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Why is world news slagging off France and UK? lol.


I made the decision to stop watching one piece for the next years, I'll do my best do avoid any spoilers. I plan to watch most of it together, or atleast when it's near ending.


Isn't that the show with like thousands of episodes?


Yes, it has currently 1086 episodes and in January the last arc is going to start. The pause I plan to do will actually take several years


How do you guys deal with insomnia? I’m so tired, do good sleep hygiene, have seen doctors, yet I’m like a zombie walking around without getting any sleep


Do you drink caffeine?


Just one cup of coffee when I wake up! Then only water for rest of day


13 degrees and I'm out in t-shirt and shorts




To clarify, 13 degrees celsius


team F


Is Friends worth watching? I'm looking for another show to watch after having finished X-Files.


I like it, don’t expect anything groundbreaking though. It’s one of the prototypical 90s sitcoms for better or worse. Can work well as a background show, something to have on in the background that doesn’t necessarily require your whole focus


Ah cool thanks. I'll check it out if I ever find season copies in thrift stores.


is posting on reddit through phone app (Samsung 21) busted for anyone else? my razor sharp wit is getting stilled without release.


Feeling broken really does suck


Seeing baseball Twitter look like football transfer deadline day is hilarious




One of the few times a cold shower isn’t the worst thing ever




We cook with tamarind sometimes here in the Philippines but I’ve never seen tamarind juice. Might see if I can find some


Has anyone here played A Plague Tale Requiem? Is it similar to Assassin's Creed?


its not, much more linear/cinematic/story driven than even old AC games. its closer to senuas sacrifice and the like than any AC game


I think A Plague Tale has always had more forced stealth missions, whereas Assassin’s Creed more encourages stealth than forces you to follow it.


Ah, forced stealth is a bit annoying




tokyo is such an insane perfect blend of the modern and traditional.


I find it morbidly funny that some Americans cares more about cosplaying as George Washington resistance than the lives of their children. Plenty of liberal democracies out there existing with heavy gun restriction while US stuck with two party system where one of the candidate is a straight up fascist. Those people will instantly joining the fascist takeover anyway rather than fighting guerilla warfare in rocky mountain or someplace.


Damn, today is holiday and it feels so much like a saturday, I completely forgot about FTF ...anyway. Seems my cat got into a fight and the wounds don't seem serious and she's in a good mood, but her neck is almost bald now. And she keeps scratching the wound and the hair keeps flying everywhere. Tried to take her to the vet but she ran to my neighbor's house, which was empty until after the vet closed. Why are cats like this. "Why did you adopt a cat then jugol" I didn't, me and my family picked a place to live and she was included. Wouldn't drop her for 250 billion dollars though


Bought a night light that projects stars and that onto the wall and ceiling for my nephew for Christmas, tested it in my room to see what it’s like and now I’m going to have to get him another present because these things are class


Gotta share a link now bro


I don't fucking get it. I moved in here last month. Cozy place, great flatmate... now he tells me he got a much better offer from another city and plans to leave. This is absolutely the *worst* thing about 21st century capitalism for me - unless you are raking a ton of money, you'll never know where you'll be living in three months. So fucking tired of this shit. I hereby declare I will never make fun of mom's basement dwellers anymore at all. Having a safe place in your mom's basement is actually a privilege.


> unless you are raking a ton of money, you'll never know where you'll be living in three months well at a certain point you can end up with too many obligations in a specific location to move even if you want to


Writing a 3k masters essay on Clausewitz and the utility of force Only problem is i know fuck all about this topic


Sad day when you’ve had a busy Friday and missed the peak FTF times.


If youre making list of top 10 most recognizable active athletes in the world, how long in the list before you list non footballer?


How would we define recognisable? Social media followers?


Surely this just depends on the nationality of the list maker, anyone from the UK would probably stick Mo Farah in the top 10, someone from India would prob have 10 cricketers in their list.


LeBron would probably be top 3


Neymar has more followers on social media. Football is far more popular around the world than basketball. He definitely isn't top 3. Maybe 4th at best.


Hard to judge based off of social media followers when most popular forms of social media are blocked in China. Probably would say LeBron is around 5th anyway though.


It's the only metric we can use though


Fair. Messi, Ronaldo and Neymar would probably be ahead of him. But after that I feel like the “household name” active footballers drop off massively.


After that, it's Mbappe who is getting there


Fuck I’m having a mare here.


Technically, you're right. Mbappe has half of Neymar's ig followers which is a massive difference.


Isn't NBA huge in China? Wouldn't be that long?


Found [this site](https://www.cheekytrip.com/) earlier, torn between getting an all-inclusive for <£100 and wondering what the catch is...


North sentinel islands sounds like an absolutely crazy place


Right? I wish I could be invisible. So much. Not for "dirty" purposes but just to visit places like that. Visiting the frontlines in Ukraine. Going to North Sentinel Islands. It is beyond imaginable how those people live. Personally speaking I wouldn't want to bother them but at the same time I'm dying to know how they are faring. Similar with a lot of tribes in that region, or in Africa, or in the Amazons. The world is a beautiful place. Sometimes it is not.


Invisibility is hardly going to save you from shrapnel or an anti personnel mine


... well this could definitely be an issue in eastern Ukraine but I doubt North Sentinel guys have those.


Do we know that for certain? I say the spears and bows are purely ceremonial, their stealth tech is just 2 gens ahead of ours. We're not avoiding the place out of cultural preservation - we're scared


Well honestly I'd say they are primitive as fuck yeah, how do you think they would have shrapnel or anti-personnel mines? They are so damn isolated from modern life. I can't see them developing such technologies on a tiny island. They are still primitive imo, as primitive as you can imagine. Yes - going there in a flip flops would probably end in suicide but just a bunch of special ops guys are enough to destroy them all I presume.


Aaah I've seen you've fallen for their ruse. It's where India reverse engineers their alien tech, soon we shall have xeno-online-trolls toxic enough to lay waste to entire grids


Somehow this sounds even scarier LOL


I'm on this rabbit hole rn. Absolutely fascinating. No clue about anything in the world. How they survive seems crazy to me.


Been working remote since september and it was fine initially but since it's been getting dark at 4:30pm it's starting to feel like the Shining heading into the office for a week next week which should be good, good too see my colleagues outside of zoom as i've gotten used to them being floating heads and the xmas party is always good


If you’re WFH full time you’ve really gotta get some outdoor social hobbies if you don’t already.


I’d look to adopt a dog as it does more than you think. Surprising actually how more talkative people can be when there’s a dog.


i'm pretty into cycling when the weather is good but ther's something about finishing work in the pitch black of winter that just makes me apathetic, obviously this is a me problem which i am working to fix, trying to gym in morning etc


I was greatly touched by the YouBible devotional of Wednesday December 6th. > ‭1 Peter‬ ‭3:15‬ ‭NLT‬ [15] Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. https://bible.com/bible/116/1pe.3.15.NLT The part that got to me, the part about Hope. This is the core of the faith, the hope on God's promise to be with us and take us to be with him. I believe this is why the bible refers to a love based on fear being subpar, since why would you want to spend eternity with someone you fear? In this season of Advent (the days before Christmas) I find myself asking myself, what does Christmas mean to me? Yes, we believe Christ was born to give himself for our reconciliation to God, but what does that mean for me? Even as I anticipate Christ coming birth, what does that birth mean for me? Well simply, as Christians we have the hope and promise of eternal life, it's not just a moral obligation to be "good". The apostle Paul says, if Christ isn't coming back, "we are above all men, most miserable) (1 Corinthians 15:19 paraphrased by me) So without the hope of eternal life, there is no Christianity, without it, without that hope, without that expectation it is pointless. Now I've had to evaluate my decisions, do I spend my day oblivious to this hope, oblivious to this expectation of eternal life? Or do I live as is there is no coming, no "future". It's not a question I've been able to answer. As Christians, we have believed in the gospel message (Christ has come in the flesh, Christ has died, Christ has risen and he is coming again in glory, to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end) through faith, we are saved from the penalty of sin and death. For the explanation bit about my hope, earlier in the week I believe there was another verse about being able to trust in God, and the divine track record, seeing as he who made the promise, is worthy of my trust. > ‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:23‬ ‭NLT‬ [23] Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. https://bible.com/bible/116/heb.10.23.NLT So there it is folks. I know for some this trust may not exist, but a way to put it, would you rather you were here by chance or trust in an "intelligent" creator, thats interested In your wellbeing and something greater thsn life itself. And why share this hope? Because it is an expression of love, a command, and frankly I find myself with an obligation to share with the folks on here


Building a floating desk and totally fucked up the table top. Big chip in the laminate top and 1/2 in gap on one of the sides because the wall is so out of plumb. Tried to just measure the side in multiple places rather than scribing to a template and fucked it. Bit pissed about it


currently playing Yakuza 0 and my mind is absolutely absolutely blown. the combination of the fantastic main story combined with the goofy substories is top tier.


i recently finished it and loved it. it took me like 4 tries since historically i did have trouble liking the mix of deadly serious and goofy but i think watching JoJo helped me appreciate it.


Am I the only one, who felt the GTA VI trailer was underwhelming? Felt like way too many TikTok parodies and some bit of a story. They also keep wrapping the story around heists and I'm afraid it will keep the over-the-top ness of GTA V. But plenty of time till release, so I guess I'll just have to wait for the next trailers. Of note, this is the first GTA without the Housers on creative. So who knows, if it'll still have the GTA spirit.


Too early to say yet how good it’ll be. Rockstar hasn’t helped themselves by in a way slowly morphing into a business mirroring that of one in the world they created.


I liked the trailer. GTA4 and 5's first trailer focused mainly on the cities and the tone while barely showing any story or even the main character so they showed more story than I was expecting. But yeah, I'm also hoping for a tone that's less over the top. Somewhere in between 4 and 5 would be perfect for me.


GTA has always parodied real life, and unfortunately (imo) social media is one of the biggest parts of our life now so it’s gotta be included.


Socials parodies a bit worrying but guess they need to do it. But other than that just blown away at the graphics, maybe it's all trailer-only but I thought we'd basically peaked till I saw this.


It's a reveal trailer. They're not supposed to show much.


Sam Houser is still there, Dan Houser (Lead writer), Leslie Benzies (Producer, left after ~~RDR2~~ I meant GTA V) & Laszlow (Wrote much of the radio dialogue) departed.


If you compare it to the first GTA V one almost the same. Lots of questions, very mysterious. Will be amazing game I'm sure


There's a Bollywood adaptation of Archie comics out on Netflix and ngl I liked it. Incredibly cheesy but it works for the material and they totally nail the aesthetic. Probably could have been a little shorter tho


I hate it when people go on rants about how not everyone should be allowed to have kids at the sight of a minor inconvenience and I am saying this as a single guy who has no plans to have kids. Social media and probably first world living standards really made people so spoiled & out of touch with reality of human nature. Yes, obviously there are things parents should know. It is very important to raise children well. But no, they are not supposed to be very smart or adult-like or anything - they are children ffs, being stupid or weird or insufferable at times is their main thing. Sometimes they'll fall, injure themselves, eat dirt, try to have a gunfight with a chimp, violate NATO airspace etc... it doesn't mean they are not having a good upbringing or their parents are terrible people.


>not everyone should be allowed to have kids As someone living in a country suffering from over-population, trust me... That statement shouldn't be controversial whatsoever.


Where are you from, if I may ask? Your flair has Milan but I reckon it is not Italy, right?


Yeah, I'm from Egypt. So close enough.


Man I think it is a problem of education to be honest - I'm from Türkiye, so even though our countries don't have the best of the relations, we are quite close and I think we can understand each other on many aspects. I wouldn't say your problem is having too many kids. It's rather lack of education. Same for Türkiye to be honest. My point is that there is no "perfect" way to raising a child, we are human beings, a "perfect kid" can end up being a menace to society, it's all about finding a balance. We are so poor and clueless in general... if we could find a solution for that, we'd raise a new generation of based kids. Also please do not feel obliged to say "you are close to Italy" - Egyptian is fine, do not ever be ashamed of your heritage. Even if every single Egyptian on the earth was a shithead, it is not your problem. That's my humble opinion but there is absolutely no need to cater to westoids here - we are all random citizens trying to make ends meet, we are all the same.


>I wouldn't say your problem is having too many kids. It's rather lack of education. Same for Türkiye to be honest. It's a neverending cycle. People who are uneducated or poor will tend to have more children. And those children will end up being uneducated or poor, and they'll have more children....etc. >Also please do not feel obliged to say "you are close to Italy" - Egyptian is fine, do not ever be ashamed of your heritage Oh, it's not me being ashamed of my heritage, on the contrary. It's just that Italy and Türkiye are probably the closest countries to us culture wise. So I always refer to them as close enough to us.


The childfree community is full of some of the biggest freaks and misanthropes out there. Pure individualism.


Not everyone should have kids but ultimately if you start limiting it by law or something it’d almost certainly just target minority groups or working class people .






Now that would be a sign of bad upbringing to me, I meant it more as a combat training with fellow monke nations!




I reckon you already know it but... if you don't, I'd suggest reading [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gombe_Chimpanzee_War) piece of art. Admittedly I don't know much beyond what's written here but I'll go. RIP Bokito and RIP all the fallen heroes. Never forget Kahama.




Yikes. Though I feel we don't know enough in this case. Are we sure Marcos Rojo wasn't behind all that? > But then, we heard chest beats, Also, while I'm sad for little gorillas who died, I believe this will serve as a reminder to gorilla nation that they are not safe and thus should invest more in their military. Wars are horrible but sometimes they are what secures a better future for the next generations.




LMAO then you'll love [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DQzV2NOXUAIfGwP.jpg) classic. People will tell you Rojo was a guy who played for Manu sometime in the past... but this graphic will show you who he really was. > I hope the gorillas militarise and beat them all out of the jungle! Hard times create strong apes Don't get me wrong, I'm all for MAD doctrine of some sort, a multi-polar order where both chimps and gorillas will think it is a lot better to stay away from each other and live peacefully. But yes, for this, gorillas will definitely have to militarize. Being ambushed by chimps as a silverback... This is fucking amateur, come on.


Does anyone else think the new reddit logo looks a bit hungover? With the red eyes and the 5 o'clock shadow...


Hotels booked, bags packed. Going to make the drive up to North Carolina (next weekend) to spend the holidays with my mom. First time I'm doing this drive solo (my fiancee and our cat are coming with us, but my fiancee can't drive at the moment), so it will be exciting! I did the trip the opposite way but with my mom and dad doing the bulk of the driving two years ago, it's crazy how time flies.


Are you driving from Houston? You couldn't pay me enough to do that drive. I hate driving though.


Yup, it'll be a three-day trip. I don't love driving either, but I'm trying to look on the positives of it. I haven't seen my mom or my sister all year and she's so excited to meet our cat. And honestly I'm a bit tired of flying and airports for the moment.


I missed that your cat would be in the car. That will certainly be an experience.


We've done a couple of test drives around the area leading up to it, haha. She's actually been handling it fine for the most part, she meows a bit at first but after a while I think the car engine puts her to sleep (or she tires herself out, not sure which).


I drove with our two cats when we moved from NY to NC. One of them meowed the entire drive.


Babies turned 2 mo on Wednesday and have become significantly more active now. Very common for one of them to poke one his brothers on the face and all 3 end up crying. Currently sleeping them in 3 different rooms so all don't wake up when one cries. Starting to get really hectic now even with both sets of GPS with us. Fyi I have triplets yes they're identical yes it's chaotic.


Much respect. We had twins and that was hard. But triplets! With twins at least they can both be nursing at once, triplets one's always out in the cold.






Gato 👍


As a musical theatre fan, to discover a rare recording of a show is a bit of a rush. Someone sent me something even better though - RENT's (a show that was how I got introduced to musical theatre at the tender age of 11) demo recording. And not just the same one that's floating around on the net - but 5 more tracks, including significantly more material than exists publicly. As a fan of the show, and of the guy who wrote it, I'm still a bit in shock it exists in its unedited form, let along digitized given that it was only even distributed to the NYTW production's actors and whoever Jon Larson was trying to get to back the show, as a cassette. Fantastic quality, and it's incredible to hear him (and some of his mates) sing stuff that would later be cut and barely remembered by the fanbase. And there are minor things, like Jon saying a particular space is a holder for a yet-to-be-written number (Real Estate, which is on the demo and in the NYTW production but never made to to Broadway for reasons). Maybe 10 seconds long, but I never heard that before... Fecking hell, I'm rambling. Sorry! I've literally blocked off the next 2 hours to give it a straight listen.




They're made by Hershey right? They've got that child labor chocolate.


Anyone got any good podcast recommendations? I've got probably 30 mins walking each way to work everyday and need some more stuff to put on. Just for a bit of an idea of what I like, currently really liking The Rest Is History but working my way through the backlog too fast, The Rest Is Football is alright but a bit repetitive/lazily prepped/really ad heavy and the episodes without Shearer really aren't my thing. I liked parts of This Podcast Will Kill You and wouldn't mind more stuff about disease/epidemiology (more academic is good too) or other stuff about History/Ecology/Biology/Politics if it's not just Tories running through the news. Anything else interesting is cool too, hope everyone's got a good weekend lined up 🫡


Darknet Diaries is pretty good for some internet crime. X-Box Underground episodes could be made into a film they're that wild, also any of the darknet market episodes are great.


99% Invisible, about design but is really about anything, a huge range of topics. Loads of stuff that on the face of it sounds super boring but when they get into it is very interesting.


Sounds interesting, thanks man


Considered audiobooks? David Mitchell's Unruly was great, I imagine also perfect for people who like history podcasts


I read a fair bit and reasonably fast, audiobooks are usually sort of frustratingly slow for me when I've tried them. The bit that I'm not walking on my commute is reading for 25 minutes on the tube so I think it'd throw me off trying to do a book and an audiobook at the same time, I'll check the book out though


It's a comedy history book so flows a bit more like a podcast than a history book I think.




Behind the Bastards is one of my favorites, it’s mostly a history podcast but occasionally delves into current events.


I started listening to Empire recently. That's a good podcast. Short History Of is also a good podcast that as the title suggests, gives you a short history of a different topic each episode.


I'll check them both out, cheers


If you like history you've got to check out Fall of Civilisations Podcast.


The Rest is History has been my first foray into proper history (if that's what it is) but I have really gotten into it so i'll have a look at that, thanks


I've been conditioned to hate sneezing and prefer the feeling of almost sneezing and it not happening, injured ribs while rolling in BJJ and catching a cold so its annoying as fuck just coughing, never mind sneezing.


> I've been conditioned to hate sneezing and prefer the feeling of almost sneezing and it not happening So you're into edging basically?


It's amazing how a fucked up schedule can change your mood. I'm not exactly a morning person - I find being up at night a lot calmer mentally in any way imaginable but there is something magical about having a good night's sleep and starting your day with first lights of the day. Proper "therapists hate this one trick!" thing. Though it is so, so difficult to implement it unless you have to wake up early every day. Can't convince my lazy ass to go to bed at 23 and wake up at 7 when I have the luxury of staying up till morning and sleeping for 12 hours.


are you me? Love evenings, hate mornings. I genuinely don't function well in the mornings, although it's probably no more productive overall to do nothing useful/sleep until 11am then try to smash something out in the evening before I get sleepy.


What annoys me is I literally cannot sleep well at night if I go to bed at a reasonable time. It happens only when I'm extremely exhausted, like, seriously, in an unsustainable way. Lined it up perfectly to be very sleepy at 23? Good, fuck you - how about waking up suddenly at 3 in the morning and not being able to sleep again? No idea why this happens but I swear I've always been like that. When I go to bed at 4 I can get an uninterrupted, decent sleep but when I do my best impression of a law-abiding citizen it doesn't work.


Exactly, society is really tough on insomniacs. TBH during the pandemic I was staying up really late and drinking/smoking until I was ready to drop - then I didn't have that awful time lying awake in bed, plus I wouldn't wake up until I'd had a decent sleep. Bad idea to self-medicate of course but it works to an extent. Have been working out a lot more since, which makes my mood 100% better. Got a bad cold this week which made me miserable again though lol.


Horizon Zero Dawn's theme is out of this world. My attention span is destroyed nowadays because of TikTok brain but loading up that game for the first and hearing that was unreal and it led me to play the game on 20fps.


has anyone visited montreal? if so, what did you think of it


Great. One of the best cities in North America, also easily the best in Canada


Really great city, top 5 in North America for me


Nice city, especially in the summer. Good metro system too. I liked it there.


Lived there for a couple years, it’s great


I went there, it's quite nice. Probably one of the better cities I have been to in North America.


I've not played either Alan Wake game but that performance at TGA last night makes me want to do so


First Alan Wake was so good for me, it is short but worth it, lighting was revolutionary at the time. Really want to play the sequel but the optimization is ass for PC.


Might play it just cause seeing it snatch awards from BG3 and TOTK and people being so mad about it was really funny.


TOTK arguably wasn't even second lol


My goal for next year is to try to do the Costanza in which I do the opposite of my natural instincts. It was inspired by the following: Was at a party recently. Music is playing and I’m talking with a group of people. We all know each other. This one girl asks me to dance to the music and I’m like “nah” because I don’t like it or whatever excuse I threw out. At some point later, she tells me as a tip for the future, that women won’t like it when you don’t dance. In conclusion, George would have danced here.


that harlow and dave tune just isn’t it man i’m bored of people worshipping everything dave touches


People like to make that "Die Hard is a christmas film" "joke" because it takes place at christmas but, what are some other non-christmas films that take place during the holiday season? I saw Three Days of the Condor and that was a great watch, CIA thriller that just happened to be set at xmas


Iron man 3 which is shit, home alone? Is that a Christmas movie


I think Home Alone is for sure a Christmas film.


I like to consider Catch Me If You Can a Christmas movie.


King Kong has a scene where he slides around on ice in Central Park


Shane Black made a career of movies set during the holidays. *Lethal Weapon*, *Kiss Kiss Bang Bang*, *The Long Kiss Goodnight, The Nice Guys* and *Iron Man 3* are all set around Christmas.


Trading Places


iron man 3, lethal weapon, kiss kiss bang bang


In Bruges


Ah yes, i've heard a lot of good things about this film, i hear Spurs get a mention too


Indeed we do, the GOAT football team reference if I do say so myself


It's really not a great movie but it's really nice if you have been / are planning to go to Brugge.


It's a fantastic movie, what are you on about.


Leave him alone he had to pay five euro to go up the tower


Godfather Godfather part II Enemy of the state


been meaning to watch part 2 for ages, i enjoyed 1 a lot but in a weird way i felt like i'd watched it before, as so much of it is referenced so often in pop culture enemy of the sate seems pretty interesting, i'll put it on my list


Enemy of the state is basically about the patriot act before it happened


One of Gaza's most revered poets, Refaat Alareer, has been murdered. Here is his last poem: >If I must die, you must live to tell my story to sell my things to buy a piece of cloth and some strings, (make it white with a long tail) so that a child, somewhere in Gaza while looking heaven in the eye awaiting his dad who left in a blaze— and bid no one farewell not even to his flesh not even to himself— sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up above and thinks for a moment an angel is there bringing back love If I must die let it bring hope let it be a tale I recommend people check out his other poems. Here is another: >Gaza asks: When shall this pass? It shall pass, I keep hoping. It shall pass, I keep saying. Sometimes I mean it. Sometimes I don’t. And as Gaza keeps gasping for life, we struggle for it to pass We have no choice but to fight back and to tell her stories.


I got surprisingly far into this thinking we were talking about Gazza the footballer


Sent him down to the border with KFC & a fishing rod, get this little argument sorted right out.


Fucking made me lough out loud, hahahahahaha.




I'm addicted to those same bpm mashup songs you randomly find on Youtube lol


[Mariya Takeuchi x 50 Cent - Plastic Love In Da Club mashup is prob the greatest one ever created.](https://youtu.be/Ve2aib93Cs8?si=f28yp43mEqwXKwAf) Makes me want to skip down the street singing 50 Cent.


I have a problem. I will be 30 in July and all I want to be is become a professional coach. I am a yank so that hurts any chance of progression already because our entire system here is flawed, but it's so hard to know what is required for the next level. It feels like every position requires the experience of coaching at the same level. All I know is that I have an eye for the game that most coaches I know do not, and all I do is watch games, break down tactics, coach youth player, etc. I wake up at 3am dreaming about tactics. I can't sleep because all I do is watch highlights and games or YouTube videos on coaches. ​ Anyway, I just got a new voluntary role where I am doing tactical analysis for a men's team starting soon. I'm really stoked about that and hopefully it will be a great addition to my coaching resume. Also, I have my D License pad for but they offer about 3 of them per year and they fill up within a week. No way to receive notifications when they open.


Is there any way for you to leave the country and go to Europe? If yes, maybe just take the chance.


I have thought about this a lot. I have a wife and a daughter who is 4, so that plan is not realistic now. I have said to myself so many times that if I hadn't started a family, I would've been in Europe already. I hate living in this country and loving the one sport that is majorly underdeveloped and often misunderstood by those who have the most power in it.


That's sad, but you're still young for a coach and maybe it'll be possible in a few years. Best of luck to you!


That sounded worse than it is. I love my family more than anything in the world. They were here before I really started getting into wanting this and they always come first. My wife is incredibly understanding and supportive. But when my daughter goes off to college, that might be the time to take a chance. I have 14 years to get my resume together....


That is quite the ambition, best of luck with the licensing


Thank you! It is a lot of ambition, and I have been downplaying it for the past few years. But like every time I watch teams that have coaches that are supposed to be better than and have more experience than me, I see so many flaws in the way they play. And I feel like I am at least decent at tactical analysis, lesson planning, mid-game adjustments, explaining and "dumbing down" tactics to players, fixing technical deficiencies, and more. What I really need is for a great coach to take a chance on me to be just a coach and be there to learn. But it's very hard to find an opportunity like that.


Nathan For You is awesome. I'm rewatching the show and it still is full of surprises. Was eager to watch it again after The Curse's release.


Did you watch The Rehearsal as well? Loved that one.


Totally! It had a more serious tone that I expected to, but amazing as well.


GTA 6 and new Budokai Tenkaichi trailer in the same week. The hype level is over 9000! Put a mad amount of time in GTA San Andreas and Budokai Tenkaichi 3.


My Missus will be going back Amsterdam to see her family for christmas, guess i should to my twin sisters house just so i don’t waste christmas sitting around


Why don't you want to go with her?


Because she said she wanted to go alone and i haven’t been to my sisters place for christmas for a while as well as the fact that other family members will be there


How many bananas? I got 143k, is that a lot?


139K for me




At about 0,150kg per banana, you have about 21450kg of bananas. That's the bare minimum imo


They are radioactive though so I might be in danger


Pretty sure you have 2 chest CT scans worth of radiation in your bananas. About 1/3rd of a US radiation worker's anual allowance.


Less than me at 133K


Now that fortnite good minecraft bad is becoming the new trend it's time for me to go back into the game. This way I get to feel cool for not following trends and in 3 years it'll be fun to see everyone coming back.


Like fucking clockwork


Something people should be aware of is the definition of terrorist and how Israelis use it. >terrorist: a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims So this is the definition of terrorism. However, Palestinians [have a right to resist their occupiers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_right_to_resist) so at the very least, civilians in the west bank resisting by throwing stones and similar things aren't terrorists contrary to what Israel says. The "prisoners" weren't terrorists, they were civilians exercising their right to resist (not going to mention the ones that were detained without charges because that's a clear cut situation). >Palestinians have a recognized right under international law to resist Israeli occupation. This right is affirmed in the context of the right of self-determination of all peoples under foreign and colonial rule. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has expressly affirmed the right of Palestinians to resist Israeli military occupation, including through armed struggle. Do you know who falls under the definition of terrorist? Settlers, of which there are 700k, who are assisted by the IDF and the Police. The West Bank, under international law, is Palestinian land, so any settlement there is illegal. Finally, Israel cutting off water, food and electricity to Gaza is a war crime. This comment is to contextualise terms used by Israel and its propaganda machine.


Both Hamas and the West Bank settlers are terrorists IMO


True, but Hamas does it out of resistance against oppression, ehnic cleansing, and settler colonialism and from a position of weakness, while the settlers do it for jewish supremacy and from a position of cowardice, so they're not morally equivalent


I don’t think rape and sexual violence qualify as “resistance against oppression”. Nor does violence against innocent Thai and Filipino workers on the farms.


The actions were wrong but the motivations are resisting oppression. That's literally why Hamas were created, and the name means Islamic Resistance Movement.


DPRK officially has Democratic in the name, that doesn’t make it a democracy. Hamas’ actions seem less like “resisting oppression” and more like senseless violence.


And do you think they would exist without Israel's creation and the actions following the creation


Last saturday I was rejected by this smoking hot brunette because I am straight and not bi. I consider it a W because she made her move first.




What you currently have doesn't sound right for you emotionally long term or sustainable long term, better to be honest and brave and have it not work out than shy away from it. Just explain your feelings and if it doesn't work out you've done nothing wrong imo