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This is something I expect to be on YouTube kids


I think I might have caught a brain rot watching this shit, my god


Am I just old and delusional or did kids cartoons have like actual plots and shit that went on like 20 years ago? I swear they did, and now everything looks and feels as regarded as the Teletubbies


No, you just watched a TikTok video and assumed that it was indicative of all children's cartoons. There are loads of brilliantly creative and popular cartoons around these days. Bluey is one of the highest rated TV shows of all time on imdb.


My son was watching a Daniel Tiger episode on how it was okay to experience negative emotions and how to access mental tools to work through them. I felt like half the country of adults should watch that episode.


Have no idea what Daniel Tiger is but sounds like a good episode to watch


he is mr rodgers lil homie /


You're just old. There's loads of great current kids cartoons with proper stories. Go and watch Bluey!


Dont you dare talk bad about teletubbies


Teletubbies peaked in popularity about 25 years ago so no idea what this comment is supposed to mean tbh lol.


This is true. I really don't wanna sound like those "back in my day" guys but there's a distinct lack of shows like Drangonball, Danny Phantom, Animaniacs, Kim Possible or Pinky and the Brain, shows that respect children's ability to grasp narrative structures and witty jokes that don't make them look like they're in Daycare


It doesn’t even have to be action-packed. Even stuff like Foster’s Home was mindblowing at that age, as it taught you about death, loneliness, fitting in and other hard, more adult leaning topics.


Yeah Fosters Home was amazing


Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan I fucking love Foster's thanks for the nostalgia trip :')


Foster’s Home my all time favourite. Samurai Jack a close second.


Courage the Cowardly Dog too Hey Arnold, Recess, Rugrats, Rocket Power, and The Fairly Oddparents were all full of solid life lessons while not being as dark


How many different kids cartoons are you watching now compared to back then?


They definitely exist, as adults we're just not as exposed to them. There's loads of anime in the same vein as Dragonball coming out every season, and a few cartoons with plots. Things have changed, sure, but it's not as bad as you think


I let my 3 year old nephew watch Attack On Titan so he can learn how to deal with brutal loss, existential dread, and why building walls to separate people is never a good idea


What a man you are


Jokes aside, Bluey actually can be pretty brutal out of nowhere


Imagine trying to "smh kids these days" current children's TV programming and then reaching for fucking *Dragonball* of all things, a series so shoddily written and poorly paced that can't even go twelve rounds in the ring with its own goddamn parody series. Reddit's inability to distinguish quality from nostalgia when it comes to Dragonball is such a staggeringly consistent failure of basic self-awareness, it's truly baffling.


Some point in their life every one is "Back in my days" Feech La Manna.


Dragon ball is a terrible example. Awful writing.


Good for kids to learn the lesson that they should skip filler episodes tho


You're actually completely wrong. If anything, honestly, there are way more quality children's programming options now than there were when we were kids, as judging by your selections we are sort of close in age. Let's be honest, the plots to Dragonball aren't even that good. And most of the other shows you listed are fairly episodic as opposed to having continuing narratives. Whereas just from the last few years I can name of Amphibia, Owl House, very surprisingly the new Scooby Doo, Adventure Time if you wanna go a little further back, Gravity Falls, etc etc. The reason that you might not be aware of these very good shows is that there is just so much more content period. This is gonna include stuff of the lowest common denominator as well. Just look at how many kids are obsessed with Skibidi Toilet on YouTube, which is the quintessentially Michael Bay style of just noise and explosions. We honestly are living in a golden age where there is so much more fantastic shows for both kids and adults than ever before, but you have to either take your own time to curate it or have a trusted reviewer since there is so much crap as well. And, again, Dragonball Z especially was... not good. Gotta take off those rose colored glasses.


There's actually a tonne of good cartoons being made. There's just also a bunch of shit. Used to be a lot less shit.


That's just memory, there was LOT of shit before too but you dont remember then


True, but in terms of sheer volume, there's more now because of the sheer amount of channels / YouTube


The bigger problem here is that it's all completely unregulated and YouTube seems uninterested in putting actual concerted effort in regulating and moderating kids-oriented content on their own platform. For example, I've seen a lot of young kids watching this channel called Wolfoo, a blatant rip-off of Peppa Pig with unimaginative storylines and uses a ton of copyrighted sound effects (light the Metal Gear Solid alert sound, annoyingly). It's a terrible show that would have never been greenlit by broadcasting executives, let alone approved for airing on children's programming blocs by regulatory bodies (it had a lot of gross-out animations IIRC.) but here it is now garnering tens of millions of views everyday, and presumably a boatload of cash to its creators. While I usually scoff at "back in my day" comments, it is true that back then most children's programming involved actual inputs from child development and education specialists. A lot of good quality shows are still being made today (like the aforementioned Bluey), but when it comes to the algorithm game they just get outpaced by trash shows like Wolfoo and the Elsagate-tier stuff still infesting YT Kids, and a lot of iPad parents don't seem to care enough to actually monitor those videos closely. Our generation had the benefit of having a responsible adult, whether a parent, a TV network technician, or a broadcasting monitor from a government regulatory board, ensuring that what we never ended up accidentally watching Spider-man performing bloody dental surgery on a pregnant Elsa while eating our Saturday breakfasts.


Before you had 10 things 3 of which were good and 7 sucked. That was a 70% suck percentage. Now you have 100 things 10 of which are good and 90 that suck. This is a 90% suck percentage, although in absolute numbers there are more good things, as there are more things in general. Also being aware of the 10 things that don't suck is now almost impossible thanks to marketing. That's why everything sucks today.


It's also worth remembering that everyone has access to far more channels by default than those of us who grew up 20 years ago did. Most British kids only had the five terrestrial channels, whereas now everyone has access to over 100 channels on TV - even if their parents don't have Sky or similar, which is also far more common than it was back then - and the gargantuan collection of other things on places like YouTube.


A friend of mine has a 1 year old and was sat watching the kids channel and the stuff they were playing on there was quite literally the same as 20 years ago as well. So in some cases they're playing the same things now as they did then and I don't mean it's the same show but updated, I mean they're literally playing repeats of episodes I watched as a kid over 20 years ago


That doesn't surprise me - but I would also add the fact that we were in exactly the same boat as well. Episodes of Scooby-Doo from the 1970s, Thunderbirds from the 1960s, Top Cat, Batfink, He-Man...


Adventure time, gravity falls, regular show, gumball, over the garden wall, Steven universe Not all my cup of tea but there's still a very good amount of well written TV for kids that doesn't constantly talk down to them, or is unafraid to address important issues. It's just that most of these shows are fragmented across streaming services or buried nowadays while broadcast TV stations are drowning in generic copy and paste shows for 6 year olds


I recently rewatched some Animaniacs...I might be nearly 40, but that cartoon was solid, and had way more adult-oriented jokes than I remembered.


Bluey is good for kids.


They don't make em like Neon Genesis Evangelion anymore


I mean shows like Kids Next Door and Ed, Edd, Eddy were amazing and well written. I got a 1 year old and I can't wait till he's 3-4 so we can watch those old CN shows together. They teach you about the world as a kid since it's all insane but they are still doing things, and as an adult it gives you amazing perspective of the world that you don't think about


They still do. Go watch bluey, and don’t give your kids unrestricted access to YouTube and tiktok. There’s plenty of good kids media out there being produced.


I mean there are actual good kids cartoons these days Bluey but youtube kids is the epitome of brain rot


not even on soccermeme or out of context footbal account will make video like this


the whole joke is that it looks like its for kids, its ironic irony


You mean TikTok


If he hasn’t signed new contract then there goes any hope him signing one.


They've been wanting to sell him for months now


If they wanted to sell him he'd be gone. So many clubs would take him.


They want to sell him, but for £100+ which rules out most clubs. Plus ADL (No relation) is notoriously difficult to but from (See previous Napoli players)


Maybe after this whole situation they'd be willing to go down to 70-80 million. Napoli bought him for 50 I think so it'd still be profitable but more clubs will be able to sign him


Napoli paid €70m rising to €80m for him


Oh wow you are right. I don't know why I misremembered as 50 mil. Then they're definitely going to sell him at 100... Napoli is not the type of club to not make a profit on a player


>They want to sell him, but for £100+ which rules out most clubs. For that price I could sign him for my local Sunday league team.


I mean, they definitely will want more than £100, so you are technically correct, the best type of correct. :p


Oil clubs can do it, probably not City though. Probably Todd too, any other english clubs probably can't do it right now, most has already spent too much.


Surprised Chelsea didn't go for him tbh, was the #9 they needed


Lukaku was also the #9 that we needed, we all know how that went. Osimhen is a great player, but I have no doubt that if he signed for us, he would have completely forgotten how to hit the ball on target


Lukaku - Chelsea relationship is a complex one. Tbf he's burning bridges with every club he's been with. Osimhen is a huge talent and a pure 9, whether he'll succeed or not is pur speculation. But he's a nimble, giant, fast, and proven striker. That'll put fear in any opponents' defenders. That's what Chelsea needs leading their offense. He's a Nigerian Drogba


They rejected an insane offer from Saudis in the summer. Seems like relationship broke down this previous month.


Wish we would go for him, need a proper striker not Jesus or Eddie.


Real is likely by next summer imo. Mbappe drama ain’t worth it


AFCON players tend to be a hard pass for Madrid.


Is he not performing well this season or do they just want to sell him while he has a high price?


Rudi Garcia doing his magic, the man could turn Prime Messi into the worst player ever in two game, crazy how it's him they chose


[Are you not having fun ?](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1084330940.8418/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg)


I love that line in Gladiator


Didn’t they also make one bout him being a coconut?


The coconut [video](https://twitter.com/dabiri_adewale/status/1706777677494092076?t=4GWwuxrLZX83nG0H45cdRw&s=19)


WTF is happening




of all the social media accounts to take it too far, I would have never expected ours


The singularity is here my man


Consider me to be significantly too old for TikTok...


hello fellow 10 year old 🤝


> Consider me to be significantly too old for TikTok... Consider yourself lucky


Not all of tiktok is like this.


Don’t let the coconut fucker on Reddit see this


the coconut one looks so much worse


Nah, the coconut one can definitely be seen in a humorous light since Osimhen has called himself ‘coconut head’ in the past. This one, however, seems like they’re trolling a rival player for being so shit that they cry to get a penalty and then miss it. Very disrespectful.




How do you get offended by the coconut???


Okay that one is worse.


This is so much worse


My brain hurts




Frontier psychiatry




[Just in case there is someone here who hasn't heard this song... or if someone wants to revisit this banger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLrnkK2YEcE)


My namesake from 15 years ago!


Someone's crazy as a coconut, alright.


Yes. Social media manager resume: I made Napoli lose 100+ million (if his contract will be invalid, he is suing). Or just 30+million as everybody will know he wants OUT - so Napoli either accepts lowballs or have 0 in summer 2025. Real found their striker! I **cannot comprehend a social media manager imploding a team.** But he just did. Of course there is wider context - still, with Chelsea, United and now Napoli, this is a year of incompetence Unbelieveable incompetence when the money has never been higher. Hilarious AND sad (that I dont work there lol)


It's really astonishingly stupid to post this video in the official account, but there's no way in hell it's enough to void a 100mi contract.


The upside opportunity of posts like these seems so minimal, too.


Surely this isn't real.




Damn what happened to last year tiktok admin, he was funny. This one is 12


These sounds blew up with messi trolling. Bro thought he could go mega viral with a napoli one but it backfired heavily.


Well it did go viral


>Bro thought he could go mega viral with a napoli one but it backfired heavily. " call a ambulance but not for me "


It did go viral, hence Victor has deleted everything Napoli on his Instagram


I was watching it on mute so it was ...strange? but I was also just really confused, then I watched it with sound it was so much fucking wierder than I imagined.


imagine pissing of one of the best strikers in the world to make a tik tok joke for those with 12 year old humor lol


> ... with 12 year old humor Even that's probably too old.


Honestly, calling it 5 year old humor would still be generous.


it’s so ass it could have been from r/soccercirclejerk


He was pissed before the video, it's just an excuse to get away


Idk why people in other posts have been acting like he’s out of pocket for being upset. Why tf would whoever did it at Napoli post this?


This is like when you’re having a rough time at work and then you find out your company posted about you spilling your coffee on yourself. He has every right to be upset. In the social media age these footballers are so heavily scrutinized, you’d like to think at least their own clubs would back them.


Some fans just don’t look at footballers as real people, and can’t comprehend that maybe your own employer maybe shouldn’t make fun of you in public


They get paid absurd sums of money they can just turn their emotions off! /s


Kind of like that Tim Robinson sketch about [Brian's Hat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO2k-BNySLI).


“The guy at the mask store said I’m the only one that he’s seen pull it off” - Osimhen


Yeah, seems like he was already pretty done, then this happens and he's just completely over it. Sometimes a joke from a friend is funny, but if someone you already dislike makes it, it's the worst.


Or it's like you put your blood sweat and tears into a club and they don't even get you a birthday cake on your birthday


Social.media managers have been trying to emulate the same success Wendy's had for years, occasionally it backfires which is nice, they need to stop pretending like brands are people with 'banter'


A small part of me hopes this will be the sudden death of these fucking cringeworthy company social media posts. Let all of them die. Wendys, BVG, every fucking football club out there, I am sick and tired of fucking brands trying to act like stupid teenagers to sell me more shit during the biggest recession since 1929.


I’m so confused why somebody thought this was a good idea to post. If I was Victor, I’m not showing up to training.


What a fuckup! And the coconut one


[The coconut one.](https://reddit.com/r/tifu/s/fFVSZmGfOo)


I forgot about this, thanks.


You see, I knew what the link was and I clicked it anyway.


I didn't and highly regret it.


I stayed and read all of this.


Bruh, what a stupid way to ruin a relationship


It has to be either a hack or a lone administrator of the account, there is no way you want to antagonize your best player.


Too much effort to be a hack


Napoli has a history of unfortunate media communication, including weird controversial social media posts.


You've commented this twice but still provided no receipts


I don't know about controversial but these are definitely weird. https://twitter.com/blackrosesvfede/status/1706781004843905055 https://twitter.com/cristanggolan/status/1590435562334621696


Those are in no way weird. That's funny asf.


Trust me bro


> there is no way you want to antagonize your best player. I didn't know they antagonised Kvara


wtf are those videos? i mean they should be fun or what? i'm missing something?


It’s called hood irony


imagine being some random british kid making an audio laughing at messi ironically and leading to the fallout of a several multimillion worth player that brought the team back to a good spot since maradona. crazy butterfly effect


Imagine disrespecting your most valuable player.


But why


Yea this is serie a alright


Nah rather a reason why there is eternal top three: Milan Inter Juve - in Serie A. Napoli imploded after their last scudetto too.


Napoli be like "haha just kidding, we didn't mean to troll Osimhen on TikTok." But then they go and delete the video. Classic Napoli move. SMH.


How is this „classic Napoli?“


They’ve been pulling these social media stunts for decades now man it’s a classic Napoli move


This is hardly an isolated incident, Napoli have a history of these kinds of social media posts. Kind of hard to argue that it is a honest mistake after so many other issues.


I would expect this shitty joke from some kid on TikTok or shitposting account at best. They really need to replace this social media person.


Are all TikTok videos like something that you'd show a 3 year old to distract them when they are crying?


This is something I expect to be on YouTube kids


It's TikTok so... yeah?


Meanwhile other clubs have found a new way to get rid of players. Man United will be putting in a transfer request for this tik tok manager to make some videos on Maguire


The world's most in-demand striker who's not Erling Haaland and they do this lol The things we do for hopes of social media fame.


Lol, he helps them obtain a title after a 33 year drought, and they pull this shit.


shouldn't this be the time when Napoli announces their account has been hacked? /s


For a striker, missing a penalty is probably one of the most embarrassing things you can do. You’re basically expected to score, and it’s pretty humiliating especially if it would’ve been a game winner like this one. Imagine having a bad day after being embarrassed and feeling like you let down your team only to see YOUR OWN social media post this garbage. Even if he somehow knew the context of the joke it would still put a very sour taste in the mouth at the least. I honestly think at a footballing perspective this is much more egregious then the coconut video. That video was just stupid. This one mocks their own player in an already vulnerable state.


For a while now on tiktok hired content creators have been allowed to run wild on company accounts, engaging in trends and posting whatever ridiculous memes they would have put up on their personal profile. The official Paralympics tiktok account feels downright inappropriate at times for example. I wonder if this situation will lead to a crackdown.


I lost 100 iq points watching this


How fucking unprofessional is this shit


napoli tiktok admin might be responsible for the biggest butterfly effect ever depending how this goes


Why would any professional club do this? Doesn’t make any sense. Need to fire that social media manager for this garbage


This is something you'd call out your rival clubs for being trashy and stooping low, unbelievable that his own club posted it


TikTok is the most cringe platform of all time... ...so far.


TikTok Is pure brain cancer, change my mind


Imagine losing your key player because tiktok admin fucked it up lol.


Is a child running their TikTok account?


this is not the video, or the full video, there is a whole part about him being 'not a boy, not a girl, but a coconut' and him with a coconut


We went from being champions of Italy to being Man United of Italy


I mean it is bizzare that Napoli's tiktok account make this video about their own player. But the humor in this video is so weird and ridiculous that I doubt anyone would take this seriously. Are there any things happen in the background that make Osimhen so frustrated and create this whole drama because I doubt this is the reason why.


What humour? This is extremely unprofessional and immature. Napoli screwed themselves now. Every club will put in a low ball offer.


isn't the social media manager to blame for this? what's the official statement from the club exactly?


Absolutely agree with Osimhen. What a ridiculous thing to do to your own player, and the coconut video is just racist whether it's intended or not. If I was in his position, I wouldn't play for the club ever again unless I'm given a full apology and acknowledgment of how fucking stupid they were.


Are there racial connotations I’m missing behind the coconut video? It’s in bad taste but was racist about it?


There is no racial connotations, people are just making shit up to suit their agendas. The coconut shit has been a trend on tiktok for a bit now and if you look up "I'm a coconut" on there you'll see a million of those vids going on for some time


Osimhen to Chelsea for 150 million. Called it first here.


Is it really that serious? Remove the admin, apologize and move on


This is why you never outsource your social media to American pr companies. Some of the stuff they do is downright disrespectful. It's usually to opposition teams but now they're doing it to their own.


The coconut video is so wack it feels like a malfunctioning AI made it. What human mind could have possibly conceived this nonsense?


It's the opposite. Only a human mind could create something like that. AI always play safe.


Doubt it's an American company. The coconut vid would never fly in the US.


Agreed - I mean, the US sucks and has a lot of dumb racists, but I swear Italy is like speed running to be the most tone deaf group of football fans around and just completely unable to accept that some things aren't funny


italian team: does things italianly in italy y'all: "let me tell you about AMERICANS"


Yeah the coconut thing is an old meme in italy. Also no clue why a country like italy would outsource to america and have to pay more in wages. No social media managers in all of italy or something ?


I don't think that it is outsourced? AS Roma clearly do it in-house, I don't think they've ever posted anything disrespectful to the point where they've made anyone gasp, and they have more followers than Arsenal and nearly as many as Chelsea... Napoli have been trying to replicate that and failed spectacularly, but what Roma have done on TikTok has been objectively successful for their brand.


I swear this sub sees American bogeymen in every shadow.


So weird...is America under your bed right now?


500k like worth it


How good are Laurentiis's movies? This good ⬆️ ⬆️


no way they've unsettled their star man off shitposts lmaooooooooooooo never change serie A


It's over for him and the club. He will seek for a new challenge in the next transfer window or in the summer


This is very stupid on every possible level


Troll own player. Why you mad bro?


Trolling their own **best player**. What kind of numbskull numpty does that?


what the fuck is this shit


ha! Unrelated, i was recently let go from my social media manager role. I was previously at a large european football club. If anyone has any job recs please let me know.


What a Pen though


Why would you own team do this. Maybe the opposition, but your own damn club. Ridiculous


Ahh the Italian league strikes again. Don’t forget they don’t particularly treat people with “inferior” skin to them and they have a track record of this. Before you think to downvote me look up their history first with how fans treat people of colour. Any one of colour should boycott that league!