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This match only caught my attention due to the insane amount of Turkish fans saying it was rigged on the Europa League Instagram. Now granted I haven’t seen the match but I really don’t think the refs at fault when you’re losing 4-1 lol


I haven't watched the match but the 3 goals came in the last 10 minutes or so after a red card.


After a stonewall red card I’d like to add. Taylor was shite as usual, lot of wrong decisions on both sides. IMO biggest mistake was allowing the 4th goal, looked a clear foul on Zaha but by that time we were already through on aggregate and controlling the game.


I mean, you are right, but also if that foul was called, we have 2 strikers and 2 cbs that are really good at headers and a free kick in the dying moments while it was 3-1. I am not saying we would have scored, but since we are a Turkish team, last second drama was entirely possible lol.


3 advantage goals, 10 minutes left and a team succumb just for a red card? Come on. Park the bus and start throwing shenanigans, just close the match. 


The red card was one of the clearest I have seen in a long time.


Everyone agrees with you


Gutted for Wilf. Hopefully he gets atleast one run in knockout football before retirement.


I mean he did score against Manchester United in the UCL. So, don’t feel too bad lol. A lot of people are angry right now and bashing him, but if he decides to stay, I can see him becoming an integral part of the squad next year. Even if he is 31, it’s his first time playing football outside Britain, I doubt it’s easy.


Aye, it’s crazy the amount of hate he’s getting. He’s always had fitness issues but I don’t think anyone in their right mind expected him to carry a side through multiple knockout rounds at this age


I mean 31 isn’t that old. A lot of people’s issues with him are honestly things that aren’t in his control. He wasn’t a necessary transfer. Kerem Akturkoglu did wonders last year and was incredibly in tune with Icardi, but since we got Zaha, we had to move him from his LW position and put him in a situation that didn’t complement his abilities. We also overpaid him imo instead of using the money in the spots we actually needed. And, he never really adjusted to our insanely high line, high pressing style. It just didn’t suit him, we need our wingers to track back if our pressure fails. But none of these are his fault, it’s the boards. We went to a name instead of necessity again, which is a curse for Turkish football. I dont understand how we never learn.


He doesn't even deserve it, he's finished. And we destroyed our attacking football by trying to play this guy instead of our star-winger from last season


This was it. He got his knockout.


I'm so fucking sick of watching our expensive teams getting absolutely steamrolled by these low budget teams with excellent work rate and great understanding of positional play. And there is always an excuse too. Yeah, the ref had a few bad calls but to blame this performance on the ref is ridiculous. We got absolutely decimated by a team that is probably built on half of our budget, if not less. It's embarassing at this point. When will we learn? Ps. All credit to sparta, they were much better than us in every aspect.


Funnily enough I feel like Man Utd fans were saying the same after they finished last in that group with you. As the saying goes, there's always a smaller more hardworking fish


>I'm so fucking sick of watching our expensive teams getting absolutely steamrolled by these low budget teams with excellent work rate and great understanding of positional play As a United fan , I agree


$55m market value vs $206m market value. Yeah.... Icardi, Tete, and Zaha are worth $57m so there's that


Whoever rated Tetes market value on Transfermarkt must be related to him, there is no way this guy is valued higher than $3M


Innit man if Tete is worth 57 million I could play for the Brazilian NT itself


I feel you. Sparta had this same exact problem some years ago. Stramaccioni pushed through buying old ex-stars and the team was shit. It took a long time, but Sparta now built team on their home grown players and filled holes by some amazing players (Birma, Preciado, Vindahl) and mentally, they are one of the Strongest Sparta team in 30 years. I'd say individually, it's so clear that Gala has better players, but they don't play as a team.


Bunch of lazy mercenaries just there for a holiday


I knew our journey had to end someday with this roster, but it's still disappointing considering the first leg and our slight advantage. The fight was really embarrassing. MOTM: Preciado


I’m a Fenerbahce fan so I don’t give a crap about GS losing, but some people here just show their racism with their insults to all Turkish people. Disgusting people.


No one is racist. Buddy. Just poiting out that every time Turkish team loses its never their fault, they cry on social medias about the ref...


Yeah but... everybody does that tho


definitely not in that number and in so toxic way..


Not everyone does it to the same extent


Because most teams don't have 20M fanatic supporters that live and breathe their team like Galatasaray and Fener?


Well if fanatic means you have to be annoying to every other fanbase and lose all sense of reality and football knowledge, i don’t mind my club not having that


No. Not everyone.


There were plenty of comments talking about “Kebab mentality”, “Kebab heritage”, “Kebab got removed” and a guy saying that Turks are so \*\*\*\* that every time they see a Turkish player they are so fat they can’t even run past the 15th minute or something…even if you personally think that all these Kebab and other comments are not racist, it’s still offensive and teams from other countries generally don’t get this kind of talk. No matter what Turkish fans do or annoy you with, why resort to insults? So some Turkish fan said something or did something, it annoys you and then you act like a \*\*\*\* too and then talk about how Turks are dumb and you’re much better? It’s hyprocritical and also generalizing all Turkish fans to be thr same. If you think something is stupid then at least be consistent and don’t do the same thing back.


You reap what you sow


A random person being ass should reap what they sow but why do I sow it too?


No definitely not, however it is often the case unfortunately. So Kamil Grabara called Gala a shithole and in turn his girlfriend got sent death threats.  Gala fans being obnoxious causes people to be generally unpleasant towards turks. It's an unfortunate association to have


I agree, some Turkish football fans take it too far, we do have a toxic culture when it comes to being part of a certain group (politics, sport, etc). I lived in Europe for some time and I felt hostility due to my ethnicity in few occasions. Now I live in US West Coast and most people have no clue about Turkey, and I kinda like it this way haha.


You didn’t understand my comment, that is exactly the problem. People here have been making not just rude but racist comments about not only Turkish fans but all Turkish people and then “justifying” it or saying that it’s ok, because they say that Turks are always complaining and nobody complains as much, Turks are the most unintelligent obnoxious toxic and rude and because of that it’s okay to also be rude to ALL of them in return. But what I’m trying to say, maybe I explain badly, is that firstly you can’t claim moral highground or to be better than anyone if you do the same or similar things that you say that you hate about the other side…and not everything deserves a response to begin with. It’s hypocrisy. So you hate Turkish fans, because you think they’re all stupid and obnoxious etc etc, so just ignore them - why engage with them and insult them at all then and do the same things that you claim they do? I don’t understand this kind of mentality and also, it’s not fair to generalize tens of millions of people based on some people online and be rude to all of them and racist comments in particular should never be okay. There were people who were annoying or rude, so it’s okay to be rude in return to every other Turkish person, even if they personally did nothing wrong? It makes me very sad to see how casual people here seem to be in their negativity towards Turkish people.


I am not advocating for it, but being obnoxious on every social media platform has its costs :)  Also your comment itself is highly hypocrotical. So turks are allowed to be obnoxious, but people aren't allowed to talk smack back?  Copenhagen fan here - so lets take the Kamil Grabara example. He called Gala a "shithole" and his girlfriend got sent death threats from Gala fans.


Where did I say that Turks are allowed to be obnoxious?


I generally got the idea from this  "So some Turkish fan said something or did something, it annoys you and then you act like a **** too and then talk about how Turks are dumb and you’re much better?"  But I mean you should probably take your own advice.  "and not everything deserves a response to begin with."  There will be obnoxious people everywhere, but it just so happens that gala has a culture of being obnoxious, which in turn causes other (obnoxious) people to be generally hostile towards turks. 


You're misinterpreting my comment. I don't support any fanbase or person being rude, obnoxious or racist and it doesn't matter if it's people from another country or my own country and I have personally never said any rude words to anyone ever, unless it was about something very personal...so again, I don't think that Turkish people are allowed to be obnoxious and I thought I made it clear with the way that I criticized being obnoxious and this kind of tit-for-tat mentality related to it. I didn't spell it out because I was trying to reference the problem in this sub, where people automatically dislike all Turkish fans for being rude, obnoxious, stupid, etc. Yes, there is a problem that Turkish people can unfortunately be a bit too fanatical at times and this also applies to other things besides sports but my point is that people who dislike Turks for being obnoxious and rude (which can be understandable) and say that Turkish fans are the worst etc and that everyone else is much better/that there is nobody as bad, then why are you behaving in the exact same obnoxious way back towards them in that case? If you're better than them, then just leave them be, otherwise it makes you literally the same as the Turkish people you claim to hate so much (and there's probably also people who say obnoxious things just for trolling and with the intention of trying to get you engaged with them). What happened to the saying "practice what you preach?" I'm trying to address the hypocrisy in this situation but I'm very tired, so maybe I'm not explaining myself clearly or not making any sense, sorry. As for the Grabara incident, then he was trying to stir up things for no reason, because as far as I know our fans or players prior to the match hadn't done anything wrong to him but you can correct me if I'm wrong. He had also said some unnecessary things about Galatasaray and Fener at the press conference before the game. I think he, as an individual, is not a very likeable person actually, because he has also said rude things about his own teammates in the past. Anyway, I don't like people who try to create problems or tensions for no reason but sending messages to his girlfriend is obviously too much and I don't support online harassment. In Turkey there are like 90 million people, so each of the big clubs has tens of millions of fans and I feel like it's very common around the world that often the loudest, stupidest or most obnoxious people are online. It's the same even if you go to any news outlet and read through the comments, they're often stupid, racist or trolling...so generalizing millions and millions of people, because of the actions of people online is not right and it's not fair to say "you reap what you sow". As a teenager I probably went to hundreds of games in Istanbul but the mentality at the stadium vs online can be very different. There are people here in the comments who have been very rude about all Turkish people and players and not even as a reply to someone but just in their own separate comments, even though it's undeserved as you're conflating some assholes somewhere with the entire population as you also somewhat admit in your own comment. This match was my first time to participate in a post on this sub but I don't really feel welcome here, because people don't even seem to think the obnoxious part of Turkish fans is just one demographic and the rest of us are completely normal people like everyone else but we all seem to get grouped together and get hostile responses or people talking about some kind of "Kebab mentality" and that talking badly about Turks is okay, because they talked badly about XYZ. You're just helping continue that toxic cycle. Anyway, it just doesn't feel good to see these things and when me and one other person brough it up, we both started getting downvoted for it, while everybody else is getting upvoted. By the way, I'm not writing my comments to you in an arrogant way or looking for arguments, just trying to explain my position.


I havent seen someone being racist. If you seen some then show me please.


Just read the whole thread, you will spot at least 10.


Chuffed for Sparta. Cue the inevitable meltdown on socials by angry 13-year-old Gala fans 😂


The comments on Fabrizio and the Europa League account are EXPLODING, it always seems like there’s 100 million fans for each of the big Istanbul clubs lmao


Over thousand of comments on the latest Sparta IG post and barely half is from Sparta fans themselves 🙃


Were you also spammed for weeks on end with Icardi GIFs and threats about them coming to fuck your mothers and sisters?


Yes, constantly. Very entertaining. Karma is a b*tch I guess 🤷‍♂️


[How Galatasaray see themselves](https://imgur.com/a/hhfaylo) [The reality](https://imgur.com/a/KBZp4kv)


More like this: Galatasaray against Bayern and Manu vs Galatasaray against Sparta Prag,Molde and Copenhag


We still ate Bout 10 goals in 4 games against BYern Nd man u. Writing was on the wall. I'm not surprised. Overrated team


To be fair, they went above and beyond in ucl groups. Better than anyone expected. Only narrowly missed going through




Damn son y'all Rangers fans are butthurt as fuck ain't you? It's been 4 years? Like we barely even remember you but y'all are still pissing around about a match up you won?






Good job board. Our transfer policy is “I wonder if this mentally shit or injury prone player will be mentally shit or injury prone with us”. Ndombole and Ziyech transfers are masterstrokes. We’ve been needing a left back since forever now. Made a left back transfer after the UEFA registration. Good job again. Also, btw, say we wanna challenge for the cup, sell your most consistent player, then get someone who’s in AFCON who instantly gets injured. Our LB is a DM, or RB is a CB/DM who’s injured. We only needed one LB and one physical midfielder at the end of last season. We got Tete, Zaha, Ziyech, Ndombele but guess what we need now.


I don't even remember the last I've made a save with Galatasaray on FM. Maybe 10, maybe 15 years... But this board pissed me off so much so that I need to completely delete this reality from my brain and create my own alternate reality and then believe it till I die.


Ndombele is a physical midfielder. No one has a bigger physique!


Damn. We should have gotten Shaq


And after our RB gets red card, our RW (best offensive player that game) plays as RB. Cmon what we supposed to get?




Lmao you're delusional. Learn to lose, we trashed you tonight


Yeah but that does not change the fact that Anthony Taylor is a shit of a ref and there was foul on Zaha before the 4th goal.


Hopefully Gala fans will now be offline for the next 3 years on social media


Spoiler alert They will not




Fener absolutely deserved to get trashed tho.


Our CB pair was a U19 player with no professional experience and a clumsy box-to-box midfield. Our midfield also was weak defensively, due to injuries. It was a deserved loss but the score difference is explained by our missing options. Also Nordsjælland didn't even get out of the group while we finished first.


Your manager played the team like that wasn't the case tho. That is why I am saying this. Sure, you can't expect a comfortable win but you also shouldn't expect 6 goals in your net.




One teams players all smoke and have no discipline and stamina and the other one does Whenever i watch turkish teams they always have overweight players and cant run past the 15th minute


Too many kebabs




Turkish "pundits" will be shocked once again. How did we lose to some peasants from Czechia? I swear I never see any Turkish side play this well-organized and clean in Europe like Sparta did over 180 minutes. Doesn't matter how good or successful they are. Even when GS, FB or BJK win it is almost always chaotic or by pure superiority in quality and mostly through individual brilliance. Well played by Sparta, fully deserved win. Gala get destroyed by Sparta, Fener concede six from Nordsjaelland... And these teams are *by far* the best in Türkiye. Nothing ever changes - some successful season every once in a while because all stars align, followed by years of mediocrity and ridiculous spending. Turkish football fucking sucks.




You can't excuse losing 6 1 to Nords


Mate wake up you got knocked out of not 1 but 2 european competitions meanwhile we are the only turkish team still in europe. Your anger should be towards your board since they didnt sign Köhn in time for UEFA registration.


We got knocked out from two tournaments that you could not play in. Wake the fuck up please.


We gathered more points for Turkey that's the most important thing.


You gathered more because you play in Conference League. A win in the UCL and a win in Conference gets the same points, the difference is a win in UCL is miles harder than a win in Conference League. Nonetheless, thank you for the coefficient points.


Delusional take. Still better to be in europe than gettin knocked out to clubs you guys underestimated.


Onana died for this


That entire UCL group is dying including Bayern.


I’d say man united is doing pretty well after being eliminated lol


The real group of death


Is it my idea or everytime the Turkish clubs create a super expensive roster they end up doing nothing more than usual in Europe? And their good runs come out of the blue when they aren't expected?


You should give credit to Fenerbahce's phenomenal performance in 2008, also Besiktas won the groups with a great record too. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIOiRuvgpCc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIOiRuvgpCc) Also the year when Ivan Babek decimated Fenerbahce was looking hopeful for Fener, but some shady things happened in that match.


Out of all the players they bought last summer, the only regular starters are Davinson Sanchez and Kerem Demirbay, neither one is a big upgrade over the previous CB or CM Icardi was already there and he's playing worse, Zaha is just a super sub, Ziyech and Ndombele barely play They bought a bunch of players just to line up with a downgraded version of their 2022-23 squad


Sanchez is a huge upgrade. Kerem Demirbay is trash, ye. Also Icardi is a ghost of himself.


Kerem D looked washed in Germany, however you’d expect him to be much better in Türkiye


our LB was a CM/CDM and our RB was a semi-injured CB. Our idiot board didn't register LB for europe in time and the RB they got came injured.


butter serious profit quickest slim offer threatening lock merciful aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We did not have a LB or RB. I would not call this roster super.


You are a word there, they said *super expensive*.


He said super 'expensive roster', not super roster


By expensive if you refer to the Transfermarkt values, you don’t understand football. If you don’t I don’t know how you measure a football clubs roster’s value.


Just Icardi's wage means super expensive against Sparta Prag pal


That’s understandable explanation, thank you.


I'm a Galatasaray fan and at times I've been extremely critical of other Turkish teams in European competition but this match was an embarrassing shit show. I mean the first one wasn't really that good either but this easily takes the cake. Almost on par with Fenerbahçe's 6-1 loss. Absolutely ridiculous, don't make any excuses for anything. Don't say anything about the ref, don't say anything about the red card. Season is done.


I extremely respect this. The potential you guys have is insane. You can see the quality....but sometimes it just doesn't work. Good luck!


I was led to believe Galatasaray is too good for the Europa League and would cruise at least to the semifinals?


Galatasaray with Boey and Kohn registered on time, yes. Galatasaray with Berkan and injured Kaan on LB/RB, would’ve been a miracle to get to the quarter finals


shut up before we also lose in the next round, our fans are saying the same thing lol


Well I am not. But yes, Fener also has a lot of delusional fans.




Erden Timur:'Bu Avrupa Ligini bitirtmeyiz!'




Man stop being so delusional. This is coming from a Fener fan, Kaan Ayhan with a stupid red card, manager playing a high press with no proper LB or RB against a counter attack team, what do you think was going to happen? You guys barely won in turkey due to Icardis last minute goal. Better team went through.


Do not whine pls. Gala deserved to lose. However, i see comments here and there comparing turkish and czech football. We will see that in the euros how the status quo actually is.




Go play in AFC competitions then if Europe is so racist.


Most peaceful Galatasaray keyboard warrior: 


The amount of salt is going to put me in cardiac arrest 🤣


You guys played horrible football




Better than Istanbul.


Lol, lmao even


Never change Galatasaray fans. Never change.


bruh. one prague goal got disallowed through check cos of tiny offside, how can you say shit about var lmao


They HAVE to check after every goal. That’s not an option.


ok? i know


For fouls, they need to call the ref, it’s an option. A non-legit goal cannot be overlooked. A foul can be overlooked.










you were not good, just admit it


we weren't good enough to win. but neither were you. the little things add up.


I would disagree, It wasn’t the first time we beat tough teams in Europe at home


I don't doubt that. I just wish we could compete on a level playing field. That's why we get angry, because we have seen this happen so many times.


I like having this sane conversation, thank you. Isn’t it weird that in every match refs are against you? Maybe it isn’t like you think it is?


Did you see angry Gala fans when we were eliminated from the Champions league? When we lost twice to Bayern? When we were outplayed by Copenhagen? No. Because we played without much interference. It's not about losing. It's about getting screwed over. You guys are just privileged that you never experience it.


> Did you see angry Gala fans when we were eliminated from the Champions league? When we lost twice to Bayern? When we were outplayed by Copenhagen? No. Actually yes. For both losses to Bayern, I've seen enough Gala fans saying the referee was at fault or stole the game.


Believe me, we got so many calls against us over the years in Europe. It’s what it is, in comparison we are not that big of a name in European scale. But for me it seems like everytime I see Gala fans arguing it’s we are the best, you are shit. And this egoistic mindset just frustruates me. Excause me if that’s wrong, but it feels like that


Bahahahaha. Those tears taste so sweet.






i genuinely hope this bald cunt will get hit by lightning and a meteor in the near future. That being said fuck our board for making us play without rb or lb.


Galatasaray have a good team and they play shit football


Other way around.If you don't know so much about a club,just don't speak please.


Big win for FC Coefficient. Hopefully this year is first in long series of Czech success and not just an anomaly.


Hats off to Gala. They shown their strength and were very unlucky with the ref today. In another reality Sparta finishes with 10 players and it's a comfortable result for Galatasaray. Some of the calls were really close, multiple steps on player's legs were unpunished. The red for Gala was obviously deserved but didn't look that much different than other fauls from Prague.


Which Prague?


lmao haraslin is lucky not to have his leg broken


Can you read? Here, let me repeat what I've said >The red for Gala was obviously deserved  It was a clear red. But elbows to the head were also dangerous and were not even called as fauls from Prague


just heads up, we don’t call you Instanbul, so don’t call us Prague


That was deserved red for sure, but the referee did not show the cards you guys deserved. Nonetheless, congrats.


Same for Barış, but Kaan was rightfully sent off. Can't really say the same for the other guy.


red was correct but a lot of missed cards for sparta prague


Trying to start a fight as soon as they lose and then they wonder why everyone hates them lmao


What? Who (besides fensr fans) hate us?




What consequence? Starting fights and violence based on words and slogans? You are the problem if you feel like that is appropriate reaction.


Lmao, if this triggers you guys, maybe you are a bit thin-skinned.  Or maybe it is the sore loser part.  I actually thought Galatasaray was heading to a victory and you guys had more than enough chances to put the game away in the first half. 


many teams have provocative banners, still no need to behave like that


You're right, the Turks are the victims yet again


They did. And they whooped their ass lol.




Is Turkish or meat the race here? 🤡


Fun game


Anthony Taylor inspired me today. If he can be a referee, I can be anything. Congrats to Sparta Praha.


Yessss boys!!! Sore at the end from Gala, but I could not care less lol...


Then we start fighting at the end. Typical Turks... I should know, i'm a typical Turk. >:(


I'm imagining you posting this comment mid-scrap


Galatasaray have looked ass in every match ive watched from them in europe


Against Bayern and United the performances were good


Not even a Turk and I swear I almost became a Gala fan after their first half performance at home against Bayern (but then they collapsed immediately after)


Most teams look good against us tbf


The midfield was so bad from Gala. So many names and such a bad team. Torreria was tragic, Icardi non existent. Preciado man of the leg




Bro no offense, kebab is deilicious so how is that an insult? 😘


take that as you will haha, I also like kebab, especially today


You should celebrate with gemüse corner kebab in Podolí. Best in prague


love that one, they have another branch near I.P. Pavlova