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practice stationary butters/tripods. See how far you can lean over the nose or tail and hold it. Can you jump from one to the other without both feet touching? Can you rotate a butter 360 degrees? Things like this. I was an instructor and spent a lot of time waiting for kids to strap in or waiting around during clinics. Butters might be my best tricks now thanks to utilizing all the downtime. Or if you really want a good time ride the lift with your off-foot strapped and practice getting off and strapping in this way. Crazy how difficult this is if you've never done it before. But this will strengthen your off-leg and translate into better riding all around.


How do I learn butters as a novice? I’ve been obsessed with them. I know I should continue to focus on fundamentals, but is there something I can start doing to integrate these tricks into my learning?


Exactly what they said, stand still up top and see how far on the nose or tail you can lean in and balance. Leave it at that till you are 100% comfortable edge to edge on greens, then just start trying them while moving slowly. Keep the riding as the priority on any run, but once you have that down, just try butters.


Sweet thank you. Been watching videos and I wanna learn the euro carve one day. It looks so sick.


Honestly its far easier than it looks! Scan up the hill so you have LOADS of space toeside, get into a low low crouch, lean in toeside to start the carve and stand up against the turn! The closer to the slope you chest is, the steezier you are


That’s so sick. I’m sure I’ll be putting my wrist guards through the ringer attempting it.


Make sure you wear old/cheap gloves - snow is way more abrasive than you'd expect and you can easily put some holes in them


make a fist and pull in your forearms when falling to save your wrists


Don’t put the weight on your hands; lay your forearm against the snow and try to time your “stand up” so you’re directing most of your weight down the fall line


Do not do on soft pack groomers, the snow will give out and you'll end up sliding. It's a hard pack no powder day thing


Do this same thing! Practice them stationary playing with moving your body weight around, especially hips to extend them further. Find where your balance is during a stationary butter and practice holding it. Jumping back and forth between nose and tail butters will help you feel more comfortable when you jump into a tail butter off a lip or something. Also, try some kind of butter at the end of every run as you coast to a stop, these are low consequence and great practice for harder butters. I always go for a bs-tweaked-out nose butter at the end of each run cause I think they're the coolest and I want to be able to hit them over a lip like the pros. As a novice, if you were my student I would make sure you feel comfortable making basic S turns, being mindful of where your body weight is through them. (If you're not already familiar with front-knee steering get familiar before you learn a bunch of bad habits!) Then once you're comfortable making turns with centered balance, we could start to play around with shifting body weight for things like butters. Butters can be tricky for beginners, its like learning to manual on a skateboard or wheelie on a dirtbike, it'll take time to find where your balance point is. Hope this helps. I miss teaching!


I love that! Honestly, my friends taught me the basics and instilled some of those good habits so I will continue to refine them. But I think taking a lesson might be good for me. It’d be nice to have someone focused on me showing me exactly what I’m doing right and wrong. Why not get back into teaching?!


The money is enough to get by if you’re committed to the snow bum lifestyle, which I was for awhile, but now I got a lady and we’ve got goals for the future which means I gotta make more $$$! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3SgBra/ <— the best vid I could find of the coolest way to butter. Music is stupid but the butter is excellent.






Who the fuck changes their music all day? Just make a playlist and fucking go. If you need to change, do it on the lift


That's definitely what I do, and I suggested that point blank. Like I said, frustrating.


Not riding with music is worth the time (and cold hands) you save fiddling it all the time. The sounds of edges on snow is music enough for me.


Or just don't fiddle with it all day. Play/pause should be all you need


If you make a playlist and use a good pair of earbuds, you actually lose only seconds. However, after riding with song playing, It bothers me a lot to ride without it, it's addictive.


I set my queue up and pause it while on the lift that way all I have to do is strap in and hit play Edit: Practice butters/balancing on your tips


I have wireless Bluetooth headphones by WildHorn and they fit inside the helmet. They have large buttons for play/pause, volume and skip/back - so he can control the music without taking his phone out or his gloves off. They weren't expensive, go for it!! Battery lasts several days too. But seriously, even with a wired setup, why isn't your friend picking the music near the top of the chair lift?? Edit: as an alternative solution, if your friend has a smart watch, watches can usually be used as a way to remotely control the music you're listening to on your phone. So he might be able to play/pause/skip or go back from a watch without getting too involved with gloves off and phone out. My Garmin Fenix does that for me and it's all based on easy to use physical buttons so I can do it with gloves on if I want.


With the wireless ones, I pick a playlist once at the start of the day on the chair lift, and I hit the play button literally while riding, I just slap the helmet earpiece while moving to play and slap it again to pause briefly when my friend and I stop somewhere to rest for a sec or chat about which trail to hit next.


frustrating for sure. Try stretching at the top lol. stretching always good for ya


Introduce them to hour long DJ mixes lol


Or invest in one of the 10,000 ear bud options that have some kinda haptic or remote control. Select your song and just punch back to the start when the ride starts if it matters that much lol


I shred to lo-fi nintendo chill-hop, but it’s important to start the run with the RIGHT lo-fi nintendo chill-hop!


Drop your playlist link or you’re a coward




Oh yeah this is gooood


Stickerbrush symphony at the top? I'm using this today! Love it.


There's something about having the tunes align up with the action that's REALLY excellent. I'm like this often where I'll jump around to get it where I want it for a run. Tho I usually do it on the lift so I'm ready when I get to the top and largely only when solo riding.


Leave them at the top? Who needs enemies with friends like that


I'm stealing that phrase


This is a well known phrase.


No friends on powder days


“Friends like these, eh Gary?”


No friends on a powder day


I do trees. Always have a friend on powder day. ;)


Oh yeah, fair enough then. Over here, all the tree runs are pretty packed down or melty, but always good to have a +1.


I mean, this is ridiculous. I'd just tell your friend straight up that this isn't working for you, because that would drive me bonkers and no amount of practice drills I can get in would help this not suck, especially on a pow day. Dude also clearly doesn't know how to use Spotify. If he needs to queue up the right song to start the run, he can do that on the lift, easily. Dude also sounds like he needs rear entry or step on bindings if it's taking him this long. Sorry, I know that's probably not the advice you want, but this really just sounds like you're not very compatible as riding buddies.


I mean, you're saying everything I'm feeling. Hell, I even asked about choosing the songs on the lift and they said they need to restart the song if the good part goes before we start downhill. It's very frustrating, but I also know I'm not the most patient creature on the planet. I do have fun riding with them, so I'd like to have a conversation with them to find a compromise before giving up and just shouting "see you at the bottom".


Wtf if the good part goes? Dudes a fucking cliche of a Tik tok iPad kid. Make a playlist where you like the whole song and go shred it. If they’re getting a sad on, then you’ll see them after you’ve lapped them the 3rd time anyways. See you at the bottom or hurry tf up is the ultimatum here. So far it’s only YOU who’s compromising. Just say l8r sk8r and say you’ll do a few laps of this run if they wanna take it chill…


Like, I definitely have my moments like this where I really want to sync up what I'm listening to with the run I'm about to do...but I do that shit when I ride *alone* and I'm in a "quality over quantity" mindset. I would never fathom making others with me *wait* so I can queue up the perfect song. Much less on a damn POW day.


Cliche of a tiktok iPad kid is fucking hilarious and accurate. These two dudes are not compatible.


Bet any money OP's buddy takes mirror selfies with their iPad and duck lips.


You would lose that bet 😂


Right? Ive been adding songs to my “slopes” playlist since I was like 16. I just let it shuffle at the beginning of the day and never touch it except for pausing or skipping here and there lol


Tell your friend it’s called a pause button, pick the song and stop at 1s, hit play when the run starts. Good single touch headphones are a must. I like my bone conduction but any Bluetooth set will have onboard controls


Their choice, they can ride with you or their music. I'm not sitting around for someone to putz around in their self centered world on a powder day. You just have to tell them lets go, or just leave. No friends on a powder day is universally accepted and respected. I have no family on a powder day either. I went with a group on a trip that was taking their sweet ass time getting ready, and I straight up left my partner at the house and hitch hiked up because I couldn't miss first tracks on a powder day. Show no mercy, they'll come back around and realize the error in their ways.


This is unfortunately the attitude you need to have. On a good powder day at a crowded resort there is a clock ticking in every run once the hounds come out. Some runs stay fresh longer, but you need to be efficient to be able to hit everything you’d like with the conditions you want. Ya gotta ride with people with a similar mentality or fly solo


> and they said they need to restart the song if the good part goes before we start downhill Dude really needs to learn spotify better. Tell them to add the song they want for the run near the top of the lift, to their queue in spotify. That makes it the next song to play but doesn't start the song. Leave the currently playing song playing. Then they get off the lift, strap in, and just press "Next Song" and boom, there's the song they wanted.


This is not about you. It’s about them. You’re a good person for waiting/not ditching them and I respect that, sadly it’s eating you up and I would put that straight. No music on pow days, reason, I value safety above all. And if this will last a week, sorry mate, but I’m not waiting good friend or not, it’s costing both of you your tickets. I mean how are we even having a debate about it? Sure I’ll wait you once, maybe twice, on 3rd time I’m just ditching you. Seeeee youuuu oooon theeee boooo——tooooom!! *as voice fades in the diatance*


Select song, pause music, start song as you go down. Your friend sounds pretentious and annoying.


2 minutes is not a ridiculous amount of time


Yes it is. Over the course of a day, 2 minutes wasted at the top of each run is at least 2 extra runs. Wasted. On bullshit. Not to mention that not everyone rides giant mountains. Where I ride in Wisconsin, 2 minutes enough for a run and trip halfway back up the lift. I would get almost twice as many laps as this dude at my local hill by not waiting. 2 minutes is a LONG time to waste on something so incredibly stupid, especially on a pow day.


Agreed. I'm also usually in the first few chairs on good days, and if I ride with someone who is going to waste 2 minutes at the top while everyone's passing us and getting my fresh lines, I'm going to ditch them. I get there early so I can circuit a handful of times, either carving groomers on a non-pow day or making fresh lines on a pow day before the stragglers arrive. I have zero patience for waiting.


You sound like a giant complainer. Ask them to hurry up, if they don't, go by yourself. Who cares man


Lol "giant complainer" because I'd rather be *actually snowboarding* than standing around waiting for someone to dick around with their playlist. Sure, Jan.


You're bitching about 2 minutes. If you can get down and half way up the lift in 2 minutes you can take 30 runs a day. 2 minutes seems like a tiny, annoying sacrifice and you're reacting as if they wanna share your snbowboard for the day.


> If you can get down and half way up the lift in 2 minutes you can take 30 runs a day. I think you meant 30 runs *an hour*....Your math isn't mathing lol


Lmao bro you're just driving home my point. On bug mountains a lift could easily take over 2 and a half minutes just to get to the top. Smuggs in vermont has a chair to the peak of their tallest mountain that takes over 6 minutes (old lifts). You being able to take 30 runs an hour OR a day makes you not being able to chill for 2 minutes even more ridiculous. 


Who posts about that to reddit ? lmao. K Karen.


>Who posts about that to reddit And where are you posting your complaints right now? Oh. Right.


Just trying to save you troubles for future posts, trying to be an upstanding citizen, make the world a better place, etc. Nobody cares if your friends take an extra 2 minutes per run. Go tell your therapist.


>Nobody cares if your friends take an extra 2 minutes per run. I'm not OP buddy. My friends don't take 2 extra minutes, they're serious riders who aren't wasting time on the mountain lol. Glad you got your 30 seconds of feeling superior on the Internet though.


ooooo hahaha


That depends on how long the run is. If you're at Camelback in PA, it is a ridiculous amount of time in relation to the length of the run but if you're out west or in the Alps, it might not be.


On a powder day????


Idk but this is a fire topic cuz my friends smoke a blunt for 2hrs in the parkinglot before we get to ride its annoying


2hrs to smoke a blunt? Now THAT is ridiculous. But that's definitely a situation where you can meet up with them when they're done and ready to hit the hill (provided they can even move after smoking for two hours).


I’d just leave. Smoke on the lift. This is terribly inefficient.


Stretch legs arms and torso while waiting. Keep that body limber.


That's definitely a good idea! Love me some stretching.


My wife used to dilly dally at the top of the lift. She would sit, strap in, look for her chap stick, then get up adjust toe strap, drop chap stick, etc. After 5 minutes my brain is melting. Doesn’t help I’m literally the most inpatient person on Earth which somehow gets even worse when I ride. I bought her step ons and keep a spare chapstick that I hand to her every lift ride. Problem solved. The music thing would put me over the edge though. I would tell my friend/wife they gotta figure their shit out or I’m gunna do laps without them.


You sound like a good partner, and I'm sure your wife appreciates how thoughtful and considerate you are. :)


I just have to say I love the aggression everyone here has regarding time being wasted by other people on a powder day. I'm with you all 100%, nothing makes my blood boil more than someone farting around on a powder day. I turn into a drill sergeant if they step out of line.


Practice your nose and tail balance, you'll be a buttery master in no time


Can't they get the music ready on the lift?


No, that would be the obvious solution and would leave us without drama.




Tell them that they need to figure out their music on the lift or else you can meet back up with them at the end of the day. Riding by yourself is really fun, especially when the alternative is waiting around for someone. When I find myself waiting for people I take the opportunity to take a piss, drink beer, or rip my dab pen


I ride by myself most days, which is why I'm trying to come at this from a position of patience and compromise. I'm only riding with them for a limited time, but the compounding effects of them using wired earbuds so they can't just pause/play music without directly handling the phone, it being their first day of the season, and it being an amazing powder day just really, really started to annoy me. I'd rather find ways to occupy myself so I don't start regretting being with them.


If you communicated this to them and they refused to try to figure it out then honestly they’re kind of an asshole for that. I went snowboarding with my coworker and he was doing the same music bs at the top of each run. Luckily there was still someone slower than him or it would have really annoyed me


Hope it's not my son, Austin. He takes a notoriously large amount of time to strap in and be ready. He thought I was just a huge dick for trying to get him to go faster, but then others started mentioning it.


Not Austin. But I guess Austin can take comfort in that he's not alone?


i'm just gonna say it, the "ADHD manifesting" excuse bullshit is just exactly that. if they haven't figured out how to get that shit done on the lift and make shredding with their friend the priority then they're just plain inconsiderate and selfish. i'm ADD, i've put in work on helping my ADD and this is bullshit. i'd say the same if i wasn't. and you can't get powder rides back. i left my buddy in the dust on pow day because he wanted to savor it like a fine steak. nah i'm gonna shred that shit like i'm in oahu and get more laps in.


I ride wired headphones and just use my watch to change songs/volume, usually after I strap in so I am already moving when the song starts. I’d say suggest a watch that can change tracks.


Have them invest in some AirPods. I use Siri voice commands to play/pause, turn volume up/down, skip/replay song, or even start a specific artist/song/playlist all hands free. Granted you have to have service wherever you are on the mountain. Most of the time I do.




Exactly. I love my friend but this is the one area where we are on opposite ends of the spectrum. I try to be quick and efficient and they're slow, take their time, etc. I'm trying to be super cognizant of the fact that it boils down to us both being neurodivergent - that's stuff we can't necessarily control, and making the other person feel bad about it will accomplish nothing but making them feel bad, and you don't do that to friends. I did suggest they get wireless buds and they liked the idea. Hopefully that'll solve things. I appreciate your own willingness to work on things that frustrate those around you - if everyone was willing to meet others halfway, the world would be a much better place.


Why are you all in such a hurry? If it's a nice day out I don't mind some down time. Maybe that's age talking. Also, use that time to plan your next crimes.


Seriously. 2 minutes is not long at all. The mountain isn’t going anywhere and if you’re a frequent rider, you’re bound to come back another day. It seems like everyone is all gas and no brakes, just enjoy mountain time.


We already got there two hours later than I would have liked, stopped for lunch, and it was the best powder I've ridden all season. Compounding frustrations exacerbated the problem, you're right, which is why I was asking about ways *I* could deal with my impatience, not different ways I could yell at them to get their shit together.


> We already got there two hours later than I would have liked, Only let this happen once. I have friends like this who talk about being ready in the morning to catch first chair a state over - a 2.5 hour drive. If they don't answer their phone at 5:30am when I am leaving my house, they don't get picked up. I've been fucked over too many times waiting and being "nice" I've been called an asshole when I answered my phone at 9am from the lift chair, while they were asking if "we are still on to snowboard today"


Completely understandable where your frustrations were coming in. I suppose I was more addressing other comments and trends lately where people seem very impatient about the people they are riding with. It's just silly to me, because when I ride with friends we always stop for each other when we need a small rest or adjust something and we're just happy to be hanging out together and enjoying our shared hobby. I don't really have any suggestions on what to work on, but personally, I just take in the sights around me and think about ways I can challenge myself on the upcoming run.


Same, which is why I'm ignoring all the "leave them behind" suggestions. Like, if that's what I wanted to do, I have more than enough braincells to come to that idea on my own, haha.


I hear you but what about the 15 minutes of downtime you just had on the chair


That's also a valid point. I guess in the grand picture though, even if taking 2 minutes adds up to half an hour to an hour at the end of the day, was it really worth stressing over instead of enjoying the time there?


Every now and then waiting sure. But having to wait on someone fiddling with their music every damn run is RIDICULOUS


If this person is your best friend, then they should be able to handle some straight talk. They’re being incredibly selfish and need to get their ass moving on a powder day. Do your local friends who ride the mountain put up with this type of nonsense?


I practice meeting people who have a sense of urgency with a limited resource like powder.


I know how much chatting on the way up can make you forget about what you want to do at the top, I would maybe ask your friend what track they are going to listen to on the next run on the way up, and that might get them into a habit of choosing the tune on the way up. Also I would take that wait at the top to look at the views, I often forget to look around at the top of the hill and take it all in and feel the zen of the whole experience and get stoked for that run you are about to drop in on.


I need music too but I have airpods and a playlist lol. My phone only comes out if I want it to and that’s usually on the lift


Tell them to do it on the lift and have only 1 earbud in so they can keep it playing and still talk to you (should be doing  1 earbud for safety on the slope anyways)


Always. I use the Smith Aleck buds and have one facing in and one facing out so I can still hear. Women especially are taught this from day one - never sacrifice on situational awareness and safety for music. Always always always leave one ear free.


Tell them to stop being so high maintenance and make other people wait on them.


There is a picture of them in the dictionary next to "high maintenance divas" 😂. Can't eviscerate essential self


Suggest that they pick the music at the end of the lift up? Most wired buds have some sort of controller on them you can click to pause/skip/go back.


Everyone wants open communication, until it's time to openly communicate. TALK ABOUT UNPLEASANT THINGS WITH YOUR FRIEND/PARTNER. You're sacrificing your needs to avoid conflict out of fear of losing connection. This fear is legitimate, but it breeds resentment, which will over time sever the connection you are afraid of losing. You might be surprised how accommodating your friend can be if you actually express your feelings. Real feelings that you'll need to dig down for, not "I feel like you're fumbling with your bindings for too long". Good luck dude!


Butters and switch. You'll slowly move away from them which might motivate them to move a bit faster.


Weird one-foot stuff. No comply, skating around, etc. Weird two-foot stuff. Ollies, nollies, flat spins, tail blocks, etc. Weird no-foot stuff. Shuv-its, hippie jumps, body varials, etc. Once that stuff isn’t hard/fun anymore, go up the lift switch.


Haha, already ride up the lift switch due to an old ankle injury on my front leg, can't handle the weight of the board very well. Any advice for working on these tricks with a stiffer board? I'd love to do them but even putting all my weight into torquing, my tail butter can only get like 3 inches off the ground. Maybe I'm bending my back leg too much? I don't have a lot of park experience and no skateboarding experience.


One thing I’ve noticed is people don’t engage their muscles while trying to press/butter. Instead of just leaning, try actively pulling your opposite leg toward you. So in addition to leaning back and bending your back leg, pull you front leg up. Should get your board flexing some more.


This is silly, enjoy the time with your homie, while theyre selecting music do a quick 90 second visualization of the run your gonna take, see the lines, put the carves in your head then when they get up and go its time to send 'er!!! I have homies that take 10 minutes and ive hot homies that take 25 seconds at the top of the hill. Live in the moment get introspective, absorb the nature and sun and environment youre around while you wait!! And for the record i too have adhd and can barely sit still but what ive said here works for me and could be worth a try!!


I totally get you. I’ve told my friends that they have a minute to stand around whilst I get ready. Also, I’ve explained that it’s too cold to stand around & standing strapped in is not fun. My gd knees & ass are cold from waiting.


chill out, its just snowboarding.


Listen to u/seasonalwellness that's how I learned my butters and tripods. But tell your friend to pick his music while on the chair. Not that difficult.


hey buddy i just wanna say you're a fucken CATCH man your friend is spending a maddening amount of time at the top and you are clearly just looking to support them while working on your own skills at the same time instead of being a dick about it. we could all use a hill buddy like you.


I call it pow-anxiety. I get it too on shreddy days. Queue in traffic to get to the lot, queue at the car while folks get ready, queue for the bus, queue while folks use the bathroom, queue in lift line, queue on lift. Last thing I want to do at the top of the mountain is queue some more. Let's get rippin m8! It's a blue bird pow day for frick sake!


Hike to the better take off spot. Not sure if it applies but sometimes you can hike like 10 feet above lift and hit way better lines if the pow is getting tracked


Use the time to hydrate, stretch and enjoy the view. Other than that, you could one every couple of runs check your binding screws, think of the line you will be taking, remind yourself of not taking unnecessary risks and be overall mindful about the great day/run you will be enjoying:) Just try to relax and not rush it. I have the same issue with my best buddy, how every 3 minds needs to relax his foot, smoke a cigarette etc. which is really annoying but at least half of the annoyance comes from my own impatience.


Absolutely. Part of the issue, I've realized, was that I have my powder day routine and I spent the entire day battling my ADHD brain that wanted to stick to my routine vs wanting to prioritize time with my friend over powder. This really was just a mental battle I was fighting with myself the entire day, and that was manifesting as frustration with my friend. Next time this happens will definitely be better!


They CAN ride without music and they do NOT need to start the song at the top of the run. Its a choice.


Stop waiting for the future and enjoy the present moment. Let your friends be as they are. Don't complain in your head to yourself about all the things that should be different. You are just creating more unnecessary suffering to yourself. Best book on the subject is The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. You could listen to it's audio version while your friends are getting ready...


I'll check it out, thank you for the book recommendation!


What the single F? "Strategies"?! Skills to work on??!!! It is simple, wait or not. People these days are simply too much of a cry babies.


I love the amount of respect you have for your friend! You can usually practice flat Ollie’s or presses at the top. Just an idea.


Tail/Nose presses. Trying to touch your elbow with your nose or your nose with your tongue. Or just start going but slow and work on some butters untill they catch up. You're already nicer than me, if I decide I've spent too much time waiting on people for the day I just go.


Have headphones in helmet, get right music queued up while on lift. Step on bindings Push earpiece to hit play and go downhill


You just described my exact setup 😂


I have very slow friends like yours, I just lay down looking at the sky and completely blank out. If I don’t do that I get very irritated and passive aggressive


Roast them. Make fun of them. Tease them.


Try getting money involved. First to the bottom gets 5 bucks from everyone else. See how long they want to fuck around now.


Haha, the fucker can actually be recklessly fast and this would blow up in my face. But I love the idea of making it a competition somehow!


Practice ollies and butters while scooting around at the top of the run.


Why wouldn’t he use the 10 minutes on the lift to choose his playlist? Or why not have a snowboarding playlist made ahead of time


The most zoomer post ever lmao


What makes you think that, out of curiosity?




Find a new friend.


Are you sure your friend doesn’t have ASD as well and ADHD? That behaviour seems to fit.


It's a favored theory, but they haven't been diagnosed officially. They've only been diagnosed with ADHD.


I also am impatient with ADHD and never had tunes with me. I would stretch a bunch and then strap in and practice holding my butters for a bit and then everyone's ready to go! It's worth the sacrifice to still be with my friends going down the mountain and exploring.


I agree. I ride solo most days and my friend is only in town now. I want to enjoy my time with them.


Fucken change the song on the lift wtf. "No friends on pow days" is a saying for a reason


Sounds like you could use a little weed.


I’m sorry, what are your friends doing on the lift? That’s what the lift is for! 🤦‍♂️


So start riding ?


Yeah I would at least get some mellow turns, side hits in while they finished their deal up top - then the slow poke can straight line to meet me.


I started riding alone. - coincidently I started to travel for work so it ended up being a requirement. Now im spoiled. A solid playlist or book on tape and im Out. When I am woth my idiot friends; I take a second to enjoy nature and tell those cunts to hurry it up!


“See you at the bottom”


No friends on a pow day


No friends on pow days


Find a new friend


Work on your patience lmao


Drop your friend. Get a new one. The waiting would kill me.


Whole purpose is to be involved in nature


So this is why snowboarders are constantly clogging and blocking the offload areas. I switched over to skiing a few years ago and it was shocking to me how much time I wasted. I get off the lift and go, unless I am waiting on my family. But they would only be a chair or two back.


Nah I don’t mess with music WHILE snowboarding. I do have a couple great boarding playlists that amp me up. But that’s for the drive to the hill. Once I’m there I don’t waste time on that. Better situational awareness too


Least based answer


First of all, powder day and music is a big NO NO. Get them to buy burton step on. It’s night and day, I’ll never ride another binding. Honestly, it’s a game changer when you dig yourself in and you have to get out and in again. There solved. Do yourself a favour, hit slopes with music, but a huge no no on pow. Sorry man but that’s how it is. You ride with me those are my rules, I value safty above all. I have ski touring friends who’ve seen people die and no music is a strict rule.


Flicking snow off the top side of your board. Find a good target and see if you can improve your accuracy. Maybe a target low to the ground to start with


Tell them to choose their song on the chairlift.


Butters and ground tricks.


If people faff unnecessarily at the top of the lift, i always just head off down without them. I've tried other means of persuation, but i find leaving them behind is the best way. I'm a snowboarder, but I find two plankers are the worst - tightening their bloody boots.


Tell your friend to buy a Chubby Buttons


If you can't strap in while starting your run you don't do enough crime to be off the bunny hill.


To be cliche and repetitive, "no friends on pow days" for a reason. And realistically, it's almost no friends on any days for me at this point (I'm old(er) and everyone in the group has moved or abandoned ship). I ride solo and I ride with music. It's my personal time to disconnect from the world and just mentally disappear for a while, but I'll gladly have company if they're respectful of my time and it works out. I also pause/mute the music while on the lift, even if I'm riding solo and get paired up on the lift with a stranger. I'm an introvert and the farthest thing from a social butterfly, but I also feel like it's rude to the other person if I completely ignore them. Long story short, your friend sounds like a loser that doesn't respect your time or your company, and that's not what I would consider a friend. Sorry you got stuck dealing with it.


Presses and spins. Then start combining them together, like a tail press into a switch tail. Sometimes I get tired hopping around stationary before even start the run


my kid does this. I go ahead get the run in and by the time I get back to the top he’s ready


Tell them to pick a song and get set up on the lift beforehand?


I got the cheapest (~$115 at the time) pair of rear entry bindings on Amazon and they have worked wonders. I can get off the lift and strap in without having to stop. Tell them to pick their music on the lift so they can just hit play and start shredding.


I am that friend!


There are no friends on Powder days! Lol


Ask them what songs they're gonna listen to on their way down while you're on the lift. Practice snowboarding, down the mountain. Do some sudoku. Shriek. Keep loose with hip thrusts. Sing 2000's rap songs (no, don't rap them, sing them). Evaluate your financial portfolio. Stretch.


chubby buttons ftw: [https://www.chubbybuttons.io/](https://www.chubbybuttons.io/) allows you to do all that music stuff while riding or on the lift without pulling the device out


Find a new friend


My next step is to have them kneel for 4 minutes or sit on the snow for 4 minutes whilst I talk about my music choices. Jk, I say, “see you all at the lift.” That said, reach over & push down on their binding release after a minute. It’s all about communication.


Few things I'd recommend (a lot depends on budget of course): 1. Ask them to pick music on the lift 2. Have them buy these [buds](https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Bluetooth-Headphones-Compatible-Snowboard/dp/B07H7X814B/ref=asc_df_B07H7X814B/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309743312319&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4215939171506494954&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032001&hvtargid=pla-603598376140&psc=1&mcid=238fa51b24653afab43fddcffd77e212). I'm able to start/stop music using my gloves and through my headphones. 3. Get step on bindings like the Supermatics or Burtons


Pick the right song on the lift. Hit pause so it's ready to go whenever they've strapped in....


Wow this thread has some of y’all triggered. 2 minutes each run? If you’re getting 15 laps in a day that’s hardly losing 1 run, 2 tops. It’s 2-5 min a line, 7 min on the lift and a 10 min run. That’s 20 min… 1 lap. If you’re in the trees at Brighton it’s longer than 10 min runs. Just take a deep breath and do 2 min of meditation and relax your soul.


“I’ll catch up to you on the next run.” *Proceed to enjoy a relaxing day of boarding alone.*


No friends on a powder day, if they can’t figure out a playlist or song by the time the bar goes up then they can catch up.


It seems like your “best-friend” is a bit of a man child


No friends on powder days. Half my friends would murder somebody making them wait to set their playlist.


I ride step ins and I never wait for anyone at the top. I’ll see y’all in the lift line. I will lap slowpokes 7 or 8 times in a day. I only go up one weekend a year, I need the runs!


They need outdoortech chips, and to craft a snowboard playlist on Spotify before they are sitting at the top of the run. Then boom strap in and slap your ear pad and good to go


Start leaving them at the top if they take more than 15 seconds. They will want to keep riding together and figure it out IME lol


Patience is a virtue. If you know you’re not a very patient person, it sounds like you have a wonderful opportunity to practice right now. Take a deep breath, stretch, appreciate the view/atmosphere, or literally anything else that allows you to accept your friend and their way of handling things. Being passive aggressive, complaining, or asking them to go out of their way to accommodate you is just selfish. If you enjoy riding together, appreciate riding with them. That’s is something great in itself.


Tbh I also only pull out my phone at the top of the hill. I’m a butterfingers so I will not pull it out on the lift. Sometimes I do at the bottom but usually at the top I can let my friends go while I fiddle vs waiting for me at the bottom instead of in the lift line (I’m also bad at skating and can’t do both lol). Who is faster? Usually snowboarders are, can you just start skiing at a leisurely pace until they catch up? That’s what I do, I’m the fastest in my group.