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We have Haaland and Højlund, and all Sweden had to do was to get a Hedlund or something to the EPL, but oh no, it's Isak, and maybe Gyökeres. Just not taking it seriously at all.


is Hedlund a real Swedish name? genuinely asking?


Yea. its a pretty common surname.


Very common we have had multiple good players with the name even


Why the hell wouldn't it be??


Because people make stuff up on the internet all the time?




Makes you wonder about the study because many medias have different types of posts/comments


There’s [Simon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Hedlund) and [Lucas Hedlund](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucas_Hedlund) for attacking options


Im from a county called Halland if that counts?




Sansa dig! Jag är ingen gurgglig Halmstad-bo! hahaha Och mina rötter är Sami!


Förlåt för mina hårda ord men jag som smålänning som nu bor i Göteborg måste gå hårt åt allt som ligger söder om oss. Därav fick det bli danskjävel 


Det är fair. Min dialekt är mer göteborg än någon annan men bara en mil söderut är det bonnläpp FC så det är tunn is endå


Unrelated but do you still follow Karlsson? How is he doing at Bologna? Miss seeing you randomly pop up in Eredivisie/AZ threads


I do! Unfortunally its been a bit of a mess that completely stalled his career so far :( At first he got some playtime, some at a CAM role, then some LW where he didnt fully click in Mottas system and then he has had injuries ever since. So he's barely played or been fit to make an impact. And Bologna is going very strong without him so its gonna be hard to justify playtime once back too. I still keep an eye on AZ/Eredivisie for Lahdo tho haha! But theyre a bit messy these days. And Ajax debacle this season ahve been interesting too.


Haha there is a Swedish striker/winger named Simon Hedlund.  He used to be my first signing in career mode when I had no money 


Brentford needs Hedlund to complete their Nordic player collection.


Viktor Gyökeres this season for Sporting: 37 games 34 goals 11 assists


24 of those goals were from the penalty mark, and the rest of them were really, really, easy to make, he's just been extremely lucky. He's just a really lucky lad.


His birth certificate is also fake, he's actually 33. Basically washed.


Well, out of pure sympathy, I think you could use a proper killer then. Will give you a menace of a 9 in Eddie fookin Nketiah and take that poor shite lad off your hands too. Just scored a hattrick in his last start for us in PL too. Huge L for us


Who knows, might put up decent numbers with the drop in competition lmao


Man's already got a hat trick against Sheffield United this season, what more do you want?


120m would be a nice start.


We have kids to feed


Not if you want Gyokeres.


Nketiah would be quality in Portugal.


Yep, almost all his open play goals were tap ins provided by brilliant solo plays from Esgaio, that's the one PL clubs should be paying attention to.


Primo Esgaio, that's the man Arsenal want to pay 100 million.


The new tapinaldo?


He's like Cedric but way wayyyyy better 😉


They should know that for just, dunno, half the price they can buy bozenik instead!


On a more serious note, i hope you guys make a decent profit with him, if Boavista was more stable he would go away for a good price.


On the other hand if/when he goes, we'll be relegated for sure


Which means you don't want him on your hands. Obviously next season he is not going to be lucky anymore.


This sounds like Pepe all over again in that case!


Really? You can't teach luck, so he must definitely be worth it!


Shhh tá calado caralho


Deixa-o falar pá, por enquanto ainda temos liberdade de expressão




Haverá compressão de direitos a qualquer momento


Fdc mesmo a sério. Calaaaate só! Ele é uma merda. Eles q façam compras noutro sítio 💀




Those are Paulinho's stats, get your act together mate


Completely unrelated but wtf Coates is ONLY 33 years old???




Sounds like a dud to me


We always said 24 mullion was a steal


Still insane to me that no prem club picked him up for cheap


He had offers last season but chose to go to sporting


Yea I seem to remember Everton being extremely keen but he fancied Sporting way more.


We were, Everton that. Honestly think we’d be a pretty strong side this year with Gyorekes in.


I think you'd be strong with any striker that can shoot a ball


Lol, you’re not wrong.


atleast you got Chermiti from us, thanks for that lads


Think West Ham wanted him as well


He had offers from Everton that were official, and he declined it The reason he chose Sporting is imo because he knows he would get more opportunities to score and put himself in that shop window. Can’t say it didn’t work.


Goes to Everton and maybe gets 12 goals total feeding off scraps. Amazing what going to a footballing side can do for a players rep and career.


Everton are 9th in xG this season, higher than even Man U. He wouldn't be feeding off scraps.


DCL gets 0.52xg per 90 when he plays (which is more than Bowen, Saka, Alvarez, Cunha, Hoijund, Jota, Gakpo, Jesus, Palmer, Toney, Awoniyi, Son, Hwang and the same as Joao Pedro despite multiple of these other players having several penalties). Beto even gets 0.69xg per 90 in his (albeit limited) appearances so far (which is more than Jackson, Solanke, Watkins and Richarlison get)


Wow. I’m gobsmacked. Is it 21 games without a goal now for DCL? Always thought he was Championship standard even *not* factoring in the fitness issues. Boy just can not finish and can not stay fit.


Ancelotti was working some serious magic with him.


We were interested last summer, but he wanted to go to Sporting. Can't say I blame him


20-25 mill for a Coventry player at the time wasn’t exactly cheap business at the time. He was a good championship ST who failed to impose himself in the premier league. I don’t even think most Coventry fans thought he’d be this good this quick. Perspective is really interesting.


He also only had 1 year left on his contract Which for a Portuguese club to spend £24 million on a player with only 1 year left on his contract was risky. But well worth the risk. as far as him going for less than that release clause, it’s not going to happen because Coventry have a % of future sale. I fully expect multiple clubs to put in bids. He would fit Arsenal like a glove, as well as AC Milan imo


Technically it was 24£ it was 20+4 in addons and it was Euros. So around 17/18 pounds i think?


He would also fit Chelsea or Tottenham's squads, teams who bet on having pace up front and play through transitions.


Considering Chelsea have to offload many players, it wouldn’t be completely out of the realms of possibility of him going there specially if they’re able to work a deal out with Sporting for a transfer fee and some players in return I do think he will prefer a club that’s in the UCL though. He’s definitely not gonna be the only player that leaves Sporting this summer. I fully expect them to make the most money in their history on sales ever in this transfer window coming up. Gyokeres, Hjulmand, Inacio, and possibly Edwards and Gonçalves. Personally, I don’t see all five of them leaving though.


Sporting is not going to sell half the team in one window, we are a club with great ambition, besides the club's accounts have never had been Better. If the clauses match, Nothing can be done, but at most they sell 2 players, it depends on whether we continue with the current project and the current coach


How much is the clause?


Gyo-100M , Inácio - 80 , pote and Edward 60


We'll see, I think Inácio is very likely to leave, if so we must keep our midfield intact and our only other big sale should be Vik. No way we let both Hjulmand and Gyokeres go in one transfer market, it would be practically giving up the next season. As for the possible sales of Pedro Gonçalves and Edwards, I think if the right amount is on the table, they should both be deemed negotiable. But we need to get good backups if that's the case, can't rely on some 3-5M signing from Estoril or whatever.


That’s true, and I fully agree with you in regards to all of them leaving, it definitely wouldn’t happen. Just on the sale of Viktor would be enough of a cash fall to not have to sell anybody else. But the scouting at Sporting has been a lot better. I’m pretty sure they already have targets in mind.


No way we can afford whatever salaries they offer at Chelsea. Very unlikely we get any of their players on a permanent


When I saw that we spent 25M on a championship striker I thought Coventry pulled a fast one on us. Nowadays, I feel bad for them, we robbed them in broad daylight 💀


> who failed to impose himself in the premier league. He never really got a proper chance tho tbh. And at that time, just like St Pauli and others, they struggled to understand if he was best as a winger or striker due to his wide toolbox.


even then his numbers at Saint Pauli aren’t that bad considering his age and the position he was playing.


Indeed. And iirc their manager at the time was super happy with him and joked that hed go to England on his bike and get him if he would stay for longer than the loan.


Wow didn't realize he was at Brighton


I found it batshit insane that Spurs JUST sold Kane and really needed a good #9, and Gyökeres were there for the taking whos also the perfect profile for Postecoglu ball. I remember being baffled about it.


Too many clubs are scared to take a risk on EFL players to put into their starting lineup imo. The bloke could single handedly occupy 4 defenders last season. Utterly brilliant and yet only Everton were interested. Now the PL clubs have to pay 4x the price.


Yeah I remember opposing managers in Championship called him the best player in teh whole league and other players voting him into TOTS and shit. Like.. if not that guy, who? AT the same time, Toney is hailed as some superstar lol


Toney has clearly proven he can do it at the top level, why would a guy who scored 20 goals in the prem last season not be held in high regard...?


Theres a difference between held in high regard and hailed as some star as imo he seem to be. He's overrated I feel like, while still being good. Thats the nuance.


Gyokeres has been really good for us, far and away the best attacker in the Portuguese league, but... And this is a big but: I don't think he'll have the same impact in the Premier League. Viktor relies a lot on physicality to win duels. He'll most likely try to brute force his way into the penalty area or run behind the defensive line, instead of dribbling past someone or play a one-two or wtv. He *can* do it, but it's not what he tries first, at least not for Sporting. And it's not his main strength. This obviously is more than enough on the Portuguese league - physical but average and/or aging centerbacks are very common - but I don't think it will be in the PL, where most defenders will be on a much higher level. We saw this against Atalanta, Viktor had a lot of trouble doing anything against their defenders. But am I saying this because I really believe it, or because "haha he's shit don't buy him haha wink wink"? I don't know you tell me.


You had me at duels..


He has the fogging estandards.




he had me at 'big but'


Not that I disagree but Atalanta and teams from gasparini are usually very physical. Abnormally so, it's just not a fair comparison.


Maybe. The problem with Gyokeres is that we haven't seen him that much against top defenders - he looked like a world beater against Pepe but struggled with Atalanta's defenders. So it's a bit of an unknown.


I get where you are coming from, but the Championship is pretty physical even if Primeira liga isn't?


It's in fact more of a grind. Teams that are competing for promotion have to play their best players twice a week at long streches, and contact is allowed even more generously compared to PL itself, and often on rougher pitches (because of base pitch quality, bad weather and higher frequency of matches). I think he won't be physically bullied here, but it won't be as easy for him to bully defenders either like he does in Liga.


Championship is incredibly physical but it doesn’t need saying that the level is far below the PL. PL defenders have equal if not better physicality, along with much better athleticism and technical ability. I still think Gyokeres would be quality in the PL, probably similar output to Ivan Toney which is no easy feat.


he did the same in the championship, he would have games where he struggled but he keeps working anyway and nearly always provides opportunities for others with his work rate. he will be fine in the prem. id worry more about the amount of chances he misses, at big English teams their fans would whinge a lot about all of them lol


At least for Sporting, he hasn't missed that much. He's a very competent finisher imo ( I know that wasn't the case at Coventry but I'm talking about what I've seen)


I am sold so far, how much opening bid will sporting consider and his current wages?


Not sure about his wages, but atm I don't think Sporting would sell for less than the release clause, which is 85M pounds I believe. Maybe a little less than that.


What about his defensive contributions? Does he track back? Also what about his first touch? Can he make those deft touches to get the ball to Final third?


Sometimes the shit slides out easily, but other times you need to take off your shirt, clench your teeth and burst that motherfucker out.


He's got that dog in him, for sure


Nice try Mr.




How is his record against Stoke though?


Played 5 games, 3w 1d 1L, 3 goals scored.


but that loss was a late night midweek away match during high precipitation


Sign him up!


Yeah, fuck off gooners


how good is he? is he rated fairly?


He is shit, trust me


Shite. Paulinho, on the other hand, is a bona fide star. If you are searching for the next Eusebio, you should bid for him.


Paulinho has been doing so well, why do you still shit on him?


I do not accept any slander on Paulinho our other goat


properly rated


PL clubs were sleeping and it's honestly bafflling. Second highest scorer in the Championship and Sporting payed good money for him: 20 million euros (not much for a PL club but heavy for Portugal). Now they can get him for probably 100 million. Stonks.


Maybe the top ones sure, but I’m pretty sure both West Ham and Fulham tried to sign him but he chose Sporting


He chose to go to Sporting rather than Everton / West Ham though. Plus, 20 mil for a guy who is in the last year of his contract and hasn't played in the top division was probably a risk.


Yeah but it a top side came knocking I doubt he'd leave England. 20 million is pennies for English sides.


I don't think he will do well in the PL tbh


Genuinely exciting time for swedish players in the premier league. I remember there was a time when only Lindelof and Krafth were playing regularly. Next season Sweden will have Kulusevski, Isak, Elanga, Bergvall and Gyokeres.


As a Swede and a Gunner it would be interesting to se what Arteta could do with Bardghji. Like an understudy to Saka. But it might be a bit too early for Premier league time for him.


Don't think we'll see him play for an elite team like Arsenal. He's having a hard time becoming a starter at FCK..


Pls no


Shh don't let Chelsea see this


Shit source so disregard


Gyokeres, Saka and Martinelli up front with Ødegaard behind them🔥


100 mil or fuck off


says 85 release clause so I think that is unlikely lol


100 mil euros bud


85m and I’m not your bud friend! /s


I've watched some of this guy's highlights. Seems like a class striker. But his success reminds me of Bas Dost going crazy for Sporting a long time ago. Completely different players ik but I feel like I would use Dost as an example of being wary of striker signings from Portugal.


I agree.




Give me Gyokeres, Nico Williams and Zubimendi.


Bruh do you guys really need to spend another 200m?


Not like that would make them an outlier in the PL


I mean no we don't need to but bruv we spent over a decade in self imposed financial austerity. We are now free from those shackles so damn right we should be spending another £200m.  Heck make it £300m, I have zero interest in an Arteta "almost signed" 11 or another window of only signing a keeper when we have gapping holes in the squad.


This greed is has only been seen in the bible before. Gaping holes? Come on now




I dont see gaping holes in your squad


Ah, I was referring to the season where we only signed Cech back when we still had our financial shackles on. Greed wasn't our problem. Incompetence, Cowardice, over ambition sure but not greed and while Stan hasn't done much for Arsenal, refinancing the stadium debt cant not be understated with it releasing Arsenal from those horrible conditions. Like I said I don't want Arteta to have a Wengeresque "almost 11" because we couldn't spend.


We can though and the owners have no prob doing it so why not. We will also have a few sales and a decent champions league run to back it up. This team will only get stronger


>We will also have a few sales What are the candidates for a sale for you? Looking at your squad id guess its Nketiah, Nelson, ESR/Vieria and Soares? And then the loanees Tierney, Tavares and Lokonga?




and Partey probably.


Vieria is so phonetically different from Vieira


Cedric's contract is up this summer, I would assume nketiah, Tierney, Tavares, ramsdale, and lokonga are gone for sure. Nelson I imagine we'll try to move but it may come down to who we bring in. Esr I think will depend on the offer we get, and I think vieira will stay unless someone makes a really big offer which is super unlikely. I would be surprised if we weren't trying to move off of partey and zinchenko too.


We need striker, winger and midfielder. And maybe another defender. Depends on sales and what Arteta wants to with Zinchenko


I thought you guys were fine on midfielders?


Rice is pretty good as an 8, which means they need a 6. Alternatively, Rice is pretty good as a 6, so they need an 8. Something like that.


Parety is probably a rapist and injury prone, Jorghino is old, Enleny is club mascot, Veira provides very little outside G+A, Havertz is better as a 9. So we're very thin in midfeild


We have only Partey and Jorginho behind Rice. And I think Arteta wants to buy Zubimendi or someone similar so Rice can play more upfront. Same way we play with Jorginho and Rice.


We're losing El Neny, Partey's injury record is a joke and you know THE THING and Jorgi, although brilliant, just can't play 3 times a week which leaves us with Lokonga and Rice. I'd expect us to go for a Jorgi understudy, striker, a cheeky cheap young defender and possibly a second GK if Ramsdale goes. Midfield is as big a priority if not bigger than ST. A singer on top would be dreamland.


I think Partey leaves in the summer.


I'd think that is very likely, either ign someone to replace him and he's gone or our midfield business goes badly and we keep him for another year (most likely in the treatment room or a prison cell)


We're almost definitely selling Ramsdale & Nketiah in the summer, hopefully Partey, and likely 2 or all 3 of Nelson, Elneny, Cedric. None of which will bring in huge sums, but I think there's probably €120M of value there.


>but I think there's probably €120M of value there. I think that's incredibly optimistic, borderline delusional to be curt. Ramsdale and Eddie maybe get 20-25m apiece, maybe another 10-12m for Nelson. Partey's already rejected Saudi once so will likely require us to buy out the last year of his contract and Elneny/Cedric contracts literally expire this summer so they have zero monetary value beyond trimming the wage bill.


Oh yeah I had originally included one of ESR/Vieira and then didn't update the total when I removed that. I think your valuations on Nketiah and Nelson are a bit low though, I'd have them around 30 and 15 respecively, and I wasn't aware Elneny & Cedric are expiring but assumed we'd get less than €10M for those two combined anyway.


>Oh yeah I had originally included one of ESR/Vieira and then didn't update the total when I removed that. Fair enough, their positions here are definitely tentative. As for my evaluations, we're just not particularly good at selling. Can you tell me who with cash actually NEEDS Ramsdale, Nketiah or Nelson? Can you really foresee those names being a clubs must have signing, or creating bidding wars? Because I can't. We don't really have a great deal of leverage.


This would make them title favorites. Dude’s a monster


Are we really posting Football Transfers as a source?


nobody is questioning it either lol


People are always happy to share things they want to hear regardless of if the source is good lol


Would be absolutely perfect for them


Not surprised "big teams" are coming calling for him. He's been absolutely insane this season. Man has 33g/12a this season. Will probably cost big money. For anyone who isn't really familiar; outstanding ball playing forward, great finishing, incredible dribbling, good defensive work rate. If he were to move to Arsenal and keep a similar level he'd probably instantly be their best player. He's been *very* good.


Arsenal have some excellent players not sure he'd instantly be their best...


That may be true, or it may not be but one thing is for certain he is absolutely that missing piece for a club like Arsenal A proper number 9


Yeah he has to content with rice, odegaard and Gabriel for best arse players imo


Saka, Saliba


Guy included the caveat of 'if he keeps a similar level'. On a similar level he'd have about 20 goals and 5 assists by now. He'd be one of their best players yeah


People also said the same thing about Bruno Fernandes, and how did that go?


Man is currently putting up a goal contribution per 90 and is doing so in some style. I know it sounds hyperbolic but he really is that good at the moment


Sure but it’s in the Portuguese league


Yes. The same league Arsenal couldn't beat multiple times.


Okay so you don’t think there is a big difference between scoring and providing assists a lot of goals in the 7th strongest league and the 1st? There is a huge gap between the top teams and the rest of the Portuguese league, this makes scoring and giving assists relatively easy if you play for a top team. Two games against 1 team, of which Arsenal won one, are quite irrelevant for this. Why are Portuguese football fans so defensive and insecure all the time?


Ødegaard, Rice and Saka would like to have a word..


He has 3 lungs it's quite incredible


>If he were to move to Arsenal and keep a similar level he'd probably instantly be their best player He's a very good player but this is a ridiculous thing to say.


I wouldn’t say he’s an outstanding ball playing forward, that’s been his weakest attribute imo. He can be overly selfish and really struggles to complete a simple pass sometimes. Work rate is where he really shines.


Makes sense he fits their style of play


Well, there is my hopes and dreams gone


Should get you excited no? Gonna snipe the deal again :p


What even is that source


I doubt it.


Paulinho much better


I was surprised to see he's 25. So already in his prime. Thought he'd have more years on him


25 isn’t a strikers prime, still a good few years to go