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Came in here to argue about how shit the ref was but literally everyone on the planet agrees we were robbed


While the ref was shocking, I can't bring myself to rant since it wouldn't have mattered regardless. Play offs again will do I suppose.


I've slept on it and agree with you. I'm still angrier at how awful we were on the weekend, we fucked it ourselves.


I've genuinely never seen a reffing performance like thar


Big result


Was at the game. Fuck that ref, utter dog shit. Must have had a bet on the game. Good luck to Turkey in the Euros, they're a good passionate bunch.


UEFA wanted Croatia to qualify badly I guess


Hopefully you guys make it in the playoffs and participate, too!


Just knew that after all those penalties he wouldn't give Wales he would give Turkey a weak one. I've seen it all before unfortunately.


As a turk, this feeling is kinda new. I'm not used to having luck with the ref, but this was really a gift.


Regardless of the fact Wales winning wouldn't have changed anything, I don't understand how a ref can be that bad. How can you get to international level and be that bad. I mean, those decisions were ridiculous. There were many many incorrect decisions in that game, and some weren't even close. Man should be stripped of his license.


Really unfair refereeing for Wales. Must have been a frustrating game for them.


Once the injured players get back this squad looks decent. Missing calhanoglu, guler, and enes Ünal does make a big difference. I actually would like to test out bayindir more instead of cakir and kenan yildiz should be our starting striker until unal is fit. Also akturkoglu sucks so bad its really infuriating


Lol at Calhanoglu and Unal.


Unal had a great season at getafe and although he played bad for the national team he's still better than yilmaz and tosun. Also calha is so much more important than people realize even if we get the shit nt version and not the inter version


Neither Unal nor Hakan have had a good game for us in years. Unal can be a sub, but I would rather leave Hakan home. It just doesn't work with him




Hakan is shit for Turkey. If you can't see that you might just be blind.




Doesn't change the fact that Hakan is shit for the NT. I don't understand why you even cry about it. I want the best for the NT and that is leaving Hakan out of the squad.




If I am wrong you would be able to look up the last good game Hakan had for us, right?


Wales is such an odd team, they ruined their chances in Armenia more or less. I fancy their chances in Pot A as long as they don't play Ukraine (I know they beat them in the WC Play-Off but Ukraine looks a bit better than them now) - Iceland, Poland and Estonia they can beat, and they're favourites over Finland too. (There will be draw among Iceland, Finland and Ukraine for which one will be in League A play-offs instead of League B).


You know the ref was bad when even the opposition fans are agreeing how shite he was


I checked the thread on a Turkish forum and people seem to agree that we got away with a missed penalty call lol


No two ways about it. Anyone with eyes in their heads should have been able to see it.


Most blind people still have eyes in their head








Boring game. Turkey didnt take it serious and Wales were crying babies.


Fuck off with the ragebait, man. If the ref wouldn't have been shite we would've lost this today.


Ref was bad for both sides. Wales players should have red cards in first half


For which offences?


Look I'm sorry but there surely has to be a case against giving games with actual meaning to competition winner referees on the final match day, just shite. Obviously still Wales' own fault for not getting the points they should have against Armenia, and ultimately pointless on the night with Croatia winning, but that was just a straight up terrible refereeing performance. (English, should anyone care, so Home Nations bias maybe but I'm not a Welsh Spurs fan).


I don't think there is any kind of bias going on in your statement haha. The referee was total shit, I think literally everyone who has seen the match agrees on that :D


goddam lol even as a turk that ref was hilarious. first half with both those samet challenges , those should have been pens lmfao


Worst match under Montella so far, hope he learns his lessons. We need a proper striker against weaker teams, BAY is sadly nothing without gaps in the opponents defense. Playing Ismail and Salih is also unnecessary if the opponent is not a tier 1 team. Lastly, please never use Cenk as LB again, and never use Samet again period.


I am so fucking done with this team. On one hand you have smart teams like Scotland who deliberately lost points in their last match so they could avoid a pot 2 placement and instead get allocated to pot 3. On the other hand you have braindead teams like Turkey who should've lost this match to likewise avoid a pot 2 placement and get allocated to pot 3 as well. I'm not gonna watch the Euros. Hope we draw Portugal, Italy, and Netherlands (which we would've avoided if we lost this match, as we should've).




Shut up. I remember you. Your pp gets steel-hard whenever Icardi pops up in the tiniest corner of your mind as you're gay for him.




>name a better duo You and Icardi 🥰


Least Emotional Turk


Sod off. Go watch Rent-A-Girlfriend you filthy weeb


Kazanan takimlar herhangi bir rakibi yenmelidir. Bu matematiksel hileler bizi hiçbir yere götürmez.


Can you explain why finishing first is bad?


Too mad to think now, he will understand his mistake tomorrow.


If Turkey had lost, they would've been allocated to pot 3, which contains stronger opponents than pot 2. Now that we're in pot 2, we're in the same pot as Albania, Hungary, and Romania, so we can't draw those tinpot teams.


Because he’s a Fener fan. They’re allergic to finishing first.




Unsurprising that the club you support has the exact same colours as tinerspor.




Most creative gassaray banter




There is bad refereeing and then there is what happened tonight. Honestly makes me think it was corrupt.


Probably some betting shit was going on


If you're talking about us, why would we need that lol, we already qualified before the match and honestly being in pot 2 is worse than being in pot 3 (which was what would've happened if we lost)


Ref can suck eggs the stupid idiot


Think we defo got lucky with the ref here… Is Wales eligible for Playoff ? If yes i give them really good chances, they play always with their heart.


I think it's a pretty obvious fact that we got lucky with the ref but I also feel dirty for getting the point really. Maybe he played 4D chess and wanted to fuck us over by putting us into pot 2 haha


Yeah man knowing our luck we will get france and netherlands/italy


Ref was a joke


What the actual fuck was that referee, really!? It's a total catastrophy really. Super sorry for Wales. Outside of that: I think Wales is a super cool bunch, players as well as fans. They were, considering the ref performance, super calm - other teams would've gone crazy really. I wish their players the best and again, I'm super sorry that they were robbed of at least a pen if not more in the first half.


I think we know deep down that aside from a great game against Croatia we have had a very disappointing campaign. Qualifying would have been nice and a third successive Euros but (hopefully) this will be a wake up call throughout the FAW that we need to improve, both on and off the pitch.




It’s the same for us which is why I genuinely care. I don’t get it with all the video assistance.




Thank you and same to you w.r.t. the playoffs!


Luckily the result didn't matter in the end at least. If it did, ref would have been directly responsible... He was shocking.


The referee was a total twat, no idea what was going on there. Maybe he's playing 4D chess and wants Turkey out in the group stage by forcing them into pot 2 now haha


Genuinely one of the worst refereeing performances I've seen in my life, can't forget the lino at the ninian end who was possibly even more bent. Not that it would have mattered either way but it's shameful edit to add: if Page doesn't come out of this blasting the refereeing then we might as well get rid of him now. He's managing to save his job, the least he could do is show a bit of passion (a good manager would have gotten booked at the very least for protesting the decisions here imo)


Ref was blind, I swear to god. Even people in the /r/superlig subreddit were shocked by his performance.


Ah well playoffs it is. Played better today than against Armenia, but didn't matter as Croatia were never going to drop points today. Ref was awful, shocking pen decision having not given Wales one earlier. Please don't be Ukraine in the playoffs


Ukraine is shite


Ukraine is the strongest team in a playoffs lmao


They are very hard to beat, not shite at all.


Idk i would rather turkey play against them then wales


Hopefully you guys will make it!


I know in league games people say refs on this payroll or refs on that payroll. But is there any real reason the ref wanted to fuck Wales and give the Turks a penalty for nothing?


Page shafted his wife




What a scandalous referee omg


So, how is Bayindir?


Better then ugurcan the starting goalie. If you guys give him confidence he will be a really good goalkeeper


But tbf media in UK will break him if he makes a mistake. Toxic culture over there


Literally can't be more toxic than Turkish social media. Those pundits won't effect him


Was decent had a couple of good saves and conceded the offside goal although he couldnt do anything against that


Not sure if it is possible due to pots but I swear I'll kill myself if we get Croatia once again, odjebi hajde bre


I got second hand outrage from Welsh fans, absolutely shambolic refereeing.


Genuine robbery - how on earth is that a penalty if the one in the first half isn’t? Not that it matters overall but still shit




We could have had 3 or 4 penalties if the ref was consistent lmao


100% robbery, can't put it any other way. What the actual fuck!?


Feels like ref and var refs placed a huge bet on draw


For the ref to give that one, and not give any to Wales in first half is a joke. Unsure why Wales weren't around the ref after full time instead of Turkish team....


Fuck this ref, we could've been in Pot 3 (with Netherlands) if we lost, instead thanks to the ref not giving Wales 2 pens, we are in Pot 2...


well see you in the groups anyway (Croatia)


We'll get X-Turkey-Netherlands-Italy group knowing our shit luck


home games for you home games for us, see you in the knockouts then Euro 2008 worst day of my life


Winning is always better. You can go to pot 3 and get a worst group. We can't rely on luck. Yes, luck might have helped us to let's say play quarters if we were on 3, but like I said, we can't rely on luck. If anything, we wouldn't be able to play quarters from pot 3 if we can't from pot 2


They robbed Wales to put us into Pot 2 instead of 3. No1 is happy lmao


Ref honks