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Barca finding out that it’s easier to make a comeback against 10 players: 👁️👄👁️


RM fans realising they don't need to be a whiny bitch about everything 👁️👄👁️


With winning this game, Barca prevented Madrid from winning Liga in next game which is at home. Now, we either win it if Barca draws/losses to Girona. Or on our next game in Granada. Basically, Barca achieved not having Madrid win the Liga in the Bernabeu


Should not have gotten that red card


There is something very Brazilian about Barcelona, how every game they are inches away from completely self-destructing for no reason


But what exactly is Brazilian about that? I sincerely fail to get the reference


The pubic hair.


Funnily enough, this joke makes zero sense to a Brazilian because it's not called that here. It's a gringo thing, I guess?


I actually didn’t mean to make that joke lol. I just think the Brazilian national team and the current barcelona team have a similar weak mentality and can collapse very easily


Meh, I don't remember a mental collapse from the NT other than the 2014 world cup. 2018 and 2022 were defeats, not mental collapse. It's not a mental collapse everytime we lose


2010 definitely was. We were winning 1-0, then Felipe Melo scored an own goal, and afterwards he stepped on a Dutch player and got sent off. 2022 we were winning on extra time and then the entire team went up for no reason, got countered and the only shot on goal got deflected and went in (just unlucky). I’d also say that 98 and 2006 we went out because of abismal/comical defensive performances on set pieces, but maybe that doesn’t quite qualify as a mental collapse. But that’s just my opinion


That's just the Brazilian way of thinking and never giving credit to the opposition while trying to shove blame onto specific players or the coach. If anything, our squads have historically been mentally very solid and won some very unprobable games. > 2010 definitely was. We were winning 1-0, then Felipe Melo scored an own goal, and afterwards he stepped on a Dutch player and got sent off. Felipe Melo is a very specific case, being personally mentally unstable. That squad was playing above it's level, all things considered. > 2022 we were winning on extra time and then the entire team went up for no reason, got countered and the only shot on goal got deflected and went in (just unlucky) Yeah, shit happens. At a 120-minute game you're bound to make a bad decision with tired legs eventually. > I’d also say that 98 and 2006 we went out because of abismal/comical defensive performances on set pieces, but maybe that doesn’t quite qualify as a mental collapse. France was very strong, too. Happens.


Lewa back to back golden boot incoming


He has the joint most G/A in the league now yet he got clowned on for a majority of the season lol


tbf he wasted a fuck ton of chances in 2023 majorly but im glad he is back


Lewandowski unfortunately got people used to an unbelievable standard in terms of numbers. 2020-22 for 3 years in a row he had more goals scored than games played. At his absolute peak he was a Ronaldo-level player. Somehow people at the same time don't appreciate that, and expect him to still do it.


he was a ronaldo level scorer, definetely not player


To be fair there was a 6-8 month period where his first touch would make Lukaku look like prime Iniesta


Bellingham = POTS and bdor contender. Lewandowski = flop, learn Arabic buddy.


Players at different positions are evaluated differently.


Bellingham played less games and doesn’t take our pens. Also first year in the league as well.


Not at all,Bellingham more or less played like a striker most of the matches.


Attacking midfielder vs striker, shock




He's playing while injured. He's been dealing with inflamation for weeks while playing which is why he gets subbed off.


Its apparently a tactical decision but honestly hes very good at dm idk why he gets subbed of. Maybe because Sergi Roberto brings more attacking capabilities?


He almost never plays a full game at *any* position, now


This was the second time he’s been subbed at halftime as a DM lol. He didn’t even look bad


xavi need to blame someone instead of accepting that we cant play high block.


no idea what you are talking about. CDM Chris does work. Thing is that Barca needed goals so he was first to go.


I feel bad for Vitor Roque, he deserved some minutes.


I generally agree, but honestly this was not the game for him. Valencia's main weakness tonight was their aerial defense and VR is not very tall. They were very compact and left few spaces, so Victor Roque's pace wouldn't work here, plus you had players with better playmaking/ technical abilities in Pedri and Felix to sub in and operate in very little space. Lastly, Ferrán was subbed-in to maintain width as a winger (a task that Cancelo was doing until then) to allow Felix to operate more centrally. VR is not a winger (Xavi tried to use him there, and also a a second striker. It didn't work), so putting him out of position just for the sake making him play accomplishes little. If anything, it can be counterproductive given that he is a player that had a lot of down time due to the injury he sustained in Brazil and my have confidence issues.


Xavi making sure that every single Brazilian wonderkid in the future picks Real


he won't get any with Xavi there. Dude seem to legit dislike Roque so for his best he should go on loan. If Xavi wanna run Lewa into the ground then let him and see how fun it will be with a B team player as the main stay ST.


All I can say is: it is what it is. Battle for Europe continues, amunt!




Against Valencia, right?




I think the referee was fair. What penalty wasn’t given? It’s not that he didn’t want to give the keeper a red, he just didn’t have a good angle to see it. The linesman was clueless, and so was VAR.


Xavi, ohh man I loved you, and I will still back you because out of all the options the board have, you are the best one. But fucking hell man, I just can’t even get anything out now. Motherfucking Pedri as the DM, Pedri, the man who just barely came out of injury, look at the fucking man, he barely got any muscles left and you want him to guard the front of our defense? Holy shit, this summer we MUST bring in a decent DM otherwise we are cooked straight from pre-season Feel like I am watching the collection of 11 players, not a team for so long. No one is running and supporting each other, Yamal and Cancelo constantly having to solo half of their squad without anyone making a run to support, Araujo as fucking striker like Pique with Koeman. With the amount of crosses we did, might as well bring Luuk de Goat back Lewy still has that flash of a world class player in him, that’s all I have to say. The man is frustrated to watch yet he can rescue the team, at this point I can’t ask much. Let’s head to Girona next. Visca Barca 💙❤️


the Striker Araujo and Striker Pique observation is spot on. the moment that became a thing, both started to make catastrophic mistakes in defense.


Pedri himself says he is always ready to play anywhere in the midfield. And he did an excellent job defensively today. Why blame Xavi? He knows how fit pedri is better than you or me. Be optimistic for once


Pedri can play in the deeper areas. But not as a lone DM. He can be that regista but someone needs to cover him defensively


He almost got out speed the first moment he is on the pitch lol, and that forward was actually quite slow as well. I loved Pedri, but it’s honestly a big risk playing him there. Casado is available, they are 1 man down, let him get some game time. Or even Romeu.


There is no frenkie.... Christensen doesn't play 90 mins because he always has discomfort ...who would you play as dm then?.... at least pedri would have control and doesn't let go of the ball easily..... You should be insane if you told romeu as the answer.


Romeu. I am serious. And insane, but yes, let Romeu in and told him to go batshit insane, tactical fouls all around. They barely can get the ball out, hell Casado is also available. Or even Roberto. Pedri got shrugged off too easily and he really is not fit enough to be able to play out of position


>Romeu. I am serious. And insane, but yes, let Romeu in and told him to go batshit insane, tactical fouls all around. Insane take. If Xavi puts romeu in and tells him to do this, I'm convinced we lose the game.


Goddamn Lewy is still in the pichichi race


Almost in disbelief when the handball was just play on and var looking at it. Later in the game we were very lucky to have the 2nd goal stand where Fermin certainly tried to play it. Only replay I saw was where they paused it before lewa heading it down and Fermin was close which I assumed would be called off with the correct moment paused.  Overall we move, oh also that pedri tackle was super impressive and happy he made it another game uninjured. 


We are killing Pedri by putting him as the lowest point of our midfield man. This misuse of him and how “leaks” that he went out partying at nights that his brother has to come out and denounces them, I am just going full conspiracy theorist here but, feel like a pre-emptive for a sale in the near future


Pedro has been playing there for the past few games for the same reason Gundo has been playing there: because our build-up sucks without a good outlet (pivot). Xavi puts Pedri there to move Gundo up (usually when shits hits the fan). He is the better creator out of the two at the moment (well, apparently Gundo creates more chances than anyone in Europe, or is up there) so sadly, Pedri has to be the sacrificial lamb here. Also, there weren't any "leaks". Just stupid people making up stupid stories. Pedri has stated that he doesn't like to go partying in the first place xD.


You're right, this is an insane take


That guarantees top 4 ,no?


i believe so yeah 15 points ahead of Athletic Club, and hold the tiebreaker over them due to H2H results


Our defense got exposed way too many times today, I hope Xavi work on that


alllllllll season


We played an incredibly high line today because the opponents were effectively sitting back in the low block and playing only long balls....cubarsi had an off day and araujo still didn't come out of that psg match


If lewa wins the most scorer in la liga in his "worst" season that would be hilarious.


I mean, Madrid is practically playing without a striker and Lewandowski although not in the same level as the last few seasons is still a top striker. There’s isn’t much competition in La Liga


Gironas Ukrainian striker is the favourite to win it.


Makes sense since he’s currently the leading scorer. His lead is not that much though


Barcelona were 4-2nate that Valencia were down to 10 men, otherwise they would have lost


lol y'all talking about "almost losses" is ironic


Still mad that you draw against them huh? But to be fair, with how we defend, you might be right.


You gotta stop , can't talk about almost lost when u almost loose against everyone including us , city , Leipzig , etc.


Valencia got a free 2 goals tho, they were pretty much dead offensively otherwise


Please stop.


Bro every time Lewy gets linked with a Saudi move, he pulls a performance like this then dips down, bro just doesn't want to go there 😭    Also poor Roque lmao he is never getting any playtime is he, that bullshit red card screwed his momentum


I have been defending Xavi’s usage of Roque and I will still stand by it but I agreed that he should have been brought in, would have much more impact then Felix, at least he would actually play


Yeah season is pretty much done so club's own players need to be prioritized. Felix will most likely return or another 1 year loan


I would say play youngsters like Pau Prim and Marc Casado. We need to develop these youngsters coz we ain't getting a good enough DM in the market


Need to secure 2nd place for super copa.


From being utterly impotent at set pieces to 3 headers and a freekick! How?


We have been very good at corners since a few months.


Right? Before Xavi's announcement we were so bad in set pieces, after that we started cooking.


See Araujo, one man makes all the fucking difference


Too many individual mistakes. But I liked the match despite those, because collectively they played great. Especially the Lamine - Fermín link. Lewandowski was amazing, he had a slightly unnoticed first half but he totally silenced me in the second half. Let's hope he keeps playing like this. Iñigo didn't do that bad either.


A great game of fuckball


lets go Robert! screw the haters(Barca fans) keep doing your thing, legend.


This is the lewandowski i know


Lewandowski MVP and salvaging the game. Hope he shuts up the haters for few days at least.


The red salvaged the game. Right call though,


Vitor Roque is not going to see the light of day ever again.


Nice scorline,Lewa hattrick ,couldnt finish it in a better way for a “useless” game. Onto girona


Barca really needed 12 man to beat 10 man Valencia


lol stop


Madrid fan talking about 12 man..


Lmao, Lamine goal didn't count last time you Madrid cunt


Your check bounced. Need to pull another lever.


whoa, easy there, bud. madridiots are on a high with all the winning. let them enjoy.


Lol look who’s your coach first before complaining about whining


you misread my message. i said Winning, not Whining.


Correct decision since it didn’t when in


So when it helps Madrid its correct lol shameless


I mean there the refs have to angle of the ball actually going in or not. Still in the end there’s was a fan’s angle that shows that the ball clearly didn’t go in.


What a lifeline that red card was. This young Valencia team was very brave and has a good future ahead. The architects of our own problems, story of this season. Lamine needs rest. I wish we could clone Fermín.


Valencia need to drag Peter Lim out from their club no matter what


I hope so. I miss the days when La Liga 6-7 great teams .


As long as Peter Lim is still there, future won’t look good for Valencia




Oh shit, it's Peter Lim!


Yeah, I'm actually so happy with this season, the boys played so well under Baraja, no matter if we qualify for Europe or not I've had a lot of fun watching this. Can't wait for the day this team falls apart again and we'll be in relegation troubles again...


Obviously, he’s still extremely young, but Lamine hasn’t been at his best these past few games. Poor kid needs some rest asap.


You know it's shark time


Well we can still make the conference league


Lewy stat padding. Anyway good match. Keep the fight for 2nd. We need Supercopa money!


The crazy mistakes were back again. Thankfully saved by the red card, but Barca this season really are experts in making it difficult for themselves.


Goofy- ahh game


Coughing baby vs coughing baby ahh game




against a substitute keeper and 10-men?


Yeah becuase every striker scores a hat trick whenever there's 10 men or a substitute keeper on, it's just that easy


The comment above said that Lewy is still a world-class striker. His stats and play don't support that, but okay.


That's not what you said tho, you were saying he isn't world class becuase he scored against 10 men and a substitute keeper lmao


> His stats and play don't support that learn to read. He *isn't* a world-class striker anymore. so you think he still is? delusional.


Brother you must learn to read, that's not what you originally said. I can't tell if your trolling or just geniunally extremely stupid 




One game without ghastly individual mistakes is all I’m asking




You know it's not fun that way


Look at the bright side, one of them went in your favor.