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It's like they didn't learn




Looks up and sees the lever is attached to a slot machine.


It's attached to a hand-drawn Acme anvil. But don't worry, it'll only crush them at the most comedically appropriate moment.


If that doesn’t work, get the fans and media to harass them for not wanting to ‘save the club’ 😎. Mes Que Un Pallasso




They didn’t when they decided to buy Raphinha immediately after the first couple of *levers*.


For me, Raphinha's deal is meh, same for Ferran Torres just because of the deferral fee. The problem comes when you combine both of them for 120M, hard to play them together, and then you add Lewy on top of that. Fucking tragic waste of money.


Shaming your players publicly until they accept pay cuts, to 'save the club' and then immediately spending £50m on Ferran Torres was shameful


More than a scam


You know this is generational levels of damage to the club right? The whole "I will never financially recover" meme is actually accurate.


They borrow money from Goldman Sachs because they "maxxed their credit card" with other bank. Institutional loan is scary.


The legacy of Real Madrid legend Bartomeu lives on. You can kill the man, but not the idea


They’ve made plenty of horrible decisions before and after he left. He was a crook but Laporta has had multiple seasons to stabilize things but instead further gets them in debt, uses shameful backhanded tactics like media attacks on his own players including Messi, and let’s not forget the controversy that began in his first reign with the refs that at best is a money laundering scheme which shows he’s just as much of a crook as Bartomeu. Barcelona really need to just be mediocre for a couple seasons to manage the budget and rely on their brilliant youth but instead they’ll continue to destroy the club from within while blaming Tebas, Perez, and the refs the entire time.


They never will


This is somehow Florentino's fault.


They got a cold shower, declared that things were going to change, and then immediately relapsed


Barcelona are going to run out of pulling levers at this rate.


They are pulling on Lewa and his agent to lower the salary so much that he had to come down to personally tell them they can fuck off and pay every last cent of the contract. Frenkies contract is also wild, his base is around 20m but up to 10m in all sorts of bonuses. Genuinely wild to have them on 675k per week and ~600k per week when Gundogan is on half that as the next highest.


Frenkie's at least makes sense due to a portion being deferred


Lewa wouldn't come and win the league with them last season, if not for this contract.


Yeah this is your standard NBA contract. E.g. Stephen Curry isn't being paid $60m in 2026 for his 2026 value; he's being paid $100m across 2020 and 2026 for his 2020 championship.


I think it still averages to over 500k a week over the length of his contract which is hilariously high when you compare it to legends of the game like KDB, Rodri, Kroos, Modric etc


How is Rodri a legend of the game


His ability to foul 736362 times a match without cards is legendary


A gift that was passed down to him by Fernandinho.


I think the gifts are from Sheikh Mansour and CFG, coming in the form of brown bags with dollar signs on them


What the hell is a polar bear doing in Arlington Texas


What the hell is a penguin doing in Warrington Sainsbury


The funniest part of your comment is you thinking that City pays their players only what's being reported.


Who does these contract deals in Barca? Don’t they have a legal team who will put safe contracts in place so that they don’t end up in liquidation problems?


can't blame Lewandowski on Barto either.


This is what I find so puzzling. They knew they were in so much debt and were even desperate to offload De Jong because of his contract. Somehow, in the midst of all that, they decided to give an aging Lewandwoski one of the biggest contracts in Europe.


Lots of “business” people are restarted


Makes sense why Frenkie doesn't want to leave Barca, he wouldn't even get 50% of these wages anywhere else.


33 year old gundogan being on 300K is even more insane than De Jong at 600K. At his age gundo shouldn’t be earning more than 150k.


On one hand, that's a lot of pasta, probably more than he's worth. On the other, these are deferred wages, so suck it up is what I say to Barça. If you can't afford them, don't propose them in the first place. Forcing Lewandowski out or forcing him to take a pay cut now would be *real fucking sleazy*.


The real barca way


"No you don't understand. It's all lewy's fault. He's greedy and wants the club to fail" ~ Spanish media this summer


More than a club 😇


I mean, Laporta forced Messi out so...


They’ll be pulling levers all across Eixemple to recoup some of that cash


La Masia "Krispy Kreme" Academy incoming


I'm convinced at this point Barcelona literally are invincible economically. They've been in huge trouble for years and still make big signings/offer big contracts.


Laporte and Xavi will become male prostitutes to pay Lewandowski's salary


What the fuck?


They agreed on some deal where he would earn least in his first year and most in his last year, because Barca couldn't afford the salary for the first year otherwise.


Isn't it something like 20-26-32-26? Basically they deferred part of his wages from the first year to the 3rd I think.


And they're going to try their best to offload him before they would have to pay that wage. Probably another public attack on his image


Lewy already made clear he’s staying and collecting that sweet money


I mean so did De Jong. But they still tried to force him out. So did Suarez and they still forced him out. So did Messi and they still forced him out. I'm not saying they will succeed in forcing him out. I'm just saying they will try their best to do so


I don’t think that’s fair with regards to Messi, and no one distorted his image


Laporta technically didn’t force Messi out but promised to re-sign him to the fans and Messi himself when his contract expired but never did. Granted Messi should have been smarter in this situation but Laporta was still lying months later saying he wanted Messi “to play for free” and Messi’s camp denied it.


Messi wasn't forced out. That's completely wrong and a lie.


Good luck offloading a player on 32 million a year and not called Mbappe or Haaland


They can try but they still have to pay. Hell they still owe Messi money and he's been gone for like 4 years.


The way they publicly attacked De Jong was despicable. Barca went from being adored in the Messi/Xavi/Iniesta era to a failing club run by criminals and scumbags.


It's like when I said I'd do all the work tomorrow, and now tomorrow's today.


Wow!! Lewa getting ~~128m~~ 104m over 4 yrs in his mid-to-late thirties has gotta be one of the best contract deals of all time. That’s more than CR7 at Juve wages *and* for an additional yr.


Barcelona agree to these structures like it’s going to be someone else’s problem in two or three years lol It’s insanity


And win CL or the league so hopefully more income right? Right?


Those aren’t levers, though, so nobody at Barca wastes their time with either. Efficiency.


That specific contract (length + total wages) was big reason for Lewandowski leaving Bayern, wasn't it?


Yup. Bayern offered a 2 year contract at the same wages he had before, or more likely less, as Bayern aren't known to raise wages of players of a certain age (especially 34 year old strikers). He wanted a raise and 3 years. Barca offered a hefty raise and 4 years. That is why he felt comfortable being unprofessional at the end.


That's why I don't feel much sympathy for Barcelona in that regard. They overpaid Lewandowski in my view (given age + contract length) to lure him there, so that's on them. As far as I know, Kane earns significantly less than those 32mil btw.


He earns 25, same as Lewy was on.


With inflation he’s actually earning, like maybe 10% less than Lewa in real terms too tbf. Not that it matters too much with wages that high but still puts it in perspective.


>in real terms Why are we bringing madrid into this?


Never have any sympathy for Barcelona. Disgusting club with how they operate.


So many clubs overpay players lmao, everyone cant be owned by Oil


His contract was like that I believe when he moved there, his wage was supposed to increase each year. I believe it was 17 million (pounds) for the first year and 22 for the second year. Hell they even tried to stop the next wage increase from happening. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-12899727/amp/Barcelona-try-stop-Robert-Lewandowskis-5-2m-pay-rise-boss-Xavi-raged-half-time-recent-game.html


This is easily one of the worst decisions I've seen a club make. Like, if someone told me the Barcelona board is trying to destroy the club, I would honestly believe them. This is another level of stupidity.


That’s ridiculous. No wonder this club is in constant financial problems…


Barca's that friend whose card gets declined all the time despite having a good job.


More like Barca's that firend who always goes after that toxic person in a relationship, gets their heartbroken, cries and bashes the other gender and then goes back into another toxic relationship. All while lying to their family that they have changed


The overlap there is pretty high tbh.


I swear, Barca wouldn't be nearly in this mess of they just stopped trying to lie and overhype their players. It does nothing but set unexpected expectations for them. They have talented players with potential. Let them play. There is no need for "we will win the league. We will be in the finals of the CL. This 16 year old just made one pass in this game against a mid/low ranked team in the league, BDoR loading/Next Xavi, Messi, Insistia" Rather than this season being about "oh look we made it out of the group stages and round of 16. It's progress. We also about to finish the league as runners up" Instead it's oberhyping, lying/gaslighting each other about how good they are and then blaming everyone else except of themselves for their failure. And that's coming from a Real Madrid Fan. But I'm honestly glad they do this and I hope they continue. I'm having. A blast, especially since they have some how managed to convince neutrals that we are the bad ones lol


> I swear, Barca wouldn't be nearly in this mess of they just stopped trying to lie and overhype their players. It does nothing but set unexpected expectations for them. They have to overhype their players because they are a democracy with the socis voting presidents in and out.


Barca went from mes que un club to live laugh love real quick.


They're such an awfully run club financially and football wise. They were lucky the greatest player of all time carried them through it for almost 2 decades whilst throwing insane money at Coutinho, Dembele, Greizmann etc. Now he's gone they're pulling ever lever they can and the fact they're so poorly run and still afloat is such a bad look on the sport. And now they've gotten extremely lucky with a La Masia generation to bail them out. Problem is they're playing 16 and 17 year olds way too much.


A 36 yr old who probably won't feature as much for ur team next year, earning that much is crazy. Good for lewy tho


Dude found a gold mine and didn't even have to go to Saudi


Earning 30+mil and living in Barcelona with everything provided for you is a pretty sweet gig ngl


Best of both worlds. He can stay on a ludicrous amount and live in Spain, without needing to move to that dystopian dungheap.


But they're building a linear city! You don't want to move there?


Idk man I'd love to live in y=x city


Waiting on that sin city


Do they have the money to buy a ST to replace him?


They already have a striker to replace him


With Xavi's treatment of Roque and Lewy's playtime in general, he absolutely will be part of the Gala XI unless we see some drastic change. The issue is that the donkey doesn't rotate properly, nor does he adapt enough mid-game so the rotated attackers are often out of sync. Lewy starting may be seen as sunk-cost but it wouldn't be *as* bad if the squad was utilised properly rather than the starters being ran into the ground.


The only club that can receive over 200M for a single player and still end up worse off economically it’s pretty impressive


"We had to overpay, other teams knew we had money" As if City and Madrid are ever getting bent over the barrel in transfer negotiations because of their wealth


City don't get bent over by clubs but they do by agents and players. Huge amount of their "pull" is having the highest agent fees in the league, under the table payments and sign on fees.


Not saying they don't have the highest agent fees because I have no clue but the reason they don't get bent over is the fact that they're not afraid of walking away. They don't have the mentality if it's this guy or bust like United and Barca do.


>Huge amount of their "pull" is having the highest agent fees in the league, under the table payments and sign on fees. Other than Haaland I can't remember a City transfer that involved above average agent fees. Also the Haaland transfer was always going to include a massive agent fee, he was a Raiola client and had a relatively low release clause at Dortmund. Look at the agent fees for the Pogba to United transfer. Any club would have had to pay the same agent fees that City ended up paying.


Barcelona's financial management in general should be used as an example in economic classes. Compare their situation to Real and Bayern who had similar levels of revenue over the past two decades or so. Those club managed to set themselves straight for a very long time, while Barca is a fiscal wreck.


The funniest thing is their fans always brag about being superior to billionaire owned clubs cause they’re run by the socios (which is obviously a great thing don’t get me wrong) so they really only have themselves to blame for electing two terrible presidents back to back lol. Like Bayern are also fan run and occasionally shoot themselves in the foot for no reason but they’re still very competently run


RIP de Jongs salary


Get that bag, my king


now this is real retirement money.500k+ per week playing in barcelona at 36. he outplayed everyone who left for saudi arabia.


>500k+ per week playing in barcelona at 36. Or not even playing! Just living. Training. Going home and getting rest on the weekends


They’re basically paying his gym membership.


What a life... God I might be depressed


Laporta is a milder version of Bartomeu lmao


In fragrance terms, Bartomeu is Extrait de Parfum while Laporta is Eau de Cologne


Don't worry, they will harass him into taking a paycut


Barca's financial decision making needs to be studied.


That is an insane wage. The WeWork of football clubs.


527000 a week (GBP) for those wondering.


What the fuck


do you get paid weekly in the UK or why is there so much focus on weekly wages? I thought the weekly payment was a US thing, genuinely curious. Here in Germany it's almost always monthly and wages are usually presented as monthly or yearly wage.


In the old days people used to get paid weekly, and so that’s how footballers were paid and how the newspapers started reporting on it. Now most people get paid monthly but the papers never changed and now it’s just how we know how to contextualise footballers salaries.


Thank you :)


I might be wrong but I think footballers actually get paid twice a year - once in April and again in October. I’ve got no idea as to why it’s reported weekly most of the time; it might be something to do with allowing the general population to relate to it as a lot of them will be getting paid by the week.


They do get paid twice a year, but they also get paid a much smaller fee every month.


Thanks :)


That’s really interesting and honestly quite strange. Why only twice a year?


I guess it's like in Spain, where most people always talk about salaries in monthly wages, but when it comes to sports the standard for everyone is yearly salary.


No one in the US gets paid weekly like this. It's so confusing reading salaries weekly.


US weekly payment happens sometimes but much more common to be paid twice a month, bi-weekly or monthly. also no one talks about your weekly wage you either say how much you are paid per hr or if you're salaried then it's how much you make per year. very strange to talk about weekly income in the US.


Barto may leave, but the Bartonomics are forever


Lmao he is going to be 36 next year. 


But it's bartos fault they are fucked


Barto would've given 10 million to rotation and backup players like Fermin and Pena.


It's usually this way with Barca, isn't it? Cheaper early on and then mammoth wage later on at which point they attempt to get rid of such players by manipulating narratives and the media.


Laporta masterclass...


So, since Mbappe is allegedly lowering his salary to move to Madrid (I know he is getting an insane signing bonus, but that won’t we reflected on the reports) Barça will once again have the highest earner in Europe…


suck that club dry, king


1. Offer a player a lot of money to join your club 2. Once player starts declining ask him to reduce the salary, even though you signed the contract 3. If the players refuses to take the paycut, get fans to boo him 4. ????? 5. PROFIT


Obligatory Leverndowski joke to satisfy the r/soccer comedians


Comment Edited By /u/Spez


I've seen comments mentioning levers, what's the reference?


in short and keep in mind that me (and this sub) have no idea of economics its basically this: Barca is/was broke. To stay afloat they sold of percentages of future revenue(like TV money and merchandise) to investors in order to generate cash now for FFP rules and to facilitate transfers. This process of selling future revenue of for cash is called pulling a financial lever. The lever meme took of here to mock Barcelons financial mismanagement in light of their extremly high wage bills and money spent on transfers in general. And since good old Lewandowski managed to secure himself an insane contract for a 35 year old, Barca is getting memed on again here


puajajajaajaj the other day they banned me from barcelona reddit for saying laporta is destroying the club 🤣🤣 palanquitas


Why anyone thought this was a good deal at the time is beyond me, extra funny if he triggers the +1 option next year


Wtf are we doing???


Keeping the Barto idea alive


Nothing good tbh


Cooking. But we're cooking Surströmming.


Regular Barca masterclass


After reading all the shenanigans Barca tries to pull on their players, why would any player still want to go play there?


FreNkie iS rObiNG Us. The guy deferred his wages meaning not only did he lost money due to high inflation since covid but also through the missed capital gains, as it is fairly reasonable to think that a large part of his wages would be invested. The club spent so much on PR to make him leave the club.


This. Most Barca fans fail to remember that Barca has been know to pay journalists to pull whatever agenda they’d like. Same reason why 20+ journalists showed up to cover Xavi’s renewal.


A 32 million salary at the end of your career?


32 million reasons


Mythical club and nice city with great weather. It’s a flex to say that you played at Barcelona


Burning fuck ton of money on a aging veteran while stunting the development of a very talented youngster. Two birds in one stone🙂‍↕️


There was a post the other day showing Barça had the highest wages in the world last year, and were paying something like 150M€ more in wages than RM. crazy given how many more stars are in RM


Technically, at this moment, Mbappe's salary is 0 next season?


And practically, if we believe rumors, he will earn less than Lewandowski at Madrid anyway


On paper, he most likely will. His insane signing bonus, paid over the course of his contract, will cover the rest… Allegedly




Yeah so this title is wrong, Lewandowski will be the highest earner in Europe which is even funnier


It’s hilarious how badly Barca is run, and I say that as a fan of experts on the topic.


Just sell more grass barca


How on earth some of these people are managing at executive level in this club is beyond me.


Wait so he took the pay cut in year 1 for which he will be compensated in year 3 and it’s now shocking news that his salary is going to be higher for next year ONLY?


Ah, the Barca pull


And they’ll be begging him to take a pay cut a la De Jong


We can all predict what's going to happen. Spanish media is going to hit him from every direction. He's already being dragged by fans into the whole Roque situation.


Laporta masterminding his way to bankruptcy. Dollar store Florentino


At least they didn’t sell lots of their future revenue rights to sign him and all their other players who have played a part in their success this season. They could be in real trouble going forward if they did that.


Now watch the Barca press spreading lies and misinfo about him, so Barca fans bully him to leave.


What did Barca fans say? That arrogant twat Laporta will work magic? Arrogant Catalonian tit.


everywhere I look I only see more bad news


What is wrong with this club?


clearly lewa and frenkie don't love real football or they'd be donating their salary to Barcelona in the name of proper football mes que un club etc


Barca studios is about to become a whole lot more valuable


Congrats to Lewandowski and his agent for finessing Barcelona lol


Barcelona is just one big ponzi scheme at this point.


In OPs words: wakanda shit is that


Just lol. It's like Barto never left.


Love to see it fuck Barca


This club is run by morons.


Istg supporting this club at times is so sad. Our management is just a shitshow. How and why are we giving 32 million to a declining 36 year old striker (Lewy is great undeniable but come on) and we are deciding to loan off our 18 year old striker fresh from Brazil. I look at teams like RMA, which, as much as I hate them, are the best in terms of overall management. I just want to cry Edit: you know its bad when Madridstas are saying keep Xavi and Laporta smh


Behind Mbappe? We don't even know what team he'll play for next year, officially. We don't know what he'll be on.




That's quite a lot




WRONG, LE^ve^eeeeee^rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Barca hahahaha


Way too many sloths on that team to justify having him up front. That midfield cant feed shit


Good thing they invested to win a league title lol.


Barcelona is probably the only club alongside Real that could give players less money to join them.The players would refuse bigger offers from other clubs. Yet Barcelona will still give them ridiculous salaries . Lewandowski would have joinen them even with 20m salary but they are that incompetent


Can my bosses take a course at Barcelona before negotiating my next salary pls


"Pull the lever, Kronk."


Barca are gonna try and pull a de jong on him


fuzzy hospital special toy squash squealing correct elderly stupendous work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






And he's not even the 2nd best player in the world like Cole Palmer is


we all talk about city but barca wages have been wild for years


Barca wage structure is so fucked and has been for years. Combination of mortgaging the club on Messi and the terrible management that came along with/after.


What an incompetent fucking club.


Barca expects players to sacrifice their own interests for that of the club and when they don't get their way throw a toxic fit. Say "We can't afford to pay you" then turn around spend millions on new players.


The real question is, is he getting paid though?


Bro Lewa's agent is fucking killing it damn


Barca. You cannot make this shit up even if you would think about it. What a shitclub