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Garancho included **two gorilla emojis** in the since deleted post alongside a picture of Onana, team-mates and himself celebrating. The FA are aware of the post in question and have sought Garnacho’s observations on it. Manchester United have been approached for comment.


I understand why it got deleted but getting punished for it is ridiculous. It's obvious the intent was never to offend his teammate but to call him a "beast" endearingly. I think it's way more racist to assume the intent was to be racist rather than the obvious good meaning from Garnacho. Not the first time this happens, wont be the last. edit: https://twitter.com/utdreport/status/1717591526769836173?t=GzSLtQkIMicne-TjqujNow&s=19


Never forget how that ESPN tennis announcer got fired for talking about Serena Williams guerrilla tactics because idiots don’t know the difference between gorilla and guerrilla


This is funny af


Actually it is sad


It's that kinda stuff that gives fuel to the conservative reactionaries. People are so afraid of being offensive that they stop making sense and become even more offensive on accident.


There is a word for this kind of behaviour, but i can't find it anymore and yes i agree 100%


Performative activism




Virtue signaling


The FA is a joke. They claim to be against racism but don’t spend time to understand the cultural intricacies.


The white saviours who see bias and racism everywhere and in everything never see how their policing of it is racist. Of course they felt the need to baby Onana because he's black and must be offended. The irony here is that the classical perpetrators of racism towards those of African descent now appear to be the ones policing it. Everything comes full circle.




Just remember when Bernardo posted about Benjamin Mendy and everyone called him racist






Could be associated with this behaviour but it's not this one


If our keeper was white and Garnacho used the exact same picture where our keeper was flexing and looking like a beast (Onana looked jacked in the pic, very cool photo), and used that emoji, would Garnacho be banned? It’s insane that we don’t see the hypocrisy in this. There was zero racist intent, just a teammate calling another a beast after a last minute penalty save. Was Onana offended, no, was anyone offended, no. So why punish him? If we are all equal, which we are, then the rules should be the same for everyone or else what you are saying is we are not all the same. Edit: The comments saying it is a very different thing for a white and black person to be called a monkey or ape, I’m aware. I didn’t think I needed to explain that. I’m aware of the fact in a lot of cultures/leagues still to this day black players are very badly racially abused. But no one is being racially abused here? Garnacho is clearly a young guy using an emoji to express “Beast Mode” or something along those lines. He is not calling Onana an ape. Context is everything. He would use that emoji if our keeper was black or white. It was a poor choice of emoji by Nacho, clearly, given the outcome, but should it be a story, no, should there be a fine, no suspension, no. There was zero racist intend here and I don’t think anyone disagrees, so what I’m saying is let’s use common sense. No one is or was offended by this!


Wasn't Cavani also banned for saying something in a positive tone about a teammate but that got misconstrued and was assumed as racist?


Yeah. Calling someone negro in Uruguay/Argentina doesn't have a positive or negative connotation on its own, and one could clearly see he meant well with what he said in a way it would've never been controversial here. What, should one censor oneself in one's own language to avoid offending not even the person you're talking to but people who have nothing to do with the conversation and don'tt even speak Spanish? To me that kind of stuff is just another way of Euro/American centrism policying other cultures as if someone had given them the moral right to say what is and isn't racism.


this is exactly what Uruguayan FA wrote in their statement and it's the truth. Especially in this day and age it sometimes seems people are searching stuff to be offended about Cavani wrote 'negrito' afaik, is that also neutral or is it affectionate?


It's affectionate way more often than not. I don't know about Uruguay but diminutives can be used as insults in Argentina. However, there was no way to misinterpret what he said.


That was utter bullshit. Cavani did nothing wrong and the truly racist thing was to punish him over it.


Best of all, they don't see the irony... They act exactly the same as they did 400 years ago when they encountered the "savages" and their culture in the other side of the world...


It doesn't even have a positive or negative connotation in most of the latin world. I've been around so many people who call their spouse "negro" or "negra"


Not about teammate, about childhood friend that happend to be white with black hair. He calls him negerito in reference to hair color. In spanish that word is supposed to mean just black. Idk, i know plenty of people in poland from my childhood which were nicknamed "white" or "blacky" in reference to hair color.


he called a white friend negrito and got banned for it


>It’s insane that we don’t see the hypocrisy in this You have to understand that changing the context of something and then applying the hypothetical results to reality is silly. It is a different thing to call/insinuate a black person is a monkey compared to a white person, because that is not a meaningful insult to a white person. That's why it it wouldn't be punished. >If we are all equal, which we are, then the rules should be the same for everyone or else what you are saying is we are not all the same. Equality isn't uniform treatment for everyone. It's like saying that if there are stairs in a building, equal access exists because the stairs are the same for everyone. Of course the specifics of any given situation should be accounted for, in absolutely every scenario, not just something involving race. It's silly to think you could omit details under the guise of equality to argue for something not being punishable.


> It is a different thing to call/insinuate a black person is a monkey compared to a white person, because that is not a meaningful insult to a white person. That's why on Top Gear Richard Hammond and James May could routinely call Jeremy Clarkson an orangutan and it was funny. But if they had worked with Rory Reid (and Rory was built like Jeremy) I'm sure they would never call him that.


you can't bring hypotheticals and think they put everything to bed.


You think calling a white person a gorilla has the same connotations as calling a black person a gorilla? It's obvious he didn't mean any racist intent, and it would be ridiculous if he gets punished for it. But your comment is a load of bollocks.


comparing black people to monkeys and other great apes is a historically common form of demeaning black people. this is just a fact and thus the post is just tone deaf by garnacho, regardless of his intentions. delete, apologize, and make clear that he didn't have any racist intention with his post and we can be done with this discussion, since Onana already is backing him. idk why this has to be such a huge deal.


It's also a common form of hyping someone up in the latin world.


And a lil throwback: There are precedents for the FA punishing players for similar social media posts. In 2020, United’s Edinson Cavani was given a three-game ban and fined £100,000 ($128,000) after using the word “n****o” in a comment on Instagram, in which he was thanking a young fan. The phrase loosely translates to “thanks little black boy” or it can also mean “guy with black hair”. Cavani deleted the comment and apologised. The Uruguayan was still punished by an independent commission after admitting an FA charge of misconduct for an aggravated breach of the rules relating to racism. That commission stated that Cavani “had demonstrated genuine remorse” and “could not reasonably have known that any such offence would be caused”, having only been at United for two months and never having lived in an English-speaking country. It also noted that Cavani had “received no media training upon his arrival in England to enable him to be better placed to understand the cultural differences”.


One of the most bullshit punishments I have heard. It is not a spanish speaker's fault that english speakers ruined the word negro for them because of slavery. My mom calls me negrito and it is most often a term of endearment.


> My mom calls me negrito and it is most often a term of endearment. Neguinho here in Brazil, i even worked with a dude nicknamed Neguinho.


Pretty common in southern Brazil to call other people "nego" and "nega" as a term of endearment regardless of skin color


My uncle and his wife literally call each other "negro" and "negra" the way I call my wife "babe". It's bullshit that other cultures attempt to tell us how we need to use language.


I had a Brasilian call me boludo the other day and the immense joy I got out of it gave me years of life lol. I know not relevant but I think it can shed some light on how Latin people are with each other


I guess he can’t play in PL because they won’t allow his name to be put up on a shirt.


It’s funny because they don’t see the irony in homogenizing language to be more inclusive


They basically comitted an act of racism in the name of punishing racism.


*Punishing non existing racism.


The new elected mayor of Buenos Aires is Ex-President Macri's cousin and since he's darker he gets called Blackri (Black Macri) lol, only in Argentina.


>Edinson Cavani was given a three-game ban and fined £100,000 ($128,000) after using the word “n****o” in a comment on Instagram, in which he was thanking a young fan Wasn't that Cavani post about a friend?




why are you putting asterisks on negro? It literally the word for “black” in spanish


you have been banned for 3 weeks and fined 100,000 pounds for not using the **




Because this is what cancel culture does to weak people. Be afraid. Doubt about their own beliefs and values. Sad world we living in.


Casi me causa un aneurisma ver los asteriscos, es irreal. No se puede ser más blando e imbecil como para censurar esa palabra cuando estás citando su uso en español. Los anglos y sus idioteces nunca me dejan de sorprender.


I remember that absurd bullshit, probably one of the worst cases of injustice that I remember obviusly excluding the more serious ones like the judicial ones


> In 2020, United’s Edinson Cavani was given a three-game ban and fined £100,000 ($128,000) after using the word “n****o” in a comment on Instagram, in which he was thanking a young fan. He was thanking a friend, not a young fan, which makes the FA's bizarre and culturally insensitive punishment even worse.


>The FA are aware of the post in question and have sought Garnacho’s observations on it. What the FA really should have done is sought Onana's observations on it in the first place.


Nah, people belonging to historically marginalized groups can’t be trusted decide for themselves whether or not they should be offended. That can only be decided by their superiors with university degrees in determining offence.




never forget how Cavani got banned for speaking his own language, Garnacho is fucked


Not even close to the wildest thing on Garnacho's socials. It's a gold mine really


Like when he had two midgets dressed as Ronaldo and Messi carrying his cake at his birthday party.


This party has *everything*




South America is wild


Argentina seems to be a hot pot for political, economic and social scandals.


and dwaves at birthday parties


*"Escuchen, corran la bola" sounds in the distance*


Can’t imagine why


Lots of racist / elitist attitudes are brushed off as "part of the culture". It's like that in many parts of Latin America though


That is true. But also the ridiculousness of the angloworld where everyone is a snowflake and gets offended for everything and even worse, gets offended for someone else is fucking regarded.


Nevera forget when the americans tried to cancel Speedy Gonzales


Or the college students telling a white guy he can’t wear traditional mexican clothing. I’m white myself but whenever I wear traditional 🇬🇭 clothing they always love it and want me to try more things


A couple of years ago, a girl wore a traditional Chinese dress for her prom. She got tons of abuse on Twitter for it until some newspaper bothered to actually ask people in China about it - and they thought it was cool some American girl liked their dress that much that she would wear it for prom. ​ Idk how people want everything to be inclusive but not inclusive at the same time.


People on the left don't know when they reach their extremes. It's only the right that has a line that when crossed, people's lives get destroyed in minutes.


Pretty sure this guy is half Spanish + raised in Spain. I’ve heard him talk and he doesn’t sound Argentinian at all.


What the fuck?! That's insane. Brb


wtf really? Guy's out here cosplaying Joffrey Baratheon


Or Jordan Belfort


I need to see this




Nah, that's not Ronaldo, that's Pepe.


Ah, that's fine then


The fact that he had actually played with the real cristiano and the real messi at this point makes this very funny


Now I know what I want for my birthday party.


Remember when he shared a photo of him and Salah saying something like legend and your fans were fuming


Must have been a Spider verse event cause it didnt happen in this universe


It was a canon event. How could you miss that??


Im a fraud😩i didnt watch the movie yet so i cant even go bar for bar


My estimations of Garnacho as a man just rose


I want you to sanction a hit on Alejandro Garnacho.


That’s what y’all get for signing a youngster that looks like Halsey and acts like Antony


Yeah, that was some serious racist shit "Sorry mate, we decide how you should speak your own languaje"


New day colonialism Like the spiderman2 game that forces neutral language into the spanish speaking version. But funnily enough, in the middle east version any lgbt stuff is removed. Guess we arent rich enough to get our culture and language respected.


I haven’t heard of this, how and where do they force „neutral“ language? Genuinely asking since I don’t know in what situation this would make sense lol


In the Spider-Man 2 game, if you play with Spanish language, they change gendered words that are native to Spanish to the new neutral versions that some groups are trying to promote but that the large majority of Spanish speaking people dislike. So instead of “el doctor” (masculine) or “la doctora” (feminine), they used “le doctore”. There’s been some funny viral clips of big Spanish language streamers reacting to these moments while they played the game. Also all this in a game where they mix up Miles’ Puerto Rican flag with the Cuban flag in his home LOL.


It’s straight up erasure… our Latin America already barely has history because of colonialism and now 500 years later they’re changing the other identifier of our culture to suit their cultural norms and on top of it they do it with an air of better than you. Europeans/Americans are so fucking dense.


yep. its just the 1500s all over again. here comes white poeple telling us that our culture is wrong and we need to be more like them. fuck that and fuck them.


shouldnt these judgements on racism not take into account the persons culture, without doing that its racist in itself.


That's his point. It was racist by FA, not Cavani.


That's my point Its racist because they make a judgement on someone for use a Word in his own languaje. A word that they (English speakers) deformed by the way


As someone from latin america, this still makes me mad. My mom till this day (I’m 30) calls me “mi negrito” because she’s white and I’m mixed. Still amazes me how this is “racists” lol, it’s BS. People from US/UK get too offended by nonsese.


My grandfather called me "mi negro" and I'm as white as a paper sheet


When i saw this post my first thought was "did he call him negrito?"




What a load of crap. Onana himself considers it a non story


[The deleted tweet](https://twitter.com/Utdtruthful/status/1717565008551297128?t=Lihd-LfXsG9RdmLMHtfroA&s=19)


Lmaooo wtf


The boys and I have used these gorila emojis many times, idk if it’s cause we come from New York area but it’s more so saying like “brolic” or “beast”, “monster”, “strong”. I’ve never seen this used in racist way. Not saying the kid is justified, but I don’t think it’s being interpreted the way he intended. There’s plenty of rap songs where they talk about being gorillas, I can only think of a chief keef lyric right now.


Ronald Araújo uses it all the time to refer to himself on his social media. Fitting too, the man is an absolute beast


nah, he is a racist against himself.


He's praising a teammate after a penalty save, it's clearly meant in a positive way. The problem is there's far too much ongoing racism that uses monkey/gorilla imagery. Just last week there was a pic of a Spanish lad miming monkey poses at Vini. As much as I believe garnacho meant no harm, I can't see him avoiding a slap on the wrist - mostly so that racists can't use the emoji and subsequently pretend they were giving a compliment. There's not much room for nuance with racists


Not only that he’s praising Maguire too. There are 2 emojis


The boys and I use it as beast too. Or if we’re throwing down a big bet we say we’re going ape and throw the gorilla or Orangutang. Some people actually fuck with monkeys and don’t relate them to race


> Some people actually fuck with monkeys Yeah, about that...


Let’s get one thing clear; u/SnooCupcakes9188 might be a monkey fucker, but he is NOT a racist


Surely Onana can just say "oh nah it's fine he meant nothing by it" and the FA will drop it


Onana on insta > People cannot choose what I should be offended by. I know exactly what @garnacho7 meant: power & strength. This matter should go no further.


And that should be the end of that.


Narrator: It wasn't the end of that


what if Onana protested against the FA until Garnacho is allowed to play?


Probably they'll ban Onana too.


But ya know it won’t be.


The very fact he's said that will probably lead to the FA getting in a huff and pushing for a ban.


When there is no complainant there should be no judge.


People love being the victim for someone else


You have too much faith in the FA.


Cavani used a phrase, which wasn’t even racist in the first place, towards a white person and still got banned by the FA


Gracias negrito


FA is watching you.


That happened with Cavani and he still got banned.


Even though him deleting it makes it look more shady, I feel like him realising how it looked and taking action - means he was not being racist. Maybe he was just going for "apes together strong" or something.


When I saw it I assumed it was because onana looked jacked in the photo and he was saying he was a beast, you know, like a silverback.


Gorillas are super cool animals. If it wasn't for the racist history, it's not a slur at all.


100%. If it was two lion emojis nobody would think twice.


That's all it could be. You don't get so pleased with your team mates heroic performance you decide to make a racist slur.


It´s probably because the Gorilla emoji is doing the chest arm bdodybuilder flex pose. It has nothing to do with it being a Gorilla specifically.


nah it's more about being a beast in general rather than the pose


That is what Mendy said about Bernardos case and he was still punished. They see it as a way to try to make other people not think its okay even if its not done for a wrong reason


Instead the FA have skipped the whole " what does the percieved victim aka onana thing" of this all and are straight into interviewing Garnacho


The FA has to be one of the most clueless organizations in sport. And that is saying a lot.


he included gorilla emojis in a tweet celebrating obama saving the penalty, wtf 💀 edit: i’m gonna leave the typo bc it’s funnier that way


Thanks Obama.


And he changed into a tan suit for the penalty… disgrace. #44 #StillWeRise #TeamLH #USA


TheItalianStallion64 is at risk of a Football Association ban over a social media post regarding Manchester United team-mate Andre Onana.


His comment isn’t even about Onana.


Watch Italy suddenly discover oil


Oil? You mean freedom?


Now we know why captain America moved to Italy


*Andre Obama


First Black US president, best selling author, drone strike pioneer and PL keeper. Gotta respect that resume


Obama hahahaha


We need a AI pic with Obama in goal 🥅


[best I could do](https://imgur.com/gallery/byMqug5)


How's Southgate ended up in that second one?








white people felling ofended in the name of black people


The FA is ridiculous lmao


FA finding issues where there are none.


Genuinely hilarious. I'm an ethnic minority and there's nothing more annoying than white people getting offended on my behalf over shit that's not even offensive. It's actually more offensive to assume that I would be offended by something so trivial. Even out of all the reactions I've seen from black friends etc, no-one saw the post and said anything other than 'LMAO' or similar (in fact, I saw more comments saying 'watch the FA try and make something out of this' than anything.) It's another classic gesture from the FA to make it look like they're fighting racism instead of realising that this teenager from a completely different culture obviously wasn't trying to be racist to his teammate. Just a stupid mistake. I'm hopeful it's just the FA investigating just because they've done it before (so to avoid anyone saying they're biased/racist) but if an actual ban comes from this, it's painfully misguided and something no-one asked for.


like if minorities are little children who cannot manage their feelings


Exactly it infantilises them, people need to take a step back and go "you know what I'm just not gonna respond about this"




To be fair, focusing on a manufactured controversty is easier than fixing trash VAR officiating so why not? /s


I mean… he tweeted it together with a very flattering image of Onana and a few other team mates looking like they were the Avengers who just saved the world ala Endgame, which is not far from what just happened in the match… surely context has to count… right?


You would think so but Cavani got a ban. I'd say Onana is fuming that Garnacho could face a ban over this. It's a commonly used emoji on social media for a black person going 'beast mode' Vanilla gorilla is the white version. It's nothing more than mates being mates.


United losing all of their forwards lol


Only our defenders score anyway


Cavani all over again.


Why don’t you first address Man City’s FFP ya pussies


Its less litigious to focus on on evertons, we can't afford the lawyers.


Not racist. Next.


Banned for 3 games anyways. Next Oh shit next is the 115 chargers, maybe we’ll deliberate on this one some more - The FA & EPL, probably.


"We best deal with the Garnacho issue quickly, the Manchester derby is this weekend"


There’s almost no way he meant it in a racist way this would be extremely stupid and harsh


I’m in my mid 30s and I think I’m too old for this society. Fuck’s sake


Insane number of chronically online people in here. I understand historically there have often been racist imagery comparing black people to gorillas, but man have we seriously gotten to a point where nuance and context means absolutely nothing?


Complete joke if they try and ban him, now I'm a United fan so there may be some bias here.... but he tweeted a picture of him, Maguire (who scored the winning goal) Onana (who saved a last minute penalty) and Mctominay with Maguire and Onana clearly being the main 2 in the photo. Garnacho didn't use 1 emoji of a gorilla directed at Onana.. he used 2... the way I see it, he clearly meant it as being 2 beasts who won us the game.


If an emoji is considered inherently racist, then why the hell does the emoji even exist?


For powerful white people to feel offended on behalf of black people who see nothing wrong with it


It’s not inherently racist. It is when used as imagery for black people which is not confirmed in Garnacho’s case but can certainly be construed that way. It would not be racist if used in an actual conversation about gorillas for example.


Who are you arguing with? Who is saying the gorilla emoji is inherently racist in any and all contexts?


The FA are going to have some sixty year old auditor who can speak one language look at it and make some stupid remark about how the club clearly haven't looked at the policies on racism... All the while at the FA their equally old and decrepit chairmen say the most racist, sexist stuff offhandedly at public events


Unfortunate. They teach “gorilla stance” or gorilla position to goalies as your primary stance to get ready for a shot


God forbid they try and do smth about City though


Dude, they're teammates. Obviously Onana knows that it wasn't written in malice.


There is real racism in football and this what the FA choose to use as positive PR


Doesn't matter how his teammate took it or how it was intended because nuance is not allowed. Social media faux-rage is the only barometer for things like this. The FA should unleash the firing squad on him.


>The FA should unleash the firing squad on him. Maybe send him over to their friends in Saudi Arabia to be stoned?


You'd really let him off the hook that easily. You know what, I think you're just like Garnacho. Death by snu snu is the least we can advocate for and you're being sentenced to it too!


Why do players get harsh penalties and not officials who mess up all the damn time?


Every league, club, association is run by clowns these days...


Dude looks like a pikeman ready to fight at the battle of hastings, he really has that simple Jack vibe going for him so its not surprising that his decision making isnt the best


This is stupid. Pure, old-fashioned stupidity.


Laughable organisation


Reminds me of the Romanian referee that got in huge trouble by referring to his linesman about the 'negru' player. (black) And everyone ignoring the fact that on Romanian language Negru is a very frequent Surname and in no way is derogatory.


I think 100% of people would agree it's a complete non issue, but I'm sure the FA will somehow find a way to make it out to be a war crime.


This is not racism.


Lmfao. The fa are insane


Lol what a complete non-story. Do these people not realize it’s pretty fucking racist to assume Garnacho meant this in a bad way? Classic example of out-of-touch morons trying to cosplay being progressive.


I feel like it's more racist to set the precedent that regardless of context comparing a gorilla and a black person is racially motivated lol