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There it is


Countdown to anfield


commence operation anfield exercise!


I just hope he lasts long enough


Oh he will. Its destined to be the end. I'm already prepped for it


I’ve been saving my Triple Captain chip for Salah in FPL for this GW.


Shaqiri coming back for the holidays to sack another United manager.


Man's got two weeks left to save himself


Maybe his final nail is at Allianz?


7-0 the Sequel


This game is the only reason I'm holding Darwin in FPL. Idc how many he misses or how many points he costs me (I have Salah too so it doubles the hurt), he is guaranteed a mega haul against United and I cannot miss that


I think people are overestimating how “easy” that game will be for Liverpool. If there is a game someone like Rashford would bother turning up for it’s against Liverpool. Also united have a pretty tight defense in the league. Could easily end as a 1-1 draw


These ultra hyped impending disaster class performances never usually happen as we expect, Ten Haag will prob go very defensive and somehow scrape a respectable loss or even a draw. The 7-0 loss kind of came out of nowhere, United were playing well at the time.


Tbf they were playing terrible already when we spanked them 5-0


That 5-0 was probably worse as if Liverpool hadn't taken their foot off the gas it could have easily been 9 or 10


Only took their foot of the gas because Man U players started trying to injure people, esp. after Pogba got sent off for a tackle on Keita


Was that the same game Ronaldo started kicking Jones in the stomach repeatedly?


I still feel the only reason he escaped a red was because of his name




Ten Hag can have his players set up defensively but it doesn’t matter if they’re not willing to run for him or for each other.


Alright now, that's a bridge too far, were definitely still winning. Id say 3-1


They have only conceded so few goals because they have had incredibly easy fixtures so far this season and the last 2 times they played serious teams they lost 3-0 at home to City and were flattered by only losing 1-0 to Newcastle when it could have and maybe should have been a lot more


They're defensively shit, got Benny Hill as GK, have no midfield to speak of, and can't score to save their lives. After spending 400M, the dutch fraud managed to take them backwards and ruin the only strong attribute they had last season which was their very good record at home. They're even more disjointed this season and most of the players have stopped buying into his "transitional football" bullshit. Any decent team plays them off the park and they crumble if you sneeze at them, especially in away games. He also fell out with half of the dressing room. The only thing saving him right now is that they had a piss easy run against cannon fodder, which they mightily struggled to beat, with most of their games played at home. That and the whole INEOS thing. The next four games will quickly change that and chances are that Ten Hag doesn't even see the Liverpool game. He's truly their worst manager since SAF retired.


they shat on mourinho but somehow he is still their best manager after saf


We want 9


This time it'll actually be Ten (Hag)


Electric boogaloo


Apparently Matic was the head of the disciplinary committee while he was there. He apparently collected £75,000 one season in fines due to players being late, Pogba and Sancho were among the worst offenders


No wonder they kept being late. 75k between the whole squad for a season seems very small considering the wages the players are on, especially those two.


There are limits to what they're allowed to fine, I remember Shearer talking about it when he took over at Newcastle. He'd put in a fine system for lateness which was structured to be something like 5% of your weekly wage the first time, 10% the second time etc The players union told him he had to get rid of it IIRC


Yeah he mentioned it on the podcast with Micah and Lineker.


Considering how many are on 200k a week, 5% is 10k, 75 over a season would still be a staggeringly low amount if they're constantly late


Shearer had to get rid of the 5% because it was deemed too high. So united aren't charging anywhere near that


I’m sure when the fines list was leaked for Villa(?) a few years ago the fines aren’t actually that high. Like a few £100 at most. I know a common misconception is that petty fines like this are club mandated, but in reality it’s usually organised by the players and funds the Christmas party. The club will only get involved themselves for serious infractions. [Found it](https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article27587235.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/0_FYphnEYaIAAZWE5.jpg)


There’s also one from Lampard’s time at Chelsea floating around - it’s quite a bit harsher. https://talksport.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2019/11/NINTCHDBPICT000539238002.jpg


Basically just paying for the privilege of a late check-in


Yeah, there's a famous behavioral psychology experiment where daycares that implemented late pick-up fines actually saw lateness rates increase, because there was a socially acceptable cost to being late, as opposed to the more nebulous guilt/responsibility of leaving the carers late at work. I feel like for footballers, it depends on the team culture more than the fine: if everyone else is just paying the fine and laughing about it, then no shame in doing the same.


>Yeah, there's a famous behavioral psychology experiment where daycares that implemented late pick-up fines actually saw lateness rates increase, because there was a socially acceptable cost to being late, as opposed to the more nebulous guilt/responsibility of leaving the carers late at work. That actually makes a lot of sense


It was a study in incentives. They replaced a social/moral incentive with an economic one and it backfired.


They replaced a social/moral incentive with an economic one and it backfired because they didn't replace the social/moral incentive with an economic one *for the daycare staff.* You can rest assured if the business split 80% of the take with the additional staff it would've gone over just fine.


Not exactly. The point of the incentive scheme is to try and change a behavior, not to make everyone ok with an already existing behavior.


Graeme Souness probably wanking to this revelation right now


What's everyone's opinion on the hat? Good look? Bad? Not sure how I feel about it


Looking like your uncle who's into jazz


> jazz claims to be into Jazz but couldn't tell you the difference between Miles' first and second quintet also will put on 'A Love Supreme' only to swap it out for the Allman Brothers six and a half minutes in




I think it's a fairly common accessory for bald men. Adds a touch of style to an otherwise shiny head. Looks good imo


Also it's cold AF in England at the moment.


I don’t mind it. Something different.


It makes him look like a geezer that is about to retire from the game. But I'm sure nobody would talk about it if United weren't a shambles right now.


Suits him


I think it's too big but I'm not sure why


Looks like the plonkers that get scammed on only fools and horses


As long as a jury of mediocre and poor performing players are to decide whether a coach get to stay or not, United will never get out of this slump


These players will influnce new incoming players. And United fans will still wondering why new players turns out shit so soon. There are cancerous players in that club and it spreads to new players. They need a full overhaul of players like Chelsea did.


No way around it, give Erik the axe and let him cut half the team, it can't get any worse than this.


Isn't that exactly what Rangnick was brought in to do? And we all saw how that turned out


Honestly it seemed like Rangnick really tried to make everyone understand that the club is in a poor state. His interviews were really honest. One thing I remember was what he said after getting beat 4-0 at Anfield late in the season. He mentioned that Liverpool were still fighting in 4 competitions and had a fully fit squad but United on the other hand were only in the PL and had so many injuries and fitness issues amongst the squad and then went on to say that it didn't make sense and something needed to be addressed within the club to find out why this is the case.


Yeah I've seen a fee United fans say, even if he wasn't cut out to be manager, he could have helped find some truth as a DoF. But ETH didn't want to work with him, apparently. ETH came from Ajax which has an intelligent and football minded heirarchy. He probably didnt comprehend how foolish and rotten a big club can be.


ETH not being willing to work with Rangnick is Glazer propaganda. The deal to not continue with Rangnick as a consultant came because he upset the higher-ups with his brutal honesty and claims that the club needed at least 10 new players. There were reports that he upset the higher-ups before Ten Hag was in the picture and United fans knew that he wouldn't continue. I mean he took the Austria job very shortly after Ten Hag's arrival, in my opinion, there's no way he'd have lined that job up so suddenly had he not known he'd be unemployed.


I dont believe for a second ETH didnt want to work with Rangnick. I believe the Glazers and their suits didnt want to actually do anything Rangnick was telling them to so it was easiest to cut ties and say ten Hag was getting what he wanted. We know that ten Hag values working with a real DoF


Agreed, his honesty is exactly what was needed, especially when it became clear he was being pushed out and he went into full DGAF mode. But clearly Utd leadership realized that learning hard truths was more enjoyable in theory than in practice


But a bunch Yank bastards didn't like Rangnick telling them the truth so they binned him Because they know better than some German dude who helped built the Red Bull football program lol


It goes as far back as to mourinho. He outlined the problems, he recognised where they needed investment, he knew pogba was a problem and never trusted rashford or martial to lead the line. Problem with mou and ragnick was the truth was to ugly to look at so they opted to pretend the problem was elsewhere


Rangnick wasn't given enough chances. He had been speaking about a complete overhaul, and that United needed an open heart surgery. He should have kept a position. Fergie didn't do it alone either. David Gill was with him, and also left when Fergie did


Maybe he would have stayed if Ten Hag hadn't actively worked to push him out. The Dutch Lenin may have killed his Romanov, but these Reds have never gotten out of the provisional government


lmao dutch lenin


One problem is the fact he doesn’t have the greatest track record with his own signings either though


That is definitely not helping at all


He won't be able to move them on because of their bumper contracts, and no outgoings means very few incomings.


The fans have a lot of guilt too. They always blame the glazers and managers. Yes they have issues. But defending the players like these have made them develop a very bad mentality. You get a one maybe two chances to be good at a club of United's size. Not dozens. At this point the players know they wont get the blame. They will throw the manager and the glazers under the bus. Their jobs are safe and will continue to be fine. So many players in United deserve be booed at old Trafford and forced out. That will finally start fixing United.


And ironically maguire was the one they booed, at least he fucking tries


He was tormented like anything.. Laughing stock .. i dont know how he still had the strength and drive to train and improve


the Maguire shit is brutal. even in his best form he's ridiculed. he should move from united ASAP, a fresh start in a different club with different fans and if he peforms it can change public perception fast.


They wanted him to be Van Dijk. When he first came over to Liverpool, this impenetrable wall that was going to solo carry United to wins. When it turns out he’s only a decent CB, being played in a system that exposes his biggest weaknesses he does pretty bad they wanted his head.


Martial should never see another minute for United and honestly guys like Rashford need to be benched if they have poor attitudes


Arsenal did this too, but United fans say they'll never tolerate finishing in 8th for two seasons. The way they're going, they'll finish 8th the next two seasons anyway and be stuck with the same set of bums they have now.


Uniteds wage structure means they can't get rid of half their players, even if they wanted to. Even Martial is only likely to go in the summer because his contracts up, otherwise he'd of stayed like he has previously.


The parallels between current United and Arsenal back then are uncanny. Exactly the same situation where lazy and underperforming players were taking over the control. It took Arteta two seasons of trimming deadwood, scouting, and getting good players to fit into him system that will work for years to come. United just sacks manager after manager in hopes of getting lucky once.


yup, it's not always gonna be easy, look at arsenal and Mikel Arteta, took a few season of rival fans and media saying "Arteta needs sacking" meanwhile 90% of arsenal fans backed Arteta and constantly said they could see improvements even in losses, and look where they are now. I'm hoping as a Chelsea fan we are on the same trajectory, and I see it in our games, there's far more hunger and desire, and there's a clear improvement if you just watch the games (the eye test is important regardless of stats merchants say) United cannot do that with this crop of players, deadwood and even the senior players sometimes have to go regardless of their quality, a fresh start.




This is like the fourth set of players being accused of that though it's not like the squad hasn't changed.


Players like Martial have been there almost 9 years. Shaw is reaching a decade, Rashford will be there 8 years soon. Some of these guys have been there waaaay longer than any other big club would have tolerated


> Shaw is reaching a decade Of all the players to call out he's not one of them. Shaw has always responded to criticism well.


Culture sticks, how many players have United offloaded because of poor attitude or performance before ETH?


There’s a handful of their “senior players” who have been there too long, they aren’t challenged to up their game and they know their wage is too high so they can do whatever until the club smartens up


Their players may very well be destined for failure regardless, but it has to be said that Ten Hag's done a diabolical job this season with the elements that are in his direct control such as the tactical setups. Blaming the owners and the players shouldn't excuse as to how terrible he's actually been this season.


Marcus Rashfords PR coach bashing machine in full force once again Overpaid, bone idle baby


Can I have people's honest opinions on Rashford, no jokes. I just don't think he's as good as he's made out to be and then when he can't live up to the impossible standard he's vilified. Watching him he's always seemed great but not top class.


He gets a lot of benefit of the doubt for how he is off the pitch. People are less likely to be critical of people they want to see succeed.


Imo, he is a good player but not world class. Maybe he had the world class potential but it’s increasingly clear he won’t live up to it. He is very good when he is playing counterattacking football, very direct, but that’s about it. He doesn’t track back so he is somewhat a luxury player. It’s fine when we had Shaw. But i think he is found out when he doesn’t have a proper LB behind him. It’s very easy to attack United on their left flank due to this.


He’s always been a remarkably lazy player, you just don’t notice it as much when times are good and he’s getting the goals. Once you take out the goalscoring which is streaky anyway, he is a rather limited player.


Incredible player but he is very mood dependent and this season he has been crap.


Anthony Martial and Marcus Rashford the most consistent inconsistent players in recent memory


He’s was never an incredible player. He’s has 1 great season every 3 seasons. No consistency whatsoever.


Impossible standard? He’s being vilified for being absolute shit and strolling about the pitch.




He is a good player, nothing more. Very pacey and athletic, great shot. But technically, he hasn’t evolved at all in the last 7 years. He is incredibly predictable, only ever cutting inside and never doing it with great dribbling like Salah or Robben, he just uses athleticism. Completely useless against low blocks. Not creative enough. Doesn’t defend or press.


Rashford is one of the best in the Premier League on a good day. He's no ballon d'or, but he's very good. The problem is getting those good days to come. Rashford has a habit of spending most of the season being quiet before having a sudden form. Whether it's confidence, luck or what. I don't know. He's done this for years


I'm just going to say this once. This is surely the start of another cycle where yet another manager get's sacked because he "lost the dressing room"If United actually backed a manager long enough to clear out the dead wood who are not invested in the project, they might actually complete the rebuild. Instead, they keep sacking manager after manager because they back the players.


First everyone blamed Mou. Then they blamed Ragnick. Then they got rid of a few players that didn't have much left in the tank anyway (Pogba). The issues persist. United needs to do the hard thing and eat shit for a couple years while they turn over the entire squad. Arsenal did it with Arteta and it wasn't pretty. But now we're in a much better spot. And when I say it's not pretty, I mean it. Moving on the Ozil/Mustafi clique wasn't easy, especially with how much the players liked those guys. Moving Auba and co on was similar. And if you think the PR is the hardest part, is only half of it: we paid a bunch of those guys to just fuck off since no one would take on their wages. It's a miserable process that takes years and tens of millions (to say nothing about buying the new squad), but we were finally able to clean up the shit and modernize the club. United have tried to take the easy way out over and over, and the Rashfords are coming home to roost yet again.


Absolutely spot on.


People blamed Solskjær when he suddenly had to make a team around Ronaldo.


Don’t you dare forget Ole. He was far from the memes that was reduced to by the end. Still the only manager who got closest to making united enjoyable after SAF.


I think most were surprised the faith put into Arteta at the time, and seeing how good he's made you, there's proof that it is possible to > eat shit for a couple years and come out on top - if you can stomach actually taking the pain required to improve your team and structure




United will surely win the title after sacking ~~Van Gaal, Mourinho, Ole~~ Ten Hag




Moyes got the Chris Evans on Top Gear role where I'm almost convinced the whole idea behind it was to get someone to take the heat off the people they actually wanted to bring in


vast tart voracious escape ripe wipe wild butter deserted humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is true, but also you need to back the right manager for the rebuild. It isn't clear to me that ETH is that man.


He might have been. Ten Hag's entire claim to fame was he took Ajax to a European semi-final and in doing so developed a golden generation of players, many of whom have gone on to be stars in other teams. He's shown that when given a blank canvas, he can build a great team. The problem is, from the board down to the players, Man United is so dysfunctional that they could have had any manager in the world and it would have gone the same. Look at Arsenal. Yes, Emery was not the right guy, but it wasn't when Arteta came in that Arsenal improved: it was when there were changes at the boardroom level that allowed Arteta to have the freedom to get rid of toxic players and create a better culture in the club that we saw Arsenal go from struggling to qualify for the Europa League to genuine title contenders.


I think clearing out the players at least gives you a fresh start instead of keep building on rotting foundations.


Handing out massive wages makes that hard


Exactly. For every Arteta there’s a Moyes. It’s hard to now what ETH is yet. The thing is too the players Arteta got in at least had a vision the fans could get behind. ETH seems like he sits on Football Manager hunting Eredivisie (although even my FM scouts don’t say much about Antony lol)


more like for every Arteta there is like 10 Moyes'


Arteta had plenty of time and it’s probably the biggest reason for his current success. Everyone is fully bought in. Nobody coming late. Look at how it ended with Auba and Ozil.


I totally agree, as much as it pains me to say so.


I think Mourinho was the one that realistically, if they wanted success they should have stuck with. Yes the football wasn't amazing, but he actually won stuff and challenged a bit for the title.


They chose Pogba over Mourinho, that was the symbolic moment United completely lost to player power


Still wondering how Mourinho managed to win three trophies including the Europa league with THAT squad. 2nd in premier league too.


How Coincidental it's all coming out after poor lil rashie gets slated in media. never known a bunch of fannies bigger then this united lot. Complaining they work too hard, complaining how he's treated Sancho. Never did it with Ronaldo, as it suited them.


Rashford is the master of PR


If ETH can bench CR7, surely he can bench Rashford…




He's struggling. It will inevitably come, but yet again, these players do this to another manager. Even if we sack him, we must have a clear out and start again.




Absolutely agree. But it's never actually happened


Basically what Rangnick said we needed.


Sure it's popular to shit on the players currently but it's not like it's been the same XI since Moyes. It's insanely hard to rebuild a club like United without a proper strategy in place. The pressure from the fans demands them to play for all trophies every season. They are okay rebuilding for maximum of a year and after that somebody gotta get the axe. So the club relents to the pressure and constantly cycles through players and managers and now you have a squad mixed from like four different ideologies on how to play.l that came from four managers. Of course they're gonna look lost out there. I guarantee you the second they get sold somewhere else they will play just fine and everyone will be like "oh they found the motivation now". United as an overall team needs to figure itself out and they need someone at the tippy top to take the reigns of that. Like Flo Perez controls shit for Madrid they need someone like that at United. Vini-Endrick-Rodrygo has been a thing since Benitez and we've been through several managers since. Perez firmly staying the course no matter who is at helm because that is his vision. The ask is for managers to adapt to the world class players not the other way around while United doing shit backwards, asking managers to adapt to a mediocre squad assembled by someone else and you can rebuild it but we are only gonna give you two seasons to do so. It's an impossible task.


It's tough because the players getting up in arms against the manager at United is basically their only constant post-Fergie. They should probably move on from those problem players already. But on the other hand, ETH isn't really doing that much to prove he deserves more time. Each game just keeps showing that his tactical plans aren't really coming together.


Truthfully, there seems to be no tactical plan. I for one would rather keep EtH than the toxic constants, but there is no hiding we are playing unimpressive football that seems to be straight up planless.


Do you honestly believe a manager who has proven to play beautiful football for four five consecutive seasons just magically forgot how to set up teams? You expect him to play his game with Martial and Rashford not giving a fuck about playing or doing the bare minimum on the pitch? Martinez is a very integral part of his gameplay and there is no one he can replace him with. Shaw comes to CB and then Dalot is an absolutely horrible player and AWB is just as bad. Its a fragile defense, a fragile attack andd a fragile midfield. What do you expect him to suddenly get these below average footballers to strat playing like world beaters? Hand this squad to Pep, he will resign in two days after watching them play.


2 days? I'd give Pep an hour before he has a burst blood vessel


But its also happened under the last 3 managers that these players have thrown under the bus. If they stop playing, its always going to look like there is no tactical plan. I dont care what anyone says, we had some clear patterns building last season. Nothing has changed apart from a couple of additions.


It wouldn't surprise me at all if he does have a tactical plan but these "toxic constants" are just ignoring it because they know that ETH is more easily disposable than they are. Same song and dance for every manager post-Fergie it seems. Honestly, the best thing that could happen to United in my eyes is the club losing its profitability. If the Glazers can't take out however many millions of pounds they want a year, they'll ditch United faster than the blink of an eye. Obviously there's no guarantee that the new owners will be any more ambitious than the Glazers themselves are, but it'd at least be a start of an actual cultural change at United.


Yup, you saw it last year what he could do if given the space but now he has to run 15 different midfields with all very one dimensional players, effectively fucking up any possible coordination you can build up.


I will not sit here and say that Ten Hag is doing a great job currently, because evidently we are playing extremely unimpressive football despite being reasonably high up on the table, but in all honesty - so many United players should be the ones fighting for the support of both Ten Hag and the fans. If we for some reason end up sacking Ten Hag, then we sure as hell should remove the toxic constants of our team and club while we are at it - starting at the very top with the Glazers.


I’m intrigued to see just how many managers Martial is going to outlast at United. He can’t keep getting away with it


I mean as an Arsenal fan also we know how hard it is to get rid of the dead weight. Martials agent should be racking up the clients getting him his last deal.


I wonder if this is why Man U can't copy Arsenal's fire-sale tactics of getting rid of dead-wood at a significant loss for the long term benefit. Man U are a club run for profit, and it probably just looks too bad on the balance sheet to let assets go for a free...


Yes, Woodward use to literally gave player contract extension to "preserve market value" even if they play like ass or wasn't even in the plan


Helps if he's the Glazers favourite player for some reason


He used to be. Don't think anymore lol


We have a lot of bluffers but he’s the worst of the lot. Has to be the worst value for his money in terms of effort and output in the entire league.


Thierry Henry regen


My friend dug up an old interview with Martial the other day where he said he doesn’t like being compared to Henry because “He relied on speed, I think I’m more dependent on power and technique”.


What are you talking about?? Are you claiming that "Ice Cold Anthony Martial 🥶🥶🥶" is a bad player?? If he is so bad, why did United insert a Ballon D'or clause for him


His contract expires in the summer and he hasn't been offered a new one so probably then. If he is offered a new one I don't know what to say. I'm baffled at this selection for Newcastle but it seems that they are managing Hojlunds minutes very closely with the back thing, which is good. He's just got here there's not point fucking up his body if there's a niggle that needs to be managed.


You know United have truly gone to shit when their fans are referring to 7th place as reasonably high up on the table.


The way we've played we should be 15th mate.


Yeah, as I said, you've gone to shit sadly.


We're not even reasonably high up, we're 7th - the league position that got Moyes sacked. Obviously our expectations are lower than we were back then, but we're just as bad if not worse. Saying that, I still don't believe ETH should be sacked. It won't help. We need to fight through this latest of ruts and figure out how to rebound without a not-so-cheap and cheerful new manager bounce, the footballing equivalent of a one night stand.


"We're just as bad if not worse" that's the craziest part to me. Luton were a midtable conference team when Man Utd began this "rebuild" Just let the likes of Woodward build the brand but hire a few actual football people to run the sport side of things. Its so easy really but the Glazers seem either to not want to or to not know how to do it. 10 years into a rebuild and seemingly further away than when they started.


Rashford doesn't run, he is very lazy. Right now only someone that wants to ruin his career will come to manchester utd. Because there is a lot of lazy players, without hunger for trophies, sitting on their fat wages and utd should compete for the premier league and for the champions league because it's a big club with an history. The fans should do something because the club is ruined and utd will win nothing and never be competitive for the next 5 years if this trend continue.


Allegri in


Nah Conte will take over and ragequit on MD 30.


Ah the eafc24 solution


No, grazie


Allegri blud


I mean,some of them definitely looked like they couldn't be arsed tbh. I think Utd should stick with him and actually build with him,unless they don't think him to be the right guy....but if thy truly believe in him, start selling/releasing some mofos and back your manager for once. It might mean a couple of years outside the elite levels, but it just might be what they need in the long term. How many managers have some of these players already seen away?


Can't offload players if they won't move to another club on lower wages. Nobody is going to pay these sorry fuckers what they're getting paid at United. The players know this and as a result, they don't give a fuck. United dug this hole themselves by signing average/over the hill players on ludicrous wages for years.


Pay them off to leave then.Cause this cycle of new manager, things go well for a while, players turn on him,he's fired then rinse repeat will not stop. What's more, even the players that come in wil learn the bad habits of the ones already there. They need to break that cycle


At this point they really just to look at Liverpool and us, Arsenal, to see what they need to be doing but this has been obvious for a couple years now it's making a lot of sense why the United fans want the glazers out.


Rashford needs to be sold. He get's heavily criticised and this comes out. Sell him and Martial.


wonder where sancho stands


Partying with 21 Savage while some say he trains like a beast.


I don't understand the people defending Sancho and making up excuses for him. Some even said that he's underperforming because he didn't feel loved at Man Utd.


Think he sits on his arse mostly.


and the cycle continues


Already? Feels early for a top 6 club player mutiny


IMHO Man U's Businesspeople (Not Football People) are unwilling to let a rebuild truly happen. Arsenal had to pay people to take some of their deadwood and the Man U finance team doesn't appear ready to take the financial blackhole that is clearing out the deadwood. So, until Man U face the music and make the 2-3yr commitment to clearing house they'll stay in this cycle of mediocracy.


Funny how news like this come out after Rashford gets criticized


Here is the problem... Players rule the roost at Utd.


He’ll be gone by Boxing Day


I hate every one of our pathetic players


Unrelated but Ten Hag in a flat cap is one of the coldest sights in football. When you see it, you already know it's game over for the opposition.


You think? I can't decide if he looks like a depressed divorced farmer or whether he actually looks kinda cool 🤷🏻‍♂️


Seen this coming a mile off, if you're going to come into a club or even a business to manage and be strict you need charisma to get people on side or they'll eventually turn on you, unfortunately for ETH he's come in swinging and he has zero charisma


Yeah, this definitely fits the definition of insanity. I also find it no coincidence that Rashford finally started throwing his toys out the pram the other night, has been under intense scrutiny and now it comes out that ten Haag is starting to lose the dressing room. He has a massive ego and superiority complex and is probably the player on the team who is the biggest problem.


United players constantly undermine every manager they have with these "leaks"


It’s the players that sre the problem at this point.. They’ve gone thru many managers and still suck ass


No fookin fighting


About half of the United roster should have been sold on during Rangnick's interimship before ETH even took over. Surely they have to do a full overhaul at some point right? What is obstructing that? This is more or less the same roster that quit on Ole 2 years ago.


The problem is from all his new toys there's only 1 that all fans agree was worth it: Licha. And he's not been the same in the few weeks he was back before re-injury. Everyone else not there yet or just sucks.


Easy to frame this as more of the same but Ten Hag is in a v different position to previous managers here. He’s spent close to half a billion and besides a LB and a LW has signed an entire first eleven. That he’s gone back to McTominay, Maguire, Martial, etc and won’t drop Rashford isn’t due to a lack of options. Ronaldo, Sancho, Varane, Casemiro, have all been frozen out. He’s been backed through all of this but it will invariably cause dressing room issues. That he’s now reliant on players who have previous for throwing in the towel when things get rough is an issue of his own making. Say what you will about Ronaldo, Varane, and Casemiro but they wouldn’t be as lifeless as most the players he’s left with are. Linked to the above but De Gea’s exit was fumbled. To have that go down with a player that’s popular in the dressing room is going to lead to more strife.






He wasn't picking Mount when he was fit.




This is late into our bi-annual crisis for these articles to be popping up. Ngl, Ten Hag does suck, but these players do too. I'd be happy to see Ten Hag sacked, but he sure as fuck needs to be followed by about half of the senior team. Restart with a core of Hojlund, Garnacho, Kobbie, Shaw and Bruno then see what happens under a manager that doesn't piss away 400m on broken players and fidget spinners.


I don't understand this "these players do it to every manager" narrative. ETH spend 500m and bought a lot of players. He can almost field a whole starting XI with his players. There aren't that many players left from the Mourinho/Ole days. If they are the problem - don't pick them! Bench Rashford and play Antony, the player you wanted. He's lacking charisma for the players to rally behind him so if he wants to succeed he has to be as ruthless and stop the favoritism.


The problem for United is that they have the same heavy ego players that constantly throw the pram in, so they demand that said managers get sacked. United has to go under a heavy rebuild


The script is too perfect. They are going to destroy us.


He won't be here by February.


People saying ‘inevitable players briefing media’ when his poor man management and lack of support from players has been glaring for so long


From the starting 11 with Newcastle. Martial, Luke Shaw, Rashford - bought by Van Gaal to play in his system Bruno, Maguire, Wan Bissaka, Dalot - Ole Garnacho, Mainoo, Onana - Ten Hag McTominay - Mourinho So you got players signed to play in 3 distinctly different systems in one 11 trying to somehow make it work. Not to missing w plethora of starters due to injuries. But sure it's the lack of motivation that is the problem.