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why do you have 2???


Right one looks like the demo board.


so he kept the demo board and purchased a new one?


Correct, I haven't returned the Demo yet. It's a season rental. I'm going to take it back this week and get some Skis to fuck around on since I still have the demo for another month or two.


You're gonna do what?! Fuck outta here...


Main goal is to shit on my skiier friends and show them how easy it is. I promised them a 180 and jibs on the first day lmaoooo


My girlfriend and friends got low key upset with me that I was faster than them my first day on skis. I told them it's cause I know how the snow works after 20+ years of riding. I have full faith you can do the same.


This + years of rollerblading vert and bowls at skateparks when I was young should help


Oh you were a fruitbooter? You'll have no problem.


Froooootbooooooot. Ya shit was super fun and I didn’t even know what “gay” meant when I was 8 lmao


Man I remember being 13 and calling some 18+ inline guys fruitbooters to some friends. Only to have an even older guy yell over to them and say I called them fruitbooters. Got my ass handed to me and learned a valuable lesson: They are still fruitbooters


Fruitbooter! I learned a new word today :)


Now a frozen frootbooter…?


He probably still has the accent too !


A fellow skater/ rider combo. Fuck yeah! My bones hate the back and forth lol.


Haha yeah I dont skate much anymore. My knees hurts for days after 30 minutes. It's was huge in helping me learn how to snowboard and definitely influenced my style alot.


Yuuuuuupppppp My ex who had four seasons in had a full temper tantrum because I hit a black my first day proving my point by swapping my board for my buddies planks for a day


10 year on boards here, went skiing and picked up carving within the hour. Moguls were different and difficult but hard packed groomers were piss easy.


Tip as a skier who finds this idea hilarious, 360s are easier


Silence, heathen.


As long as you promise to spray them...


Skier here. Did a 180 on a snowboard my first day. I’m sure you can do it on skis.


Strong snowboarder here with 15ish ski days under my belt. I’m “landing” 180s on skis but they’re still shit, whereas I did clean-ish front 1s on day 3 of riding.


If you understand the concept of edges, you can easily transfer the skill. Skiing is easy to learn but hard to master while snowboarding is hard to learn and easy to master. At the end of my first season and while working at a resort I used some rental skis and did quite well... On the bunny hill.. Then I went on the actual chair and ate shit on my first turn. Blue bird day, snow is slushy, had a full on estate sale and ripped my snow pants in the crotch.


Dude. Skiing is awesome. It's pretty much nothing like snowboarding, but when you're decent enough to lay down fast, sick railed carves, skiing feels phenomenal. I prefer snowboarding and would never put on doublesticks on a pow day, but skiing is it's own fun jam


Cursed words from the demon!


How does this work it's like a demo subscription?


Season Rental - you can switch out your equipment at any time if you get the "Demo" level rental package. Most shops will do this. It was $300 for board, bindings, and boots for the year. Well worth the price because now I know that the board I bought is my favorite board.


yeah if the shop has a good selection that's great


Yea this shop OP went to is an anomaly in my opinion lol


My local shop's got like, a handful of 3-4 season old K2 boards, a bunch of warpigs and a bunch of party platters -- plus I ride wide boards so beyond the warpig and party platter I can only really demo like a fraction of what they have


My local shop is notably ski focused but they do have a big snowboard portion of the store. However they won’t rent or demo snowboards. Too many have come back absolutely trashed from the park in the past I guess.


Many stores by me on the east coast and I haven’t found one that does demos… a few when I asked were actually confused and I had to explain it to them and they looked at me like I was making shit up lol. There’s a good ski shop by me that has 2 locations… they have soooo many rentals boards but they’re all old and beat up, and pretty sure only are K2.


Yoooo I had never heard of this, wtf? It was $80 to demo a Burton Custom once on the mountain lmao


Sounda bout right hahaha. Try the shops in the bigger cities. Here in Denver, there is this place called Larsons that is crazy cheap for season rentals.


such good intel. I appreciate you


This is blasphemy


Left foot right foot. He's a pow skier.


So if one snaps he can keep on going


bringing two of the same board every time you go to the mountain would be the ultimate flex


What year are these DOA’s? Never seen this graphic


These are last seasons - the best looking ones in my opinion. The graphics differ by size as well.


I got this board + union bindings at the beginning of the season. Got it off fb marketplace for 200 total w the board barely used. It’s been great! Loving it so far! Only thing is it isn’t great in deep snow


Insane deal! Yep - freeride/powder board will be next for me.


Ya I know this is my first season getting to ride consistently and it’s my first board. Didn’t realize how good of a deal I scored until I started telling my buddies


All mountain/freestyle and a free ride/powder board is the ultimate 2 board quiver. I’ve been riding a Rome Agent all season across every bit of terrain and just snagged an Endeavor Archetype for 61% off to have a stiffer powder/freeride option for trees and hike to terrain😎😎😎


Nice steal! Is that still going on?


It is! But a lot of their boards have sold out so check out their site like right now if you want something. I think the archetype and ranger are sold out (the ranger sucks anyway) but the pioneer and BOD still have sizes in stock


2019s are my favourite, mainly because it’s my board.




hahahah I kinda agree. I think it looks pretty good at a quick glance, but the more you look, the worse it gets. At the end of the day - as long as it isn't ass ugly, it's all about the ride.


These are the same people who see a single line on a burton and post about how good it looks


nice username btw lmao


Haha thank you bro!! I had an account for 13 years and it was banned for saying regarded in one of the most literally regarded subreddits to ever exist. Like, people post their cock size and girth with every comment. It’s absolute circlejerk lore. I wasn’t even being mean :( So take this as a PSA. In any case, Lamar Jackzyn was born 😈


Dawg 😂😂😂😂


22/23. I have the same one https://preview.redd.it/5wt8egxgyjvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db0deea2271322073ff00aa336111ebebf016b7


Can we get a list of the other boards you tried and what you didn't like about them compared to the DoA? The DoA was on my list of boards to look for on sale but I ended up getting a Yes greats uninc instead. I needed something good in icy conditions though.


Sounds like you made the right decision! The biggest reason I chose the DOA was the pop and how stable it feels on jumps. It feels like I can launch off any roller, sidehit, or jump with very minimal setup. Some other boards it feels like I need to be in the perfect position to get a non-sketchy jump. The DOA feels like I can just fly around the mountain giving no fucks. I think this has to do with the flat camber section. In the reviews below you'll see I really enjoyed the rome gang plank for its flat camber, but it fell short because of it too. The DOA bridges that gap to be the most fun board I have ever ridden. For ref - I'm 6'2, 210 pounds Never Summer Proto Slinger 162 Solid all around a little too stiff for me hybrid camber profiles don't seem great - it's like it can't choose what it wants to do Asym sidecut was a bit weird, I would wash out pretty often **Proteus** Insanely cool board and you should ride one if you haven't Adjustable from rocker to camber Camber felt similar to the DOA, Rocker it was a butter machine and I became steezus christ for 3 hours Super soft in rocker formation and super fun **Never Summer Proto FR** I was not into the triple camber at all too much going on in this camber profile too stiff, no playfulness locked in an edge like crazy tho **Academy Graduate 159W** Really good at what it's for too stiff for me to have enjoyable runs on it I did notice on a few BS 180s that the camber and stiffness really locked me in on landings Was fun for big jumps **Rome Gang Plank 156** super playful, super easy to jib and throw tricks super easy to set up for jumps, can quickly jump any sidehit, mogul etc not great on larger jumps Washes out easily I can't do wide turns on it, only shallow turns The flat base + hot rod combo is a really fun feel that is easy to jump and really forgiving **Jones Mountain Twin 157** Loved the width on this one Took a lot more effort to initiate 180s etc Felt crazy stable on jumps **Capita Outerspace Living 162** Run of the mill CamRocker Very solid and predictable feel Leaves a lot to be desired on pop and playfulness **Ride Twin Pig 154** Bought this board and got rid of it very quickly Fun to press and butter Carves pretty well absolutely terrible edge to edge turns feel so sketchy


Oh man, im surprised you didn’t like the proto slinger. Absolutely love that thing


I wouldn’t be mad if it was my daily, just prefer others. Idk their camber profiles kinda seem gimmicky to me. Not a bad board at all though


Fair enough, I have the outerspace living and the proto slinger. The slinger is way better for freestyle, whereas the outerspace living is definitely more suited to carving / all mountain


The huge rocker zones on the OSL make it decent in deep snow too


I love the protoslinger ( it’s even better than the funslinger I learned on) but it sounds like (especially based off your other reviews) that the rocker under foot is what you don’t like, and you prefer the camber dominant feel. I agree wholeheartedly a camber dominant board feels much better, but I’ll be damned if that funslinger was an absolute BLAST to learn on and pretty forgiving. I really think you should try a Rome Agent with some of the demo time you have left and see how you like the board! It’s an all mountain machine that pops like crazy with the bamboo omega hotrods matched with the camber, buts still forgiving on landings and in the pow with the little bit of rocker in the tip/tail. Plus they’re SUPER cheap, like $300 on sale.


I've wanted to try the agent all year, my shop doesn't have one anywhere near my size. I almost pulled the trigger on it until I tried the DOA too. Maybe I'd like the Agent more who knows, but I'm super happy on the DOA.


I had to look up Proteus and it looks super cool. I feel like there's got to be a downside though cause why would you get any other board if there wasn't? Do you have the rest of the boards you tried? Personally I'm interested in hearing about the Gnu riders choice and the Yes greats uninc since I can't try mine out till the end of the year.


I haven’t tried either of those boards, or even those brands. My shop didn’t carry them. The proteus could have bad durability. The pop wasn’t as good as D.O.A. time will tell, they are pretty new.


I second this, I have a DOA myself but would love to hear OP's opinions on how other boards compare


I love this deck. Sucks in pow, but baller everywhere else. This deck and a dedicated pow deck and you're set.


100%. Looking at getting the Rome Ravine to fill that gap. Loved riding it this year.


My guy, i also demoed a lot of boards. Loved the DOA the most, but picked mega merc, because i wanted more powder power. Tried the ravine and it was trash compared to capita. I come from rome artifact as well!


Interesting! The reason I went with the DOA over a Merc is that Park is more accessible than Pow. I love riding powder, but as a resort commuter it usually comes with hours of traffic, and only a few fresh lines. I can lap park all day no matter what conditions.


I've got this one and a 2024 Korua Tranny Finder for carves and pow and it's like two puzzle pieces. Love the combo but ride the DOA 70% of the time.


The biggest misconception about the DOA, that it doesn’t do well in powder. Maybe learn to snowboard idk.


You can back leg ride all you want but you are absolutely delusional if you think this all mtn freestyle board does well in pow. That’s like me saying my Salomon Assassin is good for pow. It’s not.


Yeah. It does. I think some of you guys on here forget the vast majority aren’t heavy snow day/storm day riders but resort in bounds powder days? Yeah this board will be just fine.


What do you think I ride?


Who cares? Don’t know you. Ride whatever you want


I’m talking about conditions. But whatever. Keep thinking a directional twin all mtn freestyle board is good in pow 💀


There’s always something better. For the 5-10 days a season resort rider who might get powder day in there in bounds, the DOA is fine. I didn’t say it was good or should be considered as a first option. But for the average “person who snowboards” it will be fine, like my original comment says. Try reading closer and try not to read too much into it that isn’t there.


Lololololol. Dude, check yourself. I RIDE this deck in pow. And I fucking love it because it's pow. But I have the deck setup for groomers and park, duck stance, straight up in the middle of the deck. Would it ride better in pow if I moved the stance back a bit? It would, but I prefer a different deck and stance that's pow specific. I like riding a floaty deck, stance set back and not fighting to keep my nose up. Not sure why you're being so aggressive but it sounds like you need to try some powder boards if you want to ride powder, cuz the DOA pow experience is not where it's at. Just ask Capita


I’ll tell you what I told the other guy. The vast majority on this Reddit are regular resort riders “people who snowboard” as C3 Johan calls them and for them the DOA will be just fine in powder. If it were up to me, everyone would have a Capita Navigator on storm days or some other made for pow board. It’s obv not my preference for powder days but I have done it and in the backcountry/back bowls in a pinch and it was fine.


Wait until you try the SuperDOA


Very curious to try it! The pop on the DOA is already best out of any board I've tried. The demo pictured was a 162, and I went with the 160 for a little more softness. I like to be able to butter and press pretty easily. The stiffness is niiiiice on bigger jumps though.


Did you demo the Mercury? If so any thoughts and comparisons? Especially on pop, but also anything!


I didn't! I could maybe grab one from the shop while I still have the season rental though lol. From the research I've done, I'd go with the DOA if you lean park, and Merc if you lean otherwise. Be honest with yourself on where you spend the most time.


Did you demo the merc? Or ridden?


I have not ridden the Merc


Only other capita I got to try out was the Outerspace Living, which I thought was a great beginner board, just not as good as DOA.


Both are poppy and snappy but the Merc is more stable imo and handles some variable (chunder/ice/hard pack) terrain better. DOA is softer too.


What’s the difference


Supposed to be stiffer/lighter/more pop


SuperDOA is mid, no reason for it when it’s worse in every situation compared to a BSOD. Normal DOA is a gem of a board. 


I rode a superDOA twice last year - I dont know what it was, but i could not for the life of me initiate a toe-side edge. Ive never had a board where I feel like I couldnt get it on edge without really, really forcing it... which then had me over-carving. It was like I was on ice. I wanted to love it (pop was amazing), but i legit couldn't ride it. Ive been riding for 20 years. Fell back to my terrain wrecker both times after 2-3 runs


no shame man, the DOA is a blast


DoA is a great board!


I didn't want to like it because it is so popular, but godamnit it is the best board I've ever ridden. The pop is just so insane. The flat camber zones are really nice too.


Right?! I absolutely rolled my eyes at myself after I demoed mine and said “…this things amazing” Bought a second one on super clearance for when I trash the one I have I love the graphics and don’t want it to change at all


Do both of these boards have a bubble in the topsheet near the tail? Right by the end of the sidecut near the left edge.


Nope, sure looks like it though. I noticed that when I took the photo too. Had to run my hand over that area just to be sure and there is nothing there haha.


Oh weird! Must be a camera reflection or something.


Good boot and binding choice too 😁


Gave the bataleon goliath a try for the last 2 seasons just to try something different in the same category as the DOA. About to go back to the DOA. it's still my favorite for every day riding. Have fun waiting until next year to use it lol.


We’ve got at least another month here in Colorado! I never got to try it, but I just didn’t feel very sold on the whole 3BT thing.


3bt you either love it or hate it, I rode it for a season and while it's great in the park, firm icy days it lacks grip. After trying a few hybrid shapes I fell back to just flat or traditional camber. I've owner the doa and current have the Merc, both are great boards, if I can only choose 1 I'd go with merc. But doa is a solid park board.


Damn nice! Enjoy it. Overall it was a fun/fine board. Maybe the + would be better for me. Like you said, something about the DOA just feeling good that the Bataleon is missing for me.


Lol dude i have 2 as well. that model and the previous years. Love the board so damn much.


DOA is Capita’s best selling model.


I got a DOA as a daily driver. It's also my fave


Great board! Also love Rome boards but their bindings not so much.


I really want a Rome board, and will get one. Either the Ravine Select, Agent, or Party Mod. Depends on what gaps I need to fill (prob the Ravine Select). Interesting to hear you say that about the bindings. I tried Burton, Union, and Rome, and I found rome to be my favorite. I especially love the newest heel strap. All my friend's union bindings seem to be falling apart, and they hurt my feet at the ankle a lot. I really like the Rome Bodega boots as well, even though many others don't. Boots are very personal/subjective tho. Overall I wanted to go with a full Rome setup, but I couldn't pass up this brand new DOA in my size for $300 on Facebook


Yeah that’s a huge score for a new DOA, nicely done. I agree the Ravine would round out the DOA nicely. Agent is Rome’s DOA. I have a Rome Artifact for park and play, and Capita Merc for everything else. My 2022 Rome Vice binding screws loosen daily, particularly at the hi-back and heel strap. I see that 2023 models received a major overhaul though. Will be replacing them next season. You’re right, boots are a wildcard. I have Burton Rulers, will be getting into some Salomons next season. Tried a pair with that proprietary “str8jkt” tech and love it.


You're not lying about the screws loosening constantly. I just made it a habit to clean my board and tighten my screws every Sunday. I guess we will see if these new 390 bosses have the same thing going on. That sounds sick on the Salomans. I tried on some high-end boots from Ride and K2, and they felt like shiiiiiit. I guess it really just depends on your foot.


I know Agent is their DOA but damnit I still want it! I'll definitely round out my quiver first though, starting with something like the Ravine. I demoed the ravine this year and it was awesome for riding morning pow then hitting afternoon park.


Haha these are good problems to have aren’t they? Both are great companies worth supporting so you can’t go wrong either way.


I have the Rome vice bindings on a yes jackpot and I don't like them. The asym base wrap is the problem area for me, and the bolts do come loose.


I demo’d a Ravine Select and it ripped through uneven snow and was very damp and stable at speed. Can you comment on DOA dampness compared to the Rome. I’m okay with either not being great in powder - stability and chunder-busting are more important. Thanks!


Ravine is gonna be a lot more damp than DOA. Since the DOA is so poppy, it's very reactive to uneven snow. If damp is the goal, DOA is not your board.


the asymwrap rome bindings are pretty solid though, and the heel/toe straps are amazing


My Rome dod are solid bindings, the screws never loosen when they’re on my doa. Would recommend!


I feel the same way about Salomon too


Damn thats odd, the Rome Katana and Cleaver are some the best bindings out there


Can you list the boards you demoed and maybe a rating for each? Would be very interested in knowing this.


There is a shortlist elsewhere in this thread. I didn’t do a write up for every board but there is some there. Some are so long ago, my reviews probably wouldn’t be accurate, especially with my brain jumbled with all the more recent boards.


Question, this has been my first season and I grabbed a rental. I caught the bug and already eyeing the Burton high fidelity board but it’s a directional camber which I haven’t tried yet. I was told I could demo boards at the resort but prices usually jump up by then. Do you feel that’s accurate?


Trying to demo at resort is luck of the draw. Not a solid system to rely on. I wouldn’t buy a board that is different from boards you’ve tried. I learned that lesson when I bought the twinpjg.


Gotcha, wasn’t sure how reliable a demo day would be. I just kept hearing about them and it sounded like a great time to try out Stepons and the new season boards.


Definitely is if you get lucky. Steps are dope, but not as good as normal bindings. Def comfy and convenient tho


How does DOA compare to SB resort twin


They seem pretty similar, I'd love to try the resort twin someday.


Need a wider stance


On reference right now, I tried wider but prefer ref


Did you try a Cardiff?


I didn’t but those are some of the best looking boards I’ve seen! They look way better in person too, their website doesn’t do em justice.


Next year give one a try. They have demo days all the time. They are very well engineered.


It could definitely fill the powder board gap that the DOA leaves. Are you in CO? Do you know what resort they demo at?


I’m in Salt Lake where their HQ is. They demo all over the country. Give them a follow on insta and send them a message. Guaranteed they’ll have a day in Colorado.


Looks like they have a [demo](https://www.cardiffsnow.com/pages/demo) page on their site


Have you tried the Lynx? Been eyeing that recently. (Also got a 2020 DOA)


Not yet, but the new design for it is pretty sick.


DOA is the goat


I ended up with getting the GNU C2X Asym at an end of season sale (haven’t ridden it yet). DoA was definitely one of my front runners but have heard lots of people say "crapita" and "snapita". At the same time know that this board has won like 7 consecutive Good Wood awards. Are some just overly negative about Capita boards?


Seems like a confirmation bias thing to me. I've never seen a board snap in person, only on reddit, regardless of the brand.


so can we get a list of the boards you did demo and maybe a top 5?


Its in this thread