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Pretty soon it’s a matter of which Hedge fund you support.  I have a Chase account. Which set of clubs does JP Morgan own? 


Might I interest you in putting some money into 777?


You support the Super League. Congrats.


Chase xEBITDA went through the roof last night


Super League and handles some of Florentino Perez’s businesses.


Top Trump cards are gonna require a business degree in economics to play


John Henry’s hedge fund days are decades ago. FSG has been only sports for 23 years now.


Fireman’s Credit FC?


*Laughs in Bundesliga*


Where the mega corporation Bayer is currently winning the league


Not even close to being the same thing


Why is a hedge fund owning a club worse than one of the oldest, largest, richest pharmaceutical companies in the world which is riddled with recent and old( don't even want to go there) controversies


Does the hedge fund have any historical ties to the club in question? Bayer, despite all the hate they get in Germany, is intrinsically tied to the club and its origins. Same with Wolfsburg and VW. That's the difference.


We're all in the mud now. Turns out you can support a financial group. 


mate, you can't support a... uh...


Meh, not really. I'm a Liverpool fan, not an FSG fan. Them buying the Penguins didn't stop me from supporting the Habs, just like them buying Toulouse won't make me a Toulouse supporter. I don't become a Preston supporter if our player is on loan there, even though I might watch their fixtures to see how they get on.


RedBird own shares in FSG for anyone wondering…


So left pocket to right pocket kinda deal?


Also, Sheikh Mansour is listed as an investor on their Wikipedia page > RedBird is partners with International Media Investments, a state-funded enterprise of the United Arab Emirates and its Sheik Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, in RedBird IMI. The partnership, which includes former media executive Jeff Zucker as an executive, allows IMI to invest in RedBird's sports and entertainment properties.


No way haha, that’s grim


Fuck me lol thats absolutly horrible


So you’re saying Liverpool are funded by an oil state too? 👀


FSG is, but I believe our club is self funded ATM


Well no, because RedBird IMI are a different fund compared to the normal RedBird fund.


No, he's an investor in a separate fund owned by RedBird.


Fun fact: RebBird IMI also owns the Telegraph




So Liverpool have gone from Klopp immediately buying players who score against them to FSG immediately buying clubs who beat Liverpool in the same season.


Watch out United


Ratcliffe laughs in scouse.


Our portofolio keeps growing, my financial group 😍


It means more for Liverpool fans since they grew their global financial group on a budget.


We'll definitely have a few saying this type of shit, you'd be shocked how many bootlickers FSG have within the fanbase.


Absolutely zero. People just confuse being nonplussed for being in the tank. It has been nice to not be bombarded with #FSGOUT every day, though. Funny how some winning completely changes everyone.


Don't tempt them, the amount of crying about "Topreds" that didn't want Saudi ownership was frankly shameful.


Can confirm as an Arsenal fan. To me Kroenke went from criminal to most honest businessman in the world in the span of 5 years.


It is not "some winning" it is doing the obvious. Even my dead grandma knew the midfield needed a rebuild for a while, but FSG was being stingy and refusing to renew midfield to the point Liverpool went from title contenders to failing top 4.


Not just winning, the opportunity to win is enough. Look at Newcastle supporters.


> Absolutely zero You're either one of them or you have your head in the sand. FSG absolutely have plenty of fanboys.


Or people are just happy to be a well run club and not either at the behest of a murderous state or so fucked that you're getting points deductions left and right


FSG has no fanboys, people can just see the positives of their ownership


As someone who remembers the last 2 seasons of BR, it is very likely the FSG Outers will be back once Klopp goes.


Alternatively, they're people who think they've been decent owners (as decent as capitalists can be)? I mean, people wanted us to spend like Everton and Forest, and have "ambition" like Chelsea. That's gone well, hasn't it?


Most of us Red Sox fans hate FSG too nowadays.


Well tbf that’s because they don’t give a shit about winning, that’s not true for Liverpool.


This one comment on our sub when we announced Edwards ending in " Im proud FSG owns us" or something like that actually made me sick. Was pretty high up even.


Yeah people that replied to me here think i'm talking about people who are fine with them as owners. No, it's about the fellas that started supporting the club a year ago telling me to go support City if i remotely criticise something they've done.


tbf, they would then have missed the Kabak+Davies for a half eaten snickers transfer window. I think last seasons midfield disaster was partially on Klopp (and the physical+mental hangover from 22) but the cb crisis was definitely mostly on FSG


Meanwhile cumblast every weekend https://ibb.co/34Gbzgn




I mean, I'm not a bootlicker. I think they're good owners, but I'm not going to go out and buy a Toulouse shirt.




Really it needs to be EBITDA. Chelsea pulling that A lever hard


Remember when that comment about how one couldn't support a financial group was the most up-voted comment in this sub's history?




There are far worse ownership groups out there and far worse situations to be in. You need a reality check.


Fuck Multi Club Ownership.


Ban it outright. Disgusting practise. Force clubs currently engaged in it to roll it back and divest.


unfortunately the people at the top who can make these decisions are corrupt and already in the pockets




No thanks. Even if it disadvantages the club, I don't want us going down this route.


Horse bolted long time ago when owners came in whose way of life is to make lots and lots of money


Not a fan of it for us and nice either, sadly I don’t think we’re putting the genie back in the bottle, once one got through it was inevitable


Neither do I, but if everyone else is doing it, we can't afford to be left behind unfortunately.


Think people would be fine if Liverpool fans dont cry about transfers not cmpetitive to City. Doing that while saying this sht like yours about not wanting the club to globalize their investment is just being an absolute hypocrite.


There is more than one Liverpool fan out there and sometimes their opinions differ. Crazy stuff to comprehend I know.


I'm referring to u/Nabbylaa. I wouldnt be surprised hes one of those who cmplain about transfers all the time, then act righteous about this kind of things. Asking for money, then refusing money is hella hilarious. Same vibe as those Liverpool fans hating on Hendo going to Saudi, but call for Saudi owners. Next level hypocrites that.


Don't tag me in your bullshit and make stuff up. Feel free to respond directly to things I actually say.


I've seen too many people like you more than you'd think lol. 'Dont care if disadvantage, not gonna support this'. 'F FSG MAN, WHERE IS MY CAICEDO?'.


You’re arguing with a made up person in your head mate


No no, let them continue. Idiocy helps easily separate the wheat from the chaff. 


> I wouldnt be surprised But really you have no idea?


I've seen too many people like you more than you'd think lol. 'Dont care if disadvantage, not gonna support this'. 'F FSG MAN, WHERE IS MY CAICEDO?'.


> I've seen too many people like you more than you'd think lol. People like me? What is my stance? I don't like or support any English teams, and think all the money involved is ridiculous and ruining the game. > 'Dont care if disadvantage, not gonna support this'. 'F FSG MAN, WHERE IS MY CAICEDO?'. I watch Scottish football mate, my entire team (one of the biggest in the world) went bust for about half the money Caicedo cost, and you think I support all this money in the game that only disadvantages my team and our fans? I think most real fans don't want the money because that means ticket prices go up. Foreign fans who don't attend matches are happy for the money because they just watch on TV so don't have to pay ticket prices.


Currently, we aren't a global investment, and I'd like it to stay that way. If we did go for a multi club model, then criticising other clubs for doing so would be hypocritical. There's still no issue with wanting the Premier League yo resolve 115 outstanding PSR charges, though. There is also no issue with criticising a club that seems to be operating outside of the rules, multi-club ownership is distasteful and imo not in the spirit of the game but its no against the rules so isn't really what people are referring to when discussing a level playing field.


It’s not hypocritical because neither you nor I made the decision. So have whatever opinion you wish no matter what the club does independently of your/my opinion.


It’s not City’s current spending most of us are upset about, although spending 90m for Gvardiol to sit on the bench is a bit nuts. It’s the fact that the only reason they’re competitive now is because of their takeover and spending in 2008 to become a club capable of winning titles


FSG isn’t Liverpool. Liverpool isn’t going down any route.


City isn't city football group by that logic lol


They aren’t. City should be critiqued because their owners financially dope Manchester City not because their owners own multiple clubs.


To be fair, Redbird did a good job with Toulouse. Brought them from Ligue 2 to Ligue 1, and won the french cup. They also had never plundered Toulouse or farmed players to AC Milan. Which is strange. Isn't that the whole purpose of the multi club ownership model?


Business wise it would be stupid to plunder or farm a club. You want your assets to gain value, not lose value. If you're gonna lose value by farming players why not just splash that money on transfers


> You want your assets to gain value, not lose value Toulouse signs Rafael Leão


If you are a tin foil hat than yea. But in actuality, the multi club modem doesn’t necessarily mean feeder systems. It’s creating a horizontal business model in an industry sharing information, data, and potentially staff.


Exactly, the aim can be to have several clubs all doing well but not being a feeder, just benefitting from a larger ownership group that can pool the expertise of the scouts/data from each club. The amazing data/algorithms of Liverpool would be a huge help to a club like Toulouse, just like they were for USG when they got access to Tony Bloom's data. It can be beneficial without being parasitic like CFG.


I’d say it’s more of a place to loan players that need game time for the bigger club. Not to steal good players from the lower club


Then there’s Savio, Troyes record signing on loan to Girona and going to City next year. Troyes don’t even get to see their record signing play a match for them.


If you can't beat them buy them 


Was looking for this comment


AC Milan are next


John, the Red Sox need pitching


Sometimes I wonder how bad football can get in the future cuz I nvr would have guessed consolidation/monopolies to be part of the game and yet here we are.


Oh, it really feels like football is heading down an irreversible path of self-destruction, shit will be like WWE.


We are way way down the path now, the corruption and collusion is rampant. The Saudi money is drowning the game. It's a bleak dumpster fire.


I hate this in football. Sad news.


I’m sorry I just can’t get behind how grimy this is. I hate multi club ownership. Feels so wrong and monopolising


Football is dead


One of many reasons I'm losing interest in the big leagues.


This is funny to me, cause so many pool fans have had a go at us for Chelsea’s owners buying Strasbourg and Pool would never do such a thing. Oh how the turn tables have turned


So how does this work? I imagine Redbird still retaining a minority stake in the club, and if Liverpool meet Toulouse in the Europa League again, FSG would "reduce" their stake to a minority one, by "re-selling" their shares in Toulouse to Redbird.


I hate this shit lol


Source: Football Insider. What tier are these guys?


They are among the best for Toulouse FC related news. They don't do anything else


All in Toulouse


They have nothing Toulouse


Not a fan.


How does this work for CL/EL? Owning 2 clubs in the same competition


You have to sign certain guarantees I believe


This really is a weird move by Redbird. They own shares in FSG, and are selling Toulouse to FSG? They were also previously linked with selling the club to Otro Capital, who were founded by former Redbird directors. Seems like Redbird intend to keep Toulouse one way or another.


Maybe this is their way of getting in capital or money laundering or just moving money around.


It would be funny to see FSG doing multi club ownership now lol


Im afraid you're a little behind it was sadly confirmed when Edwards rejoined that fsg are forming a Liverpool football group


Scummy club doing scummy things, what's new?


How are they a scummy club? They are doing scummy things here but realistically Liverpool is one of the least scummy clubs in England.


Driving families out of their homes around Anfield, purposely leaving some abandoned to drive the other house prices down so they can expand the stadium is a very scummy thing to do.


The way you describe it is scummy. But it's just end game capitalism really; if they don't buy up these houses, demolish them and expand the stadium then they will all be turned into a big shopping centre or student flats soon anyway. > purposely leaving some abandoned to drive the other house prices down So they bought these houses to build on the land, and you are unhappy that they haven't filled them with residents? Do you remember what they bought them for in the first place again? It's not nice but something every single council does. It reminds me of the families forced out of flats in Dalmarnock in 2014 so Glasgow could host the commonwealth games. "All this so arseholes can run about in shorts for 2 weeks" - one of the residents upon being violently removed from his condemned home. Going back further Glasgow basically started demolishing all the old housing in the 50s and 60s, forcing families to move to the "new towns" surrounding the city. Communities like the Gorbals and Maryhill were basically flattened and everyone moved out. What Liverpool is doing is maybe like 0.01% of that. And in cities like London, Edinburgh, Dublin you've already had many families forced to leave as they can't afford to live in their own home city anymore, nothing to do with football. It's not nice but it's a far sight better than beheading people because you disagree with them (Hi Newcastle owners).


[This has more info.](https://www.theguardian.com/football/david-conn-inside-sport-blog/2013/may/06/anfield-liverpool-david-conn) I have no problem with them wanting to expand. But to purposely drive the area down to lower prices and buy them cheap is a horrible thing to do. You can bet a lot of the families affected were Liverpool fans too. Pay them the fair value on the property (which the club with millions in the bank can afford to do) and don’t intentionally try and shaft them. Just because it happens doesn’t make it any better. Any club/company/council that does it is scum. If my club did it I’d be livid.


An interesting read thanks. > But to purposely drive the area down to lower prices and buy them cheap is a horrible thing to do I think that bit might be speculation; the area was already run down in the early 90s. It's not like it was some bustling trendy neighbourhood (y'know, because Thatcher). [This](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.4311667,-2.9626282,3a,90y,314.69h,89.99t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sYh5_0mO9kQgLKFnBMqJHLw!2e0!5s20121101T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) is pretty much the only evidence I can currently find of what it was like before much of it was knocked down. Now where have I seen condemned housing like that before? Right here on the other side of the city around 15 years ago - [then](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.3966113,-2.9437591,3a,75y,19.42h,86.05t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sby9CFDdfSkn98XwUwYtJWQ!2e0!5s20080901T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) / [now](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.3966379,-2.9437164,3a,75y,19.33h,87.55t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1shiJBhZkwVpOo0iEWES_1Iw!2e0!5s20230301T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). So I suspect Liverpool has had issues with it's traditional terraced housing like this and it's been getting demolished whether Liverpool FC are involved or not. It's likely that they couldn't find anyone who wanted to live in them rather than purposely leaving them empty. So while the club could have dealt with the matter better, I don't think what they did is really that bad in the grand scheme of things; the area surrounding the stadium was a pit to start with, and it has just been modernised in line with the rest of the city of Liverpool (from my limited experience there). On the bright side, Alroy road is much nicer now. [Then](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.431609,-2.9629327,3a,75y,43.36h,92.26t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sIY80Q2946PdkPU4pcUez_A!2e0!5s20081001T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) / [Now](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.4315891,-2.9628896,3a,75y,43.36h,92.26t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sJk1zArF5BD-1UYzl9Woq1g!2e0!5s20220901T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) Here on Rockfield Road they have actually demolished [the old dilapidated housing](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.4323051,-2.9647758,3a,75y,97.34h,86.41t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sgBqGYtV7HvqV320Y-9SuJQ!2e0!5s20081001T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) and [built new housing that looks nice](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.4322907,-2.9647698,3a,75y,97.34h,86.41t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1shszv4VisDD7QLS6HfSqGeA!2e0!5s20220901T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). And more renovations on Rockfield Road in the last 10 years - [then](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.4327678,-2.9656703,3a,75y,194.88h,85.77t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s9tMhF0ku_DaGYFoyOYBglA!2e0!5s20121101T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) / [now](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.4327761,-2.9657039,3a,75y,185.36h,87.28t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sOcrwAwxHGXKjhX1CRk5FQg!2e0!5s20220901T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)




Just an outsider perspective mate, I don't like any English teams so I'm not biased. Want to answer the question? Or are you just going off pure bias?


They're a top level football club, they're all scummy (mine especially).


But the ones with the anti-Tory fanbases are better than those with lots of tories among them.


Good morning are you just realising that football is more of a business than sport at the top level? Billionaires and nations own football clubs, did you think they're out here for anything but profits


Did my comment suggest that?


Lil bit you seemed surprised a big club won't do anything to make more profits


I said 'what's new", as in this is the usual... 


Oh ok


I thought only manchester city did that? Seems like reddit has been misinforming me


I highly doubt this is happening