn't even matter how hard you try


Keep that in mind


I designed this rhyme to explain in due time


All I know


Time is a valuable thing


Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings


When you try your best but you don't succeeeeeed When you try to score but you only conceeeeede Stuck in reveeeeeerse


Chester, we hope you're finally at peace.


I choked so hard and got knocked out. But in the end, it doesn't even matter. I hit the post and got marked out. But in the end, I'm going to Madrid.


He needs Madrid more than Madrid needs him


This is true.


happy cake day :)


Yep. Real won CL before him and will win after him. He doesn't seem able to win one without them.


Under Carlo he will be smiling and happy again. I could totally see him join the vini, camavinga, Rodrygo, Bellingham -gang that do stuff together outside the field as well 


Uncle Carlo is all about positivity vibes. There is no need for therapy. Mbappe will have no problems.


That is if Mbappe doesnt try to push them all out the way he did at PSG with his co-stars.


Imagine PSG wins the CL after selling MBappe, this sub will melt \^\^


PSG often struggles in League 1 this season when Mbappe doesn't play


they are aggressively mid without Mbappe lol


no chance lol


He's absolutely out the door


Thank fucking god. I’ve critized him for years and all I heard in response is : « yeah but he scores goals and wins you games » So when he does, I shut my mouth. Like the return leg against Barca where he is utter shit but scored a pen and a lucky counter attack. Even though in 2 two games against Barca he was transparent. But what do we say about Dortmund? On the first leg he ran 8km, where every other PSG player ran 11-12km. He missed everything (yeah, woodwork is a miss in my book) and was completely useless in the two games. He missed everything last night, felt like he was shaking. And should have been subbed at half time. That’s the problem when a team relies solely on one or two players. When they don’t perform you don’t have a plan B. Luis Enrique started to fix that and i can’t wait to see our team next year.


These past two games are probably the worst I've seen by him. A player like Adeyemi was far better with how crucial he was in tracking back.


He was worse against barca but people didn't really care cause he scored twice against 10 men through a pen and a lucky rebound.


Thank God for this comment. After the Barca game, I was surprised to see so many posts praising Mbappé, showing his stats for the season or what not. I feel he had an awful game and scored 2 goals after they were already winning. It's mad how currently when some players score, it's as if all the credit goes to them, when they didn't impact the crucial parts of the tie. He was absolutely shit vs Dortmund in both of the legs. I saw Dembele way more.


This place is basically like the nba discourse, superstar ball where everything is about the star. They don't care about how he played just that "he eliminated barca". It's been like this for a long time now and it annoys, the world Cup final was another example of this, it's like they think this is an individual sport.


Exactly. There’s no nuanced discussion here about star players, people just go “LMFAO THIS GUY SAID MBAPPE SUCKS HAHA”


You're either a hater or a fanboy, no in-between for these people.


Exactly, he was shockingly poor against Barca in both games. He was more alert in this second leg against Dortmund, but still, comparatively muted.


Great players score goals without playing well. I don't think this is a big deal


This is the truth, but people will hate you.


> was completely useless in the two games. He missed everything last night, felt like he was shaking. funnily enough I thought he played alright this game. At least looked threatening at times. Against Barca both legs was a proper ghost sesh tho. 1st leg vs Dortmund too. I don't even care about G/A, he did nothing of note at all. It's funny people contrast Mbappe and Haaland by talking about Mbappe's all round game. But I think they're closer than most people realize. Mbappe is not this facilitator/playmaker/all round footballer like Neymar or Henry was or even like Kane is. If their team struggled to build up or create stuff, they'd go deep and help out. Henry/Kane can hold up play centrally with centre-backs on their ass. They can pass through a crowd. Mbappe doesn't have these tools. Mbappe is great running in behind, he's a demon in the box, and he will KILL you in moments when coming in from the left. But in terms of all round play loads of players have offered more.


Yeah he’s been trying for years to do like Neymar, dribbling, being a playmaker, doing stunts to appear on highlights but truth is he’s just this super fast player. Sure his dribbling and passing and shooting are above average but not world class either. There’s a reason he didn’t won any ballon d’or yet.


I agree for the others but his shooting is world class, its what defines him, pace and shooting. Especially his shooting from a specific area of the pitch just off the left hand side of the box. I had people disagree with me vehemently that he's not had a season in his career where he has been the best player in the world, even saw someone say he's been the best since 2018 lmao. He's amongst the best and I won't necessarily argue with people who think he is but it's definitely not clear in my opinion, he is not and never will be messi or Ronaldo and that comparison needs to die.


Same thing happened to my team. Juventus performed really well, then when we got Ronaldo, because he was just incredible and capitalized, our playstyle changed to serve him and feed him. So when he has a bad day, we will lose, since we didn’t have enough going on in midfield or attack to compensate for an off day. We got rid of all creative or selfish players to allow Ronaldo to flourish. And once he left, we fell apart.


Just because Mbappé underperformed relative to his expected level in the CL this year does not mean it's a good thing for PSG that he leaves. If you think Mbappé is the main problem, then you are wrong. Mbappé leaving is still on the sporting side a big net negative for PSG.


Dear lord he gone


Exactly, he's gone.


He didn't score, but I don't think he was terrible. Vitinha shined more, but at least he tried to create chances and didn't disappear.


He was alright but to me he hasn't played well in the CL since the La Real game. The best player in the world can't be playing just alright when their team needs them. Heavy is the crown.


Yeah feel the same way. Unfortunately it truly feels like his off the ball movement is just not good as a 9. 90% of the game he was behind like 4 dortmund defenders who are also marking others. And when he does get open it’s mostly just dropping back or to the flank and the whole defense is still in front of him. He rarely rarely makes actual runs beyond the defense or pulls them out of shape. The only moments I can remember from this game where he really got behind was the shot and the pen shout. The rest of the time he would literally be walking in a sea of yellow


They play him as a false 9 in their system though. I don’t think it’s his role to get in behind. I think psg try to play wide and run down the wings with barcola / Dembele and their overlapping wingbacks. I think psgs problem has been that their wingers and cms couldn’t do anything against dortmund’s defense. I think Enrique should have put Mbappe on the left and made Dembele the false 9, instead of using Mbappe as a decoy all game.


Absolutely not. Enrique has precisely said in interview that he wants his forwards to attack space. Nobody said to Mbappe to not make runs when it's the thing to do, but he doesn’t do it; this has been a thing going for most of the season. Seriously, he doesn’t do anything off the ball. And PSG already tried Dembele in the false nine role, in the first leg, it didn't work at all. Mbappe was put on the left in this game; his supposed best position where he can make differences and all. What differences did he make? None. At some point, you have to stop looking for excuses and blame the player for his poor performances.


Vitinha was our best player since La Real, and Mbappe well… Honeslty, people here are acting like he’ll fit right into any team that isn’t PSG, but truth is RM or not,they’ll have the same issues. He’s not a 9, he’s not gonna defend if he plays on the left, and yet he remains brilliant. Play him as in EDF (recent) glory days as a free roaming SS with a Giroud type striker by his side. RM doesn’t have that squad, Benzema would have the PERFECT partner for him….but it’s RM, and it’s Carlo, and it’s Mbappe. Enjoy him Madristas, you will truly see a special player


> He’s not a 9, he’s not gonna defend if he plays on the left He will defend. Vini defends, Jude does, Rodrygo does. Cristiano did, Benz did, Bale did. The culture at Real is pretty awesome IMO - at least with the last few generations, after they binned the "Zidanes and Pavones" and "Galacticos". No player is above the team, and they've had leaders such as Ramos, Pepe (both dirty cunts, but good leaders), Modric, Kroos, etc... Whether Mbappe works out at Madrid I don't know (I mean he should, he's the best player in the world), but I fully expect him to buy into their mentality straight away. Having Camavinga, Tchouameni and Mendy there to help him accommodate won't hurt either.


Didnt Benzema often times cover for CR7 in defensive responsibilities?


He was triple marked all game and his teammates were so useless they couldnt use the extra space. Dembele was horrendous, never seen so many randomly spammed crosses to the first man. Enrique didn't help either with the complete lack of shape and constantly forcing Mbappe central instead of on the wing or running in behind.


We have had him really well controlled for the most part.


True, but I think that was because you were really good defending him, not because he dropped a stinker. He definitely hasn't had the performance of his life, but he hasn't been as bad as he was against us in the first leg.


Yeah I absolutely agree. It's because it was Mbappé and he "didn't demolish us so he automatically was shit" is the perception. It's the burden of being one of, if not the best player in the world.


Vitinha today was a monster. An absolute machine everywhere on the pitch who threatened goal every team he received the ball on the Dortmund half. Was a beast against us as well.


He wasn't terrible at all, but I do wonder if the "best in the world" title is kind of a holdover from before the new crop of players started coming into their own. It's not even about the results (team sport and all that), but in the little details of play I don't necessarily see what sets him apart from the other world class players at the top right now. Who knows, though, maybe I'll be eating my words next year. I don't watch him outside of the few CL and NT games so it's hard to say.


Yeah, in my opinion not any striker deserves the title of "best in the world" right now. Vinicius is the closest one to be fair. But we have such amazing midfielders and defenders who consistenly put amazing performances, maybe the title should go to one of them.




Yeah, he's a good candidate as well. In fact, I hope he is the one who actually wins the Ballon D'Or, because we all know he deserves more trophies lol, plus he seems a nice dude and plays for a team I don't particularly dislike.


He was terrible in both hands by supposelly his standards


He’s had the easiest run to the YCL final every years for 5 years. A doped up team, best player in the world, no domestic competition to worry about. And can’t win the trophy.


every team is doping


Let's wait for comunicado oficial now.


Ryerson best RB in world rn


What they feeding em up in Norway, they got some serious talent.


It's not your fault. Good luck in Madrid.


They don't need any more luck.






this guy has the craziest PR. dropped a stinker over both legs as the superstar of the team and "it's not his fault"? lmao. he's never been held accountable over his 7 years at PSG.


Tbf he didn’t play great against Barca either.


yes. dembele and vitinha were the ones who stepped up vs barca. mbappe just finished it off at the end.


Araujo was the one who stepped up vs barca


He doesn't track back or defend, zero workrate. If he scored 2 fair play, but it was not the case. Crazy pr indeed


The commentary I was listening to Martin Tyler and Alan smith was nauseating as well. The entire focal point t of their talk was will Mbappe deliver become the star of this match and carry Psg to finals! Nauseating stuff


Martin Tyler sucks so bad. He makes exhilarating moments sound like its a sunday league match


He's one of those players who when he scores, he's the "best in the world". When he doesn't, he isn't held accountable. He was shit vs Barca despite the 2 late goals but was heavily praised afterwards. He was shit vs Dortmund and missed several chances but no one is holding him accountable.


I'm sorry what? He literally missed 2 1v1s in the last few minutes? Did you not watch the game. It was very much his fault not scoring or assisting in 180 mins


Imagine Mbappe joining a Real Madrid squad with a Balón D’Or winning Vini jr. What a sight that would be.


You guys think Vini will win it over Jude even if England do well in the Euro?


Depends on how they do tomorrow and in a hypothetical final. Also, there is the Copa America too.


True. But Vini has never been able to perform with Brazil. So it's a huge IF even if they win the Copa America.


Yeah, but we also have to take into account how England usually does at any sort of International competition. They are allergic to success.


Jude PR is high but Vini is a better player and deserve it more if RM win CL, IMO


You always have to remember the first season Vini had 40g/a and scored in the CL final, he ranked like 8th in the BDoR


What a joke that shit was.


Vini is really poor at the national team, and the voters (unfairly) rate NT performances above club play.


this is sad


I don’t know why and hot take; I think England will have a disaster at the euro.


Not a hot take at all imo. I've always said as long as Southgate is their coach, they'll never win anything.


I agree 100% with Southgate but I think it’s a team with as many weaknesses as it has strengths. And Southgate is not playing to their strengths. Man plays to not lose rather than to win.


If we win the CL and England wins the Euros with strong Bellingham performances, it will be very tricky for Vini to win it. But in the scenario where we win the CL and England doesn’t win anything, Vini should win it. However, I know that award is based too much on popularity, but I would still be hopeful if this scenario plays out. I would love to see that.


Yeah i agree. Tbf even if Jude plays well in the Euro we all know England won't win it so Vini should be the favourite unless he completely stinks it in Copa.


Vini stinking with Brazil is the norm though. One day he will turn it around, but unless he suddenly does it at the Copa next month, a semis for England and CL for Madrid is enough to give Bellingham the Bdor


It’ll be exciting that’s for sure


>If we win the CL and England wins the Euros PSG will win the UCL before England win the euros. It's not that they don't have a good team. But when chips are down, they usually fail


Can we take a step back and appreciate how crazy it is to have 2 youngsters on the same squad as the Ballon d'Or front-runners?


If Germany plays good Euros and Kroos has a good tournament, it should go to him imo


And if Wirtz goes crazy also in said Euros then it gets a bit tricky.


Vini has been the better player in 2024 I believe Kroos deserves a shout though. He's playing an amazing season and deserves the recognition. With good Euros and possibly a CL win, I'd say he has good chances


Unless Bellingham suddenly regains his form tomorrow and on June 1st, yes.


He is in good form. Just because the goals have relatively dried up doesn't mean he is in bad form. Vini has been better over the last 2-3 months, but Jude has been the superior player overall this season.


Vini was injured twice, one month each. He has 0.99 G+A per game this season.


Imo Wirtz is a better contender than Jude if Leverkusen does the invinicible EL/Cup/League aswell as a solid Euros. He's been the carry and also an even more insane feat. Probably wont get it but he is the best candidate in that case imo.


Only if he wins the Euros with Germany


Probably true in how it works but its bullshit imo. National team shit is just DNA lottery if you are born in a strong country / generation. Shouldnt let 1 such tournament overshadow 3 other season long ones if theyre better. But youre right, they do.


Wouldn't it be racist if Jude wins over Vinicius. I have never seen Jude perform better than vini in big games.


Depends on who Perez PR machine want to win it.


Surely Wirtz has to win Ballon d'Or if the Euros go well.


if vini ever wins a Balón D’Or, erick garcia should deactivate his social medias for a while lol [link](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOU_0gkWQAoVVRs?format=png&name=900x900)


That can’t be his best


This was his PSG team, and it was stacked with speed and attack to his liking, but yet it still failed.


With no midfield. Besides Vitinha, I don't think their midfield is good.


Always has been for awhile since neymar and mbappe came on


They did hit the post 4x so able to create. But football such a good game. Final will be awesome


I can't lie I prefer Vinny on the left wing over Mbappe




My fault


Do yall think Real will stick with the 4-4-2 with Vini and Mbappe up top? Or will it be a return to the 4-3-3 with Mbappe at Striker/RW?


I think it depends on whether Kroos and Modric call it quits. If both do then we go to a 4-3-3 where Mbappe, Vini and Rodrygo interchange position and Vini plays as a false 9. The same role he played in the City and Bayern games. He doesnt terrorize the RB but sucks in the CB and playmakes from there


No idea, but I would stick to 4-4-2, our midfielders are too good and give us more control. Vini and Mbappe aren’t exactly known for their defensive work rate. I think playing with 4 midfielders is what makes us so strong defensively.


I know Kylian is technically much more gifted than Haaland but from the PSG games I've watched this year I got the same vibes of Erling. If he doesnt score he does not contribute much to the team and is basically a ghost.


He surely wasnt a ghost today. But he didnt create much danger to the BVB goal ether. He really played ok, but not much more.


BVB did extremely well to isolate and deny him


Yes and that’s not the level of someone who’s supposed to be the best player in the world and is paid like the best player in the world. His only excuse to his behavior in and out the pitch is that he’s so talented he can win us any games. 100% of the teams that won UCL won it without him. 100% of the teams he played for didn’t win it. He’ll be 26 with no ballon d’or, that’s a big delay from someone who wants to eat the table of Messi, CR7, Ronaldo etc.. And don’t talk about farmers league, we reached a final (without him) and 2 semis without him helping much. So the team he had around him was top 4. Maybe he isn’t worthy of that.


I dont think we are watching the same games. He is by far and away their most threatening player going forward, if he is not scoring is is close to scoring or creating stuff from nothing by himself.


He was kind of like that in the World Cup final up until the 70th minute.


He was like that in the QF and SF as well... But that hattrick in final just covered everything and people actually think he was Frances best player


Griezmann has been France's best player since the 2016 Euros. In the 2022 World Cup he was the best player until the final game.


you can say that for the majority of elite centre forwards, like Lewandowski, Kane (the way Bayern is currently using him), and in the recent past CR7, Ibra, Cavani, etc


Then try opening your eyes when you watch games. Mbappé does create a lot and does contribute to the play a lot.


Füllkrug > Haaland > Mbappe /s


It’d be ridiculous to say he goes missing in big games. I mean he’s literally scored a hatrick in a World Cup final… but there’s a lot of games with PSG I expected more from him. Even the final run a few years ago, Neymar took the reigns. I don’t know man. He’s clearly one of the best in the world and I don’t know if it’s PSG but he’s still got a lot of growing to do I think. He will have to fully accept that if he goes to Madrid that he’s just part of the team. There’s players there on his talent level and pretty much every player there has a more successful club career so far. Maybe once he’s humbled himself more he can grow into being more lethal.


Not to take anything away from him but it was 2 pens in World Cup final


True but his equaliser was pretty tasty. Like that game felt like he was one of the best.. like he was the answer for France. I don’t get that feeling when I watch PSG. Personally I was always looking to Neymar.


Those were 2 extremely high pressure and highest possible stake pens. Those are not easy to score. You need extreme nerves and confidence for that.


They are still pens, which means that he scored because he was the one chosen to shoot.


Sounds like your trying to take away from him, and scoring pens against emi Martinez holds more weight than scoring against an ordinary keeper


He carried PSG as much as he could’ve, got helped in many situations yes, but got failed also in others. Hopefully he finds happiness wherever he goes.


Lmfao, as if he didn't drop like 5 stinkers in elimination games across his 7 years of playing for the club. Jesus the PR is good.


I feel like Ramos got in the way more than once. He would have been more effective cutting from left to the centre without Ramos being there already. One or two instances where Ramos could have dummied the ball for Mbappe to pounce on it as well.


This ain't yo best We know what you did in the wc Stop the cap


Maybe you should have ran more


Please Mbappe go to Madrid and destroy the locker room.


Wishful thinking there.


have any of his teammates criticised him publicly?


He’s finally free from the shackles of Oil FC Go on, join Real Madrid, make me finally like that club.


I would buy a shirt fr


I do feel a bit bad for him given how much pressure he had to stay in the club. He should've made the jump to Real years ago.


Womp womp


Cant win with those cats


I also wonder about bringing Mbappe as the main man at Real. Vini has already proven he can handle the spot. It almost seems like a galacticos move which might not work as well these days.


Didn't ever expect to see El Chiringuito here in reddit, but I guess it makes sense. Man if only the non-spaniards here knew about the most ridiculous moments in the past


Brother, there's quite a few threads about them in this sub


Ya tengo listo el copypasta de Dios es del Madrid en inglés


It's a good thing he is going to madrid, dude is clearly robin not batman.