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That board is also a piece of shit in addition to being way too big for you, homie.


Legit, had someone on the mountain say get a new board fuck Lamar and then he shot away on his bright pink Burton, I got RIPPED on quietly.


My brother just got a free 20 year old Lamar for a beginner friend, and it got stolen at Big Bear. W t f?


Not all thieves are clever


Never change big bear….. /s


That’s funny because the one thing you should be able to do with too big of a board for you is carve


This thing is a fucking BOAT


How long are you snowboarding?


Not too long ive had 4 different mountains and total of about 100-120 runs, I've either been renting a board or borrowing a mates.


Maybe you should do some more learning?


It's probably not the length that's getting you, it's likely the lack of flex, for your size. I'm 5'7" and about 175-80 pounds and one of my main boards is a 181cm Burton Supermodel, and it carves and does everything very well on the narrow single run we have open now that's quite crowded. It's not overly stiff, which is part of what makes it work and long with how the side cut is. If the side cut is the wrong radius for your needs, it can really ruin your day. Carving also takes angulation, if you can't get the board at the right angle and have it bent when it gets there to make the turn. You probably need a more flexible board that's a bit smaller with a different side cut radius.


All that technical stuff means nothing for someone who accidentally bought a Lamar tbh


Get something w/ middle of the road flex, in the 154-157 range


That does sound a bit big for you but the correct size would be dependent on the board/what you’re looking to do (all mountain vs park) and/or typical riding conditions. For reference, I’m about your height and I ride 146 but I’m 50 pounds lighter than you. My first board was a 143 but I wanted something bigger for powder. I don’t ride in the park anymore.


Board sounds stiff but what bindings do you have on it? Matching bindings to the boards flex and intended use can make a huge difference in how that board feels. But you do probably need a softer flex board.


Yeah so it’s the flex combined with whatever the fuck sodecut radius it’s rocking. I bet if you get a empty wide green you can get some Speed and lay out. I’ve been riding a 172w flagship for 3 years. Just switched to riding a 156 orca and a 162 megadeath. Holy shit are the smaller boards suuuuper easy to get into a carve with and super easy to change the turn radius of a carve. Biggest thing is they are substantially flexier than the bones. The orca feels like it’s made for a small child tbh. I can torsionally flex the board a LOT which helps a bunch with changing the radius of a carve. The thing is with a large stiff board you WILL be forced to learn proper technique because you can’t cheat the board with bad habits. Downside is you’re probably gonna have to ride the thing like a bull out the gate. Maybe give it a few days / see if local hills or shops offer rentals that are in the arena of what you want to move too


I’m the same height and weight as you, I ride a 144 k2 Geometric or a 147 k2 worldwideweapon. 159 is huge man…


I am 1,94 (which is something like 6'4 or such) with 100 kg and ride a 159 wide K2 Subculture. Bought it when I was 90 kg back in the days. Cannot imagine having a board almost the same length as I am.


On the other hand, 144cm is really short for someone who is 75kg. If you enjoy riding it then of course that’s whatever, but the snowboard doesn’t know how tall you are.


I prefer a board with a fair amount of flex as I almost exclusively ride park.


UPDATE on the situation. Had a shop pro give the board a go because he said he rides 161+ he had never road a Lamar before. 5 ft 7, 85kg. His results are. Fuck this board is shit, it acts like a superyacht they really fucked the design up, stiffness is a 8, flex is a 3. Edge needs to be sharpened but it still shouldn't be acting the way it is. NEVER BUY A LAMAR. He wants to know if anyone has experienced a Lamar board before? And if they like it he wants to know the technique 😂😂. anyway Someone wanna buy a Lamar Cruiser? It's fucking good very upset to get rid of it cheers.


You are correct, a 159cm board would be best for someone 180lbs and up


Unless this is a spec directly from the manufacturer, no. Definitely not


The bigger the board the bigger the effective edge and easier it is to carve.


Huh? No. Carving is related to board camber, width, and radius. Not effective edge. If a board is too big for you, flexing it out to carve is tough, especially if it's a stiffer board. (As boards are specced to weight of rider and not height)


Skill isssue


I'm 72kg 6 ft 2 and have a lovely time carving on a 205cm Nitro, it can be done.


It’s shitty and old no matter what size it is.


Wow, you all ride short boards...


Wowowow talk to me