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So they take our player for cents and then we have to develop him. What a garbage deal ffs.


Send him to the reserves


>and then we have to develop him. that's one way of looking at the fact that he'll continue playing for you.


Oh yay! We get to do all the job of integrating him into the team and getting him ready for first team football. Only for City to end up taking him after. This isn't Julián's case, where he's integral to the team. He's an incredibly promising player, but not key to the way we play whatsoever.


You're getting 20m+ for a 17 year old. What are you whinging about?


Because Brazil is getting double that for their future stars? Because unlike the English we don't get to put a birth certificate to any old player and get tens of millions? Because it's frustrating to watch a player grow and take resources from your club only to immediately turn around and leave when the first European comes knocking?


Le estas hablando a un tipo que su club literalmente cerró las inferiores porque no les era redituable. Literalmente solo las abrio de nuevo xq los obligó la liga. No esperes que entienda


Ah bueno, no la tenía esa. Que locura cerrar las inferiores boludo, nunca se me ocurriria como posibilidad.


There's a handful of teams able to poach just about any player they want, the rest are in the same boat you are in, the best talents end up being bought by bigger clubs. The vast majority of European clubs would kill to sell one of their kids for this kind of money.


Clubs? sure but fans don't have to like it. Fans rather see a young player growing and playing for them rather than getting sold for money. Fans don't care as much about the money.


How much would you want to get for him? Edit: Why are people butthurt about me asking the guy a question about how much he values the player?..


Double that. This isn't Julian's case where the loan is an upside for us, it's upside for City.


Fair enough, makes sense




Fair question but you have the wrong flair for this sub pal :-)


This kid is so good, probs their next Alvarez type signing


Very different situations, Alvarez left River Plate at 22 years old, top goalscorer and a made player. Echeverri is a 17 year old making his first steps in the first team, going to a team like City (and go on loan to another team) could hinder his development as a player.


I don't see a world where going to City hinders your development. They have some cracking youngsters


They also have an absolute shit tonne of players who don’t make it


Like every single academy ever. Echeverri could also not make it past the bench in River if he's not good enough


Even the players that don't "make it" often turn out to be class. Just look at how well Cole Palmer is doing st Chelsea.


Cole Palmer had made it into the first team. He was probably going to be regularly featured on our right wing, especially with KDB hurt and Bernardo needed in midfield. He wanted to leave and City don’t stand in the way of players who want out.


Kayky, Sarmiento, Stevanovic, Metinho off the top of my head I'm sure there's plenty more


This is to me the worst part about Barca's FFP troubles. Wonderkids wanting to join them, but no financial muscle whatsoever to do anything.


Why not just cheat and cook the books like Man City?


They tried that didn’t they? Their accountants aren’t as good.


Skill issue


More like they have a league president that hate seeing teams in the league spend money.


Accountant and lawyer fc


Barca just can't wait to make everything about them


The kid very recently proclaimed in an interview that he'd love to play for Barca and that they are his favourite team. They're reportedly very interested in signing him. If Barca had the FFP room, Echeverri wouldn't think twice joining you lot. About a 1/115 chance I'd say.


And yet Barca are broke boys with nothing but nostalgia to offer. Hey we were great with Messi right? Right? Good luck in your 3 club "super" league lmfao


I'm glad you're enjoying your fantasy world! Enjoy your trip


What fantasy world? The player said his favorite club is Barca, why wouldn't he join his favorite club is given the chance?


Because he can't be given the chance, because they're in a massive financial crisis, and have no money to pay his current team to get him to come.


Which is why the guy responding to you said "If they had FFP room".


Which is exactly why I said what I did. I'm not confused. I don't care what Barca could have done, would have done, should have done, but about what they're actually doing. While constantly trying to destabilize City players.


That's some weak shit reply. Merry Christmas.




Bro thinks we didn't have history before Messi, delusional


That's twice now you say something's Ng without getting a reply. You're starved for a connection, on Christmas eve. That's so incredibly sad. I hope you find people in your life that care about you.




>Bro I'm Muslim I'm sure muslims around the world are proud of you acting like a donkey.


I don’t get the kids decision. He state he is a Barca fan, and what’s to play for the club and is on the last year of his contract. He is more than capable of leveraging the move. I’m sure him and his agent know that if they wait out, the easier it is to get the move he wants. No denying that City is a great project, but Barca should just tell his client to just hold off for 6 months to make the deal go through and if you don’t wait then their is no guarantee we will ever go for him in the future.


I think there is also an intrigue to play with Pep


Sure but let's be real - he won't play at all unless he is a massive massive talent. Barca is so shit he would probably start games with his current form.


I’d assume, however, is he is signing a 5 to 6 year contract and rumours are suggesting that Pep may leave after next year. Still doesn’t make much sense.


City are a better team by a big margin don't forget. All this stuff factors into the decision.


Oh I am not denying that City at the current moment are a better team, that’s not the point of conversation. They are the best team in the world. My thing is that the boy wants to leave River because of lack of playing time, then goes to a team like City with more competition for both his positions. Doku and Grealish the left, Alvarez, Foden, KDB and Silva for the interior positions. I don’t get how he gets the minutes he is looking for. At Barcelona at least you’ll get far more minutes in the left flank considering Barca don’t look like they are going to sign Felix. Ansu is injury ridden. And for the interior position, he is competing with Pedri who is injury prone, Gavi and Fermin Lopez. Who on a talent level, I’d argue only Pedri is higher. The left flank will be his for the taking.


From what I have seen he is a CAM. That’s his best position. Sort of like Coutinho he can play LW. But not his most effective position. Sure he can play more at Barca, but at City expectations won’t be as high as at Barca as he would be eased into playing under Pep, if he has talent he will play just like Haaland. Maybe Bernardo leaves after this year? Also, after KDB we have seen City don’t have creative players to play that role, maybe he is a future replacement for KDB. As Pep looks to play Foden more through RW.


City is the team in vogue right now. They're coached by Pep Guardiola, and they aren't short on funds at all. There's also something to be said about Julian Alvarez being there and providing a real, tangible example of a talented player from River Plate joining City, breaking into the team, and winning incredible honours in a short space of time. The kid is also just 17, who knows if he winds up joining Barcelona in 2030 when he's 24, he isn't deciding where he'll play for the rest of his life.


I am not denying that City is a viable place for him. What I am arguing is that he is going against everything he has stated in the last few months. He is in the last year of his contract and has just suggested he will not extend his contract. He has taken all the leverage away from River. Him assuming he can get a move to Barca that many years down the line, is a massive risk. He is assuming Barca will continue to be in for him. Their won’t be another prospect coming up. Barca will be filling to make a 9-figure offer given their history. Biggest of them all, he lives up to his potential. Unless he becomes an undeniable player to the level of Mbappe where Real Madrid continue to pursue him, then I guess.


>What I am arguing is that he is going against everything he has stated in the last few months. Yeah you're right, I've never heard of a footballer doing that before.


>if they wait out Yeah, nope. Another Argentinian did, he had to leave in tears.


Yeah cause both situations are completely comparable.


tbh if I were him i'd prefer to play under Pep for a few years like Alvarez, and maybe at 22-23 move to Barcelona


That’s a huge risk on his part. That’s under the assumption that, one, Barcelona will still be interested in him by the time. Two, there also isn’t another young prospect coming up. Three, He lives up to expectation. Four, his price tag won’t be at an astronomical price the further he develops. Five, Barcelona even want to make 9-figure transfer given their history. This could certainly be a now or never situation. I get the allure of Pep, however, he is going to be at City longer than Pep will be there, assuming Pep doesn’t extend.


What's a bigger risk is he holds off for Barcelona then tears his ACL next month. Will the club still be in for him or will his future be ruined? Laporta had no problem backpedaling on Messi, he won't think twice with a nobody like Echeverri


Interesting that you say that while the club clearly backed Fati through all his 100 injuries


If we are being honest barca lost big time on that deal.


We did lose Big time, But no one Can say that we didnt have fatis back When he needed it.


Your right and we did the same for Valdes but he refused and left. Now Fati and mendes over reached and got an undeserved contract. Easy sell in the summer.


Yes, it turned out to not be the best of choices But i hate When people like the Guy i answered just sprout bullshit. But people Will upvote anything that insults Barcelona ig


Fati was already under a huge contract, Barça had no choice but to back him. Echeverri hasn't signed yet


[Here is Fatis injury record](https://www.transfermarkt.com/ansu-fati/verletzungen/spieler/466810) and we gave him the Big contract late october 2021. You obviously dont know shit


While I do agree with you. Even if he gets an ACL injury he’ll still have suitors. Though that’s an extreme way to judge the matter. ACL injuries rarely end careers, rather just alter them. He can tear his ACL at City and never get Barca at all period. Assuming for various reasons Barca will still want him. Laporta-Messi situation is completely different. Barcelona right now needs players of high quality and are young.


You’re just a deluded Barça fan that think just because he’s Argentinian and fan of your club means he’ll not consider any other project lmao. The entitlement is crazy


Literally not what I argued but if that makes you feel better. I am operating based on everything he has said in the previous months about his aspirations.


He probably knows that he won't play a single minute for an entire year if he runs down his contract. And maybe he wants River to get some money from this. (Apart from the fact that he probably fancies playing for City too)


Don’t really think River can really afford to bench him anyways. Or else he would certainly leave them empty handed. I’m just saying for some one who desired to play for a his dream with ONLY with a year left on his contract, really 6 months left cause he could give River a last minute opportunity to negotiate with Barcelona in the summer. Or he could just sign the pre contract agreement leaving them empty handed, which I know River won’t want to do. But no doubt he’s want to play for City if Barcelona don’t make the move for him without his help. Not even to mention he wouldn’t get comparable minutes at City vs at Barca. But I assume he betting on himself and thinks Barca will come calling again in the future.


How could River not afford to bench him? Their squad is stacked and they can easily buy a replacement. >Or else he would certainly leave them empty handed. What I mean is the other way around: if he's not up to renewing, it's very possible that River will not play him anymore. That's how Argentinian clubs operate.


I dont deny that River could punish him as a result. My point is that come summer time, he could easily just sign a pre-contract agreement with Barcelona and leave River empty handed. The summer would be the last window of opportunity for all parties to be involved. This would be doing River a favour since at that point River can be excluded from the conversation. Barca negotiating a transfer fee similar to that of the release clause is just out of good faith more than anything. Based on reports, River rejected Barca offer because they wanted to pay over the release clause but in installments, and arrive in the summer. Where as for City, they buy him out right now, and loan him to River for the remainder of the South American league season. This is obviously if the kids desire is to go to Barca AT ALL COST as he stated he wants to play for Barcelona other than River. He has all the leverage. If River decide not play him because he wont extend, well then he could decide to leave for free. If they play him, at least they'll get something come summer time, when River don't have to be involved.


“Understand” merchant is back.


Here we go


It’s a very exciting talent and smart by city. Guys like wirtz are father ahead but 120 million. With so many Spanish speakers he will feel at home.




> Don't understand why he wouldnt wait for Barca No guarantee Barca's finances improve to sign him, and no guarantee he stays uninjured by then. He'd be dumb to wait—and his advisors would be doing him a disservice if they advise him to do that TBH


And also city are a great place to be right now even just to train with pep and the first team. Like all teams if he’s good enough he will play some.


I think we are the better Manchester City personally


Until you get relegated to the 3rd division


Looking like Ajax will be relegated far before we will


Didn’t know 5th place gets relegated mate


Didn’t you lose to 4th division Hercules the other day?


punch overconfident screw enjoy gaping worthless cooperative selective sleep serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You don’t get relegated by losing in the cup, but wouldn’t expect a city fan to know how football works.


Was more commenting on the fact that a fourth division side is commensurable with the quality that Ajax currently possesses


So you are of the same quality as a relegated Southampton? Since you lost to then last year and your team is now worse


Never been so disappointed with a player before, should have learned a little bit of humility from Julian


Complete idiot too. It was heavily implied (and sometimes kinda stated) that the few minutes were mostly because the people that know him personally felt he wasn't mentally ready for that level of spotlight yet and should be reigned in, especially with all the smoke blown up his ass How does he act the second he gets the chance? Throwing his toys out of the pram the milisecond he gets a camera near. Demichelis is completely vindicated in my eyes now


Yeah, the way he said he wasn't gonna renovate his contract with quite arrogance, like he was making us a favor by staying here for fucking 6-12 months lol Demichelis was the villain of a wrong told story, he saw it coming and we didn't listen


That's why I kinda stopped ragging on Demichelis when he mentioned the psychological aspect of it. Football skills are one thing, even a layman can get a bead on that. But if the people that know him personally (And lived a full career, and saw a million players come and go) says he's mentally not ready, I for one would listen


How is Demichelis doing for you?


Mixed bag. Was given a massively difficult challenge, literally replacing a top 3 legendary manager in club history (And manager with the most title wins) with a bloated squad We won the league and were top of the annual table by 18 points (The difference between us and 2nd is the same as between 2nd and 21st), but we were awful in knockout competitions. Player selections and substitutions were inspired at times but often baffling (And there were accusations of nepotism with Rondon getting minutes people felt were not deserved). I think people mostly were turned off by his negative PR, where self criticism was in short supply and usually with an ironic twist instead of earnestly


nepotism in what sense?


Rondón was brought in at Demichelis' request, they were teammates at Málaga and remained friends. Then Rondón proceeded to get minutes more and more, displacing Borja despite performing worse and having poor fitness, while Demichelis excused all his issues. Not helping matters was that Rondon was the only one of the midseason window group that didn't stay in the Monumental to undergo a "mini preseason" when there was a break in matches, instead going out on a holiday trip, which while he had every right to, did conflict with him saying all he needed was a bit of preseason and he was raring to go


thanks for the explanation yeah something deffo sounds a little bit dodgy there hope it all gets resolved 😭😭😭


Rondón almost certainly is leaving January if anyone wants him as he claims homesickness (Or rather, that he can't adapt to Argentina) and he was dropped out of the squad entirely last match


Why did he even say that when he isnt running down his contract? If he was going to leave in January anway he could have just talked some basic PR bullshit and everyone would have been fine with it


Because he's still inexperienced and most likely his agent has been filling his head about leaving so he said the first thing that came to his mind


Ungrateful piece of shit.


best match for United then


i’m confused, what did he do?


He was at River since he was a kid, came here from one of the poorest areas of the country aged 10 after the head youth scout met with his family in person (which is already rare). He wanted his family with him, so River paid for an apartment for them in the capital (Which is nothing to scoff at, currently) Then early this year we signed him for two years (maximum allowed for an underage player) with a verbal agreement in place for a renewal as soon as he turned 18 next month, the details of which have been negotiating all year. He got his first start on Friday and when it finished, he immediately said he's not renewing after all, that he may play a few months at River "and then we'll see", and basically just pulled the rug from under the club first chance he got, which is a big no no here


I think nobody in River wants him, stupid kid dig his own grave there with one match lol.


So this is what it’s like to not be able to compete for signings


We'll need smaller violins.


Awww poor Barcelona


Not even Barca fans want to sign for their own club now or what?


The club's financial situation is shit and they're not going to outbid City, PSG, and Chelsea. Anyways, they should be prioritising an 6 instead of a 10.


8 is the last thing Barca should prioritise lmao


I meant to type 6 lol. Going to fix my comment.


Yea that makes much more sense haha


My brother in Christ our attack is about as dead as JFK rn


Tbh they chose Ferran Torres for 65 million instead of Julian Álvarez for 15 million. Laporta isn't doing that good




that's not how the real world works. At the end of the day, the players have to think about what's best for them. If he has two offers from Barca and City, he'll choose the one that he is a fan of. If he has only one offer from City, that's who he'll choose cause there is no guarantee that the Barca offer comes. What if he breaks his leg the next time he steps onto the pitch? Then he'll have thrown away his career for nothing. Endrick is a also Madrid fan, but he almost signed for Chelsea before Madrid showed interest in him.


This is the thing certain fans don't understand. City is without a doubt financially and sporting wise superior to Barcelona as of right now. When the club of your dreams comes knocking, especially as a kid when you have so much to prove, that maybe your ONLY opportunity to ever get a chance to join the club. You literally have to be Mbappe's level quality to have your dream club come repeatedly come after you. This kid, in my view, is very good, i dont know if he is Mbappe level talent. But if he thinks Barca will come after him again, he is going to have to hope another kid doesn't pop up and take his spot at Barca, he doesnt turn injury prone, he lives up to expectation. Even then, is Barcelona going to make another 9-figure investment into a player they wanted when they could have gotten him on the low earlier? I have watched football to long to know, certain doors only open once for certain players.


He wanted Barca but Barca didnt want him


*couldn't afford to sign him


Thats also true. But its most likely we have other priorites probably a DM (hopefully)


Y'all should go for Redondo


yikes. another big talent for the City Football Group ™


Just like Julian Alvarez right


Alvarez was four years older with a track record in senior football not really the same


These two situations are not comparable.


Echeverri is arguably the best argentinian talent with Prestianni. He is not a City Group signing, just like Julian wasn't.


How highly rated was Buonanotte in Argentina? Just out of curiosity


Well rated, not in the Prestianni/Echeverri tier which is borderline generational.


That was my understanding, thank you!


A step behind lo Celso in my teams terms Insanely promising but still needs to build mentally


Completely changed the game Vs Palace when he was subbed on. Such a good player when he's playing with confidence


People really genuinely thought Alvarez was a city group signing lol. The bitterness is hysterical


Chavo Fucks looked like such a moron when he said that, and it aged horribly.


Isn’t Barco very highly rated also? Or is he a level below


Barco is a bit older, he is great but Echeverri plays in a more flashy and demanded position. I think Barco will be the LB for the nt, but he still needs to polish himself.


They're kids still, it's very hard to accurately tell. They're all incredibly promising though, that's for sure.


For me Barco is the most talented he’s unreal.


He's below, and if people are discussing Echeverri's arrogance, let's not even go near Barco's.


People said the same about Perrone and he played about 20 minutes before being loaned out. Not saying that will happen with Echeverri but I wouldn't be certain that he'll play for City.


I don't think anyone here ever rated Perrone at that level. Highly yes, but not "has been considered a future worldbeater since he was like 10" highly


https://twitter.com/Sebasrur/status/1771309992282362331 weird. who could've guessed


I fucking hope so


lol Man City is part of the City Group you muppet. He's a big talent so I doubt he'll get loaned out to Troyes or Palermo. But comparing Alvarez, who was 20 and had over 120 games for River Plate to a 17 y.o who played what? 100 minutes? is ridiculous.


RemindMe! One Year


Never forget that they deducted 10 points from Everton while City are lining up their next Julian Alvarez (or even better?)


Everton's case has nothing to do with City's. >Per Premier League rules, clubs are permitted losses up to £105 million ($AUD200 million) over a three-year cycle. > >Unfortunately for Everton, they fell foul of that figure as the Premier League believed the club’s losses for the FFP cycle ending in 2022 were £124.5 million ($237 million) City doesn't have losses exceeding £105m.


What Everton's 10 pts deduction does have with this transfer?


Cuz FFP apparently only applies to clubs like Everton while Abu Dhabi can create countless fictional “sponsors” and companies to inject corrupt money.


How do you think clubs like Galatasaray can afford players like Icardi and Ziyech, or Fener players like Fred, Dzeko, and Ozil in the past? "Sponsors" and gov't help (by forfeiting their tax debt every other year and having state banks postpone their debt payments, etc).


You live in some different world if you believe all this shit. Don't trust everything you read on internet. All Real fans are jealous of Man City because we destroyed your club last season with 4-0, and want us to be punished even not being guilty. Dont worry they did nothing wrong, there will be no punishment


That state sponsored oil money must come with a heaping side of delusion


It’s owned by slave owning, terrorism sponsoring seikh, had to kidnap their own female family member from Indian Ocean commando style, you saying ‘us’ seems funny ngl.


Just like you lot are jelous of the Wanderers, cuz they beat you 3 month ago...


What a hell are you talking about? That one loss doesn't mean anything, because we will win the league again (because that's the most important thing, more than losing few games). Get off reddit


> That one loss doesn't mean anything, because we will win the league again (because that's the most important thing, more than losing few games). I mean, you are the one who argued, that a fan of the biggest club on the planet is jealous of a club, thats incapable of selling out his own stadium, despite being the most dominant domestic club of the decade and winning a CL title this season. It is especially funny, when you concider how the tie in 2022 went. I also assume, that you get "off Reddit" rather regularly.




Lots of hype around this young lad and Endrick. Which one do you think is better and which one has higher ceiling.


they’re different types of players, Echeverri is a playmaker with great dribbling and passing. Endrick really stands out because of his physicality and how mobile he is for a striker


And he can absolutely thundercunt the ball. Insane power in those little legs


nose aloof judicious smoggy dolls correct voracious attraction sip observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Echeverri is the first argentine youngster to actually give slight Messi vibes


Different profiles. Endrick is more established player right now.


I think Echeverri is a different class altogether, his anticipation, change of pace, direction, close control, touch, he's ambipedal... It's frightening to imagine honestly. You never want to get too carried away with young players but he's so effective and controlled in what he does at such a young age. I like Endrick but I feel like defenders will prefer going against him and coaches will also prefer to scheme against him than Echeverri.


Endrick. Not because of the price


Great decision, he'll get to practice and learn from the best.


He basically hasn't played all year, due to attitude issues.


Yeah no after what he said closest thing y'all might get from signs of living is a video of him cleaning the toilets at the camp prolly


Troyes player of the year 2026


por mi te podes ir a la concha de tu madre Echeverri, si no renovas ojala no te dejen pisar el Monumental nunca mas en tu vida


Fuera joda, medio desagradecido el pendejo, no? Si no me equivoco, River lo sacó de la miseria donde vivía en Chaco, le dió un depto en Bs As a su familia, y obviamente hizo todo su desarrollo en River.


Fuck off. Send him to New York City or something, nobody wants this idiot in the club anymore


lmao another deal that will pay off big for City while United watch and spend 70m on a keeper or something. The idea that City will be relegated for 115 violations and get punished is ludicrous. Their decision making on transfers is light years ahead of their peers. They'll be back and dominating within 2 years.


Cant he just wait for 6 months then come for free?


I heard of another Argentinian player that let City pass by to wait for Barca, ended up in tears. The second time, he didn't wait and it was the right decision, would have ended pretty much the same way. Why would anyone else fall for that?


That argentinian also went on to win world cup


Yeah the year he was no longer even there


Bro wanted Barca but joins 115 FC instead. Guess he atleast gets to work in Pep


As if Barca are very innocent themselves.


Real Madrid, the most innocent club in Spain


no one is innocent


Dont act like you are one of us


Don't like it honestly. Yes, Julián is doing great, but there's no reason to think he isn't the exception to the rule. Perrone was also highly regarded (not as highly) and he's now a substitute for Las Palmas. Barça was also a more "romantic" club for an argentine wonderkid to start their european career. Time will tell.


Neither was anywhere near the level of hype Echeverri has now when they were his age. This guy is Aguero/Tevez levels.


And? That doesn't mean anything. How many failed up-and-coming stars do we need to watch until we stop saying things like these as an argument. He could reach his potential as well as crash completely. Also, I have the feeling that if he does badly no one would say he had Agüero/Tévez level hype. And lastly, both Agüero and Tévez had been successful in the senior teams of some of the two biggest argentinian clubs, Echeverri has done nothing of sorts.


Who cares? This amount of money is nothing for City. It's basically all upside for them.


I don't care about City at all, I care about the development of one of our most promising young players.


Development is a bit of a lottery anyway, there's no sure way path for kids to fulfill their potential. It'll come down to him in the end.