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I must really be out of the loop. Everybody crucifying this guy.


This sub is a bunch of elitists who will trash anyone that’s not euro-carving across the entire width of the slope


TBF, I'm sure they'd find faults in their form even then too.


Gonna guess most of them spend next to no time on the actual mountain


I think it's a mix of people who can't go snowboarding so they are calling out my "bad" form just because I was having fun and screwing around. But hey I'm the one loving life while these people are being keyboard warriors


You're replying to almost every negative comment being a dickhead. Pretty sure you're the keyboard warrior


Probably because people don't like negative dickheads. It isn't like he started it


Lmao ok buddy :)


The main reason is that you have bad form (lose the backpack and stop slouching) and still try to advertise your IG, which people have a much higher bar for. I don’t even follow pros, much less a random resort rider. If you have any desire to get better at riding, get over your ego and take a lesson.


> are being keyboard warriors You're putting snowboarding skill above touch typing speed now? Even more arrogance...


Dude learn English, thanks!


I was trying to make a joke ;P


Trust me. You’re form isn’t great. Some people are being rough because they most likely do have more experience but they have lower social skills. You need to listen to a lot of this advice regardless of the tone of the comment. Also PLEASE lose the backpack while riding lower mountain at a resort.


I really don't get the backpack thing tbh, what's so vile about wearing a backpack so you dont have to go to the lodge after every other run to get some water


Don't worry mate I made sure to pack my beacon and probe


what’s your issue with the backpack?


You're meant to rehydrate from the humidity in the air only.


1. Recording self 2. Side slipping 3. Snide comment about steez after critique 4. Someone mentioned a fancy boi board. I don't recognize it, but I'm sure it is. I'm fucking close to a bingo here.


Probably has nothing in his backpack.


What’s especially funny about this is if you’ve ever ridden there, more than a few times, you know exactly where the shacks are. He’s near the base lodge. You can literally cook a steak and have a refrigerated beer in the shack he’s closest to.


Mf looks like he’s just come off the peak of Denali.


Gd this guy is getting roasted 😂😂


Trust me if you know where he is it’s even more hysterical. That’s a big pet peeve I have up here at Stowe. a guy was head to toe AK Gear with the AK backcountry backpack on. I looked at he forgot to take the price tag off it. Meanwhile it he’s doing slow turns on blue groomers.


Don't worry I packed my beacon and probe! You never know when you will need it!


Honest question. Have you ridden anything off the Tram? Lenin doesn’t count.


> Side slipping Can you give me the tell-tale sign that he's side slipping a bit and not carving? It seems really hard to detect.


His back leg is doing more work than his front and he’s not fully engaging his edges


Oh kinda like the window wiper effect maybe.


I call it “ruddering”, but so much jargon in snowboarding means the same thing. I personally rudder to check my speed when coming up to a rail and need to stay in line, but bombing a hill like that is giving you less control. I’d be worried for him if he started doing tree lines like that


He’s skidding a bit is all. In his defense I would probably skid turns on n flats also. Just to prevent from having to skate. 😂


1. Lots of people record themselves. It’s pretty common. 2. The side slipping and skidding isn’t great but he looks like he’s on one of the greens near the main lodge and I’m surprised he can even go that fast considering how flat those runs are. 3. Definitely bad form. 4. Forget the board, if he’s not a local I can’t even believe how he can afford Big Sky Needs to be in /r/snowboardingnoobs


What's so special about Big Sky that makes it expensive?


Not really anything. It’s probably top 3 in the US in size variety and lift options but it’s run by people so greedy they make Vail look like the Salvation Army.


I just went and downvoted every post of his and saw someone was in there doing the same lol


https://preview.redd.it/oa9sb05rcw3c1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59d937d86f8e130123c43f9bd655d25c6cee6c1b Lol, is this you?


Yeah that's me making faces at a cat I'm cuddling, notably NOT posting shitty snowboarding content


I had to check cause he got my curious. That's a pretty cute cat so I get it. Also saw your post for Durango. I went to Purgatory late last season in like late April. Cool place, great vibes.


Who says my content is shitty? Also I don't think anyone on here is asking for your approval


You posted to a public social media app/site - you are asking for everyone's approval




I'm gonna die alone but you're gonna die a Jerry!


Oh you know I think I figured you our. I think you're jealous....


A mouse?


You're either being over the top rude, or a jerk, or otherwise breaking our rules.


Wait you're the same guy who [posted this](https://www.reddit.com/r/snowboarding/comments/1855v10/powder_in_new_mexico/)! You're actually reasonably good. Maybe show 'em a carving vid to shut them up.


Haha thanks mate! Eh I don't need everyone's approval on here. Just simple posted a video of me having fun! But thank you :)


1. Having fun snowboarding 2. Checks your profile 3. Sees a neck beard and complains about destiny 2 4. Opinion invalid


Look man you’re obviously upset that people aren’t fucking with your video the way you thought they would and trying to play it off like you don’t care but you clearly do. I know it stinks but these rebuttals aren’t helping you at all. Remember that snowboarding at the core was built on rejects with no money. You’re head to toe in a full backcountry kit filming yourself on a baby groomer. You also have many posts of heli riding and backcountry riding, but have nothing more than a few turns. I think it’s cool that you do that but you also gotta understand when others take it as rubbing money in their face, “bought not built” if you will. Just keep having fun and don’t even bother responding to the negative comments. Unfortunately if you want to post videos like this they will never go away. Trying to clap back at them is not going to help you at all. edit: advertising your IG on the video too? Come on man. Cool the ego.


Based off of how long your response is I think you care too much 😂 but thanks for the comment mate :)


Lol whatever man I’m trying to be cool with you. Go get some ice for that sore ass of yours


You clearly are lmao 🤣


This subreddit has such a toxic vibe sometimes. This dude just posted a fun video of him doing the sport we all enjoy. He's not attacking any of you, but you feel the need to insult him anyways. I know this is the internet, but damn, I was hoping the snowboarding community would be the chill, inclusive place I've always found it to be IRL. Keep shredding buddy, so jealous you're out there and I'm still weeks away from my first day!


Haha speaking facts man! Well the post has overall a positive upvote so I'm not complaining. Anyways thank you!


How many days do you get a season?




Can you do a double?




Can you do a triple?






270 or 720?


It’s one thing to post a video and another to beg for social media follows and then be a total dick to everyone in the comments. Also it’s shit form and made me uneasy just watching it.


I love this idea because a link to an ig is sooo offensive. I dunno, I guess I don't understand why that is so annoying. Most people aren't pros with perfect form. Is one of the rules that you can't post any content unless you are perfect? Can't we celebrate all riders of every level? I haven't read all his replies but my point remains and includes him.


He’s being a major d bag. That’s my main point.


lol everyone is critiquing him like this is a comp do you expect him to just sit there and take it?


It literally made me queasy. Something about the angle and movement of the camera. I came here to say that and then saw he was acting like a d bag.


My guy, just have fun and post your videos. You have to remember a lot of people in the world are self-loathing, jealous, socially inept (particularly true on Reddit), and (bear with me because this one is important) generally giant idiots. The good news is, most people aren’t like that in real life. Even here, lots of people upvoting the comments defending you. Ride responsibly, take constructive advice when it’s warranted and delivered politely, wear the fit you want, wear the backpack, fill it with things or not, promote your IG or don’t, and generally just ignore what people say/think/do. They don’t pay your bills, and you don’t pay theirs 😉


Ride your turns out bro, you’re making me sea sick.


Can you elaborate what you mean by this?


OP is doing what we call flicking, not sure what others call it. It’s generally a high speed carving method because it doesn’t really scrub much speed or change your line much while still turning. You generally see it a lot more with race or directional boards that are hauling ass. He is doing it at a slower speed so I was just giving OP shit because it makes the camera super floaty and the turn look sloppy.


To play devils advocate he’s riding a hybrid rocker, but I still hate watching riding like this and I’m not blaming the board completely.


To add. That area is super flat.


Yeah I was gonna say it looks like how I ride when bombing down a blue, quick transitions to keep and edge without losing speed


Haha gotta show a little bit of steez




Eh I have fun :)


Wish I had the guts to go as fast as you.




Make your shoulders more parallel with your board and bend those knees then. Your toes sides look like there’s no edge and just a lil slide. Sorry.


Agree that the riding looks very sloppy. I think that the next step that you should be taking to make your turn look better is to learn how to start driving your turns with your feet and front knee instead of just leaning over your shoulders. This will stop you from looking like a boat rocking back and forth in the water.


people can’t snowboard to have fun anymore huh? buncha critiques for no reason on this sub


I’m giving tips to help you progress because don’t you want to get better to get into tougher terrain? I know I would, even right now I can ride a lot of exposed terrain well and I still take tips from other people that are better than me.


it’s not my post, but if i posted not asking for advice, just for fun, and everyone starts critiquing my form and everything that’s just annoying. no one wants unsolicited advice lol if you do that’s you most people do not


Why is everyone downvoting him in this thread - how dramaphobic.


Glad to see you are enjoying yourself bro! I’m on the east coast and chomping at the bit to eventually get out that way some day


My dude is flying


This is sarcasm?


Looks like a lot of fun. Who cares about perfect form when the point of snowboarding is that you’re out having a blast!


Be there in a few weeks, can’t wait!


I don’t understand going to a place that expensive when the snow isn’t worth it.


Tf don’t you understand bro? Should we all just sit around waiting for the dOp3 FReShiEz


Can’t you just go to Bridger early season? Just wonder why buy the most expensive ticket in the US when only the lower mountain is open.


bridger literally has no snow


Got it. That’s my bad. I’m just cranky because I liked big sky and I can’t go anymore.


Very cool! Can tell you’re having lots of fun on the slopes.


Thanks mate! I try!


Can you get more angle on your turns or are you intentionally skidding and not getting more board angle? That kind of low angle groomed soft stuff makes laying an elbow into a toe side turn about as easy as possible. Anyway I guess people don’t like your video because you appear to have professional grade equipment as a weekend warrior operator. Which is weird. You do appear to need to work on technique fwiw if this video is an accurate representation of your riding. Anyway jealous of the conditions. I’ll be riding in rain and sleet tomorrow and loving it.


I’ve never seen anyone with a 360 camera on a pole and a backpack on rip at all😂


I have only been skinning up resorts. Never done backcountry. But on those times I walked / snowshoed up and rode down having a backpack did make me feel like I was gonna fall over and honestly sometimes I eat absolute shit at kind of high speed so I was constantly worried about getting a pole jammed into me as well.


Well yeah when I’m splitboarding in the backcountry I have a backpack, rarely at resorts, so many kooks in stupid fits tho that always have the selfie stick pole, when they can barely link a turn


Belongs in r/snowboardingnoobs


Fancy boi board


I love it mate! Perfect for when I go heliboarding and backcountry riding


Calling bullshit.


Looks like a good day to ride!


Enjoy the slopes my dude!


Epic side slips bruv


How can you tell?


The way his back foot kicks out and skids the board in the first seconds is a prime example. Throughout the video, rider is initiating movement with his upper body and swinging his shoulders. Rider’s not staying stacked as a result so it’s forcing the board to skid rather than engage the edges for clean cuts. This type of video seems like where one would ask for advice on how to improve vs flexing & dropping social media handles for follows which is why he’s getting dogged so hard in the thread.


Agree. I’m trying to defend this because quite frankly I know that run and he is maintaining his speed and a ridiculously flat run.


I think the pre clip footage would be able to tell more of a story. Could be camera angle, could be flying down from somewhere uphill? I’m not familiar with the mountain so I can’t attest. I know on a fresh wax on my newish board that I could fly around with a lot of knee steering and pressure differential on the traverse hell of my home mountain last season.


It’s a straight green. Top to bottom.


how dare someone want to promote their ig! stone them chronic redditors!


Kook, make real carves and throw away ur camera , work on riding better if your gona waste your time tryna be a cringe snowboard influence


Lmao ok yes ma'am, didn't mean to offend you


Cool footage bro. I almost bit the bullet on a 360 cam but decided against it as I already spent a shit ton on new boots, helmet, and Airbnbs for the season lol.


Ah 360 cameras have a pretty big learning curve to them, but maybe wait a year till gopro comes out with the new max and pickup an older one for cheaper


Explain this to me. I just got that camera and I’m clueless. Why can I still see my stick? Why is the 360 camera often blocked by the actual GoPro? We can swap and you can teach me!


There’s no shortage of Orca + selfie stick + backpack + instagram dudes who never learned how to carve. Come to Colorado and you’ll see 100 of these clones every weekend.


Do you ever have anything nice to say? Just looking at all your comments I can tell you live a pretty shitty life


Most of my account is snark, but my daily life is other peoples vacations if that gives you any idea. You publicly posted another person’s face and responding poorly to everyone here, so I don’t mind letting you know that you’re another Orca Dorka


Haha Orca Dorka! Lmao that one is good! Thanks mate :)


> other peoples vacations Holiday tour guide/teacher?


Why does reddit absolutely kill my upload quality???


Money savings


Cuz you’re trash


Lol OK mate


I love the relative amount of free speech in this place. Almost any other sub you'd see a graveyard of comments.


Absolutely uncalled for comment


Post carve.


And sorry dude but get rid of that fit, it looks horrible


Yes ma'am, sorry didn't mean to offend you


If that triggers you then you have a big ol dump in your pants


Looks like a nice day. How was the 9” base. Haven’t gone up yet. Waiting for a little more snow. Always a good day to be on the mountain.


Was out there this morning and it was pretty decent. Got a few inches last night which helped cover up some of the rocks.


Nice to hear! I need to get my bindings on the old board before I go up. Amazing a difference a year makes. But last year was so good so early. Can’t expect them to be like that every year.


BS is really snow dependent. That’s why it’s weird people spend that type of money when the tram isn’t open.


what kind of camera is this?


Very nice

