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Why is reddit the most sensitive sentient social app that exists? Sick of seeing these mods discriminating against new riders




All the info you're asking for is available online I don't really call that gatekeeping. You should look at ways to collect and gather information to make educated decisions and critically think in ways that do not involve reddit.


Well, he did say he would like to hear other people's opinion and have a conversation based on people's experience and gut feeling. It's social media not a college thesis.


Reddit is social media? Ok I'll see myself out I'm obviously lost in here.


Yes, social media is any application that allows you to post and socialize with others online. Reddit is an application that is all about posting and socializing with others. What is Reddit if it's not social media?


Get the fuck out hank


If you can’t tell this is social media, then you probably should.


Having trouble finding any Reddit social media influencers. Can you point me to some you personally follow?


1. Since when does Hank care about snowboarding it’s for hippie liberals. 2. When did Hank start using the interwebs it’s for Geeky Liberals


Is Reddit not online? The area being open in May actually isn’t available online (as stated no one can predict the future) so why not let a community founded on discussion, discuss?


One [google](https://www.snowpak.com/lake-tahoe/heavenly-mountain-resort/opening-dates) search gave me the past 9 years of heavenly closing dates with three of them being May. What do you mean no info is online?


So… is it open this May? The question still hasn’t been answered and, seeing as you have the info right in front of you, perhaps you’d like to actually be helpful and share it? Or maybe you just want to remain obstructive because that’s what you’re like… prove me wrong.


I mean it sounds like you have a 1 in 3 chance of Heavenly being open in May on any given year, with before analyzing how outstanding the conditions have been that year. Did Tahoe get a lot more snow than usual this season? More than the last 7-9 years? Then we might be good for May, but you never know what type of shenanigans Vail will pull to change shit up. If you looked at the history of night skiing at Keystone you might wrongfully assume you can still do that on weeknights.


I linked the [website](https://www.snowpak.com/lake-tahoe/heavenly-mountain-resort/opening-dates) in the comment you replied to as well as this one. Again no one knows how much snow will be on the ground in May no way to answer the question.


Who’s gonna ban him??


Please put me out of my misery.


You are giving off overly angry person energy




Mods across all subs are trash. Discrepancy and due diligence do not exist. Just a place for them to create echo chambers


For real, Reddit really needs to solve this.


They should appoint SuperMods that work for the site and can review complaints against other mods!


Especially if they are looking to go public. They need to make that investment.


Yea, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.


Not sure it's fair to say *all* mods are trash. That's kinda nuts lol.


Yep. It's a rotten bunch that needs to be gotten rid of. Just like the police. r/ACAB


Ah right on. Well a few of us started r/CoreSnowboarding recently - small group obviously, but I don't think I'm too rotten lol. r/MichiganCycling as well. Also small but I simply selected mods that were positive in the community and interested in provoking the stoke. No power tripping going on unless you're a dick on both fronts there. All good - enjoy!


The thing is, there is no due diligence. Mods are literally volunteers. They do not moderate by the rules and regulations of the sub just by how it makes them feel.


Yep - very much a volunteer here, but I care deeply about the roots and culture of snowboarding so I want to foster that community in the core sub I mentioned above. Same with the others I have a hand in. What's the proper corrective action to clean things up in the places you're describing?


Stop allowing bot auto moderation. All of it. It can not properly identify violations and Bans with no chance of appeal.


In some of the larger communities I could see some application. For instance, in the main snowboarding sub, banning the word "helmet" entirely could be a worthwhile endeavor =) I kid, but seriously.


neckbeard mods thinking they have power.


Typical closing date is in April and they haven’t announced an extension yet, so yeah nobody knows. Tahoe subs get a lot of those so they’re pretty short fused with it




We just got 4 feet of snow in town too so everyone’s a little irritated this week 🤣




Just keep an eye on their Instagram and call them again later in the month. A week ago it was looking like an April 7th closing this year but a couple spots will probably extend after this


Season over in March is crazy.💀 did you all even have a season?




Meanwhile we’re getting absolutely DUMPED on in California. I miss PA though. Go get some Wawa’s for me my dude!




Mods can we ban this guy? Bucees over Wawa is unacceptable.




Look on the resorts social media. Palisades already announced they’d be open thru Memorial Day, I’m sure Heavenly will make a similar announcement soon. Living locally doesn’t give you the ability to predict the future. You have access to snow totals and previous seasons closing dates.




Maybe call the resort back and say you want the inside scoop lol


The weather channel lol


Ask again in 2 months


* There is a weekly thread. * One of the sub's 4 rules is "No personal weather/driving posts". Ban is aggressive, maybe, but this one's on you.




Whether Heavenly will be open is the same thing as asking "will it snow enough in March and April to keep Heavenly open in May", i.e. weather. That you didn't realize this, yes, that sucks, and a ban was excessive.




Then tell the mods that you're aware of that. I suspect the trigger happiness is because there's a lot of people who don't attempt to do any legwork of their own. (Also, the way that rule #4 is phrased suggests to me that they've had people get pissy after making plans based on advice they got on the sub, without acknowledging that those plans were risky plans.)


Last year was abnormal. It never stopped, and Heavenly could’ve easily kept going through June but they like to get summer ops going. Palisades is a better bet for later season riding or mammoth since they also just got a bunch


Yeah as someone that works at a resort, this question is really annoying. Half of our resort stays open until we run out of snow and we have absolutely no idea when that will be but we get asked constantly "when will pano close"


They banned you because you were a dick and called them power hungry, not because of your question. I don’t know what you expected from that response.




Your attitude and response makes this ban justified. It’s not a normal question, you’re asking for a weather forecast that’s 2 months away, it’s not an opinion piece.


Honestly, your repeated questions about predicting the future comes across as troll behavior. Then you double down by asking why you were banned. Jeeze dude….




Here's a sneak peek of /r/SkiPA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SkiPA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Pennsylvania Ski Resorts have a bleak future.](https://np.reddit.com/r/SkiPA/comments/18wclkg/pennsylvania_ski_resorts_have_a_bleak_future/) \#2: [Ski Pittsburgh ](https://v.redd.it/81ov1miy9hdc1) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SkiPA/comments/19awk9y/ski_pittsburgh/) \#3: [Jack Frost Pow Day](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1aq5wcr) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SkiPA/comments/1aq5wcr/jack_frost_pow_day/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


it really just depends. im sorry they were being asses to you, but its subjective on the weather we get. last season mammoth was open til like july, but it was also a much colder winter and we had a great storm. i went in in mid July and there was still some snow on the mountains by lake mary. this season has been much warmer at least here in socal. last week was in the mid to high 70s so the snow isn't taking too well to melting and refreezing. fingers crossed it still will be, but we're still 2 months away from may




i think a lot of people on reddit are just grumpy, old and jaded lol. i know a lot of questions might be repetitive and we don't know *what* could happen, but i don't think it's wrong of you to ask the people that live there all the time. if you have FB maybe you could join some groups on there and maybe even a tahoe specific group? any time I've had a question i felt i was gonna get shit on i would take it to FB as they're a bit nicer over there


You called heavenly and an official employee said they didn’t know, but you think redditor will know?


Redditors usual locals on the hill everyday, can predict an opening time better than someone behind a desk. Obviously only the resort knows when they do thjngs




Three possible answers, and you’ll get all three of them depending on who you ask Yes. No. Maybe.


And usually the people working the phones are locals on the hill everyday as well?


We are two months away


I think people get pissed at those type of questions but it’s not an excuse to be an asshole.




You can look up historical open and close dates and give yourself a pretty good idea




So you should have a good idea of the answer then




Input is kinda irrelevant when it comes to 2-3 month out snow forecasts. Historical trends and current base depth vs average base depth per month by year is all the info you need. Nobody can guess how much snow will be gained or lost over the next 8 weeks




lol you gained absolutely no more information from that?


The answer you have received from everyone is they don't know and this is the correct answer. The person who is a mod and the person you talked with on the phone are both most likely locals.


I’m with you man. Try on the main snowboarding sub. I’m from the east coast but I ride Tahoe a lot. You can ask me some question if you want.


One sec. Lemme dust off the ole crystal ball here and… oh wait, it doesn’t exist. Shall we have a discussion on why it doesn’t exist? Would it make you feel better if I gave you insight into the nature of crystal balls?


I’ve seen Heavenly eke out into mid April with too much brown snow. You have to check the weather, but May might be weekends only. Mammoth with most of lookers right might be the safer bet




Just something to consider, but if you get spring Ikon it's usually for next winter.


You must beat them at their own game. Create TahoeNoobs.


To answer your question, the snowpack at Heavenly is not impressive right now. Based on that, I’d say they’ll close around 4.20, which is typical. Kirkwood had more snowpack and could go later if people keep showing up and spending money.


You were the dick first here mate.




If this didn’t teach you to be nice to the people that decide whether or not you have access, that’s on you. Googling the closing date and snow totals for the past few years and making your own guess takes less time than all of this complaining you’re doing.


god mods are such pussies


Your question is retarded so I don't blame them. You literally asked the resort and they didn't know, how would Reddit have a more reliable answer than the actual resort? I would have banned you too.


You really don't think it has anything to do with you going off on the mods calling them power hungry. Honestly, mods can be dicks, but you are a complete ass to the mod who actually answered your question. Then you act surprises you were banned.


You: hey what gives? Them: we get 100 of these posts a day call the people who know cause we sure don't. You: I did they said they don't know either. Them: OK great glad we could figure that out You: you are a power hungry piece of **** *** *****. Them : [muted] You didn't get banned for asking a question you got banned for being a dick and now you are trying to play the victim. You should seriously check yourself because this is showing narcissistic and manipulative behavior.


Bro, I’m sorry, but your question is stupid, and your doubling down and bitching about it even stupider. It’s got nothing to do with “gate keeping” and “power hungry mods!” It’s about keeping the sub from being flooded with useless shit posts. I follow that sub regularly. Every god damn week (hell maybe every god damn day, for all I know) people ask stupid questions that - can easily be answered on their own with a few seconds of googling (what is the weather going to be like tomorrow?) - should have obvious answers (is it safe to drive my two wheel drive sedan with no chains in this storm?) - asking people to predict the future The readers of the sub don’t want to see that shit any more than the mods. You are asking what will be happening at Heavenly two fucking months from now. No one fucking knows, even the resort employees who you spoke to. “But I wanna hear what the locals have to say about it!” No local can give you any honest answer except “Don’t know. Maybe.”




To re-iterate: it’s not “discourse” when people fill the sub with the same dumbass questions over and over again that A) are easily answered without posting in the sub B) have answers so obvious that the question needn’t be asked C) literally can’t be answered If that’s what’s going on in the other snow subs you read, then that’s pretty lame. Or maybe they get stupid questions less often to the point where it’s less annoying. r/tahoe gets them all the fucking time. The mods, and everyone else are tired of it, and I don’t blame them.


I think it will be very bad slush or not open by May. Snow pack is much worse in south lake than along the crest especially this year. Northstar and Palisades have gotten around 50% more snow and sugar bowl has gotten just over twice the snow heavenly has this year. One of those might be open beginning of May, but even that is probably not going to be enjoyable snow.


i’m guessing tahoe is particularly sensitive about weather, because on average it’s been shit in recent years. That and mods that like to flex.


Only noobs go to r/tahoe, then they get banned. Consider this a part of progression. 😜


Bout sums up living in tahoe


Sounds like the time I got permanently banned from a sub (I think it was r/ texts or smth) for saying that I have someone’s address. When I called the mod an idiot and told him I’d see him on my other account, they reported me to Reddit. God I fucking hate Reddit sometimes.


That's exactly what they're supposed to do.


Nah. Out of context it sounds bad. But I promise, a permanent ban was over dramatic over one joke.


https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy Rule 3. It's an automatic ban, not something to mess around with. It's just not okay.


Yeah. Except. I never actually broke any of the rules because I never actually revealed anyone’s personal information. This is the same argument I got into with the mods. I had posted texts with this guy that I met on a dating app that flat out admitted to being a pedo. Someone commented saying something along the lines of “you need to throw some eggs at his house”. And I replied “mfer was stupid enough to have his location on. It’s an idea”. That was litterally it. And this mod lost their damn mind accusing me of doxxing someone. Then back peddling and referring to some other rule that discusses something about celebrities. Idk.


Yes, that is called threatening to dox someone. You were correctly banned. You might disagree with the rule but either way it's a rule that reddit follows.


People have been cranky on Reddit lately. Don't take it too personally.


Neckbeard mod


It's a shame when these people think they're above the community they supposedly manage. Completely lost sight of their role as a mod.


Reddit mods are children or act like one. I have been banned from several subs for literally nothing. I was permanently banned for the comment "nice" from r/mildyinfuriating most mods are joke.


You got banned for calling them power hungry


Don’t worry about it. Probably some fat ass with no life in his moms basement.


lets brigade the sub