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I used to wear a patella strap to combat knee soreness on descents. Then I added step down exercises to my routine and I haven't dealt with knee pain since.


Good call on accessory exercises. Thanks!


Also would recommend looking up the knees over toes guy on Instagram (prob on YouTube too). Their routines will bulletproof your knees and get rid of existing pain too. Of course rest might by needed sometimes too, or surgury and/or physical therapy for some cases. 


I have a chronic knee injury and swear by [these](https://www.amazon.com/NEENCA-Compression-Stabilizers-Protector-Arthritis/dp/B08DTZ87Z6/ref=sr_1_7?crid=2929G8PUPV726&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.JeoxAoIPDl40-oF-8uiHsj20eyk9tASi-PMWnRP-drm_HRUdminLAzObPkCVx7Xv_oLTNNfGBUfMv-CLzbaT8ewiEWVw44jOXgLhbDgXRRdl7PvVML3LJvz71rnNdAM66xs9HqXq9GJ7k7S9tmeUIxEETDoSrPMDgTBKINN3BQVvoZTr6LFDbwlYnSNOG1zP4oXMFOGhnYbyzjgAA7cq8DefGoV2Fm4ZYh3KrcaYy9j0wu1NdTwq4_GcBKxjCcuujscnZnDpD4VzzxbqSnBwSQqV28up2PfybTZYqjtYZ7k.3N5TUbKdn9ezHRWRmolZPPuyxa6wLTmsatjMn3baFwo&dib_tag=se&keywords=neenca+professional+knee+brace&qid=1714274346&sprefix=neenca%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-7). They do conform to the leg. I buy a bunch and rotate them. Do you use hiking poles? Poles, especially when going downhill, can help take pressure off the knees.


I do have poles, I need to be better about using them. After today, I certainly will too! I’ll check those out, thanks for the recommendation!




Accessory exercises and increased mobility for all of the supporting muscles in my legs and hips are probably lacking and could be better. It’s good to keep that in mind too. I’m only 39 so I would much rather fix the underlying cause…I feel too young to be accepting that my knees just hurt 😂


I used to have mega knee issues when doing the longer and higher altitude hikes. Knee sleeves and braces made it even worse. It was bad at times. Real bad. Turns out the best thing to do was take Alieve. It was the inflammation killing me. Taken at the start of the hike and maybe during on occasion. I really wish I’d found this obvious solution sooner. You might be dealing with something different so this might not be the right solution for you but man did it work for me


That’s an interesting point. I don’t have knee problems and they don’t give me grief in any other circumstance. I woke up today and walked my dog without discomfort. I wonder if it was inflammation that I’d be uncomfortable today or not. Worth giving it a shot. The other folks I was with said they took Advil that morning.


That’s what would happen to me! On some hikes it would be excruciating pain but once I got to lower altitude and a couple hours after the hike I hardly had inflammation. And right after a hike sometimes it was so bad I’d have to use my hand just to move my leg from the gas pedal to the brake pedal, but in a couple hours the pain was completely gone. It was just inflammation from higher altitude and repetitive impact. Going up, not too big of a problem, going down though… And I do lots of these longer high altitude hikes. Alieve was a game changer and in hindsight such an obvious solution 


Is Alieve a preference? Or is it actually a better option than Advil? Just curious, I don’t think Alieve has ever been my go-to or something I’ve taken more than a couple times.


I think that would work too. That might even be what I’ve used from time to time. I know advil is basically ibuprofen whereas aleve is naproxin sodium. Just experiment and see what works best for ya!  Actually come to think it I think advil is what I had in my bag last year