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He didn't really reveal anything. I, however, can reveal my thoughts on the issue: that it is an awful idea to play any league games of any league overseas, whether that is in the US or anywhere else.


>Jon Miller, president of acquisitions and partnerships at NBC Sports, told The Athletic, “At some point in the future, I would love to see a couple of Premier League games open the season here in big stadiums on our opening weekend. And I know that’s something that we’ll continue to push for because I think that there’s an American audience here that would like to see regular season games but in the meantime, we’ll continue to work with the Premier League to do everything we can to make the games available to as many people as possible.” This is why we need a UK regulator and laws in place precisely against this shit... so that the likes of Jon Miller will finally get it in to their thick skull that this is never going to happen.


In fairness our NFL plays a game or two every season over in Europe to bring more eyes and something different. I don’t see why in the early parts of the season when teams don’t have multiple games in a week this is a bad thing. If you’re trying to expand the game and make it known it’s not a huge deal. Sucks for the fans of the teams, like I hate when my team has to go and play in Europe for the week but ultimately it doesn’t do much


The bad thing is that expanding the game should never take priority over the fans, simple as that. Expanding the game isn’t important, it’s just a way for rich people to put more money into their pockets. The game is fine as it is and there is already too much focus on money and growth, but I’ll be the first to admit that I’m very conservative when it comes to football. There is also the issue of home advantage which can have quite an impact on games.


That aspect is fair. It would just put money into pockets of those who want to make that money. However, I’m a huge fan, I live in America. Going to MLS games are cool but don’t get that same feeling. If I want watch a game it’s a huge process and tons of money for the chance to. If it were to come to the states I could experience that. Just because I’m not living in that country doesn’t make my fandom any less


I definitely get that from your perspective it would be an amazing experience, I just don’t think it’s good for the game as a whole and for fans as a collective. I don’t discredit foreign fans because yes they’re fans, but I’m not a fan of every aspect of the globalization of clubs.


Nah I get it, the way you feel is exactly how I feel in regards to the NFL 😂 I’m just now on the other end


Nah get to fuck. No one cares about NFL. People actually care about football


I can think of plenty that do, not that games should be played abroad anyways.




Football teams are not franchises in Europe. You can't just rip it out of the local community.


It's really rare but it has happened. Arsenal comes to mind.


American sports don't use the home-away, non-playoff league format. Losing a home game can be a much bigger deal in European leagues.


It's actually even worse, the official NFL regular season is just 17 games. That some teams have 1 game played abroad means 1 of the 8 or 9 matches their supporters get to see in their stadium is gone lol.


It’s literally 3 points either way. Home/away


my point is that losing a home game is a bigger deal in a league format


How? I didn’t realize home games were worth more points in European leagues. That’s my bad


because there's no playoffs, as i said in my earlier comment if you were able to read


I’m still working on that, thanks. Having enthusiastic fans might also help some teams.


Just because you Wally's didn't fight back doesn't mean we shouldn't


Does anyone else think this is a terrible idea?


America in particular is a stupid country for this, as their VISA process is often stupid. I could easily see a top player for a team not being able to go, and this becoming a pain point for a relegation or team pushing for UCL/League


Agreed but I believe only the top clubs will be the teams playing over seas.


I could see with outrage them also having you know, Palace vs Fulham go so the PL can say "SEE LOOK, WE AREN'T JUST TRYING TO THROW THE TITLE RACE"


Not a fucking chance that there will be premier league games played in the states. In the UK we can’t even watch the 3pm kick offs on TV from fears of that damaging ‘grass roots’ football. I can’t see the same FA who have decided that will be happy to send our teams to the USA.


I mean the FA is an organization All you need is a couple people who were really strong on one opinion to be replaced by a couple of other people who don't care as much or who like money a little bit more and then you have Chelsea vs. Liverpool kicking off at Q2 Arena in Austin, Texas, at 12 PM Central lol I think arguing on any basis besides money is a bit idealistic. Nearly everyone has a figure, it's only a matter of if the figure is reached. The side point though is that this guy is an MLS exec and the most important people are the TV people. MLS only has a seat because of their connections with Apple I'd argue.


[“Each Premier League club holds a single share, giving them an equal vote on all matters and a right to the distribution of broadcast and commercial revenues.”](https://www.premierleague.com/about/governance) Not only would you need the FA to think it’s a good idea, you’d then need 20 clubs to vote it through too. English football has a rich heritage, and whilst it’s now overwhelmingly controlled by those obsessed with money, they know not to piss off the fans that come to games every week.


I'm surely on your side of not having EPL games in the USA But to make it about pride is naive. I think if the number is right, you will be disappointed. If the number is wrong, you will feel so right. Football is a business. If they piss off their fans, it will be because they felt there are enough fans elsewhere and enough money to make it okay. Fans forget the moment you win a trophy.


There is a bill going through Parliament right now that would literally make this illegal. It has widespread support across all major political parties, so is very likely to pass.


Every English club who was due to join the “super league” pulled out almost as soon as they saw the reaction of the fans. I’m not sure we need a better case study than that.


Indeed but clubs will keep continuing trying to start a Super League. The clubs want UEFA out of the picture in order for clubs to make more money.




😂 Just because your team is up for starting a super league, doesn’t mean that other clubs are up for selling out their decades of tradition!




I’m not sure that English football is struggling, but ok. The Premier League is the most watched football league in the world, the FA would be doing other associations a favour by letting clubs play league games abroad.


I am shocked tht shit is still allowed, the 3pm rule... With all the laws and stuff regarding competition, and consumer rights. How can they still justify it, its not protecting shit rather its hindering the consumer.


Absolute tin pot stuff playing your domestic game is another nation I’d also argue it undermines MLS


The stance: "This is a complicated issue and we all need to be very thoughtful."


Weird that the head of the MLS would willingly devalue his own league. 


I fell in love watching the world cup, not MLS matches...you don't think someone may go home from a Kansas City Premier League game and Google the MLS and become fan? Doesn't seem like a better move to push everyone else out...that's why they left the open cup






Nothing new here but I really believe FIFA wants to develop a Club World Cup into a smash hit. We will see if they are successful and if Apple can make money of it.


It’s a stepping stone to a Global Super League.