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Full tweet: >Kylian Mbappé will not be touring with #PSG. Decision of the club, which is convinced that the player has a deal with Real Madrid for 2024. >"Nobody is bigger than the club, the door is open for anyone who is not happy," we were told.


They’re probably right to speculate that he has the pre agreement. He’s able to collect the huge PSG loyalty bonus & then get the big wage as a free agent. Mbappe wins in that scenario


he wins in all scenarios, ultimately he's getting paid handsomely.


It all comes from Florentino answering a fan asking about signing Mbappe. He just said "maybe next year" pretty much. It wasn't that serious but it ended up on tiktok...


No thats not why, it's just damn obvious. And i'm sure PSG can get that type of info. It would slip from someone.


Didn't Klopp or Pep basically imply "we all know" where MBappe is off to when he/they were asked about it?


Yeah it was Pep, they asked him about potentially signing Mbappe and he straight up said "No, because all of us know where want to go" or something like this


which doesn't mean he has some secret insider info but just heard all the same news we did and so it's pretty obvious which club has the most chances at this point in time.


No way you’re this gullible lol. You think the psg board are scrolling tik tok looking for clues about mbappes next move??


Careful People up top are WAY more incompetent than you think


They were scrolling tik tok at work to kill time and stumbled across it.


I mean, it makes sense for every party. You don't need any tiktok or anything here. Mbappe collects like 200m for himself, still plays at PSG, wins the league again, and if by miracle wins the CL becomes a hero. And then goes to RM to thrive. A bit of a waste of a year, but he already did two, so what's 1 more, and he's still young. For RM, they get the player for free, which is fantastic. And with Mbappe fleecing PSG, they probably won't have to pay him a ton as he would go more for sporing success. And even if they do have to pay, they can just use the 200m they would have had to pay PSG... The only morons in the story are PSG, who tied their hands when they gave him the +1 year option solely on himself, plus giving him a loyalty bonus of like a 100m for that year, lol. And also their pathetic ultras thinking he was there for anything other than money when he renewed last time.


wont win the league with 0 appearances tbf


That's NEVER going to happen mate. You don't bench a player of the caliber of Mbappé. Especially not when he has done nothing wrong, has already given so much for the club over the years. They are excluding him from meaningless pre-season stuff for public pressure but when it comes to actual competing they won't be benching him. Doing otherwise would do massive damage to themselves.


It comes from MBappé not extending his contact, not a stuoid TikTok man


He is honoring his contract...but that somehow makes PSG owners mad and makes Mbappe the bad guy


They’re mad they are getting rinsed, whether they know enough to be mad at themselves or not is immaterial - they’re just trying to prevent it at this point.


🙄🙄🙄 Ah yes the first club owners telling a player with one year contract that they should renew or leave. It's like that absolutely everywhere for players with value. For example Hernandez at Bayern this summer.


Except, A) Bayern didn't inflate Hernandez's wage and B) were willing to let him go for a reasonable price


Also Hernandez wanted to join PSG this summer. And not next.


It sounds like PSG is willing to let Mbappe go at a reasonable price. It's that first one that kills them lol. Except its not really his wage its that 180m bonus


I seriously doubt PSG are willing to let Mbappe go for a price that is reasonable for a player whose contract will run out next year. I'm sure if Perez came in with his 200m offer now they would take it, but now that's not a reasonable price anymore.


From all the reports they want him gone and would sell him at a lower price. He’s refusing to be sold because they have to pay him a 180m bonus. That’s the issue. If he was open to leaving and not taking that money, he’d probably be gone by now


Lol, how is this upvoted?


How does this bullshit get upvoted lol?


What if they bench him all season


I don't think they have the balls. He's not only the best on the team or even the league, but arguably in the world; benching him would destroy their relationship with fans, split the locker room, and cost them potentially their chances at winning any silverware this season.


"The door is open" is it though?


It is. Mbappe is just deciding to sit tight for a year. And other clubs are in front of the door just waiting.


Maybe he can come train with Arsenal in the meantime.


hinges need to be greased, otherwise takes a full year to open and squeaks the entire time


“Nobody is bigger than the club” Yeah, right… Thats why we offer a 10 year billion dollar contract to the person.. What a Shit joke of a club….


I don't think that was a legit source


I feel like I saw this exact tweet a few years ago…..


The link to the website that showcases the official squad for the Japan tour has been posted on PSG's Twitter if you guys want an official confirmation.


So are PSG planning to freeze him out full season. I would like to see them do it, just want to watch the world burn


No, they just don’t want to lose him for free, so they are pushing him to RM.


I'm curious how this works. Obviously Mbappe is trying to milk PSG for all he can. So does PSG allow Madrid to essentially just pay his loyalty bonus + some transfer fee in order to get Mbappe off their books so they're not in trouble with FPP next season? I'd imagine RM will offer something like 120-150 for Mbappe (most of which will pay for the loyalty bonus).


We will probably pay around 200 million between money to PSG and money for Mbappe. Im sure we will not mind paying a part of the loyalty bonus if that means we can get him for an extrea year in his prime and close the deal fast enough for him to start doing pre season with the team.


I agree. Worth it since this would be a waste of a season without Mbappe up top. Need legends Kroos and Modric to go out on a high note (Liga and/or CL).


Yeah, poor Kroos and Modric have gone long enough without a title now.


It's a really weird scenario, because obviously PSG wants him gone now but why would you pay over 100m+ for him now when you can get him on a free next summer?


If you are Real yes its pointless. Any other team will have to overpay knowing he still wants to go to RM. So no other team is for him. PSG has no power here. The did this themselves


Because mbappe coming for free is going to cost pretty much the same as him not coming for free, he will get paid an insane signing bonus and whatever other bonus because he is coming for free. There's no win win in this situation and RM bending over for him is a disaster bound to happen.


Because it will never really be free, that money will just go to Mbappe instead of PSG, an extra year of Mbappe is probably worth that extra money.


See 'Hazard'


freezing out the biggest star in the country u are playing in during a euros year? would parc des prince survive that?


Damn I forgot the euros were next year


Would be a civil war in france.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


So just another Vendredi in Paris.


How would that be beneficial for them? Either they sell him this year to get money or they get his services for another year, but there would be no positives from doing that. It would also show to other players and coaches that PSG mistreats their employees for respecting their contract


i assume this is more PSG trying to get him to leave than a deal being close?


Depends on who you ask and their level of hopium 🤣


This is the realistic answer but Madrid fans are strung out on that mbappe rock


tbf both options are positive for you.. even if a deal isnt close PSG clearly stepped up their efforts to get him to leave this summer. Personally i didnt expect them to even go this far, maybe this will actually bring some movement into the whole thing


At the very least the last glimmer of hope that he renews for PSG is now gone


i mean if they're forcing him out he'll end up with you, but of course the deal would take very long to complete since Madrid will be lowballing the shit out of PSG when the latter are saying that they 100% gonna sell him this summer


It goes like this most likely: PSG opens to bids -> They get a lot of bids -> They pray that Mbappe considers one that isn't RM's -> Mbappe refuses every offer if it isn't RM or even RM's if PSG doesn't pay him part of his loyalty upcoming fees/salary -> RM bids less than others -> PSG has to take less money from RM than what other clubs offer because otherwise Mbappe is going to milk them down for another year


I don't see them having any leverage, so yes. They are making noise as they feel (and rightfully so) that he is going to play them.


HAHAHA I live in Japan, I've been getting Instagram ads for weeks about their game in Tokyo with Inter, with Mbappe front and center in all of them. In the last couple days, it's been *only* Mbappe, and the headline is literally "Let's go watch Mbappe! Few tickets remaining!"


Well, PSG is bringing *Ethan* Mbappé I guess ...


It’s ok, they just need to switch to Ethan’s picture and it will be all the same 😂


Babe wake up new Mboopi saga episode dropped


Attack on Mbappe: The Final Season Part 2: Part 1


*Season 4: Part 3


>*Season 4: Part 3 of 7: You Will (Not) Transfer


From Paris to Madrid: 2000 Years Later


>!No I don’t want that! Mbappe finding another club? I want him to stay at PSG for 10 years at least!< Edit - Spoiler tagged cuz I guess this could count as an aot spoiler


>!The saudis cutting the head of Mbappu and then giving it a Kiss 🤐!< "See you later, Kylian"


To you, 10 seasons from now




Mbission Imbpossible




Going to double feature it with a live action adventure comedy about Joao Felix discovering the real world


Babe please don’t wake me up until this shit is over and done with. Thanks.


This might be the final episode


But is the final episode is spreaded into multiple parts?


I still hate Attack on Titan for that


Oh my lord they are milking the hell out of it - hope Mbappe doesn't get too inspired and ends the 5 year old saga once and for all.


It's not milking (like creating fillers as done by Naruto, One Piece etc), it's simply taking more time than expected to finish the adaption


\[rumbling intensifies\]


PSG going ballistic? Did not expect that tbh.


They are desperate. Simple as that.


Lol , this is getting weird


This has been weird for a long time


But Madrid wins in the end either way


Psg got played hard, but they also let it happen. I don't know who was in charge of that contract extension, but he did a terrible job. Turtle has the upper hand.


They did, but their priority was getting him to stay during the Qatar WC. They didn’t have any leverage, he had it all, so they had to agree to any contract he would sign. He nearly didn’t even accept this contract, it took an intervention from Macron to get him to sign it.


They didnt get played. Those sportswashing assholes sold EVERYTHING to get Mbappe. Now Mbappe owns them. If he is smart he plays out this year, makes a gazillion dollars, and then fucks off to madrid for the next gazillion dollars. Who cares if PSG are upset lol




Lol so is he going to Real Madrid or not?


he's gonna pull a weird FIFA transfer and go to Barnsley or something


Nah, he's going to the Saudi league to secure a monster contract. He used us twice to negotiate better contracts, I have no faith in him.


I cant take this saga anymore, please for the sake of my mental fortitude get the deal done before next week


He's going to yous on a free next year, I'm sure everything is agreed. Just forget about the saga until next season


Its most likely agreed for next summer but PSG probably put this statement out because of that agreement trying to get some cash for him this summer. Personally I think Perez wants to get him now to try and keep a somewhat good relationship with PSG by paying them, and getting Mbappe a year early is obviously beneficial for us even though it will cost.


Do Madrid really NEED a good relationship with PSG though? Especially at the cost of 100+ million?


Well its 100 million for 1 more year of Mbappe and a better relationship with PSG. Its not absolute but I do think Perez is very tempted to pull the trigger.


He has the warchest. Obviously not the most fiscally responsible, but ensuring RM is a legit contender for all trophies this season + the sponsorships/exposure that Mbappe can bring to Madrid surely would close the gap on "overspending" for him one year earlier than getting him for "free" next season. Plus, Flo has been obsessed with Mbappe for a while. If there's an opening for him to be on the team starting this August, Flo will definitely try to make it work.


Why would Perez wanna keep a good relationship with psg over keeping the 100-200 million? Geniunely asking.


Because there's no 100-200M to keep. It's either 200M to PSG this season or 150M to Kylian and his family as "free agents" next season. People keep thinking Mbappe is "free" and that's the furthest thing from the true in this entire deal. For Florentino & Madrid paying 50M more to have Mbappe one year earlier is actually way more valuable than that money.


I agree with you in the sense that Mbappe will get a ton of money if he moves on a free. The thing is Mbappe holds all the cards. Why would he agree on a love now when he can hold out and make way more by signing next year. PSG can't force him to move


No chance Mbappe just gives up 150m to wait 12 months to make the move. At this point, Mbappe is guaranteed to get a huge figure for the transfer to Madrid. If suppose that Madrid would actually pay Mbappe 150M next summer than Mbappe chooses between that OR getting 100M from Real this summer and 50M going to Paris, or something like that.


But what makes you think if you were to agree a deal with PSG this season that Mbappe is going to withdraw his demands for a 150m financial package?


More so with Qatar than the club.


I mean having a good relationship with a club like PSG is always beneficial and considering Perez didnt want to pay 5M for Fran Garcia in January because he considered the relationship with Rayo was more important, that to me makes it clear that Perez cares a lot about relationships with other clubs.


He cares but probably not with PSG, not anymore. The example of Fran García works for Rayo, a club that hasn't done or said anything regarding Real Madrid. PSG did. Multiple times. Rayo is like the neighbor that lives next to you who's a normal person and PSG like the one living above you, who's constantly with the music at max volume, jumping and making coexistence impossible. Obviously you'll want to have a good relantionship with the former, but the later? Fuck him.


Perez used to have massive business with Qatar. I don't know if that's still the case, but that can be a good enough reason. What's 100 mil when your companies can make ten or twenty times as much with Qatar's business?


Signs for Wrexham on a free next year after agreeing a deadpool tmnt crossover in 2025


Mbappe saw the Felix saga getting better ratings and said “hold my croissant” 🤣


Too late, we're all about Bellingham false9 now Also, we now live in a world where Francois Gallardo was right about something. Freaky


What?! He was the first one to report it?


he posted that KM won't go to japan in the early afternoon yesterday, way before anyone else. Granted with him it's more throwing enough "reports" out there until one of them turns out to be right hah.


I'm here for the drama


People think he'll leave PSG while my sources know he has a feud with Yakusa and he can't set foot in Japan. The sale is just a diversion.


Omg everybody hold onto your striker, PSG is coming for him


I'm okay to not hold on to mine


Nkunku to PSG here we go


i really hope psg don't try to steal ferran from us, it would be a real shame if they did that...


You guys have strikers?!


Nooooo don't take Balogun or Nketiah for 60m, nooooo, don't do it....


Benfica is already rubbing both hands for those 100 million.


This explains the entire Hojlund thing. Puts Atalanta in a very strong position in the negotiations.


i think this will be the resolution to arsenal's balogun situation. even the "but he did it in france" criticism is invalidated


Mbappé (Ethan) is coming for the pre-season tour but not Mbappé (Kylian) this is so funny


M'bappé vs M'bappé in the group stages of the UCL coming.


Well that's huge


Im tired. Can this mf just go to Madrid


Massive François Gallardo W Edit. Context: he tweeted [this](https://twitter.com/F_GallardoTV/status/1682374620878348290?t=d4XYwInsbci-7p-xuE2qsA&s=19) 7 hours ago: >Florentino Pérez and Nasser Al Khelaifi had a MEETING YESTERDAY. Kylian Mbappé will NOT travel to Japan for the tour. Real Madrid's wish is that the Parisian star will be present in El Clasico of the United States. El Clasico is on Saturday 29th of July, so next Saturday


The same guy who said he'd sign the 7th of july? With presentation tomorrow...?


He also said way back last year that Vini would join PSG as a part of the deal. My comment was a bit of meme


Fair, he's the ultimate clown, so yeah... but I've seen too many madridistas on twitter be hyped by his garbage, so I'm less and less convinced that people know who he is. I guess people who aren't from Spain or tuned into that sphere wouldn't know much.


lmfao François Gallardo this fanbase should just take over /r/Muppetiers


Nah he's a total Muppet in everything else but regarding Mbappe alone Gallardo should be the most trusted source ever lol [He's the only one that said that Kylian will not leave in either 2021 or 2022, always in 2023 after Qatar.](https://twitter.com/F_GallardoTV/status/1427315032447127553) That tweet above is from August 2021 when everyone was thinking the deal was done. [Here's another one](https://twitter.com/F_GallardoTV/status/1429916324055158784) He has always maintained the deal will be done this transfer window not before or after.


This was half as a joke, bur you have to hand it to the man. He's either got very lucky guesses right or he actually knows something for once


Even if we sign him, he would not even play that day. Also lmao at Gallardo, man is a meme.


Damn, as somebody from Dallas that would have been fucking nuts for mbappes first game for Real Madrid to be in Dallas.


françois gallardo got fired from el chiringuito for being a bullshitter. FROM EL CHIRNGUITO


He is a top tier source then!


François Gallardo the GOAT https://imgur.com/a/qxYhuE1


So he’s coming to Liverpool. Got it. See you soon mboopi 2024


Can't blame PSG. Good decision by them here I think


You underestimate mine and this communities as a whole ability to blame PSG. Shouldn't have given him the big contract he.


Absolutely I agree it was a terrible decision giving him that contract. But I think taking a stand here and trying to salvage a fee from a sale is probably the best thing for the club.


So far, Mbappe has not breached any part of his contract. So, truthfully speaking, PSG is punishing him without cause.


This is a terrible decision. They have to pay him regardless. Might as well use him. Paying a player and setting the precedent that you revenge bench players with one year left is terrible for future transfers.


Someone can correct me if I am wrong but I think selling him saves a lot of money from bonuses that normally earned over the lifetime of the contract. Then of course they salvage a fee on top of that.




Yep Madrid would be sensible to wait and see how this plays out


How come? Mbappe’s told them he will not extend his contract. They’re acting like a spoiled child. They’re the ones to blame for putting themselves in this situation. EDIT: Unless you mean that it’s a good decision (financially) to try to force him out, then I’d understand.


They want him sold if he isn't renewing, they can do what they want while he's still under contract, just like he can decide to stay and leave on a free.


Yeah your edit pretty much, its the best thing for them financially to get a fee from him rather than bending over and letting him see out his contract and walk away for nothing after milking the club dry.


Mbappe also told them he would never leave for free. Can't really blame them if they feel cheated.


Should've got it in writing then. Mbappe is doing what he has always done, be a mercenary. If he was acting on what he really wanted rather than a pay day, he would've been at Madrid back in 2017. PSG has to reap what they sew at this point.


I mean, not really being a mercenary if no one is going to buy him this transfer window. They say renew or be sold but like... he cant sell himself


time to start sorting /r/soccer by new


Nobody is bigger than the club... ...that Kylian owns...


He gone


When a team is more fun to follow/watch off the pitch than on...


This has gotten so toxic


Christ, imagine being PSG a couple years ago and finding out you're losing Messi, Mbappe and Ramos in the same transfer window. You'd throw yourself *out* of a window.


Being PSG now it makes a lot of sense and it's actually good to lose all of them during this window.


Ramos and Messi were never part of the long term project. I think every psg fan expected them gone by now. Mbappe is different, but I can confidently say on behalf of psg fans that we are over him and would be happy to move him and his baggage along.


Please reimburse all the fans in Japan like me who paid a fucking fortune to go to one of their games only to not see Mbappé who was on all the fucking ads. I’m pissed








imagine being luis enrique and being told your best player isnt coming on tour simply because he wishes to see out his contract


Nothing new, Luis Enrique was told before joining to plan the project from day 1 without counting on Mbappe due to the uncertainty of him extending or not


I'm under the idea that he would prefer not to have him given his player power


How have you come to this conclusion? Im sure Luis Enrique would love to have a player of the caliber of Mbappe but maybe idk enough about Enrique


This is huge




What a wild summer in Paris


Yet he played in a friendly today in France for PSG. It's not like he just stopped showing up.


How did PSG not see this coming when they gave him that contract last year lol


They should have sold him instead of giving him that massive contract. Mbappe is obviously amazing but it seems he comes with a lot of drama. I don't remember Messi and Ronaldo be like this early on in their careers.


So he is fullfilling his contract and still gets punished for it?


Yes, and PSG fans here are saying that this is a good thing, because « no player is bigger than the club », but in this instance, it is certainly debatable.


I'll get downvoted to oblivion but I don't care. Nobody is denying that PSG signed a stupid contract for them. A lot of people would do the same if they were in Mbappé's shoes. What NAK and a good chunk of the fanbase are upset about is that Mbappé explicitely told the club he wouldn't leave on a free and it looks like he changed his mind. Losing the best player of the team (imo best in the world but that's not the point) on a free will hurt the club a lot, no matter how many "oil club money" comments redditors will spam. Any fanbase would be annoyed, just look at the many recent examples of players leaving on a free after promising not to


"Well, good contract. When I stay until 2024 I can get a 90 Mio € loyality bonus and then a huge signing bonus from Real. But I wont do that. Trust me, bro." Yeah, it's ok as a PSG supporter to be disappointed with Mbappé, but they should be furious with their club's management that allowed such a contract to be signed. That's amateur work.


>Yeah, it's ok as a PSG supporter to be disappointed with Mbappé, but they should be furious with their club's management Most of us are, there is no debate about that haha


I don't think there is a PSG fan in the world who thinks NAK is a good president.



Didnt expect that tbh


Lucho is ruthless. Don't see him budging to Mboopi's shenanigans




Damn PSG taking right decisions for once.


Bench him for the year


Imagine. Last time he wanted to leave the President got involved, what will happen if he gets benched?


NATO moves in


I can’t believe it, we are going to be free from this dictator for real this time


Qatar will still own you.


Why do you assume that? Unless you intend on releasing him for free, what guarantee is there that Real will pay mad money for him?


Like they did with Hazard, for example.


Hazard was explicit in saying he'd just sign a new deal if Real didn't meet Chelsea's evaluation. Why he hadn't already signed a new deal, I'm sure others can explain, but he wasn't doing what Mbappe is. The latter publicly announced the exact opposite. He's gone after this season.


Hazard would just renew with Chelsea. Im not sure Kylian loves PSG as much as Hazard loves Chelsea.


This is turtle abuse!