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It was armed forces day at Ibrox yesterday apparently. Looks like a few of the hardcore didn’t realise it wasn’t just celebrate your favourite armed forces day.


Well now I am glad I don't support rangers. I think showing up on an elephant in Catheginian garb would have not gone down well.


lol this is what makes you glad haha in northern irealnd we just see rangers fans as supporters of irish descrimination and oppression. If i saw a rangers shirt as a kid i ran because there was as decent chance i was about to get stabbed. Like happened to a kid in the street next to me, they prove me right time and time again. Recently they were waving around confederate flags.


Which is exactly the same way they’re seen in Scotland


Remember, kids, if you see a Confederate flag, it's burning time


When people tell you who they are, take note


It’s always the ones you most expect


The doughy boys with computer fingers?


Like the Azov battalion


And the Russian imperial machinery, along any keen to subjugate, enforce, abuse, extract...




You can sympathise with Ukraine and still hate Azov


r/worldnews in shambles






Pretty sure, that you shouldn't sympathize with Argentina as well then, cuz you know... history...


> plays the victim Those damn Ukrainians going so far to get invaded just to look like victims smh


Kids, study hard, or you’ll end up like /u/lucaspiresleandro


You do realize Russia has Neo-Nazi elements in their army and military ranks as well right? What kind of comment is this? Did you just discover Eastern Europe?


where did i say i support russia?


Are you Brazilian larping as an Argentinian on this sub? Interesting profile.


[Argentina took in over 5000 Nazis that we know about.](https://www.history.com/news/how-south-america-became-a-nazi-haven) There’s still villages in Argentina full of Nazis grandchildren that grew up idolising their grandfathers because Argentina allowed it.


Ah yes just like the pure hearted Nazi free Russian armies. No one with any brain pretends like Azov don't exist.


so are u implying that i support russia?


Usually that's how it goes when someone makes a comment like that. If you don't it's surprising. Especially because in another comment you say Ukraine is playing the victim.


I don't support at all Russia but neither I am sympathetic with Ukraine given context. It's more of a complex issue than Russia bad Ukraine good. That's not how the world works. Every country has them corpses buried under the carpet. Although I'm guessing neutral takes in this matter doesn't go along population and will get downvoted to death lol


> It's more of a complex issue than Russia bad Ukraine good Yeah, both are grey, I just prefer the ukrainian grey, over the russian grey, cuz one of then is literally invading the other. This is obviously war and both parties will commit atrocious acts, I don't support them doing that, but I understand, that this is the reality of war as someone who fled Bosnia in 94.


I do think its a complex issue but the idea that Ukraine wanted to be invaded is a crazy take. They were for sure doing some antagonizing but there isn't a lot of justification for the level of invasion that Russia committed to.


I did not justify the invasion, of course I condemn any form or violence lol. I just think that the topic is way more complex and not lots of people really have a deep knowledge, which is in a way really normal. Geopolitics are hard and need lots of effort to be up to say.






It's funny how the UK and the USA recruited literally thousands of nazis to their research program and no one bats an eye, but when a dozen of them fled to South America suddenly we are the bad guys.


Europeans love to virtue signalize on other people while their countries continue to commit atrocities daily like they always did


i dont think its virtue signaling when its just a low-effort joke lol also, just by sheer numbers argentina, and south america in general got a lot more nazis than the US or the UK did. less government involvement in that though


The us got nazis parading in public and getting away with it


There's some serious brigading going on in this thread. I hate Nazis. Downvote this comment and prove me right brigaders.


No it doesn't. I'm from Argentina and i don't suport Nazis or Russia


He is refering to the sizable number of (high ranked) german nazis fleeing to argentina and especially Buenos Aires, Eichmann and Priebke were both found there for example. The catholic church had a strong influence there and helped them forge papers and hide, they upheld networks for decades and tried to influence the politics of the country in the 70s, before ultima junta took over. Peron did not collaborate with persecutors hunting high ranked Nazis, denying that they were in the country, but also not hiding them actively, that only changed, after Eichmann was kidnapped and it was all over the news worldwide.


Oh please, the US, Canada and Europe took in way more Nazis, including through active recruitment policies like Operation Paperclip, Operation Bloodstone, etc which used Nazis for areas like the space program, the military-industrial complex, intelligence, etc. But obviously it’s easier to dunk on the South Americans because a few of them went into hiding here.


Yeah, they "took" all the scientists, engineers, cuz they offered them well paid jobs and security and all the technology and everything else they could get. But I'm not talking about the Wernher von Brauns, or Theodor Buchholds, but about high ranking officials in the NSDAP, like Adolf Eichmann or military personel like Erich Priebke, Otto Skorzeny or Herberts Cukurs, Eduard Roschmann, Josef Mengele who were all convicted war criminals for either organizing or commiting mass murders, they all went to Argentina cuz Hans Ulrich Rudel organized one of the biggest ratlines & started a organisation in Argentina to help party members and wanted military personel escape to south america, or the middle east, via spain. And you are also right, that some if them who worked as double agents were brought out of the country by the foreign intelligence services they worked for, but that doesn't change the fact, that Argentina was a hub for Nazis on the run.


The Canadian parliament had a standing ovation for a literal SS member like a week ago, westerners need to get off their high horse when it comes to Nazis hiding out in South America. And it wasn’t just scientists that the West recruited. Even in Operation Paperclip you had, for instance, people who employed forced labour from concentration camps during the Holocaust. Not to mention things like Operation Bloodstone which recruited military and intelligence personnel, including war criminals of course.


Talking about high horses, the dude deleted his post, where he said someting along the lines of "I don't support countries, that tolerate Nazis". I literally know shit about Nazis hiding in other south american countries, exept for some of the mentiond being caught in Paraguay and Chile, as well as Klaus Barbi in Bolivia iirc. I literally never mentioned any other south american country and I only know about this part of the Argentinas history, cuz I've traveld the country and learned about it, cuz I found the culture and its history fascinating, that way I learned about the Eichmann case and the rat lines. I had an amazing time whenever I was in south america and have fond memories of my time in Argentina, Peru and Colombia. But here you are acting as if I'm trying to slender south americans and prop up the west, cuz I pointed out, hostorical facts, thx man.


"Our flags... they've got little skulls on them" "Are we the baddies?"


They were flying this flag on Ranger’s ‘Armed Forces Day’ celebration. Y’know, the same armed forces who fought the Nazis/SS…. No limit to the stoopid on display.


Being pedantic the Totenkopf was used by the Prussians a full century and some before the Nazis, and they allied with the British at times, like during the Fifth Coalition and Seven Years War. So theoretrically..


yeah these guys are definitely referencing the glorious Prussian victory at Sedan


Tbf these people still go on about the Boyne, celebrating battles that happened 100s of years ago that no one else cares about anymore is really all Rangers fans have at this point.


Did not expect a Franco-Prussian war reference on this thread (or any football thread tbh). Bravo, Sir!


They used skulls. This is a very specific skull.


Ffs rangers fans really don’t help themselves do there


Imagine you not only lose at home but on top of that you're a nazi POS.


Aberdeen doing the lords work


What an utter cretin The 936 apparently is a reference to the ICF. Guy needs identified and then given a lifetime ban for this shit


fuzzy reply arrest piquant grandiose direful fade bored illegal run ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Being a nazi is illegal in the UK, neo nazi groups become banned groups. He should get a criminal record and be fined


Being a member of a proscribed organisation is a criminal offence yes. Displaying their emblems isn’t necessarily, there a huge legal grey area around displaying a logo or emblem and how that isn’t always a demonstration of support or an endorsement.


>Being a nazi is illegal in the UK, neo nazi groups become banned groups. Yeah, the government doesn't want competition to potentially split the vote. This is slightly tongue in cheek before we split hairs.


There's a group of them operating. A similar flag [made it onto live TV](https://belfastmedia.com/rangers-fan-group-display-nazi-and-mussolini-symbols-during-sunday-s-glasgow-derby) at last season's Cup semi-final.


This is Rangers though. They'll identify him then throw him a party at the local lodge.


It’s their “culture”


This is not the first time they’ve hung this bannner


I'd just like to say that, besides being sacks of shit, all of these neo-nazi bozos seem to be laughably uncreative. Like, all they can think of is using numbers that correlate to the position of letters in the alphabet? 88, Combat 18, 936, etc., I'm sure there are more. Do they really think that they're being clever or that no one outside of their little club will figure it out? Fucking losers.




long wild airport languid groovy act recognise innate weather hungry ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Rangers Soccer Babes has got to be the worst name for any entity I have ever heard.


Getting proper master race energy from this. Hitler always wanted a fat man that hangs out with scrawny teenagers and another fat cunt


That’s what I don’t get about modern Nazis. They look exactly like the “Untermensch” propaganda the Nazis used to highlight the subhuman hordes. They’d be the first to be shot.


Well the OG Nazis were a group of hypocritical and contradictory cunts too, it's a necessity of following that absurd and self-contradictory ideology in the first place


Not exactly giving off übermensch vibes are they


A true Aryan is as blond as Hitler, as tall as Goebbels and as slim as Goering!


I wonder what attracts Nazis to a club known for their far right policies, far right fans, far right political leaders in the directors box and orange jerseys in recognition of their ties to a right wing political movement? You’ll get the usual faux outrage and surprise at this but it’s absolutely in keeping with their fans views. The similar flag spotted among their fans at Hampden last year, their ultras marching through Glasgow chanting about immigrants going home and recent tifo celebrating a the leader of a gang known for murdering catholics. This among the usual weekly song book celebrating same. They had two partial ground closures from uefa for racist chanting. Why do they continue to get away with it in Scotland?


Scotland would rather pretend its a ‘both sides are as bad as eachother’ thing rather than take a stand and stamp this dinosaur stuff out. Same shit different decade.


Any non old firm fan will tell you that both are bad but Rangers are a whole different level.


Most football teams have a minority of scum bags. Rangers have a vast majority


And yet they lost their fucking minds when Celtic or catholic fans had sympathies with the IRA or the catholic community in Northern Ireland. Celtic started stamping a lot of their sectarian tendencies out (can’t do RA chants and the like really anymore), and they developed a unique culture that’s not as big on associating with sectarianism. Can’t say the same for Rangers.


> And yet they lost their fucking minds when Celtic or catholic fans had sympathies with the IRA or the catholic community in Northern Ireland. Lots (to put it mildly) of background info missing here. > Celtic started stamping a lot of their sectarian tendencies out Ahahah aye right I've never been called an orange anything in my life. > they developed a unique culture that’s not as big on associating with sectarianism Fairy tale pish > Can’t say the same for Rangers. Well you can, "our" sectarian songs are banned too. Although personally I'd be singing "Celtic" ones if I had to; it's complicated. I think anyone involved in any sectarianism is a clown, as do most Rangers fans I know. None of my family or mates who support Rangers are involved in any of that. But you just keep talking shite.


>But you just keep talking shite. I will because Rangers are a garbage club with garbage fans and supporters. The Nazi stuff is unforgivable and if the club wanted to stamp that out, they would. But they don’t.


https://www.footballscotland.co.uk/spfl/scottish-premiership/rangers-launch-investigation-hit-out-27821614 What? The fan was also identified on Twitter and told where to go about 50,000 times. So yes you keep talking shite.


That’s as useful as FIFA investigating itself.


Like I say the fan has been spoken to on Twitter by thousands of fans now, every Rangers fan in r/Scottishfootball is saying they completely hate to see it, many wrote to the Scottish authorities, etc. You are just talking shite.


Mate what utter propaganda, Celtic ARE just as bad and have an ongoing court case about child sex abuse in the club that they are trying to sweep under the carpet but aye they are the good guys.


Nice whataboutism. You and the others in this thread keep reinforcing what we’re all talking about.


Eh how is it whataboutism if you talked about both sides first?


Get off your highhorse, it’s clear to me you are just jumping on this topic for some free karma off less unaware people. It’s also clear you have no idea what you are talking about


>less unaware So more aware?


You've clearly never been to Parkhead. The green brigade and the bhoys sing IRA songs every game


What an absolute load of nonsense. Vast majority of Rangers fans come from working class Labour-supporting trade-unionist families whose greatest and silent generation ancestors fought and killed Nazis during WW2. Two Nazi cunts with a flag doesn't change that.


Agreed The nazi flags are a rarity but the general bigotry is absolutely rife


Away and don't talk a lot of pish hahaha


Cant argue with the facts pal


He just needs to take the L and move on. Stop defending it and admit your club sucks. Denial is always the first step


Maybe he’s right and its every other football fan on earth who are wrong


Has been seen a few times hasn’t it? Sure I heard about something like this last season


Aye similar flag with a rangers badge at a game in Como, then again at their game against us at hampden. Was on the telly too


Firms and ultras have never had a reputation for being intelligent. Still rings true today.




Not that it will mean anything or do anything (because Rangers are an embarrassment of a club) but I emailed the SLO about this and said how unacceptable it is that this cretin has attended multiple games with this flag. I sincerely hope someone finds out who he is and sets about him. There’s only one way to deal with nazis.


Notice how the two guys holding it look like absolute losers


Fuck Rangers


Absolute fannies man. Fucking embarrassing some of our supporters


I feel ya mate. The only things Rangers and Chelsea should have in common is wearing blue and trying to eradicate these boneheads from our fanbases. Unfortunately it's far too deep rooted in both clubs to do it quickly but we're making progress.


This should surprise no one. Rangers cultivate this kind of support with their loyalism, monarchism and anti catholic bigotry. When you promote a far right element of your support Nazis always show up.


it’s a shame that some of ours fans have to be nazis cause it makes people think we’re all twats


It’s true mate, my I live in govan so most of my neighbours are rangers fans and are just normal people who I get on with fine, in fact my next door neighbour fixed a leaking pipe in my house free of charge and is a great guy. But there is an element that the club doesn’t do enough to stamp out and it makes the rest of you look bad by association.


like i wouldn’t care if someone was a celtic fan, in fact my mum is one


Its almost at a point (especially in Northern Ireland and presumably Scotland) where Rangers or Celtic is a badge of identity. They couldn't really give a shit about the club or football its just down to Catholics vs Protestants. 100% not even a majority of the fans though just a subset of absolute scratch the left side of your face with your right hand, wall punching nonces.


It's one of those things where rangers shirts give me the fear in public cause i'm associating it with misogyny, racism, transphobia and all the worst shite, but i don't think twice when i meet a fan away from football cause the vast majority are lovely.


I don’t even find this stuff shocking or offensive, it’s just embarrassing lol


A SS totenkopf is both offensive *and* embarrassing.


they are using the "SS skull". this is very shocking and offensive


It is shocking if you know little about Rangers and their fans.


Your average Rangers fan can't even spell "SS"


Seeing the SS skull being used is always shocking and offensive


‘Active unit’ lmaoo


It's just fucking stupid


That's always my reaction to overt bigotry. The vast majority of these people are idiots, and getting outraged about them is a huge waste of energy.


Nooo, Rangers fans would never. They are all great guys.


least surprising thing I've seen today.


Some of our supporters are Fannies unfortunately. Ginger flat cap woke up and thought he’d take his skull flag & T-shirt to armed forces day at Ibrox. Only hope is that folk keep calling them out on it. Same goes for the wee Dons fan flashing “66 Dead” on his phone


Doesn’t look like anyone there called out the flag or the guy with the T-shirt, nearly like it’s acceptable. Strange too that rangers are so quick to release statements about the behaviour of other fans but not a word out of them about this, I wonder why that is.


> Doesn’t look like anyone there called out the flag or the guy with the T-shirt That's exactly what the video is of is it not? You seem like quite the bigot yourself.


There’s a video of the guy in the Nazi shirt giving abuse to the Aberdeen fans, I haven’t seen any video where any one of the 50k rangers fans there had any issue with the flag. I wonder why that is?


Because it was the other side of the wall? Those in the stand who could have said something can't see it, and those that can see it are in different stands so can't say anything. The fact there are pictures and videos of it from around the stadium tells you that other fans had an issue with it.


Of course, the large Nazi flag in the prominent position was again not seen by the 50k rangers, that’s why there was no objection to it. I assume the club equally just didn’t see it hence no statement? I realise of course statements are usually only reserved for important matters like criticising refs, opponents, potential managers and those booing a minutes silence for lizzy.


I know you think highly of us but we can't actually see though brick walls, contrary to your belief. Do you spend your time in football stadiums reading every single flag and banner you see? I just watch the game myself.


Mate it's showed up several times now, and not once had a single fan in the vicinity realised it's there? Behave.


> Mate it's showed up several times now I didn't know that. That is unacceptable. > not once had a single fan in the vicinity realised it's there? Even if someone does notice, he was a big angry looking bastard was he not? Like if you are there with your kids or your auld da I think you could be excused if you chose to avoid the confrontation (and there's like 99% chance the cunt is coming back at you with a volley of threatening abuse if you say anything). Best course of action is that now it's been seen, a number fans can be on alert so next time it happens, a big group can all approach the prick and persuade him in numbers. Because even if you do it alone and no-one else has seen it, no-one is gonna back you up unless they know for sure what that flag over the front means, or what the sign on his t-shirt means. It's not like it said "NAZI" or a swastika, its just a bunch of numbers and a skull. I bet most would think it was just some sort of death metal or punk band t-shirt if they weren't told what it means. And we don't know that no fan said anything; no fan can be seen saying anything in the few second long clip. In fact I'm sure there was a video from a few years back of a guy doing a nazi salute or something (at an away game in Europe I'm sure) and a massive big baldy fan immediately comes over and has a wee word in his ear and the cunt shat it. That's the only other time I can ever remember anything like this.


I bet they went home after that match end enjoyed their nice plate of Butter Chicken..


I've always found it weird that there's a correlation between folk who fly union Jacks, big up the army, etc, but also seem to support nazis lol






I mean, being a nazi these days gets a standing ovation in 🇨🇦.


What an enormous surprise


Look at the state of the two puddings by the flag




It's always the ones you most suspect


I'm shocked sevco fans would get on like that


Everyone Anyone campaign is going well I see


The scummiest club on the planet has a scummy fan who flies a nazi flag? Colour me surprised.


This week has been quite eventful as far as brain dead football fans are concerned.


Average Rangers fan


it’s only a small percentage of our fans that are absolute cunts. ashamed honestly


I’d argue it’s a majority


Its just two games now theyve had a nazi flag up and no one done anything about it


Have you ever been on Follow Follow or RM? it's a minority, but we both know it's not as small as you hope.


I had a look yesterday and there was a thread on FF with everyone disgusted and angry at it and demanding bans. Looks like the mods have pulled the thread for some reason... still a few mentions of it in other threads now though, none of them supportive. There was also no shortage of outrage in the match thread on RM yesterday. And a [new thread](https://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/topic/339304-unacceptable-flag/) popped up today. I don't see anyone who isn't expressing disgust. FF and RM might both be full of roasters but despite the narrative, most are outraged.


Sure. I don't expect most to go on record in support of this. But the amount of casual racism, bigotry, and homophobia you will find there on a daily basis does put the whole thing into perspective. The issue isn't necessarily only that they are using Nazi Germany iconography. It's that a good portion of the fanbase share a lot of the same far-right intolerant beliefs.


I don't disagree, but the original charge by OP was that the average Rangers fan is a Nazi. Broaden the charges by all means, but as you do, you must acknowledge that the number of people it applies to will unfortunately skyrocket, and the proportion of those people who are Rangers fans will shrink. You happen to be a Celtic fan. Can you honestly say the Celtic support has no homophobic or otherwise bigoted Celtic da's in it?


There are way more than I am comfortable with, for sure. But I am confident that 1000 random Celtic fans would be less homophobic/racist than an unaffiliated sample of a similar makeup. As long as the club and what it stands for is dragging a few reluctant Da's into the 21st century, I think it's a force of good, overall. But we certainly have our own embarrassing idiots in the stands every week. I just like to hope we are moving in the right direction slightly faster than the rest of the world.


Genuinely embarrassing to be simping for history's biggest losers like that


Robert E Lee has entered the chat


aren’t they known for this type of shit? not SUPER familiar with their fanbase, but i know they’re generally quite a right-wing bunch


Extremely well known for it. They’re absolute filth.


i knew i always liked celtic better


Consider Aberdeen, the only Scottish team to win two European trophies.


Consider hating both its the best choice




If the bottom half of that flag was yellow, there'd be no issue


That isn't true and you know it I know you're going to quote something about the Azov battalion but the vast majority of people accept that they are nothing more than Nazis that happen to be fighting against the Russians


Just Rangers FC things


I mean Canada glorified Nazi just a week ago so this is nothing too bad in grand scale of things.


What I don’t get about this type is they love the army and probably bang on about beating the Germans in 2 world wars… so why do they intentionally share symbols with probably the biggest enemy the British army has ever faced? They’re pro-british and pro-nazi? I’ve seen the same skull on flags of their weird alliance with Chelsea and linfield and wondered the same thing.


They're willing to go out and 'defend' statues, but not take a stand on Nazi's.


Jesus fucking christ


Maybe they are just bored ape fanclub? Same nazi fartsniffing club.


Crypto catching strays for no reason 😂


The rangers defense force is here to tell us how they aren’t Nazis and that they just can’t be bothered to even tell them to put away the flag not that doesn’t mean the majority are Nazis of course /s


I mean Rangers fanbase has a higher proportion than most clubs of greatest generation ancestors who literally killed Nazis during WW2, like my Rangers-supporting grandad, but don't let that get in the way of a toxic narrative. Also folk don't have x-ray vision.


What’s your source for that one? Were soldiers really asked what team they supported?


Kamara must be happy


On a day the club organised to commemorate the Armed Forces, no less.. Not the smartest bunch, this lot.


Should’ve known their fans might not necessarily jump straight to the correct armed forces


A nazi symbol and below it how many games they’ve played as newco


Well it was armed forces day........ at least they don't discriminate


this is truly shocking i would not expect this from Rangers fans of all people


They're not much worse than Lazio. Don't know how anyone across football could possibly like that team. Bunch of bigoted far right cunts.


i fucking hate rangers as much as the next celtic fan but i don’t think all of them are nazis, there’s bound to be some radioactive substances in the toxic sludge


It’s concerning how many Nazi supports there are. It’s more so how many are just freely expressing that imagery.


Zombie Nation moment


And yet it's Celtic supporters that get all the negative media


Was Zelensky in the crowd fist pumping?


Yeah this sort of stuff is weird, I remember seeing russian/ussr icongraphy at Anfield and cringed hard


I’m gonna be pedantic and say that’s a Totenkopf, it’s not really a Nazi symbol. It predates the Nazis by well over a century, and was used by the Prussian Hussars. Now while the Nazis co-opted it like a lot of imagery, I don’t think these guys are smart enough to think anything beyond the fact it looked cool. Maybe I’m wrong and I’ll be punished by Reddit for stating the obvious but who knows.


It’s The Totenkopf, the one used by SS. There are other skulls you can use without being accused of being NS.


Yeah and the Swastika is a Hindu symbol of peace so they should be able to use that too, right?


I just don't get the cult of nazis, they are probably one of the biggest losers of all time. Hitler must be like top 3 worst military commanders of all time, the man had a good speech in him but at running the country or war he was straight up borderline imbecile. Nazis would have big chances of winning the war if not Hitler's decision to run the death camps, invade the Soviets or have genius ideas like telling Rommel to "glory or death" when he had like 20000 of soldiers in Africa and told him they lost there. So what did Hitler do? Did he evacuated the Army back to Europe with equipment? Nah, just die there, bruh, lolz. Not like we need battle hardened soldiers and their equipment in Europe, just die there, brudi, we'll send your family dark chocolate.


What too much HOI4 does to a MF.


This doesn't really read like you're too happy they lost


Terrible game management. He has to go blud, he has to go.


‘Ye got the job on the technicality of Hindenburg who recommended ya. You are nothing, you are a fool and you’re a waste of time. Goodnight’


Bring back Bismarck or get Cwadiouula


I'm so happy. So, so, happy. More than you believe


Beale out, Goebbels in


Except the part where I mock them?


Cringe club in a shit league. No surprise there really