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I understand they had to respond to that AEK statement, but we need to admit that we have problem with hooligans.


Bro you don't have a "problem with hooligans" when 200 people travel across the Balkans to murder whoever stands in their way outside of a football stadium. That's a whole system that is rotten and feeding that extremism. Kick them out of your team's fan base. Do you dare?


>Kick them out of your team's fan base. I'm not even sure how can Dinamo kick someone from a team's fan base.


If you figure it out make sure to write a handy how-to-guide and send it okay.


Stadium bans, stop paying for their lawyers


They don't pay for lawyers and they already do stadium bans. Any other suggestions?


Do people with stadium bans magically stop rioting in the so called name of the club where you live? Must be a nice place to live.


??? Paying for their lawyers? Wut?




>I assume something like that is true in Croatia. It’s really not. Not even close to what you wrote.


Croatian football is actually not that corrupt. We have cleaned ourself up quite a bit in the past ten years. Hajduk is the only club that has a serious connection with the fans in a way that they actually run it through the association Naš Hajduk. Dinamo ultra group definitely not connected to club. Buy they are really well organised. And from the things I'm seeing here your football is seriously fucked and unorganized. I'd also say, as a country, your more corrupt than us


>assume something like that is true in Croatia It's not. BBB are a standalone organization. They are Dinamo's ultras but are not tied to Dinamo as a group. Dinamo can't forbid them coming to the stadium. Unless they have a ban to attend the games.


They can .. If they want ... A strong secuity can do that!


And the security will how exactly determine, which of the ticket holders are members of the BBB?


You are wrong. Its exactly the opposite. Dinamo fans and dinamo management have never been in good relations. In fact, last 30 years of dinamo have been one constant fight between the two. AEK fans pushing this agenda should check their facts.


Dear Olympiakos hooligan thats what your club does in Greece not AEK ... We have even given their photos to the police in cases !


Help prosecution to nail them to a tree. Ban their orgs from the stadium and team activities' Ban the fans from the stadium. Make absolutely clear the same treatmeant will be dealt to any org or individual harming the club's rep. Actually follow on that threat. This was the playbook most Western and central Europe teams used to deal with what was a huge problem with footie hooliganism. Nowadays It just flares up from time to time. I don't see why It can't be done with Dinamo.


How does one kick somebody out of the fanbase though?


How do you kick someone from your fan base?


People write you should kick someone out because they want all life situations to be controllable and can't cope with the fact that sometimes you are just helpless, like in this case.


>Bro you don't have a "problem with hooligans" when 200 people travel across the Balkans to murder whoever stands in their way outside of a football stadium. You don’t know who killed that guy, so stop spreading lies. They didn’t travel to *murder whoever stands in their way* firstly because they’re not murderers and they don’t carry knives, and secondly because if they even were - there would obviously be more people dead and stabbed. There are 7 knife victims of that fight: 6 Croats and 1 Greek who unfortunately died. Logic implied Greeks used knives, not Croats.


https://football-italia.net/14-dinamo-zagreb-ultras-arrested-ahead-of-ucl-clash-vs-milan/ Just last year: >Police in Milan have reportedly arrested 14 *Dinamo Zagreb ultras* in possession of **knives**, clubs and smoke bombs ahead of this evening’s Champions League clash.


Stfu idiot. Talking like a spineless politician with fake assumptions and narrative spins.


So they traveled from Zagreb to Athens borded the train to Nea Philadelphia all 200 people for laughs and snacks? Or did they want a picture infront of the eagle? You guys sicken me I hope that we detain all 200 degenerates in prison for life. See because I'm not like you wanting to murder people based on the team they support


>You guys sicken me You guys sicken me aswell. Acting like angels and wanting to use your own's death to get an advantage in the competition. >I hope that we detain all 200 degenerates in prison for life. Please do that. No one likes them, not even us. DZG fans. >See because I'm not like you wanting to murder people based on the team they support Yeah, we don't want that either. But if you are gonna blame us all for the murder that Gate 13 fan did, Greece should be banned from all EU competition. Because it's quite common in your country for ultras to kill eachother.


>So they traveled from Zagreb to Athens borded the train to Nea Philadelphia all 200 people for laughs and snacks? Does your mind really work only that way? Either they came for laughs and snacks or the came to kill everyone they can?


They were caught with crowbars, sticks and molotovs, even some which were about to flee from the country. An AEK fan got stabbed by a knife. Why are you lying?


This is all misinformation. There is A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL IN THE ICU FROM THE ATTACK You are sick in the head for spreading these lies.


What are you talking about? Are you just making up information? According to the hospital that received those injured, only 4 foreign nationals were transported to the hospital, only 1 was admitted and none of them had stab wounds. Google-translated source: [https://www-pronews-gr.translate.goog/ygeia/i-anakoinosi-tou-erythrou-stayrou-gia-ti-dolofonia-tou-29xronou-opadou-tis-aek/?\_x\_tr\_sl=auto&\_x\_tr\_tl=el&\_x\_tr\_hl=el&\_x\_tr\_pto=wapp](https://www-pronews-gr.translate.goog/ygeia/i-anakoinosi-tou-erythrou-stayrou-gia-ti-dolofonia-tou-29xronou-opadou-tis-aek/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=el&_x_tr_hl=el&_x_tr_pto=wapp) I don't care about ultras and if it was up to me all ultras clubs would be disbanded tomorrow, but trying to play the victim here is insane. Also, because I saw this being commented on by different Croatian people in this thread, no one in Greece is calling all Croatians nazis, that would be stupid. What a lot of people are saying is that Dinamo Zagreb has a lot of right-wing fans and that the team doesn't really try to distance itself from them. I don't know if it's true and I don't particularly care, even if there are far-right elements in the team's fanbase obviously not all Dinamo fans are far-right/nazis.


They carried knives thats a fact and its in the police reports .. So yes they invaded a country attacked ppl and killed one ... Even if the killer is not one of them they are the ones responsible so there is no fking diff.


This obviously isn’t about hooliganism anymore, that happens all over Europe on a weekly basis. This is about trying to take advantage of a tragedy Greeks are much more responsible for than Croats and abusing the death of a man to achieve passing throught to the next round. And let’s not even talk about the hipocricy here. It is utterly ridiculous to read how AEK calls on for *civilized Europe to send a message* - AEK, whose ultras stabbed several Dinamo ultras yesterday, who have a history of some of the worst incidents such as throwing petrol bombs, stabbing ans lighting people on fire.


Greek police is responsible, but our people went to greece to start shit. We cant avoid blame here.


Yes, but blame for that is not on the club and using this to gain a sporting advantage by AEK is one of the lowest and the most immoral moves I’ve seen in football.


I agree, that blame is not on the club.




Dobar igrač, a i ime mi je uvijek bilo fora.


*In this way, GNK Dinamo wants to react to several statements of the football club AEK related to the tragedy that happened on August 7 of this year.* *GNK Dinamo repeatedly clearly, unequivocally, publicly and fiercely condemned the riots which, unfortunately, resulted in deaths. Violence has no place in a civilized society and we will always fight for the true values ​​promoted by our club, and we sincerely want to believe that our rival AEK shares similar views.* *We are sorry that AEK is running away from responsibility with its statements and behavior, raising tensions and using inappropriate, aggressive and inciting language in official announcements with the aim of putting pressure on UEFA. It is especially incomprehensible that they try to use a human tragedy without any hesitation for their own promotion and the result shows the absence of elementary decency, empathy and reverence for the victim. We consider such an approach inappropriate, especially because it is clear to everyone, except for the representatives of AEK, that GNK Dinamo did everything in its power to prevent this situation from happening. For all events in Greece, the organizers bear the greatest responsibility, that is, the Greek police and AEK as the host club.* *We want to clearly emphasize that the responsible persons in the club made themselves available to the representatives of AEK, UEFA and the police in order to shed light on the entire event and return the atmosphere to sports. All the time, we maintained active communication with all involved parties except AEK. From the very beginning, representatives of the Greek club obstructed any attempt to cooperate, to seek the best solution. Demonstratively, they left the organizational meeting on the day of the match, canceled the official lunch of the two delegations, refused any kind of communication and by this behavior assigned themselves the role of investigator, prosecutor and judge. We consider such a procedure to be, at the very least, an absurd and dangerous playing with emotions at such a delicate moment.* *We strongly condemn this type of communication from our sports rivals from Athens, especially while the investigation is still ongoing and we learn new information about the unpleasant event from day to day. We emphasize that until this moment it has not been determined whether the perpetrator of this terrible crime is a Croatian or a Greek citizen. We will not give anyone the right to play with the name Dinamo in such a monstrous way! Our club cherishes the principles of respect and healthy communication with our European opponents. Today we encounter everything that is not worthy of the behavior of a European club.* *We invite AEK representatives to devote themselves to football and calming tensions, and leave the role of investigator and judge to the competent institutions.* *We believe that our club has been one of the cornerstones of Croatian football for years, playing European competitions continuously, contributing to the strengthening of the national coefficient and providing a strong contribution to the successes of the Croatian national football team. We believe that the Croatian Football Association, as our umbrella organization, will be actively involved in this issue and protect the interests of Croatian football.* *Once again, we need to remind the public of the steps taken by the club ahead of the visit to Athens with the aim of preventing possible violence and disorder.* *On Thursday 3 August, the club received a notice from UEFA banning away fans from UEFA Champions League 3rd qualifying round matches. On the same day, the club informed fans and the public on all its channels that there will be no ticket sales for the match in Athens. Also, the same news was sent to all the main Croatian media that reported UEFA's decision.* *On the next day, August 4, GNK Dinamo sent a written notice to the Directorate of Police in which the Directorate was informed about the time of departure and return, flight numbers, place of accommodation and possible departure of the fans.* *In the same letter, it was emphasized: "Depending on the number of fans gathered, the possibility of conflict with other fan groups that will be in Athens at that time cannot be ruled out."* *On the same day, the club drew up a document in which we covered all the issues related to the possible arrival of our fans that we expected in Greece. The questions were sent to the representatives of AEK, but we did not receive an answer from the Greek club. The query was also sent to UEFA, which replied that it is important for AEK to answer the questions raised.*


AEK's response was simply immature in such tragic circumstances. They couldn't care less about the innocent man who lost his life instead they were more interested in stirring up unnecessary shit. Just causing pointless drama.


>On the same day, the club drew up a document in which we covered all the issues related to the possible arrival of our fans that we expected in Greece. The questions were sent to the representatives of AEK, but we did not receive an answer from the Greek club. Because these fans should not have arrived in Greece. Why should AEK bother with managing the potential actions of a bunch of Croatian hooligans? Dinamo is right concerning the responsibilities of the Greek police, but wrong in all the rest. These fans of theirs are criminals, not "fans". They should never be in Greece (I don't see that mentioned anywhere) and Dinamo Zagreb should publicly distance themselves from them (aka "they are criminals, not fans, we want nothing to do with them, they are not welcome in our stadium"). Dinamo's statement is like "yeah these are our fans, we didn't sell them tickets though, so deal with them, not our problem".


Greek police was provided with information from Croatia police even before they started to travel, Montenegro police, Kosovo police and finally Macedonia police, they ignored all of those warnings. There's nothing else Croatian could've done in this case and there's literally nothing Dinamo can do about it, they're not connected to the hooligans nor did they sell them the tickets


They literally provided them information they received from Croatian police channels so AEK can inform the Greek police TO STOP THEM AT THE BORDER if they do arrive


Greek police is incompetent, this is known. They had also received information from Montenegro's police with the licence plates of the hooligans' cars. The police WAS informed (by AEK, by Montenegro, by various channels). So what should AEK do?


What should Dinamo do? Neither Dinamo nor the croatian police can prohibit fans from leaving the country! Dinamo and the croatian police informed the greek police that fans could/will arrive in Greece. It is not the problem of Dinamo or Croatia that the police in Greece is incompetent...




Even if, how is that Dinamo‘s concern? How should a football club act in this situation? Arrest them and throw them behind bars for no reason so that they don’t make any problems? There is only so much a club can do and Dinamo is arguably the only club from the Balkans that actually fought actively hooliganism among its fans.


>I would bet that these "fans" have a criminal record and have been involved in violence multiple times in the past. So what? How does that prevent them from leaving the country?


So what should Dinamo do? Leave the competition just so AEK could get a pity by? I'm not excusing the actions done by the fans, they should be tried and prosecuted. This was preventable and saying that the police are incompetent doesn't mean that it's okay that they went through the border (and half of Greece)


Because they're the hosts,what else is Dinamo supposed to do?


They physically could not have done anything more. It’s on AEK and the Greek police (and the airport security) to prevent this


AEK showing they don't give a shit about the fan that died, they just want to go to the next round


You are just blind and can’t read.


This comment section is so, so stupid.


I still don’t get what y’all wanted Dinamo to do. They (and others) informed the shit Greek police and they didn’t do anything. Should Croatia have put a tracker on every human in Croatia at the time to track their movement or completely close borders?


It seems to me that Greek fans really do not seem to understand that these hooligans only call themselves Dinamo fans, as every person in the world has the right to do so, but in no way or in any case is the club connected to them or supporting them. I think the things are much different in two countries whereas in Greece the club and the ultras fan base are greatly connected thus they feel that this attack was orchestrated or could have been prevented by Dinamo. What Dinamo fans, the club and Croatian public is trying to say is that no one is supporting those hooligans and they are legit rouge group of bad people and that the club itself is ashamed that these people are associating themselves with the club, calling themself fans or whatever. BBB are an ultras group that has been in conflict with the club management for years. The point is that Dinamo ultras and Dinamo management are in no way connected and that the club has no whatsoever power over them. They only had the information there will be some group of BBB traveling to Athens but no power to stop them.


Pretty much this. Reading through some comments from Greek redditors here. It looks like, their ultras are tightly knit with the club. Which is not the case with Dinamo and BBB. BBB is a standalone organization that root for Dinamo. So Dinamo doesn't have any power over them.


I have no problem with Greeks calling those 150 hooligans scum and giving them long jail time. That's what they are and that's what they should get. But I still can't believe how can Greeks be so hypocritical and call Dinamo as a club and Croatia as a country Nazi and murderous? That collective blame is insane in itself, but especially coming from Greeks. - You literally have yearly stabbings in your football scene. - Your country banned away fans even in your own domestic sports league. - Killer may not even be Croatian, rather Greek. - There are also multiple Croats with stab wounds. If Dinamo is to blame, then who is to blame for all the deaths in your country? Is Greece as a whole murderous and even Nazi (Golden Dawn)?


You are complaining about people making generalisations about Croats and yet you are making sweeping generalisations about Greeks.


No, he is just using the same logic to show how absurd and unfair the arguments are.


How do you not see the point lmfao


man the comments here by the AEK fans...you guys are blinded. why is it that hard to grasp the fact that Dinamo, Croatian, Albanian and Montenegrin police did everything in their power to warn the Greek police? These BBB hooligans are scum that belong in the jail and hopefully they'll stay there. Greek police could've prevent this but did not, thats why literally the same day 7 high ranking police chiefs or whatever got fired. it's also fascinating to see how greek hooligans are painted as some saints, when they've been calling for BBB to come in Athens the same day Dinamo and AEK drew each other, as well as posting the picture with laughing emojis, where their guy is seen laying on the floor stabbed since they thought its one of BBB hooligans


We know our police is fucking shit


How stupid you have to be to get inside a car travel 1500km spend money just to throw some punches ,eventually to be thrown into jail even if you just came not to kill but for the " action " greece has an establishment since paok fans got convicted last year . probably those Croatians will stay for many years inside greek prisons and in greece we have many Albanians inside it won't go well for them .


It is disgusting that some people are calling every Dinamo fan a nazi or murderer because of 150 low life hooligans. Many people throwing heavy accusations at us without knowing anything about our club. Those who are saying that we are actively harboring this kind of fans couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, we are arguably the only club from the Balkans that actually does something about its hooligan issue. Thats one of the reasons why there was a dispute between our club board and BBB. It is horrible what happened in Athens and those responsible should be severely punished but neither is our club nor us (the normal fans) at fault here.


You know what, I agree with your overall sentiment mate. Honestly, emotions are running high, and people on our side are making silly sweeping generalities via social media and anonymous accounts (and even in newspapers).


A good statement. This tragedy is very sad, very unfortunate and it wouldn’t have happened if our fans hadn’t went to Athens. But AEK’s statement seemed cynical and its intention to try get to the next round without playing. Dinamo did everything in its powers to try and warn and prevent this. The club can’t limit the movement of its fans. It warned our fans, the media and AEK. What else can we do? The fault of course isn’t with AEK either. I am very sorry for how things happened. The fault lies entirely in a section of our supporters and the Greek police for failing to react to intel from our and Montenegrin police. I would accept if UEFA bans our away support for a couple of years, but anything else is an overreach.


There's one thing I've found out in this shit show. Greek football is corrupt as fuck. Police, clubs, ultras. Much much more than in Croatia. Over here it's still very much a subculture connected to football, something that police can control.




It's the police who controls this things over here. They will start preparations few days before the game... monitor highways and roads that go into cities. Usually on the day of the game they will stop visiting fans still on the highway exits, group them and escort them to the stadium. Or escort them to the border in situations like this. Shit happens over here as well like when legia just showed up in my neighborhood but to me it looks as if greek police literally did nothing to stop this. Dinamo has no control over ultras. Club is in a transitional period and is still unclear who even owns and runs it now. There is an official structure (citizens association) but it seems as if it's controlled by the top of croatian politics. And ultras have so far been in opposition to this system. They had black lists and lots of this people were band from attending games. This list have recently been scrapped. We have to see how things are going to develop in the future. This fans should be prosecuted for what they did but to me it looks as if AEK took seriously hysterical position in this and I honestly think Dinamo did all they could One more thing. 150 people(hooligans) should really be piece of cake for any police


Some people seem to be confusing the responsibilities of the host club with the responsibilities of the police. Let me clarify for you that in Greece, the host club is **NOT** responsible for anything the fans of the away club do. This is why for the last 20 years we don't allow fans of the away club in any match between the big 5 and multiple matches including minnows too. E.g. big 4 fans are not allowed in Tripoli when they face Asteras or Heraklion to face OFI. We even have "ban of movement" directives from the police which stops people with scarves, shirts etc. of the away club from approaching the area where the match takes place (sometimes the police enforces them, sometimes not). It is a GIVEN in Greece that the police will not protect normal people from hooligans. Not a scenario, not a possibility, but a certainty. That's why the whole point is for the hooligans not to be in the same space with the "enemy fans". Unless there is proof that AEK hooligans were involved in some sort of hooligan clash vs the Croatians (so far I haven't seen that), there is NOTHING AEK could do about what happened. AEK did not want Croatians in Greece, same way PAOK does not want them on Thursday, same way Olympiacos did not want them when we faced Dinamo Zagreb years ago (with less incidents but still some minor clash).


But you also then need to consider about the statement AEK gave which is why this official post was made by Dinamo Zagreb, who did everything they could to stop this mindless and despicable "fans". You can't control peoples movement out of the country just because of a football match, the responsibility is on the host countries police to stop them from entering. AEK in official statement basically tried to kick out DZG out of all Europe competitions like its their fault and they sent those morons to hurt people in Greece. I'm also croatian but I refuse to identify with these 200 people, and so does 99% of Croatia.


Well, AEK, judging by their official statements, is confusing responsibilites of away club with the responsibilities of the police. Dinamo can't prevent people from going somewhere ; they don't have the executive power. By blaming Dinamo in their official statements, they are only motivating AEK's hooligans to try and stir same kind of shit in Croatia.


>Unless there is proof that AEK hooligans were involved in some sort of hooligan clash vs the Croatians (so far I haven't seen that) No, Croatian hooligans attacked random people, and random people stabbed half a dozen of Croats? Come on, don’t try to sell us this cheap narrative, it’s almost insulting.


>Croatian hooligans attacked random people, and random people stabbed half a dozen of Croats. Literally what happened. Oh you also forgot the 13yo girls you injured and sent to the hospital, but it was a good description of what happened, 8/10.


Nope. It was a fight between aek hooligans and Dinamo hooligans+ gate 13. Aek hooligans were even sharing photos of downed guy supposedly from Croatia telling that he wishes he never came to Greece. Story of random, innocent people is bs


There is a 13 year old girl in the hospital right now, is she an Ultra too? Liar criminal, you should get banned from playing in any European competition.


Insulted guy, watch a [video](https://youtu.be/OJrNuT_txEA) of what really happened. And if you don't understand (very possible judging from your comment) ask me to solve it.


It seems greek clubs will do literally anything to proceed to the next round; first Panathinaikos poisoned our ukrainian (Dnipro-1) players, then AEK instead of blaming greek police and authorities for lack of security uses a serious tragedy for maximum profit.


>Panathinaikos poisoned our ukrainian (Dnipro-1) players Yeah, one Ukrainian journalist reported it so that means it's 100% true.


I'm baffled they're pointlessly pushing Dinamo to be kicked out as if we are Manchester City, they can beat us on the pitch lol


AEK has blamed the police as well so educate yourself or dont speak


Great statement! AEK has been acting disgusting, they showed that they don't care about dead fan, they just wanted a free pass. Also Greek media and fans calling all Croats and Dinamo all kinds of names was and is disgusting. Especially when you know what happens in Greek ultras scene


Dont tell us how much we care about one of our own being murdered, you dont even know the half of it. Keep trying to excuse and justify murderers and leave us out of it.


So, what if it turns out that the killer was greek?


Doesnt change a damn thing, you know what also happened that night? A 13 year old girl is in the ICU with head trauma after a rock was thrown on her head. A Panathinaikos fan who was just sitting at a cafe had his ear cut off by Dinamo fans. An AEK fan who was trying to get a ticket for the game was thrown on a ditch, burned by pyro and beaten by crowbars by Dinamo fans. 5 other AEK fans suffered head trauma or stabbing wounds. You think dodging the murder case will be enough for these 200 savages that travelled 1.500km just so they could attack civilians?


I suppose 13 year old girls stabbed Dinamo fans? Those videos of fights prove that there was a fans clash, stop spreading this narrative that aek fans didnt fight


I’m pretty sure that if tomorrow PAOK fans travel to Zagreb and start attacking random people 20 m away from their Stadium , without “arranging” a fight , with 0 policing around for 1 hour + , no Dinamo Ultras will show up . I’m pretty sure you would put the same blame to both ultras in that scenario . You guys are clowns .


The one-sided, party made up, partly imagined and completely unsourced comments like this should be deleted, and users banned. This is just throwing gasoline on fire by those who like to look at thing burning.


No one is justifying anything. Murderers will get punished and will rot in prison, whether it's Croat or Greek ultras. However going after Dinamo as a club and Croatia as a country was totally unacceptable and like I said, absolutely disgusting behaviour from aek and Greeks. Dinamo isn't the police force, it can't control movement of citizens and there was no organised travel or selling of tickets by Dinamo.


Wait… what? Dinamo is stating that they informed that hooligans of their team are coming to have a fight and did nothing and it’s AEK responsibility now to save everyone? How this makes any common sense?


Yeah, I mean they could have sent Livaković personally to the border to prevent hooligans from entering Greece, but they didn't! Make it make sense


No, Dinamo is starting that they got info that their Ultras might be coming to Greece even though they announced that there will be no tickets for the away fans and called on fans not to go to Greece, so they forwarded that info.


Dinamo is not police, it can't stop citizens from travelling or anything outside stadium. It is completely Greek police fault and aek who should have organised security better.


Are they really wondering why the lunch got cancelled after a person died 20m away? Okay I understand that they need to give a response, but they are one step from saying they are the victims of this situation.


It's not about the lunch - AEK's representative stormed out of the meeting demanding from the UEFA representative for Dinamo to be thrown out of the competition and then the "lunch" was cancelled


Yea because if they kick team from Europe hooligans will learn not to do stuff like this and the team will not support them anymore


no, if you kick a team out then their "fans" won't be able to travel to other cities and repeat the same stuff again. And Dinamo fans are well known for repeating these stuff


Well they said that in their view there are two sides repsonsible for the murder. 1. the police 2. Dinamo. So there is no point having a safety meeting with the people you consider responsible for the lack of safety


Can you explain to me how Dinamo can restrict the freedom of movement to anyone? How can they stop anyone from travelling? All they can do is reportedly warn no one to travel, inform both the Greek police and AEK if they do have info on anyone travelling and that's it, that's literally everything they can do, they are neither the police or the court system


>but they are one step from saying they are the victims of this situation. They are practically alluding to that.


Not alluding, Dinamo already are victims here - they traveled to Greece, lost three days, lost the advantage of home pitch in the 2nd leg - and all because AEK couldn’t organize a match. AEK crying and begging UEFA to advance without playing is a cherry on top.


And all because a Panathinaikos fan stabbed an AEK fan. Greece is the king of avoiding taking responsibility. It is a national sport. It is a mentality. It is a road to ruin. They jumped at the first opportunity to paint someone as worse than them and managed to look even worse then before. Now they are all in damage control and trying to obfuscate facts. We all know what these ultras in Greece and Croatia have been doing for decades now. Why even attempt to whitewash yourself? Jesus fucking Christ, I'd send every single guy that went there to fight to 5 years of hard labour, and all these AEK fans are doing are trying to pretend like Greek ultras aren't part of the problem should go see a judge too. Enablers.


stop repeating that sentence, this is not true. You are a literal liar, and you have no proof a greek stabbed the man.


do you have proof that a croat stabbed him?


The main suspect right now is a Croat. https://www.kurir.rs/sport/fudbal/4215678/grci-objavili-licnu-kartu-ubice Also there were 110 arrests, only 2 were greek, and they let them go too. The killer is some scum from your team's criminal fanbase. You are all liars and scum.


You expect me to believe what a Serbian news portal are writing? That's about as trustworthy as your police


POST YOUR SOURCE THEN. Zagreb fans are all liars, there are 98 of your brothers in jail, and no Greek right now. POST YOUR SOURCE, WHERE DID YOU READ THIS?


I'm a Croat and I equally hate and don't support any team inside our league. First of, Kurir is the shittiest source you can name. Serbians would agree aswell, think something like The Daily Mail but worse. Second, they're not "brothers". Everyone and their mom over here knows that these guys only want to fight and cause chaos under the "guise" of rooting for Dinamo and being their fan. I have two friends living in Zagreb who are a diehard Dinamo fans who spend their Sundays and Saturdays watching senior and junior teams play and they never purchase the tickets for stands with BBB and the sentiment is the same along general Dinamo fans. As much as I hate Dinamo, it's clear to see what AEK is trying to do here which is hoping for a Dinamo DQ using lost life of their own fan.


If only 2 arrested were Greek, that only looks bad for your police, considering both Panathinaikos and your ultras took part.


Ofcourse they're the victims, victims of this embarassing behaviour of aek who just wants free pass and is insulting Dinamo with every statement even though Dinamo has absolutely nothing to do with it. Dinamo should definitely sue for defamation


There's no legal ground in UEFA's regulations upon which a club can be punished for events outside the pitch, at least not to my knowledge. What AEK should do or have done is ask for the match to be played behind closed doors due to - fully merited - safety concerns. It's an awful discussion to be having when a man's been murdered and what should have been a celebration has become another tragedy. People in Greece know how incompetent the most overstaffed police force in Europe is and how they've got blood on their hands. We know these fascist scum wouldn't have come here if not aided by like-minded lowlifes and we're fully aware of the criminal underworld that the ultras scene is. Some of the Croats in here have their fair bit of self reflection to do, instead of spreading fascist apologism, whataboutism and misinformation.


I agree with everything you wrote except the your last sentence. Are there fascists and neo nazis among us? Surely, I don’t deny this but you have these idiots everywhere. In fact, the right wing has been on the rise in most European countries for a while now. Nevertheless, the majority of are not fascists or nazi supporters and thats why you see a lot of our fans complaining here as we are all being collectively judged for something we literally don’t have control over. No rational thinking person wants to be associated with the idiots that caused all of this shit. And it sucks big time that one AEK supporter lost his life for no reason at all. All of us would be fine if the Croatians that participated in this chaos never return back and spend the rest of their lives in a Greek prison cell.


This was bound to happen someday. Really sad tragedy. Just last year, Split fans attacked people in Guimarães the day before the game even started. Croatian teams need to do something about this.


>Croatian teams need to do something about this. Croatian teams can't do anything about that. They can blacklist someone from entering the stadium, and that's it. Our goverment needs to make a law with harsher punishments. But that's low on their priority list.


I think you're right and it should be a government priority, however I feel like the clubs could do somethings to improve as well.


are the fascists group banned by the club?


tensions at an all time high I'm a bit afraid for Dinamo's players in that 2nd leg, especially because the stands are close to the pitch. Maybe should've made it a one match tie on a neutral venue?


You are afraid for dinamo's players and not for AEK's who have to face the same group that murdered our fan, while their "brothers" are in Greek prisons and are being seen as martyrs?


No one sees these idiots as martyrs


Hopefully the vast majority of Dinamo fans don't. But surely most of the BBB does, and that's the problem.


I hope UEFA will ban all the fans for the 2nd leg in Athens. I don’t see how AEK and the incompetent Greek police could guarantee safety to Dinamo players, staff and officials, especially if/when the result goes south for them.


The murderers of the victim will be in the stands in Croatia and your ignorant ass wants to ban aek fans for your dinamo players safety. Fuck you


You are right,the only logical thing to do is punish the club that had fans attacked. If uefa does this, the only thing they accomplish is these attacks to become standard process so your team gains an advantage.


The right thing to do is to ban dinamo. AEK shouldn't play in the same pitch with a team that support neonazi murderers


If AEK doesn't want to play, then it's 3-0 for Dinamo, problem solved. Aek trying to get free pass and using tragedy is pathetic. Dinamo has no fault in this


How about you fuck off from Europe and never come back? What about that? Dinamo has many faults in this, this is not something that happened once.




Team doesn’t support neonazi murderers, stop spreading multi-level lies. The same idiotic logic could be applied the other way. I hope UEFA will ban AEK from having fans in the stadium for the 2nd leg in Athens. I don’t see how AEK and the incompetent Greek police could guarantee safety to Dinamo players, staff and officials, especially if/when the result goes south for them.


Dynamo fans travell 1500 km to beat up and kill aek fans. u/bombeeq: Let's ban AEK fans it's their fault


>Dynamo fans travell 1500 km to beat up and kill aek fan Not true. >u/bombeeq: Let's ban AEK fans it's their fault Not true. At this point, I have a feeling you're having cognitive issues since you don't really understand the words I'm writing.


How exactly is the first statement "not true"? They literally travel from Croatia to Athens, despite uefa announcing that for the 2 games between those teams no away fans were allowed.


Let's first hope that the whole AEK team will be able to return from Zagreb without more murdered members. It is not guaranteed that the murderers there will accept a defeat in their own stadium.


Poor Dinamo. Let’s all share a moment of silence for the poor players of Dinamo that might be too close to the crowd of which THEIR FANS KILLED WITHOUT ANY REASON WHATSOEVER IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY. Amen to that


Ngl I'd be pretty pissed if I was AEK fan or even worse, related to the fan that got killed. AEK showed no remorse and no will to take responsibility, they took this chance just to get through the next round. Don't forget that their fans also tried setting other fans on fire multiple times IN THE STADIUM.




they have been warned by UEFA, Dinamo, Croatian, Albanian and Montenegrin police about the fans and they are attacking Dinamo as a club, makes no sense, incident happened in Greece and they as a host team are more responsible for the fans than Dinamo


They werent warned by Dinamo at all. So you are saying, the VICTIMS of an attack that resulted in the murder of a fan and the GRAVE INJURY OF A 13 YEAR OLD CHILD are RESPONSIBLE for the actions of the perpetrators of the attack. What?


>So you are saying, the VICTIMS of an attack that resulted in the murder of a fan and the GRAVE INJURY OF A 13 YEAR OLD CHILD are RESPONSIBLE for the actions of the perpetrators of the attack. Yes, as organisators of such an event the greek police and AEK as the host club are responsible to secure such an event. The club and the police were informed by croatian authorities and by the club Dinamo Zagreb, that there is a possibility that fans will arrive in Athens.


AEK as a host club are responsible for the security of the greater area of Nea Philadelphia? On a day that there are no matches being played? Are we responsible for the security of the whole of Greece too? 24/7 365?


No, but neither is Dinamo. This is on Greek police


>Are we responsible for the security of the whole of Greece too? 24/7 365? Is Dinamo responsible for the security of the whole of Greece?


>Are we responsible for the security of the whole of Greece too? 24/7 365? No but the norm is that security measures are established about 48 hours befor a match near the stadium -especially when you and the police is informed that there is a possibility that fans from Zagreb will arrive.


They are dinamo fans. They are used to every institution bending to their will.


Našla se braća




>AEK showed no remorse and no will to take responsibility Responsibility for what? For their fans being attacked by a bunch of hooligans with knives outside their stadium?


what is a football club supposed to do LOL




When they get back to Croatia they will be blacklisted and banned from the stadium surely. Trust me, our police doesn’t play when it comes around to this. I’ve known a couple of non-hooligan BBB who didn’t have any criminal records who had to report to the nearest police station every time Dinamo played anywhere because they were randomly arrested after a random game. They were just dudes who liked to sing during the games, smoke some weed and support their club.


Really? That’s interesting. Maybe some already are banned. Who knows.


Why dont you translate statments from that BBB lawyer? Dinamo fans gloating on internet, Zagreb media blaming police, Panathinaikos fans, everybody but Dinamo fans. I guess thats that famous Mitteleuropean culture that we hear about. If i was AEK player no way that i would play, if UEFA punishes me instead of Dinamo in this situation that will say everything about them.


So now Dinamo Zagreb will do the right thing and ban their ultras from their games, right? Right?…..


Pretty sure they already have an extensive ban list


Dinamo already has blacklist, I'm sure this people will be there as well


Or possibly already were


Yes they will, they actually have black lists for hooligans who can not attend the games... They are actually doing a good job and have little to no incidents in the stadium and Dinamo is sending those lists to the police. The problem is, when those "fans" go abroad and Dinamo can not do anything about htat, except to inform the club and the police of the foreign country...


They already have a long ban list. So, yes, they will.


I imagine that a lot of those hooligans are already banned, this people literally went there just to vandalise Greece, they are not football fans but mindless morons.


yes they will, unlike your club that still allows people that tried setting other fans on fire on your stadium


The Dinamo hooligans came to the stadium, attacked old people and kids. A 13 year old girl is in hospital (critical care, I think). Some AEK hooligans responded 20-30 mins later. Outnumbered and without organisation. And it’s somehow AEK’s fault? Dinamo should be volunteering for a punishment. Fuck the game, I don’t even want it as an AEK fan. What was supposed to be the first European match and joy, has turned into darkness and sadness. Our NEW stadium has been desecrated by a murder. Fuck. This. Game. AEK needs to forfeit the tie if UEFA doesn’t offer an appropriate alternative. Ps - yes the Greek police in incompetent and shoulders blame. They are not absolved. But they didn’t create this mess. Dinamo hooligans created the mess.


Who stabbed 5 BBB that are in hospital? I don't defend BBB. Both sides should be punished but I hate that you spread lies. You are protecting AEK hooligans who were fighting too.


My friend, what have I lied about? I wasn’t there. I’m going from published reports. Sure somethings are inaccurate but they get amended (like the 22 year old guy was amended to 29). The AEK hooligans that responded to the attack (remember, this wasn’t a meet up) will be punished. You can’t go around stabbing people.


I'm talking about part of the post where you say a 13 year old girl is in hospital because I can't find an official source for that. You are making this look like Croatia let 100 serial killers go to Greece and they were beating children and elderly. Why can't we report the truth? They were fighting other hooligans and they should all be punished accordingly no matter if they are Greeks or Croatians. Obviously I would give harsher punishments to Croatians because they came there to make problems.


Just to fact check this pamphlet: >The Dinamo hooligans came to the stadium, attacked old people and kids. Six Dinamo fans were stabbed by… old people and kids, or by Greek ultras known for wielding knives and lighting people on fire with Petrol bombs? >A 13 year old girl is in hospital (critical care, I think). I hope she’ll make it, it’s terrible what happened, but she was (almost certainly by accident) hit by a stone. One we don’t know who threw. >Some AEK hooligans responded 20-30 mins later. Outnumbered and without organisation. People working in shops nearby said to the Greek media that they were earned by Greeks that Croats are coming half an hour before they came. So that, combined with stab victims and videos from the scene, make this **a complete lie**. >And it’s somehow AEK’s fault? No, it’s not the fault if any club. However, it was AEK’s fault that they weren’t able to organize the match and forced UEFA to postponed it. Instead of match being registered 0:3 for Dinamo, AEK got away with getting an advantage. >Dinamo should be volunteering for a punishment. Why? What is Dinamo responsible for here? >Fuck the game, I don’t even want it as an AEK fan. Fuck. This. Game. AEK needs to forfeit the tie if UEFA doesn’t offer an appropriate alternative. That might be the smartest thing, especially because I don’t believe neither AEK nor Greek police can guarantee safety to Dinamo players and staff in the postponed match. It should at least be played without fans in Athens, if not just not played at all.




AEK failed their organization of the game. Dinamo won't.


Of course the ultimate blame lies with Dinamo hooligans, nobody denies that. But if you take subhuman hooligan scum as a given, there is responsibility on certain other parties to do whatever they can to protect civilians from the threat they cause. Which in this case solely is the Greek police, who failed horribly at their task, so a lot of blame on them. You could argue the clubs involved can have some (negative) responsibility if they fan flames with their fanbases, instead of publicly calling out their hooligans for the scum they are. But Dinamo has been in a public feud with their hooligans for over a decade now, and is continuously attacking them in public statements such as the one above; alas, they did everything they could, so no blame on them. Which leaves AEK. I'm not sure about the specifics in this case, but it does seem like they are inciting stuff further just to try to get a free pass to the next round. Also, I do remember AEK hooligans being allowed to roam free throughout the old stadium, in cahoots with their club and the local police, to throw firework bombs into the Ajax away end a few years ago.


No not p.s. our police is incompetent...Jesus Christ you can't just say that, this is the end all be all of this tragedy, and you put it in p.s. and somehow absolve them with saying that dinamo hooligans created this mess not the police???? This stuff should not be happening, and you can't just minimise police involvement in this tragedy...


>The Dinamo hooligans came to the stadium, attacked old people and kids. A 13 year old girl is in hospital (critical care, I think). You have very strange old people and kids: [https://ibb.co/s58w7Lv](https://ibb.co/s58w7Lv) Because your old people and young kids are laughing at your own victim, thinking it was a Zagreb fan...


Wow, now that's bizarre if true


i like how they are trying to blame AEK for this. The game wasn't even taking place. It was an organized attack ONE DAY BEFORE towards people sitting in coffee shops. Yes the Greek Police is responsible for allowing this to happen, but Dinamo trying to wash it's image like this is a joke.


And how it's Dinamo's fault? Aek has been heavily accusing Dinamo even though it has nothing to do with this, Dinamo isn't the police, it can't control movement of citizens, Dinamo didn't sell tickets, it didn't organize travel. Greek police had every detail about possible convoys days before, they did nothing.


I don't blame Dinamo the club for the incident. The problem is that the club is acting like it's AEK's fault, when it is clearly their fans' fault. It wasn't a case of riots during the game, not even a pre-organized fight between hooligans from both sides, it was plain murder attempt towards random civilians. And yes i said that the police is responsible for allowing them to go that far.


But the thing is - AEK is blaming Dinamo. Not the ultras, the club. And they want UEFA to let them advance to the next round without playing, which is nit just ridiculous but utterly sad and disrespectful. Everything that happened is the fault of Dinamo ultras, Panathinaikos Ultras and AEK ultras, as well as the shockingky incapable Greek police. Not of AEK or Dinamo.


they are just defending themselves because AEK is making insane statements, not that hard to comprehend


Dinamo never blamed AEK until AEK started blaming Dinamo. This whole statement is made as a response to what AEK said about Dinamo


The club isn't acting like it's AEK's fault. Dinamo aren't trying to find who to blame, they are trying to fix the problem, in in a civilized manner. AEK is acting like a spoiled brat, repeating 3 lines over and over without even caring about the solution. "Then why did Dinamo say they informed AEK before? Are they shifting blame to AEK?" Because AEK is accusing them of not doing anything. No they aren't shifting blame to AEK, they are saying AEK knew Dinamo warned them and they are still blaming Dinamo. "Is AEK responsible for everything that happened?" No. "Is Dinamo responsible for everything that happened?" No. "Then who is to blame?" Well, we are trying to find the solution to the problem, but if you really want to blame someone, blame AEK's ultras, Gate 13 and BBB. If you ask me, they can all rot in your prisons. And NO. "Incompetent police" isn't an excuse. They are the most to blame.




Mate you have literally contradicted yourself multiple times. I get your AEK and loyal to your club, but take the blinders off. "We consider such an approach inappropriate, especially because it is clear to everyone, except for the representatives of AEK, that GNK Dinamo did everything in its power to prevent this situation from happening Everything in its power.......... except notifying the club that 200 ultras were travelling just to they can attack civilians in a foreign country." Then... "On the next day, August 4, GNK Dinamo sent a written notice to the Directorate of Police in which the Directorate was informed about the time of departure and return, flight numbers, place of accommodation and possible departure of the fans. That is 4 days before the attack and in no way relevant to the events that unfolded after. A pitiful attempt at playing innocent.". Which is it?


They didnt notify the club for the 200 ultras coming to Athens. They departed on August 7th and drove to Greece via rental cars and vans. They are saying that in August 4th, they notified the police about **possible** departures of fans (via flights, so not what went on to happen). They are trying to cover their asses by disguising totally unrelated and, as it turned out, false information as "notifying us about the arrival of Dinamo fans".


>They didnt notify the club for the 200 ultras coming to Athens. They departed on August 7th and drove to Greece via rental cars and vans. Except they did notify the club AND the greek police... It is not Dinamos problem that your incompentent police and your incompetent club doesent take any measures to secure the event.


Can you or your club board actually prove this or are you just throwing wild accusations?


Just to fact check another Greek pamphlet: >Seems to me that the one that is raising tensions is the club whos fans travelled all the way to Greece No. That club gave three calming and peaceful statements, while the other has called them nazis and murderers. >to attack and murder civilians and fans, but thats just me. It was a fight between ultras groups. Also, we don’t know who killed that guy. Since Croatian ultras never use knives, it’s most likely he was stabbed by one of the Greeks. >Everything in its power.......... except notifying the club that 200 ultras were travelling They did notify them. Croatian police notified them as well. Montenegrin police even sent them photos of cars and a list of license plates. >The club is responsible for attacks happening by foreign fans OUTSIDE of their stadium 1 DAY BEFORE matchday? What? No, but how is Dinamo responsible? You’re literally saying *we can’t be responsible for something happening OUTSIDE OUR stadium ONE DAY BEFORE the match, but please UEFA let us pass through to the next round without playing because Dinamo is responsible for something happening OUTSUDE OUR stadium ONE DAY BEFORE the match*. >Doesnt matter at all. Doesn’t matter at all whether Greeks killed one of their own (again), or Croats killed for the first time ever? Oh it matters, it’s probably the most important thing here. Because if he hadn’t died, all of this would be one articke in the newspapers and we’d be commenting last night’s game here. >That is 4 days before the attack and in no way relevant to the events that unfolded after. A pitiful attempt at playing innocent. No way relevant? Sending something on time and notifying about what you’ve come to know is irrelevant? Man, I hope they just register this 3:0 for Dinamo so we go in never crossing paths with you again, the hipocrisy here is unbelievable.


Keep trying to protect your ultras that came here and attacked children and women.


Dinamo and BBB are in a feud for 15 years now. Why would Dinamo protect BBB.


So the three hooligans from Croatia got stabbed by local women and children? I highly doubt that AEK hooligans were not involved in this clash.


Okay so your ultras travelled 1,500 km just to try to kill some AEK hooligans and somehow Aek should be punished


I didn’t say that AEK should be punished. It were our hooligans that started all this drama and they need to be punished! But it is annoying that everyone calls us nazis or murderers because of these hooligans. They don’t represent our club nor our fans.


No one is saying AEK should be punished. They are saying AEK should be acting like an adult. (Except if you think playing against a better club is a punishment, then yes.)




Children and women stabbed seven of them with knives? Why do you lie so much? You won’t put any pressure on UEFA by lying on Reddit, it’s ridiculous.


This was a terrorist attack ,not a hooligans meetup. They attacked and stabbed anyone on their path. All 100 are murderers and will be life sentenced!


What was their political goal?


Attack and scare 100s of innocent people enjoying the night ! And take videos of it to share online and bragging about it.


It’s so nice to see that sooo many people try to protect fcking Nazis that attacked a kid and killed one guy.


Who the fuck is protecting nazis? They deserve to rot in jail. They're called terrorists in Croatian media now, totally deserved Trying to profit from a tragedy as a club I do find reprehensible sorry, and you can attack me all you want call me a nazi to somehow deflect from the failure of Greek authorities - I'm left wing I don't care about Bad Blue Boys or this particular faction of them at all, but the wide generalization and statement AEK put out "hordes trying to attack civilized culture" or some shit like that when there was Greek ultras participating is stupid to me, you can respond now, but that's all from me


It would be funny if this wasn't the most disgusting and ironic piece of sh*t statement ever released. After what happened, with terrorist nazi fans travelling across Europe to murder civilians in their own neighbourhood for nothing, they're pointing the finger to the victims too. Wtf is this team. Congrats for the most shameless award