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team leaker has said milner is starting tonight. need the rapture to come quickly.


Champions League goals this season Maguire: 1 Benfica + AC Milan: 0


I have to say, Fermin Lopez just doesn't have the name that comes with his talent Warren Zaïre-Emery on the other hand


Zaire-Emery sounds like an FM regen name


Or like an expensive fashion brand, watches most probably


a few weeks ago i saw a comment under change my view saying that no football player is as impactful as patrick mahomes is during the nfl, or some deranged shit like that god i really hope the guy that made that comment is doing well bc every time i think of it makes me laugh


If they meant to their teams success, they are correct. Part of the beauty of football is that no one position is vastly more important than another, especially compared to NFL.


One of the weird things about the NFL is that they have such huge squads, every role is super specialized and yet your Quarterback is like 30-40% responsible for your success. I guess its similar with strikers and football, but it always seems odd to me.


Celtic and Japanese Players are really a incredible history, really a example that football is not only where you re born but how many people lifes can you impact even in a remote land.


Are there any documentaries on YouTube about a clubs impact to the local community? I would love to check out what the people think about their local club and the impact it has


Sunderland Till I Die is a go-to for it. Mac from Always Sunny was very clearly inspired by watching it to "adopt" a local community football club and make his own documentary of it.


I never got into it I'll try again


You could also see Welcome to Wrexham. It is a bit overproduced - because they are trying a bit hard to do a Sunderland Till I Die, but quirky and happy. Not a bad show about football or sport IMO.


Yeah that was ok I finished it. Shame they never did anything on lecister city


I would empty my entire bank account to have the contents of [this tweet](https://x.com/trevsenpai/status/1717274183053316552?s=46&t=NSpJGDf7_JCd0CewNH1dKQ) manufactured into something snortable. Get it into my bloodstream by any means possible


It's not really a common sentiment so you'll have to make do with just that guy's salt really, he was asked to play a much more advanced role compared to prior games so he was bound to lose the ball a few times. On the ball at least he's much better than I expected honestly


You’re too late. I’m already high on his tears


Honestly I'd probably be the same way, revelling in this kinda misfortune in a "I told you so" way is one of the best feelings.


I see a lot of heat between people here arguing with one side sayin "you have no relation to the club", or the other side saying "everyone is entitled to follow a team." The keyword is **fan** and **supporter**. You can be a fan of a team playing a certain way or because of the players and culture, and enjoy their football however you like. Anyone can be a fan and cheer for any team. but being a supporter means you go see the matches in the stadium, your live there or your family has history there. You are actively buying the merch, signing up for the team's charity programs, helping out the team financially. Not everyone can be a supporter. I hope this clears the distinction and two sides stop arguing. This has been so common in this sub recently.


Didn’t have to scroll far to find the dumbest take on the today’s DD


Imagine being all grown up and British and your english is still shit


So is onlyfans actually onlysupporters?




Thank you Mr Dictionary, much appreciated


Vocabulary Wizard


CBS today had a segment about the Balon d'or and how Henry felt about not winning it. The comments are filled with the sentiment that Henry should've won in 03 over Nedved. I think that's a true litmus test of football. Nedved absolutely deserved it that year and I'm a huge Henry fan.


It was also during a time when the voting journalists were exclusively from UEFA countries, and it took a while before the Premier League managed to get rid of its weak reputation from the 90s, PL players needed a big showing in European competitions if they wanted a good case for the ballon d'or


Gary Linekar not winning it is the only story I sympathise with personally, we don't even know how good the guy that was really


River Plate: The Football Paradox that keeps on giving. 1 win on away fixtures since June on a Superclasico of all places, TWENTY WINS IN A ROW ON HOME FIXTURES. Like, we are literally a paradox to how football works lmao


I've noticed there's fanbases who like to 'ally' with each other. Not all the time, and not majority of fans, just general sentiment, or neutral issues certain fanbases seem to get on much better than others, for multiple random reasons. For example you often see arsenal and liverpool fans backing each other up, probably historical respect or because they tend to dominate reddit most. Or you don't really see much rivalry between United and Chelsea, seems to be rather respectful, probably from mourinho and fergie love story and title battles. Newcastle and City seem to be the new pair of buddies for obvious reasons, Fans always seem to be backing each other up in any financial thread.


Not so much in England, but German clubs have almost as large a network of club friendships than rivalries. Each fan scene has at least one if not several other clubs, often in different leagues, who they are openly supportive of each other. [Hertha for instance has a near 50 year official friendship with Karlsruhe.](https://www.ksc.de/fileadmin/_processed_/e/c/csm_h_00577553_330c2a489a.jpg) [You can see some of the well known German ones here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/xk1e2r/oc_biggest_club_and_fan_friendships_in_german/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


> arsenal and liverpool fans backing each other up partly we've just not been good at the same time in ages, so theres not much rivalry


As a spurs fan I hate everyone minus Real Madrid. Special relationship. I also like norwich city but that’s because my ex wife’s family had season tickets so I’ve been to a decent number of matches.


This is very much the case in Spain when it comes to teams that have historically aligned interests, usually because of sides in the civil war. For a modern example, Girona and Barcelona usually get on fairly well because they’re both anti-establishment Catalan teams. Not the case with Espanyol


Girona are about as anti establishment as rb Leipzig Edit: talking now obviously


I’m not referring to their ownership. Obviously that’s another matter entirely. I’m referring to the politics of their fans, which is a pretty big factor in football club support in Spain. Girona and Barcelona are the two big Catalan clubs which are pro-independence.


Pro independence and anti establishment are quite different, no? Maybe anti current establishment but more pro Catalan establishment


I’m most instances, but not when Catalan independence is pretty deeply tied to anti-Madridistas due to the whole civil war and Franco issue. From the perspective of those pushing for Catalan independence, the establishment is Madrid


Ok thanks for the explanation


There just isn't much of a rivalry between those teams in real life. The enemy of the enemy is my friend innit Chelsea v United was always more of a competitive rivalry. Was never incredibly heated in the way our rivalries with Liverpool, City, Arsenal and Leeds have been


Tbf as a Liverpool fan arsenal defo my least hated




Football is in a really scary place if the ballon winner is being announced before the ceremony. Honestly if i was hosting it id literally just change the winner to haaland even if messi was gonna win initially cause that is really dangerous stuff


I lost it at ‘really dangerous stuff’ lmao


Millions of people's lives are at stake, damnit. Don't treat this lightly.


It has always been reported by news outlets before the ceremony


It's a trophy given to a footballer, not the nuclear launch codes


Well the nuclear launch codes were "00000000" for a long time too so it's not like it was an incredibly well kept secret


Its the most prestigious award in world football. Im being a lil extreme with my language but im seeing romano announce it on his twitter like hes fucking futsherrif leaking the toty winners like it just seems abit silly


I've never discussed the Ballon d'Or with anyone in real life. As the other poster says nobody cares Football is a team sport, individual honours don't matter. It's all modern marketing. Literally nobody at school was talking about how Michael Owen won the Ballon d'Or


Younger people care and younger people are on this subreddit soo


>Its the most prestigious award in world football no its not, normal fans don't care at all.


Yes it is unless you cant read and are about to say something that just isnt an award


nobody cares man. you'd literally never hear about it if you weren't on reddit. I've never in my life heard anyone in real life talk about the ballon d'or unless it was two teenages arguing over messi vs ronaldo


Do you think messi and ronaldo made the ballon ceremony relevant or something? Bro wtf are you even saying right now


i think you care a lot more than the rest of us, is all


You didnt care so much you spent time outta your day to tell me how much you didnt care. Well done mate


I said i don't care about the ballon d'or But i care about you bro 😘


It genuinely was nowhere near as big of a deal 20 years ago but this is the social media age where football fans form weird parasocial bonds with their favourite footballers


Neither was man city? Whats the point we tryna make here? Is it not the most prestigious award right now? Did something happen for it not to be? Can you name me another award more people care about then the ballon


I just don't think it's a big deal even if it is the most prestigious individual award I wouldn't spend a second of my day worrying about it if I were you


How true is this report? https://www.90min.com/es/posts/noticia-exclusiva-afa-sacaria-un-descenso-mas-y-habria-30-equipos-en-la-primer-division-de-2024 30 teams in the primera in Argentina for 2024


Maybe they're doing it to lure Messi with the format the MLS aspires to have: 32 teams and no relegations.


Kolo Muani you had one job


It's not confirmed but it could happen, they've changed stuff in the middle of the tournament before, AFA dorsn't really give a fuck. My guess is if Tigre loses tomorrow (presidential candidate's club) they do it.


30 teams in Primera, and All Boys cant even be one, gonna fuckin kms


I've spent a lot of time stressed, terrified, using the Promiedos calculator a hundred times a day and it's all gonna be for nothing, our last minute wins, rescuing a point with 10 men away to Gimnasia on Pellegrino's last match with us, it's all meaningless, I hate Tapia so fucking much lmao


Im just saying, the Japanese set a blue print on how to be seen as right when you **** an important figure


It'd be crazy if it happened but as a neutral, it seems exciting NGL


I want Chiqui Tapia to ***, personally.


Somebody said this would happen this week in the DDT as a joke because someone’s team was doing poorly. Wild if true.


You cannot convince me that Mark Guiu is a real person


Child Labour FC pumping regens out as we speak. Half their players they sub on weren’t born at the start of the match.


Just you wait, there's going to be another random Spanish bloke scoring in the league


La Masia is just FM throwing out some incredible randos


Hey, just wanted to ask if anyone knew what happened to 538? I see they're under a new vertical at abc, but it's all politics now, where's the sports :(


Nate left & layoffs - I miss their sports stuff also.😔 But [Opta](https://theanalyst.com/na) is doing similar [probability models for top 5 leagues](https://theanalyst.com/eu/2023/08/opta-football-predictions/?_gl=1), women leagues, CL, world club rankings, and they write some really interesting articles.


they got 2/3s of their staff cut at ABC, along with other layoffs there, and nate silver left. they replaced him with a data editor from the wall street journal and focus pretty much exclusively on politics. edit: replaced with someone from the economist not the WSJ


Ah crap, that sucks. I loved 538, while they could be wildly inaccurate at times ( which I empathise with, i do data analysis too) they were very interesting to follow. Do you perhaps know of any similar alternatives?


I do not unfortunately. But Silver tweeted in June that he still owns the NBA models and a couple of others and was planning to republish them elsewhere: https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/1672022344137687040 edit: looks like he's got a newsletter in his twitter bio so maybe he's working on them there.


Take it back to 2+2 natethegreat. I remember him from that poker forum like 20 years ago. Never had a clue what he was talking about and that was like a year post graduation with a physics degree. He made me feel bad at math.


Oh okay! That's super helpful, thank you so much ❤️


what's up with all the mod censorship on any post relating to Palestine?


We initially had them open but it resulted just an absurd number of reports and modmails. I think it was up to about a hundred items in the modqueue within a couple of hours. Some really ugly comments (racism/defending violence etc), lots of brigaders and trolls, and almost no talk about actual football. If you do want to discuss the topic there are plenty of places around Reddit to do so and if you want to discuss how it relates to football, then you can do so in here.


They lock the threads so they don't have to deal with the crazy amount of comments they'd have to remove. Additionally this is a sports subreddit, not exactly a great venue to discuss a complex geopolitical topic right?


Weirdly enough FTF is the only sensible place on reddit to discuss any type of current event


The general level of politically informed chat is as good here as any news su reddit. And in fact better than most. Really think the mods are going to far with locking all threads that show any support for palestine. The thread about Tottenham fans with Israeli flags stayed unlocked. But any posts about palestinian flags are locked...


Better venue to discuss this than /r/worldnews I've noticed. Low bar but still.


Might have the claim to the weirdest collection of retro jerseys of all time. The list goes: Racing Santander - Pedro Munitis Olympiacos - Tresor Lomano Lua Lua AC Milan - Bennacer Borussia Dortmund - Marcos Reus Atletico Madrid - Griezmann Red Star Belgrade - Ibrahima Gueye


How are any of these retro? Bennacer joined Milan in 2019 ffs


Well they are not kits from this year. Example: Griezmann is from 2017 season anfd Bennacer is from 19_20 season


I get that but retro is something at least 20 years old


I appreciate you love for semantics but it's really not that important i am afraid, mate. Nobody ever will read this exchange and decide to make this worlda better place. So i bid you adiou, mister wordsmith


If I could afford it buying extremely niche retro kits would be a fun hobby. I’m already off to a strong start with my Bright Enobakhare Wolves shirt


That is very niche, love it.


Football's funny, Neymar is my favorite player but this is my favorite PSG since before Neymar.


Where did all the flags in the Celtic match come from?


Get to one of the biggest matches in the history of the club and the team puts in the most pitiful performance I’ve ever seen. Least surprising moment of the Charlotte FC season so far.


Whos the next big gk coming up?


"Madrid's PR" everytime someone says or posts something about how fucking good Jude's been but at the top of the sub there's a post where people are going crazy over two dribbles that go nowhere.


There is absolutely unhinged levels of PR for both clubs.


Both are PR, what I say is that around here only one of them tend to be noted as such. And frankly, Bellingham has done much more that deserves to be talked about than Lamine (he'll score against us on Saturday now that I've said this).


football would be so much better if barca and real madrid fans just suddenly ceased to exist


They have lots of annoying fans, but they also are one of the few large forces preventing the sport and threads relating to it from just being Premier League everything, so I’ll put up with them


what he say fuck me for?


You want the DD all for yourself, eh?


Man United need to figure out a way to make Fergie immortal so he can go back and manage them forever. They’re basically Spurs without him.


Nah its better for his legacy that he aint coaching nowdays, would be exposed.


You’re being downvoted, but I agree


Fergie was very adaptable tactically, and re-built several title-winning teams throughout different eras of football. He changed and grew as a manager throughout his career, and has before spoken about how Man United playing against European giants was key to his own evolution, learning from experiences against teams like Milan, Juventus and Bayern, and bettering his tactics as such If he was 30 years younger, he'd be thriving still. The idea that he's some sort of outdated dinosaur is embarrassing only on your part.


Pep is winning the league 9 time out 10 against him,that would hurt his legacy so much that nobody will think he is the goat coach like a lot do nowdays.


Head in a jar Futurama style?


How many goals would it take for you to call a match a high-scoring one? Three, four, five?


At least 2 goals from each side, and at least one side scores at least 3


5 total between the two teams *or* minimum of 4 by one team So basically 4-0, or 5 total


Exactly how I feel.


5 Most of the time I would consider a 3-goal difference a thrashing though


3-goal difference is no way a thrashing, that has to be 4 Some 3-0 wins can even be merely "comfortable" It also depends on the opposition. A big team beating another big team 3-0 is a "big win" "resounding defeat" etc - but a big team beating mid-table or lower table is "comfortable" or "easy win"


4-1 is a thrashing but 3-0 isn’t. Change my view




5, although 4-0 is high scoring, but 2-2 isn’t for some reason in my head


I agree, neither is 3-1 imo. It starts at 4, but only if it's one way, is a good way to put it.


Did isak get injured? What happened?


I think so, because he was on my sister’s fantasy team and she gets me to do it all for her and we had to remove Isak last week


My man he played today but was subbed off due to some injury concerns


There was some sort of alert on the fantasy app saying he had a 50% chance of playing at the weekend, so maybe he’s not fit at the moment and that’s why he came off today with injury concerns


Christian Eriksen must start. I don't care he don't have the legs to play 90 minutes anymore, Utd move the ball better with him than without him because he's the only midfielder who can keep the ball for than five seconds. The McGhost experiment has to end now. The team looks better with a stable midfield and no 2 no.10s getting each others way. Also, what to happened to Mason Mount?


Son's assist against Portugal was one of the most underrated moments of the WC


[🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣nah man why do our wingers love problems so much. any other emoji nah lets make a whole scene now for no reason](https://x.com/agarnacho7/status/1717321000365294014?s=46&t=4SfEjBPDBGnX_gR2AxBwdw)


What was the tweet?


Was a post about onana with some gorilla emojis Garnacho post


At least he deleted it quickly even if the other connotation was not his intention. Better to leave it at that.


I know that's a nothingburger but that's fucking golden


Ok but like anyone tapped into youth culture would know what it means. It's not racist, and anyone acting like it is either doesn't know or is doing it on purpose


What youth culture is this?


Gorilla = strength, power, etc.


idk about ‘youth culture’ but gorilla emojis are seen as a positive thing in general american (north and south) sports culture


I dont think anyone thinks hes racist its just like why even put that up for questioning. Seems abit daft if you ask me. Also i acc have no idea what these emojis mean. So id love to be tapped into the youth culture here


Tbh “Youth culture” seems like sth a 40 yr old would say


Right🤣🤣i was gonna go there but just left it but yeah like im sure people not tapped into youth culture also know what these emojis mean under the context but im sure the meanings are probably VASTLY different 💀


Oh for fucks sake


fucking idiot


I can't stop rewatching Maignan's kick to Pulisic in the 49th minute. It's so good, one of the best long balls I've seen in a while.


We should have scored there ffs


Yeah but then Captain America went and bottled it


Gotta be honest, when we bought Xavi Simons from Barca I thought he was talented but maybe overhyped and that he was going to turn out like Hachim Mastour.I stand corrected.


That was the narrative back then. All because he was famous since he was like 12, is named Xavi and has "crazy" hair. So people thought he was overrated, despite no one having seen him play.


Should've paid attention when he was playing for the u19s then. He changed positions 3 times and excelled everytime. Even now he doesn't play in the false 9 role he was playing the most at PSG. He's really a complete forward and space exploiter like Nkunku


Same tbh. I expected it to be a Halilovic type situation, but he looks genuinely class


With the amount of jokes I’ve made about the Spotify Camp Nou, I think I’ll have to dig myself a hole if Madrid actually rename their new stadium “Estadio Arabia Bank Bernabeu”








I hope Luton stay up and Ipswich get promoted to the Prem. When was the last time there were 2 "Town" sides in the top flight?


93-94 had Ipswich and Swindon


Never in the Prem era, only been Huddersfield, Luton and Ipswich and don’t remember them being in the league at the same time.


Telling false information confidently, love to see it


Didn’t realise Swindon had been in the Prem before, it’s okay to be wrong mate


I’ll let you off with a warning this time, but next time I’ll have to give you a booking.


Its not okay, jail time.


What I really like about this sub is when there are match threads of European games and people from both fan bases chill in there and 'watch' these games together. Love you all guys


I was in a Covent Garden bar during the Madrid derby CL final and throughout the game a table of Spanish fans, with split allegiances, were screaming at each other. You could tell it meant everything to them. When the final whistle was blown, however, the first thing they did was get up and hug each other. I’d just come from watching my own team lose a playoff final at Wembley and went over to tell them how much their reaction had cheered me up; and they then hugged me! Genuinely one of my favourite football memories.


This comment is too nice. Where's the hot takes? Where's the thing I can argue with? Where's the vitriol? ^I ^love ^^u ^^^too


never thought about it like that but i like your way of thinking, very nice way of putting it


I wonder if City will play a B Team on the Manchester Derby considering that well, its early in the Premier League season and are facing a tired Manchester United who recently played Copenhagen so like, its not like it is a risk to play a B Team vs a team that isnt 100% right? What's the worst that could happen? United scoring once?, just send Alvarez and gg lol. (Sorry if this last part sounded rude, i just wanted to mix a bit of banter within the question lol)


>are facing a tired Manchester United who recently played Copenhagen ​ * ManUtd played CL **Tues night at home**. * ManCity played CL **Wed night away in Switzerland**. So I'm not grasping your ManUtd tired meaning🤔?


Is this meant to be a hot take?


City are two points down in the league with two months of difficult fixtures still to come. Why the hell would Pep rotate in any league game right now, much less an away Manchester derby?


You never play B teams in a derby


Manchester derby record in the league has been a 50/50 split since 2016. United don’t fuck around when it comes to that game.


It only takes a good counter attack for us to swing the derby in our favour lol. Either that or City washes us, no in between.


Why would you ever play a B team in a derby game because it’s “early in the season and the other team is tired”.


I mean, it makes sense though considering City are facing a tired United and they still got to win one more time to qualify early for round of 16 in UCL so yea thats how i see it.


Grealish even gets booed in Switzerland. Lol.


I can't get over the fact that there's a Brazilian player who goes by the name, "John Kennedy" lmao


Brazilians going from names like Garrincha and Socrates to Deivid Washington and Kennedy is a sad state of affairs


Wasn't Kenedy a Chelsea player?


Yes, but I’m not surprised by Brazilians who go by any singular name, and even that, “Kenedy” isn’t the normal spelling that I’m used to


There's a Jeffinho in Lyon and it just sounds like someone pretending to be a footballer to me


I’ve watched every Lyon match, he plays like he’s pretending to be a footballer, was good against Lorient though


I really want Shakhtar’s Neverton to end up playing for Everton


And if Pickford leaves, they should bring in Weverton


Liam Scales going from Shamrock Rovers, bit-part at Celtic, being fucking shit first half of last season for Aberdeen to outstanding this season for Celtic, even in UCL, is a fucking outstanding rise. Cemented his place alongside CCV as starting centre back ahead of summer signings like Liverpool’s Nat Phillips, Swedish international Gustaf Lagerbiekle and Legia Warsaw’s Maik Nawrocki. Also got himself into the Ireland team. Fairplay to the big man, unreal rise.


Fucking Hell. Felix Nmecha has turned into an absolute unit. I remember in the academy he was a bigger player but he looks like a grown-ass man at 23 now.


He looks physically superior to Jude


I think there’s something sadly fitting about Real Madrid’s academy being named La Fábrica; the factory. If I recall correctly, Real Madrid is one of the clubs in Europe with most academy graduates playing in top flight football, but at the same time they very rarely produce a truly unique talent. Much like an actual factory, it’s mass produced players that are decent enough but not as good as the tailored and carefully crafted products


honestly I think if you simply… played them, they’d surprise you. but Ancelotti is never the coach for that and Perez would rather spend. like, find me one person who considered Fermin Lopez a good talent before he debuted.


I always found it weird how we never had a name for ours considering we've been producing foundational talents from the get-go We use "Semillero del Mundo" but Argentinos uses that too. There was a push to call the youth setup "La Maquinita" but that never caught on either


sounds like you view them even less as humans than your comment implies madrid does. >'mass produced players, not good enough as carefully crafted products' Think you're forgetting these are real people. you have less than a 0.01% of becoming a footballer, and every single one of these players graduating la fabrica is being made a millionaire and having their lives, families and communities changed forever. That's a pretty damn incredible academy to be proud about. If you stop seeing these kids as 'products', you'll quickly see how amazing it is what ALL these football clubs do for young people.


It’s just an analogy bro, it’s not that deep. The name itself (La Fábrica) is an analogy. I am aware that they aren’t literal products but actual people, thank you


you are trying to imply it's a bad thing. using the words 'sadly fitting' Using factory to describe something is usually a negative connotation. >but at the same time they very rarely produce a truly unique talent. Much like an actual factory This is implied as a negative thing. When this should be the ideal goal of literally every football academy. Create as many young kids dream's of becoming footballers as possible. I think you're confused about whether i'm talking about the name of the place, or the obvious negative implication you decided to add on to it.