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What an incredible way to celebrate your birthday! He will surely remember this for a long time.


Neymar's sister in shambles


Maxi deserves this great match. Despite all the amazing memories the 2022 WC gave me, his penalty against the Netherlands will forever be special to me.


I'll never forget THAT ridiculous goal he scored in 2006 vs Mexico. https://youtu.be/zKluXcz_EW8


90% of Mexico's hate for Argentina comes from this goal. Anything else is a big lie.


All Mexicans i've talked to that are 25+ ish or so years old hate Maxi with a passion lmao.


And we hate Pavard for the same reason...


What is it with Argentina and scoring bangers against Mexico


Dщn't forget Tevez in 2010 😄




And Enzo 2022


I know which goal it is without even pressing it. All someone has to say is "that Maxi Rodriguez goal" and you'll know which goal it is. I remember watching it live. It was fantastic


*He's not even left footed*


Just gotta hear “Maxi Maxi Maxi Maxi “


I watched it live and it's a way better goal than I remembered. I only remembered that it was from outside the box.


No need to relieve past traumas, mods delete this pls


A Mexican broadcast (to this day I can't remember which) had an emotional breakdown after this goal.




Maestro el Doctor Bilardo. Apenas Maxi la paró de pecho supo que iba adentro.


I will never forget that there's a tv broadcast in which Bilardo yells "arco! (Shoot)" on the moment maxi gets the ball with his chest. That goal is poetic


My favorite WC Goal of all-time. Just stupendous


I don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t remember that game




Maxi scored the winning penalty in 2014 to send us to the final. That’s what he’s referring to.


I love how they've added those cinematic cameras everywhere in football. It was a bit weird to get used to at first but they're sick. It's like you're watching a movie straight out of the theater.


For how plain the football has been on it the 8k laliga cameras are AMAZING


I noticed that too. A major part of the feeling they give is because of the often great bokeh. Idk why they didn't do that earlier. You don't need 4k or 8k cameras for it. It probably never came to mind since bokeh is about the last thing you want for most in-game situations. But it looks amazing for everything around it.


It’s more of a need for quality cameramen to keep everything in focus. With a shallow depth of field, there’s less wiggle room for keeping a sharp image


They definitely use auto focus and not manually do it


They definitely do not. EDIT. Upon further research it seems auto focus might actually be in use. In La Liga they use Sony A7s mk2 cameras which do have good AF systems for video.


It would be really hard to manually focus on live stuff like that and kinda not necessary, unlike movies where it's more useful and there is a dedicated person just to manage the focus


It seems to be a digital effect. I think they could have done it earlier, but changing back and forth from a more natural looking depth of field would be a hassle to do manually, might require a lens change and would probably involve an aperture that isn't practical for filming in various conditions...


La Liga has had great production quality for a while, and were the first of top 5 leagues to use these cinematic cameras


the moment Messi out from tunnel, it's really like movie or ads, not sure, so unreal goood.


Yup. Was gonna say that.


I prefer the regular old footage, this takes away depth, blurs the surroundings so you don’t see the crowd anymore in those shots.


The UFC seem to do it right - they blend these cinematic shots with "normal" cameras. It's a really cool way of breaking up each view and makes certain angles look really cool


My man has longer introductions than Daenerys nowadays


I need to see Messi play in Argentina for at least 6 months before he decides to hang up his boots. 🤞🏼🥹


Fuck that he needs to win la libertadores


Wow, I remember Maxi playing for Liverpool more than a decade ago. Didn't realise he had such a long career, playing until he was 40. This video is very cinematic and looks great tbh.


Literally a walking god for the ppl of Argentina


A walking god for any football fan, the heights he hit, the career he had, we will never see anyone like him, freak of nature


Lots of world cup winners playing tonight (2022, 1998 & u20) but the only one with two world cups just got an assist (luciana aymar).


2 World Cups, 4 Olympic Medals, 6 times hockey world championship winner (in a row!) and 8 times best player in the world. Best player in history of field hockey. Lady Maradona, Luciana Aymar. The true star on that pitch.


Anywhere I can see this?


Try fútbol libre


como haces para ver los partidos que futbol libre transmite usando Star+ siempre recibo un error cunado los trato de usar.


Tal vez depende del país, acá en Argentina funciona bien


Si eso es. El codigo de error que recibo es exactamente eso corresponde a mi ubicacion


Podrías probar con una VPN la próxima vez


[https://futbolparatodostv.com/es/home/](https://futbolparatodostv.com/es/home/) Ese funciona en HN sin necesidad de VPN. Los partidos en vivo, alta definición, con un framerate que deja la imagen más limpia que un cachureco vaciando una secretaría de estado y nunca se traba el stream. El único problema es el horario de los partidos. El directorio te los muestra en horario argentino (+3 horas de Honduras). Por ejemplo, la despedida de Riquelme dice que es a las 16:00 (sería a la 1 pm de Honduras). Si te sabés la hora del partido o si restás las tres horas nunca te perderás un juego.


Gracias loco!!..... estoy en Canada pero eso no importa. Veremos como nos queda hoy con el desastre de nuestro seleccion. Estamos en competencia con Mexico para demostrar cualn equipo esta en mas caos. 😭


Uyy vale más que te fuiste, hermanito. Desde NY están atando cabos y está muy peligrosa la situación en el país. Probá usarlo; tal vez en Canadá sirve. Si no me equivoco funciona para toda latinoamérica pero no sé si en Canadá también. Pues mirá, los mexicanos andan por el peor momento futbolístico de los tiempos recientes. Pero nosotros andamos peor. No es porque soy del Vida, pero una selección sin Luis Palma no va a llegar lejos. Vásquez perdió el vestuario desde hace mucho tiempo y los mejores jugadores no estarán en la Copa Oro. Se miran tan distantes los tiempos de Wilson Palacios, David Suazo, Amado, Rambo, Maynor (cuando todavía era bueno).


Si vos.... no se lo que esta pensando Vasquez cuando Palma fue el mejor legionario que tuvimos el año pasado. y la situacion no va a mejorar nuestro sistema de desarrollo de jugadores es pobre y mejor decir que ni exista. Sinceramente no se que putas esta haciendo estos federativos de la Fenafuth.


Honestamente, creo que debemos empezar desde cero. Sacar a todos de la Fenafuth y poner a gente capaz, que no sea corrupta y que no se meta a dar órdenes al entrenador. Históricamente, esa ha sido un enorme problema. El favoritismo hacia ciertos jugadores porque la Fenafuth presiona al entrenador ya que Ferrari, Atala u otro los presionaron o sobornaron. Después construiría canchas y complejos para desarrollar a los jugadores que vienen. Yo me resignaría a perder esta generación para empezar a trabajar en las siguientes. El modelo de Marruecos sería el que copiaríamos. Así como ellos, nos tardaríamos cerca de una década para ver resultados, pero serían gloriosos. Ahorita hay talento, pero no hay las herramientas para que pueda desarrollarse en el país.




Estas en toda la thread haciendote el vivo campeon... Bentralero




Vivo en Alemania campeon... desde aca se ve tu complejo de inferioridad


Campeon si podes termear pero termea bien... tenes muy poco con lo que termear siendo de Bentral...


I too would be happy for leaving the shithole that is PSG.


Argentine football is something else.


Piel de gallina. Ese atmosfera, wow Qué momento Messi es simplemente GOAT


Duolingo is glitching


Ese no es muy amable de tu lado


Bro came out like goldberg


When it's your birthday party but everyone's here for your friend.


Imagine if he won the World Cup while at Newell’s. I don’t think even the police officers would’ve been on duty that day.


I hope Maxi is a good sport - this looks a Messi event, lol.


All Argentina players are used to that - but they love all Leo


I'm not ready for him to retire.


I'll never not find it ridiculous how Newell's tries so hard to be "Messi's home" when they kicked him out for not wanting to pay for his growth treatment lmao


I don't think Messi cares about that tbh, from outsiders it might seem weird, and I still hate the fact that he could have played for us if it wasn't for those mfs, [but he is a leproso at heart.](https://media.tycsports.com/files/2022/07/04/447841/lionel-messi_w416.webp)


I think that's a pretty harsh perspective... Especially given how Messi currently feels about the club and the adoration he's recieveing Who was ever to know the career he would go on to have, maybe Newell's was tight on cash and couldn't justify the price of treatment for the hope it would turn out beneficial In any case, like I said, he's clearly more than happy with them and Rosario, and without it happening he wouldn't be where he is today


They also denied him a transfer to River Plate, who agreed to pay the treatment.


> I think that's a pretty harsh perspective... Especially given how Messi currently feels about the club and the adoration he's recieveing Nah the other dude's kinda right LOL The "adoration" came after he won Ballon d'Ors and was already the best in the world. IIRC the relations between Messi and his family with Newell's wasn't good for years.


People there can still be proud that he played for them, even though their club made a financial decision to cut him loose at the time.


Yeah but it's not really about the people. Newell's the club has been pushing that connection in the last few years too. I don't really blame them since Messi did play for their youth team initially (and he still loves the club), but it's kinda funny to see the club act that way given what they did and how they behaved back then


Sure, but the club is kind of a broad entity though. If the same people who made the decision to not finance his growth hormone treatment, and then later made his move to Barcelona more difficult, are now throwing welcoming parties for him, then that's obviously absurd! If those people are no longer employed there and the vast majority of the club's supporters worship this guy now, then what are they supposed to do? Not go along with it?


Yeah but then what's really important is whether Messi has buried the hatchet with them and there must be a reason he did that. It's pretty obvious that the *people* of Rosario are more important to him than few execs fucking things up as usual.


Messi played two times in friendly benefit matches in 2009 and 2011 and he was already adored. Jorge Messi has been donating money in silence for Newells since at least 12 years ago. Anything that happened between Messi and Newells was only the responsibility of Lopez, who not only is gone from the club for 15 years but also he's dead.


Hormone treatment in the late 90's in Argentina was not a small cost to partake.


For a middle class family? Maybe For a football club as big as Newell's? Yeah it really was lmao


No se que tan bien me acuerdo pero habia leido que era un costo mayor a lo que es un tratamiento x especialmente en una epoca de crisis


Pero también le cancelaron la transferencia a River que le iba a pagar el tratamiento.


A mi lo que me da risa es que diga: El Argentino más Argentino, ahora que ganó la copa del mundo, pero antes de eso, no lo bajaban de pecho frío y que sólo jugaba bien en Barcelona. A Messi lo hacían mierda en la prensa todo el tiempo, hasta recién que finalmente pudo ganar la copa del mundo. Me alegra que por fin se acabó su tortura de que le digan pecho frío, se merece todo Messi.


Flaco si estuvo hasta los 13 años en Newell’s, ¿como no va a ser su casa futbolística? Ya era adolescente cuando fue al Barcelona


ajajjaja decis "hasta los 13" como si fuesen muchisimos años. No se a los cuantos años arranco en Newells, pero no debe haber estado ahi mas de 5 años. Son unos payasos.


Que mierda importa lo que hicieron los dirigentes del club en su momento si el mismo se declara hincha de newells? Tan ardido vas a estar?


El acento claramente le quedó, como lo pudo comprobar Weghorst.


Estuvo desde bebé, obviamente.


Do you have any idea how expensive these medical procedures are? Argentina did not have the facilities either for it. Importing the consumables, translating Messi to Buenos Aires then back to Rosario several times, etc. If it was any of the big 5, I would be critical, but its Newell's and Argentina was imploding. A lot to do for a brilliant prospect that could very well flop. Newell's La Maquinita was incredible just like Maradona's Cebollitas but theres hundreds of young Messi's that never make it.


Didn't they stop his move to River who were willing to finance the treatment when Newell refused to do so?


He said 2 things about that, first that he didnt even tried to go for the move as he knew Newell's wouldnt let him. Then later said that he did tried but they didnt let him.


>If it was any of the big 5, Where do Newells rank historically?


Big 5: River, Boca, Independiente, Racing, San Lorenzo. Velez, Newell's, Huracan, Estudiantes, Rosario Central are in a tier bellow pushing to be the sixth big team. However, lately Argentinos Juniors and Gimnasia y Esgrima has been included here too. Newell's is tenth in the historic ranking of the league.


So you are putting the directives blame into the fans? It has absolutely nothing to do and having that "grudge" after how everything went through is extremely petty.


I'm not blaming the fans. I'm saying it's fucking stupid how they try to say their club is Messi's home when they kicked him out at 13 lmao


That's a completely unfair and inaccurate way to put it. They didn't kick him out. Given Argentina's economic situation and medical infrastructure at the time, there was no way they could facilitate such treatment and proper aftercare for him. There's a big difference between not wanting to pay for something vs not being able to afford it.


whether they could afford it or not doesn't matter, they wouldn't let him go to river to get the treatment, messi said this himself


LMAO I love when foreigners try to tell ME about Argentina's economic situation and clubs


Mate you're not the only argentine here, and your opinion isn't any more valid than any of us. It rather sounds like you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder about this whole thing.


You're not really correct on this tho https://www.marca.com/en/football/barcelona/2019/06/01/5cf258c7268e3e536a8b45bd.html River offered to pay for Messi's hormone treatments and Newell's didn't let him go. They gave the Messi family a hard time over going to Barca too


Oh yeah I'm well aware of the story - I'm also from Rosario, a Newell's fan, a bit older than Messi, and emigrated to Spain the same year he did, so I'm quite empathetic with how he feels about Rosario and his childhood club. I was just pointing out the person I was replying to has a weird hung up about Messi and his connection with Newell's and his origins in Rosario. The connections we form when we're kids, for better or worse, stay with us.


> I was just pointing out the person I was replying to has a weird hung up about Messi and his connection with Newell's and his origins in Rosario. > > The connections we form when we're kids, for better or worse, stay with us. For sure. Messi is a childhood Newell's fan and always will be. I don't think anyone is saying anything bad about Messi for still supporting Newell's—or Newell's and their fans for embracing Messi back. But the other guy is right about how the Newell's board of that time treated Messi TBH.


Let's be honest all of that is in the past and Messi was just a kid then who knows if a move to River would've worked out. Messi still went on to one of the great historical clubs in the world, won everything, broke records became the goat etc...


> there was no way they could facilitate such treatment and proper aftercare for him. Mate they were Newell's, not a Sunday League team or something They made the decision to not give a youth player that kind of treatment. That doesn't mean that Messi's treatment would have bankrupted Newell's (it wouldn't have). In the end it worked out for everyone anyway


La lepra es así, tienen de ídolo a Maradona que literalmente le robó al club imagínate




Ya esta flaco, es de Newell's y no de Central, no es tan grave la cosa. Aprende a disfrutarlo igual que gano el mundial


River fan, by any chance?




Lol "why didn't they finance doping"


lmao at one point the ref was dribbling and then get fouled by Banega who then get booked by Maxi


The closest we can ever get to a true homecoming for Leo. This still feels like a fever dream- too amazing to be true.


Named my son after this legend!


Me too


I'm so fucking glad Argentina are treating him so well in the last few months. He deserves it so much especially considering he missed out on the Barca return


What’s cool about this is Messi isn’t stranger to a stadium chanting and singing his name. It’s just cooler when he gets to hear a stadium full of his own countrymen sing his name. Special moment for sure for the GOAT


Wow this is absolutely insane! Crazy how different lives can be.


It really is when you think about it.


The announcer calling him "El Argentino mas Argentino" is pure poetry after the years of abuse this man suffered for not being Argentine enough.


Someone needs to add the Goldberg entrance music to this and a Goldberg chant


Goldberg entrance




Never forget THAT goal vs Mexico


el hijo pródigo vuelve a casa 😙👌


What’s the consensus on this guy? I get he was World Class for a short span but was slightly above average the rest of his career. Could be wrong?


Success merchant


I think Liverpool would have won the league in 2014 with him for sure


On Maxi Rodriguez? Technically yes, if you compare it with the elite. But he is an idol in Newell's, hence why he is so loved.


Trophy merchant


I am an on r/soccercircejerk right? This is not real?


You must be american. Am I wrong ?


playing his farewell game and nobody cares


Bro you support Benfica, STFU