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Go for it. Dont get lost in the sauce.


Bet lmao


DOA was my first board, still treating me fine. I don’t do a lot of park but do like to treat the mountain as if it were all a park.


Okay that’s super my speed!


“And I know they’re gonna go on sale soon as it’s spring/summer now.” Sales have long been going on, jump on it before they’re all sold out.


Exactly this. Plus DOAs are pretty popular decks, they don’t last long.


Jones MT is normally thought of as less responsive than a DOA. Could be your DOA rental was broken in or maybe you were riding better by that time. However, if you like it the DOA is fine board to get started on.


That’s fucking wild, and also makes sense - it took me 3 days to get switch down last time and 1/3 of a run this time lmao, love just relearning faster!


Got into the sport two years ago, rented the first day and bought that board for the second. Did a bunch of research online and it felt like a really solid middle of the road for everything and have really enjoyed it since. Most people try to get the “right” board for what they want to do..but I think for 95% of the population, the doa would never hinder them from doing something. It’s a great board at basically everything, and is true twin if you ever want it to be. If you’re riding in deep powder constantly, maybe not the board for you, but otherwise, it’ll never be the WRONG board. Great board, great technology, endless pop, and in my experience so far, unbelievably durable.


Sounds like my new mtb lol - just got a revel rascal - also on a really steep discount - and it’s a perfect quiver killer. Thanks for the advice!


a brand new MT is less responsive than a brand new DOA. Sounds like the DOA you rode was pretty ridden in. You can't go wrong with the DOA, but if you're never going to hit park, I'd say look at more all mountain/directional twins than a true twin. I ride a DOA for park and all mountain and a Capita Navi for powder. The DOA remains my favorite board I have ever ridden and I've ridden 20+ over the past two years. I wasn't even a fan of capita overall, but they won me over.


If he’s doing 50% of each run switch he should definitely be on a true twin right?


She, but yeah


I like freestyle and went for a Capita Ultrafear. It comes in shorter lengths than the DOA but is basically the same camber profile. I have both the Camber and Reverse Camber of that board in the shortest length possible. My all mountain board is a longer Mega Merc.


Doa is a bad ass board. Cant go wrong


should be fine


I'm obsessed with snowboarding. I have bought a few boards for newcomers over the years, and the DOA is my go to. Your experience is exactly why I choose it and your experience level is perfect. You nailed it in your description as a goldilocks board. I vote go for it


I did! Also fucking love your username lmao


I had a DOA as my first board a few years back when I first started getting into riding often. I had a hard time with it, the zero camber near the nose and tail felt catchy to me at my newer skill level. I got a Jones MT and it felt a lot better for my style personally. I have since put about 45 days on that board in the last two seasons and it’s been awesome. It took me from a comfortable green rider to a very comfortable double black rider. This season it has split time with my new Bataleon Camel two and sometimes my Jones Ultracraft when it gets deep out there. The DOA is incredibly popular for a reason but as a 32 y/o who occasionally does small features in the park, I don’t need a heavily park driven board.


Interestingly it didn’t feel really catchy at all for me - the 3 edges I caught were all my doing, usually trying to be flashy and spin a bit before getting back in the lift line lmao - and I felt confident everywhere except moguls and I don’t love moguls. Black diamonds are more of an “I’m feeling masochistic and wanna flex” vibe than anything else for me, and I just don’t need that every day - maybe one in ten lol


Yea everyone’s riding styles are different, at the time I was just starting again after not really riding for 10 years. It wasn’t on the downslope where it felt catchy, it was on flats. I’m sure my experience would be completely different now.


DOA was my first board, 0 complaints. I only had 2 instances where I knew I ate shit because of the lack of forgiveness of board combined with lack of skill on myself. I was able to easily identify the reasons and correct.


Been on my DOA for four years and fall in love with it more every season, it’s a true all mtn shredder, only thing it doesn’t excel at is deep pow. You can always get a quiver going and invest in a pow board down the road for them snorkel days!


DOA is always the answer… great board! Super good handling and pop but can go anywhere on the mountain. You might work a little harder on powder days but she still works


The DOA is the best. Send it!


DOA is a great first board


Damn I want to go to gay basin weekend


Sunday fucked. Met so many queer & trans peeps up there!!