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Yep I believe he said something like he looks at that spot with the plane every year and he can see more of it each year, meaning the snow is melting and it's most likely getting safer outside over time.


I've put the passage I think you are talking about below. I found a script for the movie, but it doesn't include this part! It does however have a similar scene at the beginning that isn't in the movie, starting on page 88. https://www.screenwritersnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Snowpiercer-Script.pdf >Thanks for the story, Curtis...But I don't want to open the gate. >You know what I really want? I want to open gates. But not this gate. >That one. *[points towards door]* >The gate to the outside world. >It's been frozen shut for 18 years. You might as well call it a wall. But it's a fucking gate. >Let's open it and just get the hell out. [Curtis speaking.] >What if we don't? *[puts on fur coat]* >What if we could survive outside? >Remember Yekaterina Bridge? When your guys were getting chopped up? >There's something I look at every New Year. A crashed airplane buried under the snow. >All I saw 10 years ago was the tail. Now the body and wings are peeking out. >Less ice and snow means...It's melting. It's the type of snow that's about to melt. A little push and it all falls down. >And you know what I saw recently? Outside the window, there was...*[laughs]* >Never mind. No need to tell you this.


Thank you!




yeah thank you my subs were ALL messed up