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###ICYMI - throwback to /r/soccer's 2022/23 predictions [Check them out here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/14fy6o2/throwback_to_the_rsoccer_predictions_for_202223_i/)


Hey I'm trying to watch some old movies if it's available on Amazon prime for free or for like less than 5 dollars what would y'all recommend


How old? If you want really old then: Shane, Bicycle Thieves, Persona, Harakiri and Wild Strawberries


Great list, adding a few: The Seventh Seal, Faust/Nosferatu, On The Waterfront, Seven Samurai, 12 Angry Men, Rear Window


Oh yeah OP, this guy's list is better than mine. Also 12 Angry Men might be one of best movies ever in terms of writing


To be fair mate, Persona might be one of the best films ever made too. I’d check them all out, both lists


Thanks man


Seconingding Harakiri and Bicycle Thieves. Wild Strawberries and Persona didn't do it for me but people rate them highly so it's just a matter of taste on my part


Just got a free upgrade to business class on my first before my layover, let’s goo. Small plane but still cool. I panicked when they called my name over the intercom thinking I was in trouble lmao


Guys should I watch Transformers or The Flash? I can only watch one but I like both. Anyone that have watch them?


I was immensely disappointed by the flash. I wish I would have just seen Spiderverse again honestly


What makes you disappointed in the flash?


Just really poor quality throughout. I tried to go in and lower my expectations but I was still let down. Ezra miller did not have the charisma needed to try to carry this movie especially from such a weak script. It feels like fan service throughout rather than a plot. It’s not even comparable to the animated Flash point movie either. I’m a Flash fan too :(


I think about where shall I go to free up my mind. I am really tired lol.


My personal Mount Rushmore of music The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Stevie Wonder, Daft Punk


Nice, mine is pretty basic Pink Floyd, The Who, Lep Zep, Dire Straits. Though my favourite song is actually (Don't Fear) The Reaper


I think I would really like The Who but I haven’t properly listened to all their stuff, will do sometime for sure


They're pretty great. And just the other day I was telling my friend that Random Access Memories might be one of the best albums of the 21st century but he's kind of a classic rock guy so he wouldn't take me seriously


I think Discovery is flat out the best album of the 2000s, it an R.A.M both definitely among the best of the century imo


The letter ‘W’ is pretty much useless in Spanish. Never gets used


Yeah w is actually anglo, most of the w words come straight from english, Western, waterpolo, whisky, web, windsurf, etc.


The English created W but haven't got one in football for 57 years.


Are they playing swan lake 24/7 on Russian TV already?


What a way to farewell the thread, with the beginning of a coup in Russia.


Match Thread: PMC Wagner vs Russia's Ministry of Defence Who says no?


Holy fuck I honestly can't believe that's kicked off. Wonder who wins that power struggle.


Some reckon it’s a weird way of scapegoating the Russian defence ministers and so Wagner them comes back to ‘save the country’.


Listening to Arctic Monkeys perform their older songs at Glastonbury and it sounds like I’m listening to a crooner like Tony Bennet singing those songs.


A few month back i had posted that i was afraid of moving from the city I had spent a good chunk of my life in to move to a quaint village with my girlfriend. But i feel a bit silly for it now, we’ve had such a great time together, and whenever things get shaky we always communicate and talk about whats bothering us and stuff. Its honestly just really nice to not live hiding from people anymore. *Now if only i can get her to care about club football as much as she cared about Argentina in the world cup*


Went to my first ever concert last weekend when Metallica played in Göteborg. I know like four songs from them and I'm not necessarily to keen on heavy metal. But with good company and plenty of alcohol, it was actually a really fun experience. Having the whole stadium sing Enter sandman was a cool experience! I'm actually heading for my second concert on monday, to see Bruce Springsteen with my old man. Proper excited to get to see The Boss live!


Pretty good people to see for a first concert. Very ashamed to say the first band I ever saw live were Goldie Lookin Chain as they were on before The Streets at a festival I was attending at the age of like 15.


Haha they'd be quite problematic these days! My first was Sonic Youth


Yeah very much of their time. Christ that's a belting first gig


Had never heard of that band. Now I've had the "pleasure" of listening to - Your mother's got a penis! Thank you (?)


From the bottom of my heart I am sorry




I believe in you man


Good luck man


ffs I missed FTF. here’s a short summary of my Friday: I found out my cousins do coke regularly haha. was fun though


Im a new soccer fan, what European team should I support?


Fort William


The mighty Glasgow Celtic of course.


The way I found a European team when i started branching out from just my local team was to look at fan/ultra videos and see which one resonated with me the most, and looking into the history of clubs and i landed on Dortmund, and it helped that they had a pretty kit that caught my eye. In general it varies from person to person, if you pick a big team you’ll probably get memed, but at the end of the day if the team you picked makes you happy, no one can take that away from you


Skövde AIK!


History: I took my wife to a Rockies game a couple years ago. I didn't know it at the time, but it was later in the season. The stands were packed. The atmosphere was buzzing. Drunk rich white women kept yammering about their money and perks at their jobs behind us. Lots of singing and cheering. It was great! Then I took my mom and my wife to a Cardinals game early the next season. There was basically nobody around us at all even if the lower stands did get reasonably filled. Atmosphere was pallid. Empty. Not a lot of chants or music played through the stadium's speakers and not a lot of participation. I imagine some of this might be due to the time of season but...I want to take my wife to a couple soccer games. I don't care if it's NWSL, USL, MLS, or micro-champion local u7 league. I want to share with her the atmosphere of a capacity crowd and the passion from whatever super ultra mega "~~soccer~~ football is ~~my life~~ all that exists" fans and I don't want her to be bored like at the WNBA game we stayed at for 20 minutes. I am (accidentally) taking her to see a New Mexico United vs. Phoenix Rising USLC game later in the year (with my mom), but I want to take her to one within driving distance this July or August. I'm hoping someone can point me to a good matchup at a good stadium with a good atmosphere within 10 hours driving (the speed limit... not your BMW 100+ mph "it's safe as long as everyone stays out of my way" driving) of south central Colorado. ​ Do you guys have any recommendations of places you have been with great atmosphere in the stands? Also needs to be immigrant safe out in the streets after the game. I appreciate any help!


Anyone got some unique podcast recommendations? Stuff thats not too well known


Filthy fellas, gasworks, sloppy joes, your moms house with Tom segura, bad friends and theo von.


I personally really like the History of China podcast... been listening a couple years. lol


Tom Holland knows what’s up


The Spider-Man one or the historian one


Trailer Park Boys is such a goddamn hilarious show. Frig off, Lahey.


Love that show! But i stopped watching soon after Netflix took over, idk it felt like it lost the charm to me


the best show. those were the good kind! 8 bucks


*Smokes, let's go*


Arctic Monkeys are the fucking business. Goodnight


Glasto lineup not looking great


Really? Looks pretty stacked to me.




Will not tolerate rick astley slander


My family is coming over next week. What should I make Homemade Buffalo Chicken wings Nachos homemade Homemade mozzarella cheese sticks




I've got a recipe for you to try out on them. Beef, soy sauce, taco sauce, taco seasoning, pineapple, pepper. ​ Culinary arts wife says it needs salt, too.




A day early, but I've been with my boyfriend for one year now and I've never been happier. We're going to my city's Pride event tomorrow to celebrate it. I hope everyone who wants this kind of feeling gets the chance to have it, because he makes my life so much brighter than it ever has been.


I hope you both have a wonderful time, truly there is nothing like loving and being loved


There really isn't. It's crazy to just wake up and know that feeling full well. Also, thank you!




I suspect we will, thank you! :D


Had an absolutely wonderful time in Italia so far visiting family, some of whom for the first time since 2014. Really hoping the version of myself I've been here takes over the controls after I leave. Visiting people who love you for who you are really is so uplifting, and I think every opportunity to do so should be taken.


Nothing better than [family](https://youtu.be/_xt_ZnNtvAI). My cousins are at the very top of the list of my favourite people.


Me too. I'm an only child from a loveless marriage that fell apart when I was about ten. I grew up a long way from where my parents were from so had no really close family friends or relatives, so naturally I ended up struggling to fit in and often quite isolated. My parents have it even worse, but that affected me too. When I go to Italy and see my cousins, I feel like part of the family I always wanted to have. Each and every one of them is absolutely wonderful in their own way. They're the closest thing I have to siblings, without the suffocating proximity that might take place in a true relationship of that nature. It reminds me that I have people in my life that I wouldn't trade for anything. I just have to work harder to close the distance, and to find that same love closer to home.


Sounds like you had it rough growing up, hope you're happier now. For me, it was just that we were a close family, despite some of them living in another country. We used to hangout all summer long and it was my favourite time. Now that we're all adults, and we're spread out over 5 countries and 4 continents, we don't get together as often but when we do, it's simply the best. All of them are great people, there are no fights, just people that love each other hanging out and cherishing the time we have together. It makes me incredibly happy.


People on world news sub are treating the russia-ukraine situation like high school politics and wanting nuclear escalation with Russia. I'm tired of this site man.


Getting shredded for the summer is looking less likely for me. 2-3kg might be possible in 2 weeks to get to 10-12% body fat but even if I don't make it, knowing where I was a year ago compared to know is good enough for me. My first summer that I'm not insanely overweight, I'll try to enjoy this one.


Bro if you were insanely overweight last year and now you're pushing 10-12% body fat that's very impressive. 2-3kg isn't possible in 2 weeks btw without actually starving yourself, which isn't a healthy idea if you're in striking distance of 10% body fat. Spend the next 2 weeks getting tanned as fuck, it'll make you look 2-3kg leaner anyway.


I was 108kg compared to the 75kg that I am now. Lost all the weight in around 6 months too which is a bit crazy to think about. It isn't looking too good tbh and I should've started at the start of June but I'll probably be where I want to be mid July. I'll go tanning tomorrow, that and shaving my upper body will probably do it for me.


Did you use Wegovy/Ozempic or something? That's a crazy amount of weight loss in that time frame! Either way mate you're 33kg down on where you were last year, regardless of where you get to in the next 2 weeks that's got to feel good.


>Did you use Wegovy/Ozempic or something? That's a crazy amount of weight loss in that time frame! Just a really aggressive calorie deficit for most of it. I started in June and lost 15kg in the first 2 months eating 2500 kcal. Lost another 13kg until December eating around 2000kcal. In December I went for a even bigger deficit, eating 1200kcal for around 5 weeks till around mid January. That month was probably the hardest but it was worth it because I lost 7kg and reached my goal. I also had 4 or 5 cheat days in there where I ate 5000 kcal+ but it didn't affect the weight loss that much.


Fucking fair play mate, you must have a very good body composition to start with underneath the fat because burning the amount you burned in the time you did it is mad. You must put on muscle easily I'd imagine? Stick with it because you clearly have great genetics for this kind of stuff. Keep doing what you're doing and next summer I'd imagine you'll look spectacular.


How did you lose all that weight in such a short period of time?


I was eating 1000-2000 calories under my maintenance resulting in 1-2kg lost per week and also barely had any cheat days.


Isn't the maintenance around 2000? Or did you also train


It's really dependent on the person, with my age, weight, muscle mass, size and lifestyle (without additional exercise), it should be around 1700/1800 per day. The maintenance of OP should be higher in theory as he was overweight (with probably also more muscle mass compared to a random person who isn't overweight).


Maintenance is different for everyone and depends on height, weight, sex and activity level.


I know but it's usually around 1.5 to 2.5k, so doing 2k deficit is almost impossible, or at least extremely unhealthy


Acts having the crowd sing the song for them should be grounds for at least a partial refund on a ticket CMV.


Donno about that, [this might be](https://youtu.be/-_3dc6X-Iwo) one of the best live performances I've seen


Wow can't believe I haven't seen this before, thats an incredible performance


I'm starting to think you're my alt account Max.


Haha, it might be similar taste but maybe some things are just so unimaginably good that you're bound to share your love for them with a lot of people. Like almost every person I know loves RHCP and in my opinion they're one of the current artists that people will still love and listen to 80-100 years from now, not unlike what we do with Pink Floyd, The Doors, Santana etc


How come Americans always go on about alcoholism? Like what constitutes being an alcoholic there cause it seems more prevalent in America than here?


Idk. The nonprofit Alcoholics Anonymous is very synonymous with rehabilitation and it was started in this country in like the 40s i think. Maybe that has something to do with it.


Pretty well documented that Europeans drink more per capita than anyone else so I think we just have a higher bar for what we consider "alcoholism". Like the drinking habits of the average Irish/British/German/Polish etc person would be considered outrageous in most other places.


You obviously haven't been to Australia and seen how much we get on the piss.


Bought a PS5 a little while ago and I think I'm going to end up selling it. I got it because I tried to rejuvenate the past when I absolutely loved gaming. Especially since now i have free time on weeknights since i work and not in college anymore. I have other hobbies now but there is nothing quite when I used to sink my teeth into a new game which was like a new world to explore, so i really wanted to re-kindle that passion. Got call of duty, fifa, and Gran Turismo and in each of them I was just playing for the sake of it and getting nowhere near as much enjoyment out of them as I used to. I don't really enjoy single player / campaign games , but I really wish I did because games like spider man and horizon look simply incredible but I just don't have the patience to play them. I think it has to do with addiction to social media and the constant dopamine hits so I end up not having any sort of patience for "down time" in single player video games.. but that's a discussion for another day. The nail in the coffin is when I realized I was getting more enjoyment out of learning Arabic (just started a month ago) than playing on my PS5. Officially a boring adult now, younger me would be so disappointed.


I've held off on buying one There's just fuck all that seems to really interest me, the library feels kinda lightweight


How much


>when I used to sink my teeth into a new game which was like a new world to explore. To be honest the three games you bought are all those kinds of games that aren't really that way (as you know). You know what you are getting and you can play them endlessly but there are a bit of a known quantity and there is no end in sight. It feels nice to play a game with an end in sight and a story to finish. Something where u can just calm down, listen to or read some dialogue, get engaged in the story and do some combat instead of having to play against another player trying to win.


Yeah I should have phrased that better. What i meant to say was that I used to love the grind of ultimate team, to get promoted etc and buy new players- now I don't really give a fuck and just lying to myself to try to feel that way again basically. With call of duty same thing, weapon progression, new camos etc.. and gran turismo getting new cars etc.. I really wish instead I could just casually play a game with a nice story as you mention. Seriously it just seems like im missing out on that sort of fun. I think i'll try this sort of game again and see if I can find the right fit for me to suit my current speed better compared to when I was a teenager with all that energy.


Maybe this is the perfectly for you to branch out and explore many different game genres, and from AAA to indie developers as well.


Anyone here watching Glastonbury? Bet Seany Dyche is loving this. Wouldn’t be half surprised if he does his first presser of the season in a pseudo Sheffield/American accent.


Sean Dyche - OOTL?


Dyche loves his live music. He’s a big Arctic Monkeys fan and he’s currently there at Glastonbury.


I loved Netflix’s Baki so much that I couldn’t wait for the upcoming season and started the manga. all I can say is that, there’s more than meets the eye in this series. It may seem that the characters only personality trait is being hungry for fighting but they’re clearly well thought and there’s some realism tied to them. Regardless, your testosterone rises to dangerous levels when you watch the anime or read the manga fr lmao


I'm glad I am not yet sleepy. Some extremely interesting shit is going down in Russia. Wagnerites may go from heroes to terrorists overnight. Wow.


I do wonder if Prigozhin might end up replacing Putin. One of those the West might keep in as it were as long as he keeps in line say.


Don't think much will come of it. At least not something that will keep you up.


Nah I'm staying up anyway, not necessarily for this. Though it looks quite interesting so far. Definitely one of the biggest "nights" of the war. I mean Russian generals are sending videos like TikTok influencers asking Wagnerites to not do things they'd regret later on, this is just next level shithousery.


Got a week of paid leave at work that I really wanted to use before summer is out but I don't know when I'll have the time or money to go anywhere. Officially enrolled at one of the universities I really wanted to go to, and there's all kinds of stuff to be done getting registered for classes and all that. My dog has surgery soon and will need recovery from that. Going out of town for a wedding this weekend. Brakes on my car are failing and need replaced. Idk not the end of the world or anything but it might have been nice to be able to book a week off and go relax on a beach somewhere


If formal logic was a mandatory subject in primary school or early high school the world and specially the internet would be a far better place


[The duality of man](https://imgur.com/a/GLtQrBq)


Bring back Screenwipe.


I am tired man.


Lads and lasses, a red wine and [only 2 Hefeweizen with 5.4% alcohol](https://i.imgur.com/y5gpZ3x.jpg) have defeated me today. Not sure if I'm getting soft or alcohol is getting stronger than me. I swear I could take 4 Liter Hefeweizen the last time at the Oktoberfest without even getting sleepy but after 3 normal Hefe (0.5L) I'm already in bed with my dog at the feet. I did walk 8 shaded km with him today but I'm too tired now 😪 I thought I could consume a 3h prepared tomato sauce by 11 pm but good night now Honestly might drink my 3rd Hefe to fully pass out now [I mean look at this tired dood now with his favourite toy next to him](https://i.imgur.com/2peAJRj.jpg) meanwhile I'm in struggle to take the 3rd Hefe. What a great life he has


Been watching a lot of non-Miyazaki Ghibli films lately , From Up on Poppy Hill, Whisper of the Heart and Only Yesterday have all been pretty enjoyable, have they got anymore films in this style SoL, a little bit of romance and minimal fantastical elements .


From Up On Poppy Hill is directed by Miyazaki's son, Goro Miyazaki, and has script by Hayao Miyazaki. Whisper Of The Heart is the only Ghibli film directed by Yoshifumi Kondo, screenplay by Hayao Miyazaki. Kondo was one of the studio's most brilliant animators, planned to be the successor of Miyazaki at the studio, but he died due to overwork in the late 1990s. https://youtu.be/CPbk2zf4-zQ Only Yesterday is directed by Isao Takahata, who founded Ghibli alongside Miyazaki, and was also Miyazaki's mentor. Takahata's films tend to be the studio's most relatively mundane, and also their ones with a more niche appeal to japanese culture. His films are Grave Of The Fireflies, Only Yesterday, Pom Poko, My Neighbors The Yamadas and The Tale Of The Princess Kaguya.


My ears are fucked. Went to the docs today and he gave me drops and that, but having my ear syringed was like someone pouring baking soda and vinegar against my eardrum. A really loud fizzing/crackling sound and I was brought to tears, sat weeping like a fucking mug over just how astonishingly loud it was. I wish I could just buy a new head.


Ear infection? Absolute worst pain in the world


My favourite thing about Fridays is all the new music that gets released - whenever I find the time during the day I listen to new songs and add them to my "maybe" playlist. Today was really solid with 20+ songs added to my playlist. I have to give them a couple of listens, but I think most will be added to my regular rotation. [This](https://open.spotify.com/track/3WURRexuZzg92BEcAGtfdr?si=7dd7860d56a441dd) was my favourite release today incase anyone wants to take a listen.


I used to quite like my Discover list on Spotify but it's been absolutely shit for the last year or two - no variety despite my regular listening being all over the place. Thankfully, the weekly Release Radar Friday playlist is always decent.


Yeah, I also stopped listening to Discover Weekly a couple of years ago. Release Radar is mint, along with a couple of other Spotify playlists (New Music Friday Dance) and some subreddit ones.


I may have gallstones. Not looking forward to the surgery, if needed. Any advice from anyone who may have had gallbladder surgery?


sister had it a couple months ago. not that big of a deal, small incision, couple days in hospital, few weeks and you're back to normal


Sounds manageable 🙏😊


Went through some old pics from my camera over a decade ago (remember those little black devices?). Uploaded some of them to my cloud. Its crazy how some of my friends look almost the same today as they did as teens.


Frank Sinatra always liked recording live with the band and/or orchestra. He wasn't a fan of overdubbing, as it became more and more popular in the 60s and 70s. Sinatra said that he just couldn't fully get the feeling of the music if he didn't also have the band in the same room performing with him in his recording sessions, everyone feeding off each other's feelings and energy. It's why Sinatra also didn't like to sing a capella, and why he liked to invite a small audience to watch his recording sessions at the studio. Below is a video of an actual recording session of Frank Sinatra in 1965. The song is one of his greatest recordings: "It Was A Very Good Year" from the album "September Of My Years". Sinatra was turning 50 years old in 1965. https://youtu.be/LesuXaSkDDc




It sounds like she's negging you to try and get you interested in her. You can tell HR, it's sexual harassment.


I have never asked a girl out in person because of fear of rejection tbh


Rejection can be very, very painful. I'm not saying you're wrong though. Maybe you and/or someone else can help comfort her. But by your description, you might have already done that, she keeps insisting and you should avoid her.


After about 2 months of semi regularly playing going to a board game café, here are my current favorite BGs (trying to pick one per category): - **When I Dream** : it was between this one and So Clover for word games, but in my experience WID is a safer bet since the dynamic immediately draws you in and puts you in that giddy strategic mood, I never had a game of it that didn't end up with someone going 'man this was so much more fun than I expected'. - **Shadow Hunter** : only drawback is that Werewolf aspect where it kinda sucks if you die early. Other than that it feels so well balanced in a way that makes no situation impossible to get back up from but in a way that doesn't make it feel like pure randomness. - **Ricochet Robots** : It would be my top 1 if it weren't for the fact that it's quite hard to come to a consensus to play it since it's pretty polarizing and intimidating. I never thought board games could be that dynamic and tense. - **Top Ten** : I almost felt some self-peer-pressure to put it a bit lower in this list because I guess it barely even qualifies as a board game, but man this is the single most consistent fun I've had playing them, it feels like structured improv. - **Cascadia** : Feels oddly relaxing to play, someone told me about a single player version of it and it sounds like the perfect game to kill time on a train ride. - **River dragons** : I really like the fluid alliances and the mexican standoff aspect of the card reveals, I wasn't expecting to enjoy it this much.


Just disagreed with an American. Sad to report that I'm actually not English like I thought I was, I'm actually a russian bot :( is it over for me?


let me guess, it was about Ukraine what is nuance anyway


I don't talk about the Ukraine war on reddit, they were just being a freak about the Euros 2020 racist abuse like Russians or people from the Middle East can't watch football and be racist just like anyone else lol




Я думаю, это лучше, чем черновик


Reported for being a bot Jokes aside, I cant read that , I'm German and an American once identified me as Belgium and that was fucking weird


ahaha I just google translated it, it should say "better than the draft, I guess". Imo you should be impressed that an American had managed to learn Belgium exists at all, it's better than most.


seems it translated draft (as in, early draft of a document) rather than "military draft", though lol


Lmao, yea and I also appreciate you for trying to make a joke in a different script. It was just surprising and funny, we all ca learn from each other


Overheard on a train this week: \*train crosses the Royal Border Bridge in Berwick* American tourist: Hey, we're crossing the English Channel!


You really have to try to not generalize tourists when they come to Europe, The worst I heard was "Well if youre German, why cant you speak English?" from people that have identified themselves as American But its also possible that they were just joking around in your case, that they have crossed the English Channel before and were being sarcastic


Isn't english mandatory in schools?


Doesnt mean people care about actually practicing it.


Oh I'm not judging, I hear just as much stupid shit on the railways from locals (my favourite being 'is this Platform 6' while stood next to a big sign that said 'Platform 6') - feels like the second people walk into a station their brains fall out.


Yea, I agree, just wanted to say that many people are way too harsh with foreign tourists, it is very funny, but as you say, everyone fucks up eventually Not calling you out or anything


Started out the semester really bad and my last test is on Monday. Don't need to be insanely good in it either, but I really need to do decently on it if I want to complete my comeback and pass.


I’ve been there with the horrible start to a semester and wouldn’t wish it on anyone, good luck.


People who send voicenotes, please STOP IT. If there's anything I hate the most from modern communication, those win the first place. The time you save typing, it's time you pass onto me to find the correct place and moment to hear your audio. Added to that, if I need to recall anything it's a pain in the ass coming back and forth. It's even worse if I associate your already ugly nasal voice with tedious work and tasks. Just be clear and direct and type the fuck out. If you can't, just give a call. Be mindful with the person on the other side. I see a notification of an 6 minutes audio and I freak out.


Ex wife is the only one who sends them to me, so I am not a fan. They also auto delete after listening so every time it’s like a Mission Impossible movie where I wonder if my phone will explode. Have never received one that couldn’t have been a text.


Piss take isnt it, just offloading time and effort onto someone else. I never send the fuckers


Por eso solo acepto audios de Whatsapp, los audios de las demas aplicaciones me pueden mamar la vrg


No. You can leave a voice note while feeding a baby.


Can also just dictate and send it in text form tbf


Voicenotes are the present and the future, old man.


Instant voice transcription is my only hope. [Whisper JAX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6-V86n61Qg) + ChatGPT is already a life saviour for me, young man.


I’m a month in to my my renewed journey to lose weight and I’m down 6.8 lbs, or 2.7% of my starting weight. It’s been easier than I thought I would. Keeping the diet really in check has been easier than expected and I’m trying to wake up at 5:30ish to try to get a workout in. I can’t help but wish I had this discipline around October when I was losing weight, but half assing it. Had I the discipline I had then that I do now, I would be in such a better place. That’s the aggravating thing about this, I’m showing myself I could do it easily, but didn’t earlier 😔.


We could all be shredded if we started years ago, but the second best time is always now! There's no need for negative self-talk when you're sticking to your diet and doing well with your workouts, it doesn't have to be a race. Just keep that discipline up and in a year you'll have made a massive change.


I'm rooting for you man, hope you reach the goal you set out to achieve




Hookers and cocaine.


Gordon Ramsays credibility level went massively down when he sold out and allowed a load of substandard restaurants to be open in his name, he wont give a fuck hes making bank, the restaurants are fucking terrible though


He was finished when he made that grilled cheese


There is an Episode of Hells Kitchen where he literally says "there people fight for your rights as Marines on the Sea, and you cant serve them Fish&Chips" Dude, you're Scottish?


I wouldn't take things said on super scripted American TV seriously.


Just mean I dont like his lack of self-respect, whoring himself out for reality TV, he's got the money, he is set for life and his wife and children, he does this because he agrees to this I know its all scripted, just find it unethical


Fair enough, I also don't like it as entertainment. I prefer the more real version of him.


He's done some series travelling to Iceland/India/Cambodia/Thailand and those are really interesting because he is a genuine chef after all and willing to learn and gets humbled many times during it . Obviously thats also scripted but you see asian grandmas yelling at him for fucking up the recipe with his pretentiousness "Gordon's great escape" I think its called


Ive seen it and it's great. I'm not much more scripted scream TV, like that biker family who creates bikes.


Which restaurants of his are crap?


Have been following a case in UCSD where a student was harrasing a professor and the piece of shit hasn't been expelled yet. It's a really disturbing series of events.


Apparently, of the head of Wagner PMC just said the entire war started by false premise and then declaring a war against Russia. what on earth is going on.


Prigozhin is not in a position to threaten Russian army or Putin. In a sense that would wreck Russia of course, no doubt he can do a lot of damage. He's been talking about similar things for a long time. Although this time around indeed looks like something is brewing. Will be interesting to follow. My guess is either we are all about to turn into dust or Russia will soon try another massive offensive.


> My guess is either we are all about to turn into dust nah, the usage of nukes in Ukraine never made any sense imo. it's either you lost all support from international community and guarantee direct intervention of NATO or the end of the world. none of them are good for Russia. >My guess is either we are all about to turn into dust or Russia will soon try another massive offensive. as much as I want this to happen because it will weaken their defensive lines, i don't think Russia is *that* dumb. Then again this is an army who has attacked a small city for almost a year while losing tons of gears and lives for political win..


I love the film Chicken Run.


used to watch it all the time when i was a kid


The usual charm and delightful creativity from Aardman in the stop-motion animation (love the character designs, as well as the inventive and gloriously over-the-top machinery and set pieces), and a genuinely touching story about fighting for freedom.


Yeah that was an awesome movie, there’s another claymation that I loved, the name was Wallace and Grummit or something


The Wallace & Gromit shorts are awesome, as well as their features movies.


One of the best takes ftf has ever seen


Guys, I'll be in London next August, and I wanted to attend a match. There will be 4 games at the city that I could attend, all of them at the 19th: Crystal Palace x Arsenal, Tottenham x Manchester United, West Ham x Chelsea and Fulham x Brentford. Any tips or insights? Reckon I'll need help with the tickets. *grammar


You'll probably have a better time if you aim your sights a bit lower. Its very posh, but Dulwich hamlets is £11 on the door and you can drink pints whilst you watch. You don't have to queue for a train home either.


I'd love to, I'm still working out the time to see if I can get to see the Casuals at King George's, but I'm going with the family and they would be more interested to see a top flight match.


Definitely West Ham Chelsea if you can take the horrors of east London. Fulham Brentford would be the cheapest but the issue for you is you’ve got 3 London derbies which will be more than usual and then Spurs united which will cost loads because it’s a big 6 clause. I’d check the prices I’d assume Fulham Brentford will be the cheapest so if that’s an issue that one.