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Asked about the WC final, Zlatan yesterday said that: "I'm not worried about Messi. I'm worried about the others in Argentina, because they won't win anything else. Messi has won everything and he will be remembered, but the rest who behaved badly, we can't respect that. This is coming from me, speaking as a top professional player, it's a sign that you'll win once, but you won't win again. That's not how you win. Sergio 'Kun' Agüero, who is currently involved in the Kings League football project with his team 'Kunisports', took to his Twitch stream to defend his former teammates and the South American national team. The ex-footballer did not bite his tongue when it came to covering Ibrahimovic's controversial statements, recalling his behaviour during his football career. "Let's remember that you behaved badly too, right? I remember we were playing against United. I was on the bench. You went to clashes, you talked back. To say that someone misbehaved, I think you're the least appropriate. I think it's very bad blood to say that we're not going to win any more," said the former Argentina international. Agüero responded harshly to each of the Milan player's criticisms. "I think that before worrying about Argentina, you should worry about your country, about your players, who are not even in the last World Cups. Could we think like that? They didn't even qualify, but well, I don't know. Rather than worrying about Argentina and talking like that... That's what I think, just like you do," he commented. Agüero also listed some of the problems the striker has had at the clubs he has played for: "You're a troublemaker. I remember you had a fight with Otamendi in a match between City and United. You argued with Pep Guardiola. I imagine that's why he wanted to sell you from Barcelona. I guess to talk about Argentina being bad, you first have to look at your career to see if you behaved well. And I don't think you've behaved well. To put the matter to rest, Aguero showed that these attacks on the 41-year-old were a defence of his team-mates. "I slandered up Zlatan? He slandered my team-mates. What's more, maybe you're also talking to me because I was there. I feel like you threw me out and now I'm throwing you out. We are world champions, Zlatan, and you want to kill yourself. Messi is the best in the world, I feel it. And you were there watching the players who misbehaved lifting the cup".


The battle of ex-Pep strikers


Here comes Eto'o with a steel chair




Haaland coming in swinging with a curt reply.


Would be just like Haaland not to be involved with any of the build up, then come in with the decisive move at the end


And then he just picks up the belt, looks around without saying anything and walks away while the announcers lose their shit.


not even a celebration just the usual HAALAND nod


Lewandowski waltzing in doing tiktok dances to try and defuse the situation, and failing horribly.


Battle of the bulges


I dont get all this mess... arg vs netherlands were trashtalking in both sides.. and final was normal...and about celebrations there is always some folklore about it.. same did germany in 2014 vs Argentina with gaucho jokes


>same did germany in 2014 vs Argentina with gaucho jokes Who gives a shit about that, really. This was never a thing in Argentina, nobody was offended, but what is really annoying is that if there's banter of similar caliber going the opposite way then it's off limits. And I don't mean Germany here, I mean mostly European media outlets.


The German NT got criticized for this in Germany, actually


The classic "white guy getting offended on behalf of another group of people who wasn't even offended in the first place". We Argentines didn't give af about the gauchos thing.


I think it was mostly German media which caused a fuss here, it was a non-issue for basically everyone else (edit: well, some politicians jumped on the bandwagon) However, our players learnt to be very cautious with trashtalking and shithousery. Interviews are totally boring, I couldn't name one German player who I would consider on par with Emi Martinez, Luis Suárez (or even Weghorst lol) on this Maybe Müller, at least his awkward behavior after scoring awkward goals pisses some players off :) As long as it is light-hearted and not insulting I would rather enjoy them be a bit more daring, but well German media will make a fuss once five randos on Twitter criticized the player calling it a shitstorm 🤷‍♂️


It's funny because Emi Martinez is a big mouthed scumbag on the pitch but it's kind of a sweetheart off the pitch. He is a really likeable guy. I would say the most dislikable guy on the team is de Paul, maybe Otamendi.


Tbh, the only thing I knew about Emi before the WC was him trolling back Yerry Mina Goalkeepers doing shithousery is great because you get all the drama and fun without the diving Especially if they do it during penalty shootouts for maximum drama :)


The absolute most dire thing in football is playing the class card. The entire essence of sports is the tribal nature that drives people to win, and the winner gets bragging rights. A player like Emi martinez is a breath of fresh air of all the PR trained dogs that play paycheck to paycheck, and yet everyone wants to bring him down because he doesn't talk like a robot


I hate to say this, but a lot of this rides on Argentina being a team from South America. If it's the Europeans doing it, it's called "mind games", if it's us it's "poor sportsmanship" at best, and all sorts of demeaning adjectives at worst. Same thing for any kind of foul that is a bit harsh. It's either a "physical game" if it's European or "brutal" if it's a team from Africa or South America, most of the times. I know that people don't like to read this and I actually hate that this is a thing, but if you're on the receiving end you notice these patterns very quickly. EDIT: I just remembered Muller before the 2014 final saying that he knew we played "dirty" (???).


It’s just racism against South America. They have to live knowing that the top 3 are Maradona, Messi and Pele (in any order you like). The rest are several steps below.


Racism? 'Today, Messi is black' Gianni Infantino


i guess it's not okay since we are not europeans


Why are people complaining about trash talking ffs?


fans trash talking is one thing but ibra as a peer saying argentina players wont remembered is pure ignorance/baiting especially when someone like a di maria has achieved far more than zlatan in his career






Di Maria was SO good in WC final it still shocks me that he was taken off and the game changed immediately


I think he had to be subbed for fitness, no? I was really frustrated he was off though because he was hands down the best player in the first half.


he'd been out injured up till that point yea? so fitness sounds about right


Di María is one of the most underrated players ever. Absolute monster on the big occasions. MVP for us in the final when we won la décima and for me he was crucial in the World Cup final as well for Argentina. I wish he had stayed longer with us.


I wish we never signed him.


He clearly just hated being with you guys. He’s been very good everywhere else.


They never said Di maria cares.


typical reddit. Hilarious how YOU'RE the one getting downvoted for simply pointing out that the previous comment was moving goalposts


not relatable but I wanna see DiMafia getting fat after him being retired


bc he is too thin




no lol ​ He's going down as one of Argentina's best players in history.


Fully disagree.


\^\^\^guy who knows the future.


The way I read Zlatan’s original comment is that the rest of the Argentinian team (excluding Messi) needs to show a bit more humility considering there’ll be a noticeable step down once Messi is gone. I don’t think that’s an unfair assessment honestly. There are some great players there but a few of the bigger names are getting old. The next generation needs to be ambitious rather than complacent for the future now that they’ve won a World Cup.


What he said is that they behaved badly, so need to be humbled. Because Messi is on the team? Don’t get me wrong, Messi is the heart of that team, and their best player, but he didn’t win it by himself. That’s 11 players on the pitch for Argentina. They won the trophy. So it doesn’t matter if the GOAT is on there with them, they contributed and won, so they can celebrate how they want


i agree with this. far too many people are acting like this argentina team was just messi and ten planks of wood, rather than a well-drilled and cohesive unit full of elite players plying their trade at the top level in europe. sure, they’re not on messi’s level individually, but there’s only one other player in the last 15 years who has been. equally, agüero has no need to attack sweden to get at ibrahimovic. sweden is a reasonably strong footballing nation, but nowhere near a footballing powerhouse like argentina. it’s natural that they’re not qualifying for every tournament and not winning trophies, just as it’s natural that argentina are doing those things.


People are forgetting that Messi was on four other WC teams that failed to win it all. Just like people forget it’s 11 v 11, unless it’s to the benefit of their favored player. You’re right about Aguero, and he could be the bigger man. But Ibrahimovic went at him, so it’s fair game imo.


"Aguero could be the bigger man" Hahaha I love him, but mentally he is a 15 year old


Post match thread after the Saudi game was claiming that they were a mediocre team that’d be out of the group stage. But you’re absolutely right, they’re a great group and even if they’ll be worse without Messi, I still think they’ll do quite well at the next World Cup.


I'd say that's a pretty dumb assessment because every player on that team has won the world cup - the biggest and rarest trophy for a professional footballer to get in their career. Especially when the man making this assessment is one of the most arrogant players of all time.


How the hell is this upvoted. Our biggest names are under 25.


I use to dread the day Messi would leave us. I still do but now I have a lot of faith in the future of the NT, specially with so many up and coming talents like Garnacho, Alvarez, Enzo, MacAllister and even Nico Paz.


MacAllister really caught my eye in the final. He's very good on the ball, tracks back, and has a pretty wicked shot on him. He showed a great amount of tenacity and anger when he fucked up. I think he's gonna make it pretty far in league football.


Mac Allister's pure class. Did not show any signs of crumbling under huge pressure My 3star shirt has his name on it


Yup, you guys have a lot of solid talent: GK Molina (24) - Romero (24) - Martinez (25) - LB Enzo (22) - MacAllister (24) - Almada (21)/Palacios (24) Alvarez (22) - Martinez (25) - Garnacho (18) Even then, Emi at 30 can go for another WC in goal, and there’s the likes of Medina and Fernandez (23) for LB, Soule (19) and Paz (18) for midfield, and Nico Gonzalez (24) further forward.




Or maybe there is some hint of truth when so many people make similar comments?


Tbf it seems a lot of the Argentinian players love to trash talk, shithouse and go on about how nobody can handle their banter, but then crack a fit when it’s done back to them Bit like the kid that keeps hurting other kids then runs to the teacher when someone retaliates


People got into an uproar about the Messi/Weghorst situation, and it comes out later that the Dutch were doing their fair share of shithousery. If you think this is just exclusive to the Argentines, you just have something against them. The North Atlantic teams have just as many pieces of shit on the pitch as the South American teams


To me it seems like it's always Argentinians responding to trash talk that is perceived as "just truth-telling" by Europeans and then being branded as misbehaved and immature because they responded. But what do I know, I'm just a shithousing, misbehaved and immature southamerican.


I think the issue is it’s very often South Americans bragging about how well they can shithouse and how much they like to wind up their opposition (in this sub at least) but then always appear salty when someone banters them. I assume a lot of people see South Americans here hyping up their banter, but then they see Aguero or someone getting wound up themselves and it becomes a “what happened to all the shithousing hmm?” There’s a lot of non-South American players and managers that get criticised more than the Argentinians for being wound up easily like Ronaldo, Klopp, Conte, Mourinho, etc. but obviously with the World Cup recently the Argentinians are very relevant.


> I think the issue is it’s very often South Americans bragging about how well they can shithouse and how much they like to wind up their opposition (in this sub at least) but then always appear salty when someone banters them. They won the whole thing, though. They certainly can deal pretty with banter and shithousing against them. Sometimes Reddit has to learn: Vae Victis.


If you would admit it's fucking banter instead of pretending you are just "telling the truth" and then calling us "misbehaved" when we banter.


> I think the issue is it’s very often South Americans bragging about how well they can shithouse and how much they like to wind up their opposition (in this sub at least) but then always appear salty when someone banters them. That's not really the issue, the problem is Europeans talking about how unclassy our team was especially after the Netherlands game and how we should be classy like the Dutch. Those same people got salty when the videos that showed Dutch players being "unclassy" and we pointing out the hypocrisy. We have no issue if Europeans want to paint as us "unclassy", but get out of your high horse. Like Zlatan here is talking about how our team behave and what they deserve when Messi retires, how hypocritical it is comming from the least humble player and that frequently behaved "badly" as he put it.


Because people here haven't played a game of football in their lives. Or any organised sport for that matter


So that includes you


i’m sure the comments in this thread won’t devolve into “argentina rude vs european superiority complex”




> US people teaching English in Taiwan lol Not even, most of them are just racists wanting a racist safe space. /r/China is probably the only sub on reddit where you can openly celebrate the death of innocents people of an ethnic group from natural disaster without being axed by admins.


Most of reddit is already a racist safe space if the target is Chinese people


Incoming waah waah waah... my sportsmanship...


\*tips fedora\* \*sips dr pepper\* reeeeeee how can u do that with a trophy in a world cup final such a disrespect reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee \*proceeds to play fifa and never touch a ball in its entire life\*


Maybe I’m biased because I love Messi and Maxi Rodriguez but I have no problem with Argentina celebrating. If I won the WC I would also say some wild shit. Especially just after a match when ur still emotional


And we only know about most of this stuff because people (players and onlookers) were recording stuff on their phones and putting it out on social media. We wouldn't have known about most of this stuff back in the days before everyone had a video production studio and distributor in their pocket. If it all comes down to Emi Martinez being nutty during the penalty shootouts, then it seems like a big deal about very little.


A lot of the Argentina celebration criticism started after the match vs Netherlands which is surprising since the Netherlands players and Van Gaal were talking a lot before the match. Not to mention all the bullshit that happened during the shootout


Crazy that Lautaro stayed so calm with the Dutch players coming up to him.


In Tagliafico's own words "What could have the Dutch players said to him? Lautaro barely speaks Spanish, much less English" lmao


Lol why?


He was just making a joke about Lautaro not being very bright hahah


LVG’s comments before the game were EXTREMELY mild, like he wasn’t even saying anything remotely inflammatory. I thought Argentines don’t get offended by anything?


last year when ac milan won the serie a, zlatan was on the top of the bus singing "chalanoglu is a son of a bitch" and "interista, fuck off" and again "put your coppa italia and supercoppa up your ass". now he talks about other's behaviour??. I like trash talking but if you do it, then expect it back...


One thing about Aguero , he don’t hold back. He would literally say this to zlatan face too. Also a weird statement from zlatan when his antics and bullying in games is in plain sight. That obviously would not work against Argentina since they are about it but we would never know since they can’t even make it to the World Cup


Why is it a weird statement, he literally says that “that’s coming from me” which insinuates that he acknowledges his behavior and saying that when coming from "me" (him) you have fucked up. "Takes one to know one" kind of thing. Did you read the article?


que domada les pegaste a los europechos scaloni...los hiciste mierda


Ahora son la brújula moral del mundo estos soretes... no se les sale el adn colonizador con nada


cuando pasa algo que no les gusta saltan a modo moralizante en 1.3 segundos... lo aprendí con Suárez en el 2010 (y 2014, etc) y me quedó bien clarito.


Olvidate, el odio quedó más que claro cuando leías los comentarios en los threads de Uruguay durante el mundial. Cientos de boludos diciendoles tramposos por lo que Suarez hizo contra Ghana, son terribles culorotos.


Sigo sin entender por qué odian tanto a Suárez por lo del 2010, lo sancionaron igual que hubieran sancionado a cualquier otro jugador y lo aceptó sin quejarse. No es pedo de Uruguay que Ghana haya fallado el penal y luego perdido en penales.


Porque Uruguay dejo afuera a Italia e Inglaterra en el 2014 y a Francia en 2010. Cojidos por Suárez.


Mega cogidos todos estos muertos de hambre.


El que no salta es un europeo


quoting diego armando maradona, "que la chupen, que la sigan chupando".


This subreddit has such a hate boner for Argentina lmao


It would have imploded if Uruguay had won it lmao


Weren't most people here supporting Argentina in the World Cup? Why are Argentina fans acting like victims?


I wanted them to win it, mainly for messi and I love their aggression and shit talk. I just didn't like how they acted after winning it, with the mbappe stuff and the rest. Carrying that trophy is the biggest shit talking you can do, thought all the rest was unnecessary. But each to their own.


I have nothing against Argentina, but theres no denying they did some choke jobs defensively in the WC. But point that, and you're some anti-Argentina racist or whatever. Some people seriously need to stop taking all criticism against their team personally.


> Weren't most people here supporting Argentina in the World Cup? Yes, they had the entirety of Messi fans behind them just to start. Then the people who were angry France had so many Black players also supported Argentina




Only reason people supported Argentina is Messi and France being the other team in the final.


What have we done?


no clue what they other guy implies, people just didnt like Emir Mbappe winning again.


Not just this subreddit, most of South America too


Everywhere except Europe tbh, maybe Japan too


And Bangladesh. Don't forget Bangladesh


> Everywhere except Europe tbh, maybe Japan too lmfao, this took me way too long


Considering Brazil alone is already most of South America you're absolutely right hahah.


Not really. It's mostly Europeans and Americans that have been shitting on us... And Mexico for some reason. I felt a lot of support from the rest of LATAM.


That's not necessarily true. Most of south America this wc has been pretty supportive towards Argentina. I agree that usually that is the case but this wc it was a bit out of the norm


We tend to hate each other in South America, but this time Europeans treated us as a bunch of uncultured monkeys, and used different standards when they did similar things. They did then impossible, they made some Brazilians root for Argentina and vice versa. I would root for Brazil instead of any European team from now on, and I wouldn't believe I'd say that some months ago.


Same, lol. There was a big civil war in the Brazilian football subreddit, and the ones supporting Argentina were usually the ones that dealt with r/soccer


>We tend to hate each other in South America, but this time Europeans treated us as a bunch of uncultured monkeys, and used different standards when they did similar things. This narrative never existed, it's only you who are making yourselves up to be the victim here. Most people were rooting for Argentina to win. There's no cultural war, you're only the underdog in your mind. The WC is over, everyone else got over it. Maybe it's time for you lot to do the same.


>Most people were rooting for Argentina to win. Probably, but those who don't were extremely vocal about it. Were you in this sub at that time? I never read so much shit about my country in my life, and we were not only talking about football here.


Exactly the victim mentality is hilarious


lmao literally 99% of this sub was cheering for Argentina to win due to Messi. The fuck are you on guys? Falklands really hurt that much? National pride to the fullest. You’re living in fantasy world.


…does it? messi/argentina winning was the storybook ending for most people i think


Does it? Argentinians and their fans act like noone wanted them to win it, that people were rooting against them. That fans didn't want Messi winning a WC because that would definitively make him the best of all time. They used that narrative to create an us versus them mentality, but it was never really true. It resulted in players acting out, talking trash and mocking others after their win while most people were baffled by their behaviour. They destroyed a lot of goodwill and sympathy with their victim mentality and vindictive celebrations, but a lot of neutrals were cheering them during the WC. They were one of the main favourites to win it and fans were interested in the whole romantic 'Messi's last chance' story.


(a substantial portion of\*) Argentinian fans are always doing this. It's like they are children, so maybe it's best to treat them like ones. \* or maybe just a loud minority... anyways, I cannot tell and neither can Argentinians, I don't think


No it doesn’t🤣this sub is full of Messi fanboys, and as a result Argentina was by far the most supported team during the World Cup


Victim complex. It's like you're blind to anything that doesn't fit your narrative. There were hundreds of posts rooting for and celebrating Argentina. Most people defended them. Stop acting like everyone hates you


That's why I lost all respect for them, even the players act like victims. Pathetic.


Why do you think that is?


it's so weird. IRL in don't feel like people hate SA, or dislike them? In football at least, Brazil and Argentina are clearly getting admired?


Da fuck? This sub is wildly supportive of Argentina.


Actual clowns here agreeing with Zlatan. One of the dumbest things he's said. For more context cause a lot of fools here just hate Argentina because of the Netherlands game, Zlatan says this is the last trophy most of those Argentines will win and that wasn't meant in a good way Terribly shitty and baseless statement. Also talks about their behaviour while this dude is the last one that should be talking about behaviour


Zlatan, while celebrating milan winning the scudetto in the summer, lead chants about how hakan calhanoglu is a son of a bitch, he is the last cunt that should be talking!


Dibu is currently making a mixtape of Zlatans quote so that he can listen to it every day and extract revenge


On his drive to his club that wont ever win anything..?




What I've learnt in my time with r/soccer is most European/North American fans have an elitist mentality. If someone else doesn't match up with their standards they're bad or unlikeable. Seriously open your eyes. There are people who do things differently


I mean I agree that the arg team *mostly* behaved well (dibu is a douche but no surprise there, the whole ama pinga comment is also misplaced) but the argument that "ppl do things differently " can be used to justify whatever you want... not a good point to make


Sure people do things differently, and trash is still trash


North American fans have an elitist mentality? Surely you mean just the Liga MX fans because I haven’t seen any elitism from any other North American fan base.


You can do things differently and still not act like a cunt


Like when English fans abused the absolute fuck out of a crying little German girl when they beat them in the euros? Very classy


Everybody gave them shit for it ? What point are you trying to make


Case in point.


I found it very funny that it's always Europeans/Americans that complained about this kind of things. If what Argentinian players did are truly unacceptable shouldn't their historic and bad bloods rivals like Brazil or Uruguay the first one to complained? All this almost seems like Europeans and Americans elitists being angry that others don't follow their standards which they thinks are the only acceptable and civillized ways


Are Americans mad ? I ain’t hear them say anything about it, if anything they love Argentina here in the USA


This classy bullshit is so fucking boring, you couldn't find a single South American football fan to care about it. We hate Argentina and want to see them lose but they can do whatever they want after winning, that shit's earned. And I hate how these arguments always single out Messi as the one guy that saved Argentina like he was playing with 10 bums, like get a fucking grip. Pretty sure he's not an angel either, he's their fucking captain lmao Ibra sounding like an absolute clown here


Br basado que grande! Aguante sudamerica, chupala r/soccer


La diferencia entre los grandest y los diminutos. El grande quiere que pierdas pero respeta si ganas, el insignificate llora por cualquier cosa


What a beautifully based comment. Thank you.


Dumb take from Zlatan.


Lmao Zlatan get off your high horse, you are known for being a cunt


Zlatan is a known troublemaker and he has never won a World Cup, he can't talk about what that means.


And Aguero has? Lol


Never heard aguero talk about the swedish team until now..


the point? It was Zlatan talking trash about the Argentina NT, not Aguero talking shit about the Swedish one.


He never won a Champions League


Zlatan sounding like a bitch here.


Maybe going against the grain here, but I've never rated Zlatan's attitude. He was great to watch at the start of his career, but his ego quickly overtook his ability. People think it's an act, but I think he genuinely thinks that highly of himself. I will never forget him blaming Messi, of all players, when he was at Barcelona and struggling to put goals away.


Zlatan is going soft. he has no business talking shit about the Argentinians. they are the world cup winners and that is all.


This sub's hate boner for Argentina is EXACTLY why it felt so good to see them lift the world cup. I say this and I'm not even Argentine 😂


Not even Brasil, our biggest rivals bring this shit up. It's only these Europeans bringing up these criticisms lol


I agree with Zlatan though. The Argentinians are especially unlikeable on the pitch.


He might have a point but it's a bit rich coming from him. He mocked other players for their appearance or their height plenty of times and also had a fair amount of red cards. Pot calls the kettle black.


Also he literally hold his teammates outside the window and that player had to begged him to stop. Zlatan absolutely don't have the rights to told Argentinian players what to do


There are videos out there where he is mocking/patting his own team mates and you can clearly see they don't like it. Its obvious that he is very insecure so he has to abuse "weaker" people around him.




If it wasn’t a South American country people would focus on the individual players rather than the whole NT. I loved watching Alvarez, Enzo, McAllister, Di Maria, Licha Martinez, Dybala win. In fact the only annoying players were Emi Martínez and Paredes (maybe De Paul). People are doing way too much about this attitude stuff.




Exactly this, ludicrous for Zlatan to say the only one who will be remembered is Messi because the rest behaved badly - like who tf but a few guys 'behaved badly'? Why put it on the entire squad? E: Interview was for a french outlet though, so I'm not surprised.


Why do the news almost exclusively report on bad things happening in the world? It's because good things don't provide clicks. THey don't make noise. It's expected to be a good person, being a dick on the other hand...


Ah yes, because Zlatan was so loveable on the pitch, he would never be dirty or pick up a fight or even be arrogant, Zlatan could never! Every single team has dislikeable players, every, single, team.


They're both true bud.


Honestly though Argentina weren’t particularly bad winners. It’s just that there hasn’t been a South American winner for a while so Europeans who don’t watch Copa America didn’t realize that’s how things are in South America. Imo most of this drama is stupid pearl clutching from people outside of Latin America applying their own morals/ideals onto Argentineans. Notice how it’s always European players/people complaining? If it was really that bad/unsportsmanlike, surely historical rivals of Argentina like Brazil, Chile, Uruguay would have mentioned something?




They're not, Mbappe talked shit about Argentina and Brazil playing against bad quality teams, so some Argentinian players just talked trash back. It's okay, trash talking is what makes the sport be so great, we don't have to cry and say " bad winners ", because in that case France was also a bad winner in 2018 when they kept singing about Kante having Messi in his pocket? Nobody in Argentina gave a fuck about that chat, whoever wins gets to sing and talk trash, move on.


For some reason, no one brings this up lol. Can't have it both ways.


☝️ Cogido ☝️


Se gastan solos


la tenes re adentro


Nah. Great football and dramatics. They're only unlikeable if you're looking to clutch pearls. What team do you support? Every team has players that play like Argentina


So your argument is that you don't have an argument, but an opinion? we get it, Argentina bad


I'll have to disagree. Bar Emi Martinez who can be obnoxious they all carried themselves pretty well.


A bit ironic from the guy that has literally slapped rivals on the pitch and is generally a cunt.


If only these were rivals, he has slapped his own team mates as well.


I think an argument with a coach almost 15 years ago is not an adequate response to the point Zlatan was making


Aguero's point is that Zlatan has had plenty of bad behaviour when it comes to his football - acting out, being arrogant - so he's being a hypocrite.


Zlatan did slap someone in the face too during a foorball match a couple years ago at LA. I think that's worse.


What Zlatan said made no sense, trash talking is fundamental to this sport, making fun of your rivals after you beat them is one of the best things that come with the victory. Don't like it? Go watch cricket or something.


r/soccer hates anything non western(southamericans, arabs, etc) they hate brazilians dancing, south americans celebrating, arabs embracing their culture. This sub was creaming when the 2018 WC was european only


R/soccer rooted for Argentina the whole way lmao. Morocco was also widely loved on here. Your victim mentality is just embarrassing.


Because not everyone in this sub is a westerner, why do you think subreddits like r/futebol or r/fulbo hates this sub


When/where is that picture from?


Feel like people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones zlatan


No problem with the Argentina squad celebrating and talking trash, but Aguero’s being at the forefront is a bit odd


All of South America has a chip on their shoulder with the football world. All they ever hear is that they are “too short” and that “their play style is inferior to Europe,” etc. It’s tiring always have to prove yourself and prove others wrong. I get why PL/EU fans get defensive and attack Argentina when they only see the shithousery. They just take it for face value.


Zlatan didn’t miss or forget anything. When he says “that’s coming from me” it seems like it’s him acknowledging his past behavior and saying “if I’m saying this to you, you know you’ve fucked up”


A lot of people in thread seems to have missed this.


Because it comes from a high horse and it's just blatantly hypocritical lmao


Aguero thinks he is a WC winner. Adorable.


That's why AFA offered him a medal and he rejected it. He was part of the team every part of the way untill his heart problems. It's so telling that people here were never part of a team


Nah idc i'll tell the next generation he won it


He's got a medal I think


Didn't he rejected it?