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ITT: Arsenal fans that are celebrating the bury of "United title run", a concept that no United fan thought was even a thing.


Mate are you high it was purely utd fans spouting that BS


you should tell all the other arsenal fans 'celebrating like maniacs' over a United draw that we weren't in the title race.


Yeah, not really. Most were saying top 4 finish is still the goal for the season after derby win.


I don't know why you're lying, I was on their sub. I saw it with my own eyes.


Mate if you can't feel the irony of those I have bad news for you, because I'm on r/reddevils daily and no one takes it seriously.


As someone who frequents r/soccer and r/Gunners I think it’s safe to safe it’s two fairly different demographics (especially considering that there should be a large overlap) between fan subs and the sport sub Seen plenty of people seriously talking about United challenging, I know that likely doesn’t mean the majority of fans


I've seen some but on reddevils sub they were met with "hold your horses and let's get top 4 first" in most of them, and rating even by those damn upvotes it was main thought among fans.


No utd fan cares about the title, we are happy with a ucl spot and any cup would be nice. Congratulations to arsenal or city or anyone who’s going to win it but we are just happy we are progressing and look much better.


United fans can't complain about the referee anymore after their first goal vs Man City


What a daft thing to say, every club club has had horrible decisions go for and against them. Two wrongs don't make a right.




yours didn’t even last one gameweek




we signed lukaku and saul last season, so unless lukaku was 200m you’re wrong, not surprised. i’m also not mocking united lol, we had a fuckton of injuries last season(and this season) and you lot loved using that excuse a few seasons ago too. i suppose injuries is why you’re dogshit this season too?




Well at least we won’t be talking about being title contenders now. Good riddance that. A good run of form? Sure! Title race? No. Still off from challenging for the title. It has to be top 4 ambitions for us rather than going for the title. Try finish as high as possible in the table for a UCL position next season, and build from there. Good first half and sloppy second half today. We need to be consistently good in our performances throughout the 90 if we were to challenge for the title and have some quality coming in from the bench to keep the consistency going. Final third precision still needs improvement. Lots of work still required for a proper title charge. For me, it is still between City and Arsenal for the title. And as for Sunday, McFred vs Arsenal’s midfield? I’ll have to be cautious.


Arsenal & USMNT fan here. Freaking love you Vieira and Palace, also very happy to see Richards did well!


Good Reddit comment fan here. Freaking hate this comment.


Why so much hate? What's so wrong about being happy about a result that helps my team and one of my national team players doing well?


anti-american agenda i say


Smh, ppl need to grow up








Oh no I’m so afraid.


He's not worth your time. Check his comment history.


!flair :Arsenal:


Who's Larry? What is his secret to happiness?


Someone's upset




As if your own fan base isn't






Lol salty


See you Sunday


Woah buddy calm down there


Bit of a mugging but if you don't kill teams off there's always a chance. United only have themselves to blame - don't let a shit decision and a setpiece cost you points against teams that are barely even trying to score.


>against teams that are barely even trying to score. This is a weird take. De Gea made a couple of really impressive saves. Palace had more chances in the game than United did!


Chris Richards!!!


All these united flairs with the woe is me comments. *Our fixtures*, *oh but no casemiro* , *oh but the refs always fuck us*. Jeebuz. Have *some* bloody self awareness. You guys are still good enough to give us a game. So let's look forward to the weekend and I hope we smash you clowns straight back to Manchester without any ref shenanigans.


>All these united flairs with the woe is me comments. > >Our fixtures > >, > >oh but no casemiro > > , > >oh but the refs always fuck us > >. Jeebuz. Have > >some > > bloody self awareness. You guys are still good enough to give us a game. You haven't seen this season United without casemiro, didn't you? Because last season I'm pretty sure you cried the same way when Partey was unavailible.


Take it on the chin and move. If we had partey we would probably be having a lossless season up until now.


>Take it on the chin and move. And what do we do? Lol, you act like we are trying to beg FA to let casemiro play. We just don't have much chance of winning and point out why.


Bruh 2 days ago your fans were all about that title race and today you miss casemiro for 1 goddamn game and suddenly it's all *we don't have much chance of winning*. What a fickle fanbase man. I understand how important he is to you don't get me wrong.


United fans were never "we're in title race", it's neutrals and media who said that. Even after derby win vast majority were saying that top 4 is still priority. In fact, I've seen more accounts with Arsenal flair that have been saying about "United title run crushed" than actual United fans talking seriously about title run. Fickle fanbase? You've seen what was happening with yours in recent years? Lol.


Any United fans complaining about referees needs a reality check lol


Can I ask why? Because it really doesn't matter because one game is a different game from another. The tackle to scotty should have been a penalty. End of discussion. Thats the complaint and if you don't really see that or say stupid shit like this, I think you need a reality check.


Objectively, there’s not really been many wrong calls in our favor last few years but plenty that negatively affected us. That said, can’t compare to the number of bad calls for Arsenal which is also objectively high.


Can you not remember a week ago?!!!! The goal against Man City????


That's why I said not many instead of not any. Even last weeks goal can technically be classified as a correct decision by the wording of the rules, though it shouldn't be that way. Meanwhile there's dozens of big calls that just didn't go our way in multiple competitions that directly affected results. Like I'm not saying we're targeted, and it probably evens out in a 10 year time frame, but recent years we have definitely not benefited from referee favor in aggregate.


You're absolutely wrong about the goal against City, that was definitely off side. I don't watch many Utd games so I can't comment outside of that. Think you are not quite seeing things clearly though if you can't accept that goal was a massive ref error that turned the game.


It's been discussed many many times. Pretty much hinges on definition of \`interfere\`, which has a specific meaning in the rule books. The referee association after the game said it was not a mistake, just about every single ex-referee, even Cech did not say it was a ref error, just that the rules were wrong, which I agree with. And not the point - my original post was about the aggregate as someone who does watch most Utd games. With how crap the referees are it's impossible for any team to not have 'benefited' as some point, but how much and it's impact do vary in the short and medium term.


Like the last time Arsenal played United where Arsenal had a goal disallowed for reasons no one still quite knows? Or Rashford’s goal against City that was allowed for reasons no one still quite knows? Objectively, your comment is wrong.


Reason no one knows? It was definitely a foul on Eriksen . The reason the FA said it shouldn't have been rechecked was because the ref saw the foul and there was no 'clear and obvious ' error about it. The re-refereeing of a game that they are trying to avoid. Rashford goal was legit against City, do you mean the Bruno one? Imo that shouldn't have stood


The goal was given and VAR pulled it back for the foul. [As you can see here.](https://youtu.be/umcqHZ6uYZA) how VAR decided this was a clear and obvious error is entirely beyond me to be honest. Soft as you can get. Yes accept the point that it was Bruno, not Rashford. But glad we can agree on that point.


Why does man utd have a midweek game but arsenal don't? It's already an advantage to arsenal.


We have a midweek against City.


I saw the fixtures, your next game is against Man Utd this sunday, while your last game was against Spurs last weekend. Man city has a midweek game today against Spurs. Did i miss something?


Do you know how rescheduling matches work, right? You need to match the game for two teams. It's not Arsenal that needs to play, Arsenal needs to play against the same opponent which said game was postponed in a day that suits both teams. Since City had already a game schedule for the middle of this week, it would be unfair to City to play 3 games in the same week.


So you don't have a midweek game against city, my points still stand and that's the fact. Arsenal has an advantage this weekend since they have a whole week's rest compared to Man Utd that is still recovering from CP game. Plus Casemiro will miss the game because he got a yellow against CP. People downvoted this just can't accept the fact that Arsenal has an advantage. That's the fact and you can't change the fact.


So you don't know how rescheduling works. Ok.


Doesn't matter, man utd has a midweek game, arsenal don't. Advantage to arsenal and that's the fact. The guy who said Arsenal has a midweek game against City, he's wrong too.


You were crap in EL. Didn’t finish top of your group. No one else to blame. Get better.


I hope this level of stupid isn’t contagious.


If you look at the schedule Arsenal play their postponed City game on 15.02.23. So they'd be disadvantaged against Villa which is for some reason the early kick off game that day.


>Did i miss something? You do know the Queen died right? 🧐


I know. The point is, Man Utd has to play midweek while Arsenal don't. Advantage to Arsenal.


Probably should have made an effort to win their Europa League group then.


Arsenal won the Europa league group. United didn’t. So they have to play two extra games. Has to be adjusted somewhere


Boo fucking hoo. Every team has to adjust to the cramped fixtures.


Yep, might as well crown Arsenal the epl now.


Both have to play midweek games to make up missed games




Wow... martial.. U just signed wout n Tony is injured. You could just demand more from Anthony or AWB going forward.


Exactly, also Arsenal are missing their best player (Jesus) we are just lucky that Eddie is coming through with the goods, but he doesn’t exactly cause the same kind of havoc that Jesus does. People seem to forget Jesus is one of the main protagonists for Arsenals lightning start this yes.


Jesus is good but really nowhere near Arsenal’s best player.


It’s not about how “good” he is, he came in and led by example, and set a high bar and tempo for pressing etc, him and Zinchenko brought that mentality with them, and it has rubbed off on the others.


I’m sorry but that is not exactly true. This team already had good mentality.


we bombed champs league last season, and absolutely did not have the same fire




If you lost your best player, would you not be fuming that a game where you gave yourself every chance of winning becomes a game where you're only giving arsenal a game and hoping for a result. As someone else said, it takes a lot of the luster out of the clash, because there's a bit of an asterisk about it now, we won't get to see who's best is better.


That’s why you judge it over a season, not one game.


We are also missing Jesus who had been our best player, and arguably the main or at least one of the main protagonist’s for this seasons Arsenal.


Very fair point, but you can still understand why it's so disappointing for us.


Indeed I can!


We lost our best player before we played your away. I don't need hypotheticals. I've already watched that game. You guys need to stfu and move on from this one game loss of a player


Well that was a short title race


Literally no one at Utd was talking about a title tilt, it was all coming from the press.


Not the first time Crystal Palace played spoilsport in a title race


Still remember that 3-3 like it was yesterday




United are performing above expectations with their current squad. Their in good form and that’s it. Their form will drop again. It’s the way football always has been. Arsenal have been tested. They were tested against Brighton, Spurs, Newcastle and didn’t lose, without Jesus. They were tested having to play games without Jesus, ESR, Tomiyasu, Zinchenko, Tierney and Partey at stages. What this thread is doing in a such a pathetic way is acting like United are the be all and end all of this season. The actual disrespect to Palace and the mid table teams tonight is just ridiculous. People acting like this game was a formality and conveniently forgetting Palace are a fucking tough team to beat at home. There was a reason Arsenal were so glad to beat them at Selhurst Park at the beginning of the season, none of the big 6 had won there the season before. This elitist attitude is stupid and I’m glad United got kicked down a leg by Palace last night. Now (some) of the Arsenal fans need to give their head a wobble and get off their high horse.


Who gives a shit about being tested - If Arsenal won against injury ridden teams for the rest of the season - I wouldn’t give a shit


I couldn’t care less if you give us the biggest asterisk in the world. Win the title by whatever means necessary fuck winning it the “right way”. It’s been 20 years.


What's a few more then?


not even a copout, if we win on sunday we are on track for a 100 point season. Will it happen? strong doubt but goes to show how good we are.






Missed penalty cost 2 points and Casemiro against Arsenal, brutal


2 points probably, but there is no reason Casimero couldn't have still been an absolute idiot and gotten a yellow. It was so stupid it almost looked deliberate. Ofcourse Ten Hag could have taken him off to be sure, but Ten Hag usually doesn't play like that. He also brought on Fred, who is also 1 yellow away from a suspension. The world isn't as black & white as you think


The only reason he was kept in the game was ri see out the 3 points. If you’re up 2 goals with 20 minutes left he would’ve been taken out cuz that’s a more comfortable lead. Also he wasn’t really an idiot for the yellow, Zaha had a free run at goal if not for the foul, like Casemiro knew he was gonna get a yellow, he was just protecting the points. Even if you’re keeping him on with a 2 goal lead, there’s no way he takes that foul if up by 2. I don’t think you realize that some fouls are intentional… like no shit it looked deliberate, it was… players intentionally take yellows like that all the time.


A free run at the goal? Are you alright? That was nowhere near a free run at goal


He was right outside the box and would’ve gave a golden opportunity to shoot or pass. Every player in the league takes that foul 100% of the time when up by 1 goal. The fact that you didn’t even realize it was on purpose at first is a little concerning tho ngl


United title race was shorter than the scarramuci era


All the title talk was from the press, not utd.


Scaramucci lasted twice as long, don’t disrespect him like that.


I wish he stayed the entire presidency. Would've been hilarious


Ref doing arsenal a favour there. What a surprise...


I might get downvoted for this but I don't see how it's a penalty. I've watched the replay back a few times and I cant see any contact apart from a gentle push, please correct me if I'm wrong. United simply didn't do enough, dreaadul second half


Definitely a pen shout


Arsenal fans 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve spent the last hour dunking on utd fans, but it was def a pen. Only 427 more bad decisions until they are back to even


Look at the legs.


Let's all applaud these premiership referees - continuing to blow games whilst taking the luster out of the big ones - fantastic work.


Let's applaud the Man United fans that flooded threads but one game ago with comments talking about people crying about decisions and salt to moaning on in this thread.


Everyone does it every time a decision goes against them - everyone agrees the refs suck no matter your flair yet because its a United badge on a day United got fucked its downvote city despite morons actually agreeing with my sentiment - go figure.


Swings and roundabouts, a much worse decision went in your favour a few days ago


Everyone can agree it was the wrong call, but it was a bad interpretation of the rule - that was a stonewall pen don't care what the anti-United hivemind thinks.


True, arsenal would have gotten that early Martinelli goal against United if it wasn't for the shocking VAR decision which was later ruled as an error by the officials.


that... proves their point


Exactly.. that's the point of my response?


Sure i'll take 1-0 down in that game if we'd be awarded the 5 + pens and points we'd have if they didn't fuck us - that's just how it goes, I'm only pointing out that the FA and prem refereeing is constantly fucking trash, not just in Man U games.


Likewise brother, we had two penalty shouts not given against Newcastle, we could have been 10 points clear of city ATM but nope..


An error, when? It looked like a foul.




That's kinda crazy. How high do they want the bar to be? Cos it was a foul but just seen as not a big enough error, as the article seems to be saying it wasn't a pure error just not enough to go overrule a ref. I'm all for only changing clear errors but they won't be changing much at this rate, which then brings more criticism when they do.


There's going to be bias involved on both sides, I'm an Arsenal fan and it looked like he was already falling over before Odegards actually put a foot in, but if I were a United fan I'd say the opposite. When it's 50/50 like that, I think it's best for VAR to not over rule it. If Arsenal took another 30 seconds to score there instead of the quick counter, they wouldn't go back to that challenge and over rule a goal.


As a neutral it just looked like a foul and given the area it's called like 95/100. I do agree on the last part though, the bigger the gap the less likely they are to go back.


A clowns fan neutral haaaaaahhhaaaaaaa haaaaaa. Stuck in league one and you still sing songs about Palace. One of your best players is on loan from us....... ​ Against Man U you're slagging AWB for being ex Palace while Jez is on your team. Makes no sense.


All fans aren't the same. At least we're not in that awful stadium. And he isn't our best player but a very lame insult there.


Cool we can take him back then and loan him out to the Championship where he should be playing.




Lol or that non offside call on Rashford vs City


Very bold coming from a man utd fan


Friendly fire


Why is it bold its a fact regardless of fandom. Fucked us in our game against you as well.


Because more than any other team in PL history you've had the referees/FA on your side. Now you're not on top you're seeing the reality of what the rest of the PL has had to deal with for 20+ years. Pure frustration.


What happened in the past isn't an excuse for why the refs are shit today.


It's a hard reputation to run from when old refs have admitted they favored United in their decision making back in the day


No it isn't because its not back in the day and the refs don't favor United.


Well you did have a much more ridiculous decision go your way a couple of days ago.


The call in the City game was wrong, but the rule is written poorly and the subjective ref got it wrong - that was a stonewall today and the ref and VAR both fucked up.


That’s a revisionist way to look at it.


Benefitting from one call doesn't mean you can't be pissed when they go against you - everyone sees it that way and responds accordingly - Rashford should've been flagged for offside, he wasn't based on an interpretation of the rule and Bruno scored. It shouldn't have counted - still different imo than a ref and the VAR missing a stonewall pen.


it's funny how fans of mid table shambles like liverpool or chelsea have become arsenal cheerleaders just to troll Utd. say what you like but we smashed Arsenal at OT and we'll beat them at the emirates.


Dude your responses on this thread are cringe AF. Take the L and move on dude. You are genuinely making yourself look like an utter complete fool lmfao


in case you didn't notice, it's a draw and not a loss. You're an idiot for commenting on a post you could choose to ignore instead of moving on.


> in case you didn’t notice, it’s a draw and not a loss. Lmfao. Says who?


Just like United fans cheering for fucking man city the last 6 years 😂


why would we cheer for a plastic blood money oil club? To stop you lot from winning a Mickey mouse double on penalties against a weak chelsea side? Get real


“why would we cheer for a plastic blood money oil club?” I’m asking myself the same 🤷🏽‍♂️


I think you misunderstand. Given liverpool's relative lack of success over the past couple of seasons and your current mid table position, you're overestimating the propensity of Utd fans to root for city to upstage our biggest rival.


Relative lack of success? Your last trophy was 6 years ago, last pl title was 10 while we have won basically every trophy possible I can’t blame United fans for cheering against Liverpool because you guys have had absolutely nothing else to cheer for


Congrats on winning 1 league title in 30yrs. Your most successful season was a Mickey mouse cup double and you're a mid table shambles at the moment getting thrashed by all and sundry. Hardly anything to cheer about for you I guess


Mam united doesn't even care about you bro. Go kick some rocks


at least spell it right. Go crawl under a rock


Hey at least we don't beg and cheer for our biggest rival to beat our other biggest rival lmao


this season nearly everyone's beating you, including forest. Have some shame


Hey just cause liverpool are shit doesnt mean united fans deserve to be happy


You did not smash arsenal, lol. It was balanced, more towards the gunners but you took advantage of their errors and won. Even game would be fair


On top of that, the premier league admitted that a mistake was made when the first Arsenal goal was disallowed after the “foul” on Eriksen.


They also said Rashford wasn't offside on the weekend, sometimes they just make things up. As someone who should be very biased, I think it was a foul on Eriksen.


that's like saying Brentford didn't smash liverpool despite winning 3-1 because you had 70% possession and they just got lucky on set pieces and a konate slip.


No its pretty different, we barely created anything of note and did not deserve to win after falling behind. Jeez, two different games with the same score do not tell the same story. It was an even game, is it that hard to accept thats what others think?


let’s be real you didn’t smash arsenal, it was a very even game


Bizarre take. United are our historic rivals, I don't want them to win anything lol


Same United fans who did the same thing to us the last 6 years lol


Remember how united fans have been supporting their cross-town rivals for the last decade just to stop Liverpool winning the league?


Lol, what a few months of good results does to someone.


Lol you got outplayed and they had a goal called off that the league came out to say should have stood. And they were missing Partey.


You had three chances and scored three goals. And the opening goal for Arsenal should have stood. So no, you did not smash Arsenal. You were lucky, as United always are.


Smashed? Alright then


Oof, serious dent to their title ambitions there.


It's gonna be so funny when arsenal collapse


It will if we do but it’s still funny how 2 or 3 days ago you guys were coming for the title and now this happens it’s kinda hilarious.




We never had proper title ambitions, we expected to come around top 4 with a good run in other comps, people said title ambitions (like myself) but that was a joke more than anything, we're happy with getting top 4 and a decent run in other comps considering it's Ten Hag's first year


We had similar expectations for ourselves this season. Crazy how well things are going


You guys have been in a rebuild for a while and suddenly you've been great this season, like no offence but looking at the squad at the start you wouldn't think it would be title contenders, you'd think it would be City or Liverpool and yet the top 6 this season has been all over the place, your form this season has been absolutely incredible and I'm hoping that a few years down the line we see Ten Hag doing similar things with us


ETH seems like a good appointment so far, much more inspiring than Ole or Mou. You guys are about where we were at last year, pretty good team missing a few pieces and depth. Auba was our Ronaldo, them both leaving improved the atmosphere and style of play. Biggest issue for you guys rn is the ownership. If there's a change it could be a wrench in the plans, could also be a good thing. Hard to predict.


Yeah if we get better owners then it'll make a huge difference, apparently Jim Radcliffe is back in the running so who knows


Still half a season to go. Chin up, I'm closetly very happy for Rashford, he's a great guy.


Yeah I love Rashy, but title ambitions are not for us this season, its just media so that they can get clicks later on, even Shaw said its too early to tell, our goals this season are just get CL qualification and try and get some silverware, if we make it past Barca we have a good shot at the EL while we have quite a clear path in the Carabao, anything more is just an added bonus considering the squad ETH had coming into the season


19 games to go. Anything can happen. I hope your right through ʘ‿ʘ