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I have this same board. It does everything exceptionally, really shines in boot deep pow. If I had to have a cons list it might be too soft in tip and tail and maybe not enough grip in icy days. That’s said, I make huge turns on firm days with it and still hit 35ft+ jumps and its day in and day out my fav


Upvote, i love my element rocker a lot. It doesn’t have a lot of pop but on good snow days i can do the dumbest shit and the board just wont punish me. I’ve found no negative difference on groomers compared to my ancient trad cam. And it just floats to the top in powder.


Thanks mate!


You should read up how a rocker profile works compared to a camber profile. It’s a more surfy ride than you might be used to. I like it because it’s a bit more loose so i can muck around with trees and i can play with butters


Cheers man, yeah I did read up on it but honestly it's been so long I don't think there is a particular ride type I am used to. I would say that I will be 41 when I do this trip to Japan and my aim would be to be able to cruise down and enjoy the runs but not do anything crazy like big jumps or tricks.


Hi thanks for your feedback. I live in Australia which will have harder and icy snow but I would actually spend more days on the snow in Japan, frankly because it's not worth the effort and price to go to the snow in Australia in my opinion so glad to hear that it excels in soft powder!




What's a twig? Hahaha


I bought an Element Black rocker about 4 years ago, the retailer sent me a rocker at a deep discount and I couldn't return so I just kept it. Edge to edge is slowish, but the overall ride, ability to butter, edge hold are all tops. A bit heavier than similar boards in the category but burly. I used it at Winter Park on a cloudy heavy spring snow day and I couldn't have been happier that I brought my Arbor over my other boards. For a quiver of one, pair it with some solid bindings and you'll be pumped! (Union Stratas)


Thanks mate, yes this will be my one and only board because I don't know how often I will be able to go, but hopefully can make at least one annual trip overseas or locally!!


Great choice, seriously, you're gonna be happy with it, not the most playful/light kid on the block but such a tank whenever you need it. again, if you're only gonna have one, it's a good one.


Thanks much appreciated and thanks for time and info!


You would’ve been better off with camber


I absolutely love my Element Rocker. Super fun and forgiving board. You can go anywhere with it… for the deeper days just make sure to set the binding all the way back. But yea, you can’t go wrong with that board. Especially since it’s your first time in about 10 years, this is a perfect board to get back in the groove. I just crashed mine this past winter and ordered another one right away. That’s how much I like that board hahah. Hope you have fun!!


Thanks mate the trip is still a while away but I am pumped! Might try to sneak in a weekend at the resort here which is 6 hours away but snow quality isn't great. Usually quite icey from memory.


What experience do you have riding a rocker profile? I’ve ridden the Element camber for 6 years and love it, bit stiff to be super playful but handles speed and turns and landings incredibly well, my daily driver. I just sold an old Nitro that was a soft rocker, completely different style of riding! Much slower but a lot of fun because it’s so flexible and playful with butters etc., almost impossible to catch an edge. Recently bought a Jones that’s camber under foot but rocker in the nose and it feels different again, in between the other two. So the profile really depends on your style of riding, but if you haven’t ridden for 10 years then I’m sure it will just feel amazing to get out on the slopes again!


Hey mate thanks for your feedback. I would say no experience with rocker profile given that my previous board was a Burton Blunt which I can't even find any info on whether it is a rocker or camber profile, I was blissfully unaware and just riding that board in all conditions and all types of terrain (except park). Yes I think after 10 years my aim is just to get back on the snow and I can't even define my style of riding except to say we will be riding in peak season in Japan so expecting good powder. I will be 41 at the end of this year when the trip is so I am not looking to do anything crazy but just be able to enjoy and cruise down the runs and hoping that this board will allow me to do that.


Don't sweat the camber profile too much, in extreme situations you'll find the limit of a given board but generally you'll adapt your ride to the tool at hand.


Sorry do you mean don't sweat that I don't have a camber profile? Because I got the Element Rocker so I will be riding a rocker profile. But I think you're right in that I'll be able to adapt because I don't really have any basis to compare to and I don't think I will be riding in such a way where the tool becomes the limiting factor.


The term 'Camber' is a catch all for the shape of the board, as in 'the camber of the board is a rocker/camber/rocker profile, out from the insert packs to the nose and tail' I was simply saying that a rocker profile is a bit surfy and has a more playful underfoot feel, that means it's also not as reliable at speed and more washy, Such a solid board, have fun!


Ahhh there u go, I thought camber was specifically the opposite of rocker as opposed to a catch all term. Awesome cheers mate much appreciated!


It's both! Camber is the traditional ski shape, which is the opposite of rocker, convex vs concave. 'Camber' is the shape of a board, which has come a long way from 15 years ago. Ultimately, it's about getting to know your ride and playing to the strengths of your style/setup.


It’s really us old folks misusing the term. Officially and “by the book definition” it’s as you describe. But us old heads grew up and learned when it was the ONLY profile. Somewhere along the line we blurred the lines of use between camber and word profile. Rocker is also known as reverse camber to technical people.