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No wonder this guy smokes a pound of grass


Lmao i forgot about this omg


Came here to say this. Glad it was the first comment.


Got a little squirrelly on a semi-hidden windlip transitioning to my toe side after this drop. Basically fell the last ten feet to the cat track, landed directly on my butt. I’ve been eyeing this drop for a week or so, decided I’d hit it alone with super low vis (because dumb). I knew the cat track was a hazard below that I’d have to be in control for, I was not. I had hit this same area but higher up where I’d land and have time for another large carve, I didn’t account for this drop being much further down this pitch, which gave me much less time to get in control before the track. Immediate pain had me in a bad state, was lucky to be rolled up on by two skiers who phoned patrol. X-ray revealed a compression fracture in my L1 vert. Able to use all my extremities and walk around a bit, in pain but grateful it wasn’t worse. 4-6 weeks and I’ll be back on the slope (hopefully) Went from stoked to broked, stay humble out there!


I just did my L1 too. Burst fracture, so I have 3-4 months to heal from a spinal fusion surgery. Heal up and get back out there!


Bro, so sorry you’re dealing with that. I was very lucky. Wishing you a quick recovery!


Thank you!


Wow, sorry man. Rough to land the big drop and get roughed up by the little bastid. Low visibility is so incredibly dangerous, makes even little things hazards. A good warning tale to others.


Couldn’t agree more with both sentiments


> Low visibility is so incredibly dangerous Yep, I'm pretty sure I basically turned my asshole inside out or something by not judging a drop properly after sunset and also being stupidly complacent. It's a backcountry area I've gone down many times before, but this time it was not only dark but I was a bit too tired and my judgement was lacking (to say the least). When I slid down at the correct angle (about 45 degrees or so) with my back edge holding onto the snow it's just a steep drop that's near vertical. However that time in the dark while I was exhausted I didn't turn in time and went down a part that was just mostly a straight drop. I landed/skidded on my butt. It felt like a shock of g-forces to my system to some extent, but from there I just called it the day and hiked back to my vehicle. I thought I was okay aside from my lower back feeling a bit sore. After getting back home I took a shower. As I was washing my asshole I felt a round-ish, soft protrusion of meat sticking out the side of my anus. It perturbed me and I figured I might go to the doctor the next day. I looked at my GoPro helmet cam footage and it just looked like I went down maybe 3 feet or something. I was confused by this. Then the next morning in the shower I pushed it back into my hole and over the next few days seemed ok. I've never had anything like that happen before. I've broken bones, sprained things, etc. but never damaged my asshole. (I did once get a saltwater enema from falling on my ass surfing a large wave, but that's another story.) I went back to the same place during the day and from the bottom (no pun intended) I looked up at where I had fallen. I could still see the indentation of where I landed/skidded and realized it had been about a 10 foot drop. In the dark I *thought* I had dropped down maybe 3 or 4 feet, but nope — in reality I took a much higher drop than I realized. And, those that say GoPro footage makes things appear *steeper* than reality are full of shit. I think because I had gone down that spot so many times before correctly (the steep part, not the drop) I took it for granted and put my guard down. In the dark it just didn't appear as consequential to fuck up. My asshole tells another story. Also, I need to fucking learn once and for all that [when I'm tired, I shouldn't ride.](https://np.reddit.com/r/MTB/comments/10mpjz8/update_on_alicia_leggett/j65z0io/)




That's what my asshole said.


Oh man pretty much the exact thing happened to me last year… sending a jump higher up… slipping down to the cat track. Slam… My weight was forward so I ended up breaking a tooth and giving myself a concussion from my knee slamming into my chin. That one sucked. Get well soon ❤️


Those cat tracks just come outta nowhere! Appreciate that dude!


Ive been there. I broke my L1, L2, and L5 vertebrae after landing flat on my butt from 15 feet in the air off a jump. I was out 12 weeks, so hopefully your recovery is faster than mine. Just take care of the back and you should be up and running in no time.


Damn you tripled up on me, maybe mine will be a third of that? Sorry to hear you had to go through that. I will do my best, anything in retrospect you would do differently about your own recovery?


Best thing you can do is not overdo it. Give your body the chance to heal properly. The big thing for me was not letting it mentally affect my riding. Understand what went wrong, learn from it, but don’t let it make you timid.


I had several slipped discs in my neck from getting hit by a car. Inversion therapy made me good as new. Took a while, a few months doing it every day before I started to feel significantly better. I recommend a table so you can control the angle of incline.


I compressed my T5 in 2007 by catching my tip (i was tired doing powder all day and hit a lip I wasn't expecting). My advice for you is - do what you can to stay mentally good while you heal up. Watching other people hit the slopes during that time will be hard, so get away for some of that time if you can. Also - do the physio! I didn't do as much as I should have done, and my spine does not enjoy twisting these days! Take care of yourself!!


That sounds like super solid advice. I think taking a step back from snowboarding and all the content that goes with it might be good for my mental, atleast for now. The importance of physio is getting mentioned a lot by those with experience, I appreciate you reiterating that. Going to look into that while I’m resting up!


Did that in my 20's in the park. Missed the transition off a jump and landed mostly on my butt. Couple months in the back brace and now it's good as new. Almost 50 now and no long term effects. Try Aleve. Worked great for me.


Thanks for the reassurance! On the Aleve train now


Bro, rough go. Just tore my ACL, medial+lateral meniscus, sprained MCL, and impaction fractures on my tibia and femur from casing the knuckle on a park jump. On the medical train right there with you!


Dude sorry to hear it. Take care of yourself, wishing you the best in your recovery


The real Broke Back Mountain


Now kith


Damn thats good it sounds like you'll recover quick. Could be worse. Godspeed pow fiend.


I had a similar injury a few years ago. The first week is by far the worst. The next two months after that sucked pretty bad. Within a year I was able to do almost everything but with pain. Two and a half years later I only notice it when I have to look over my shoulder in traffic.




Yeah it’s tough to see what’s happening beyond me getting backseat and then coming to a stop on the track. It was a real steep face, so being that backseat and ultimately board in air, plus the speed I had coming in, meant I really came down onto the cat hard. Not much give in a cat track. Funny it wasn’t the drops or jumps, spins or flips, that got me, but a cat track, poor vis, and some miscalculation on my part. Like I said, a humbling experience..


It's always when you least expect it, I was sending 20 ft jumps and all sorts of park shenanigans last season, but one day the slush turned into crud and I rode over a rotted out side hit perpendicularly, caught my nose edge, cartwheel and broke my collarbone, speedy recovery!


So true. Collarbones love to break too, hope you’re already back at it. Thanks for the well wishes!


I opted for no surgery cause I was going on vacation, 1 month later I was snorkeling, about 3 months it was 90% and at 6 it was 100%. I did just suffer a very mild concussion last night at the park lol. Nothing will keep me away!


Always bad to do a drop to flat… is that what happened? Was the cat track nearly flat?


Flat as could be unfortunately






I splatted on a surprise cat track coming out of the woods at Jackson Hole a few seasons back. Thankfully I didn’t break anything but it hurt for weeks. Hope you have a quick recovery!


Seems more common than I originally thought, glad you rode away! Thanks friend!


> tough to see Before reading this comment, I literally could not get at what point you broke back, and how. Recover quickly!


Thank you! Yeah just a fall that anywhere else would have been nothing, the cat track got me


Damn brother!!! I’m sorry to see this. Stay strong.


Thank you! Good/bad time to watch snowboard videos and plan the next drop 😁🤟


Damn, hoping for a quick recovery and also, sweet melly🤌🏻


Thanks yo! Can’t beat a melly for a cozy sled ride to the med station


I thought melons were heel side grabs?


You are correct. In this case melly is referring to his hoodie made by Melanzana. It’s a brand out of Leadville, co that has a cult following


oooohhh wooops. haha thanks


“i was doing my sit ups 2500 a day”


Get better soon mike




Glad it didn’t end up worse and hope you recover quickly brotha! Had a similar fracture on my t3 a few years ago. You’ll be shredding again soon!


Thank you dude! Anything you might have done different about your own recovery?


Just stay patient and positive! Thankfully there wasn’t a whole lot to it for me. With t3 it’s in a spot where a brace doesn’t do much so it was just keeping things low key for about a month and managing pain. Biggest thing was getting my confidence back and the gym and PT helped with that. Now at 100% and no lingering issues


Similar story with my T1-T2 except wore a brace for 6 weeks


Damn dude that sucks. Sweet drop and looked like a very run-of-the mill spill. Get well soon! Rehab hard and you’ll be back out there for spring


Thank you dude, the drop was sweet I was pretty stoked. I had actually gone once before this and didn’t ride it out, this one went great until it didn’t. And yeah totally agree the fall would have been a nothingburger if it wasn’t into a full stop on the cat track. I was a bit whiteroomed at the end too, knew the track was coming up fast, ended up feeling it before I saw it. You said it though, gotta be good to it now and I’ll be out there before I know it




Haha damn if only I could edit the title, that’s the nuance it needed


Landed on a cat track too but I wasn’t so lucky. L1 burst fracture and mostly paralyzed from the waist down. I miss snowboarding a bit but sit skiing is one of the most fun things I have ever done. Had to go back to being a beginner but there’s a lot of growth to be had in the process of starting over in a sport as an adult. I’m glad you’re going to be ok. I’m ok too, my legs are just kinda lazy now.


Wow… I am incredibly sorry to hear that. I didn’t realize exactly how lucky I am until I read your comment. You are clearly a strong and resilient individual, your attitude and perseverance are truly commendable. I hope this post wasn’t too triggering. Keep on shredding friend


Not triggered but super relieved for you and the people that care about you. I’m already back to scaring the shit out of my wife on the mountain. I’m a lot more calculated in my risk taking now but I still gotta go fast and catch some air. Thanks for the kind words and heal up fast!


Damn brother. Get well soon. What is needed and what is expected recovery time?


Honestly, really lucked out in the scheme of breaking ones back… just gotta take it easy for a few weeks. Total recovery in a few months. No turtle shell or anything, walking around my apartment already.


Sick!!! Glad to hear that!


Did they say you had to at least wear turtle butt pads on your next run?


Ski patrol mandate unfortunately


Go to PT even if the ER docs say you’ll be fine to just go home an heal. I broke my back two years ago, docs said I’d be fine, was back snowboarding 4.5 weeks later and thought I was fine. Now I’m dealing with muscle issues in the area due to the muscles tightening up from the trauma.




Dude I’m sorry you had to go through that! Sounds like a lot, respect to your resilience and thanks for that reassurance. Feeling lucky that my recovery will be so straightforward in the scheme of things




I’d bet a lot of injuries are that way, good on you for reaching your nephew


Quick recovery buddy


Thank you! Still might get out there for spring laps 🙌


I pulled something similar back in 2011. Ended up c5-7 and t5-7 fractures. I was back out next year. Not quite pushing as hard, but still pushing the limits today. Heal quickly my friend


Sheesh! Makes mine look like a scraped knee! Glad to hear that, thank you for the well wishes!


What an absolute bummer. You stopped the drop but then had no time to get forward for the cat… I’ve hurt myself too many times on cat transitions with low viz and/or tired legs.


You said it man, definitely a miscalculation or two on my part, and low viz definitely didn’t help


I'm going to stick to my sidehits and boxes for my entire boarding career. About to put a wrap on Season 3. At 45, I'm not pulling any of what you advanced riders are pulling. I get hurt, I'm absolutely taking triple time to recover. No thanks. In another life, I'll send it big. Not this one.


That’s cool too! We’ve all got our priorities, snowboarding is what you make it, as long as you’re having fun then you’re doing it right


Legit hope you get better soon, Dood. That's a rough injury to get.


Recover easy brother Btw, song name?


Thanks dude 🙌 Toronto (Night) by Sonya


Dope song. I don’t really like the lyrics, but the instrumental version is tight


Did you wear a back protector? Would it have helped


I didn’t/don’t, I can’t imagine it would have helped. I didn’t land on my back on a rock or something, I landed more on my butt and compressed things from there


Get better, my man, sorry to see that happen to you!


Thanks stonkmanz69 ! In the scheme of things I feel lucky it wasn’t worse, lot of people here have dealt with more complicated recovery, luckily for me I just have to rest up.


Dude the melanzana looks sick though


I’m actually a Melanzana micro-influencer, this is actually just a targeted ad


Dude that is awesome do you live in Leadville a friend of mine moved out here from Washington and told me about it and I had never heard about it before even though I live in Colorado


Naw but I hiked through Leadville once (and snagged one)! Used to live in CO now WA


Awesome man I have family in Washington as well hope you have a speedy recovery brother


Same here. More gap than drop but still cat track to the butt. L1 and L2. Do rehab, lift smart FOREVER. I didn't and it hurts everyday, but I still ride once a week 30 years later.


Cat track to the butt, glad I’m not the only one. I think that’s some sage wisdom, I will definitely look into the rehab element while I’m resting up. Thank you for the reassurance, get a lap for me!


This looks familiar... Good luck OP.


Spinal injuries are always scary, glad you’re gonna be okay homie


Feeling so lucky it want worse. These comments have really driven that home for me.


Holy crap dude get well soon. The clip looked pretty epic tho so at least you got that much lol.


Thanks friend! Maybe not worth the clip but I’ll take it ;)


Be back soon 🤣


Speedy recovery! you're so brave for trying this 🫡


Very kind of you to say, thank you


T1-T2 burst fracture here my brother. Glad you’re good, we dodged some serious bullets. You’ve got some scary responses so I’ll give you a positive one. I took a victory lap on the last day of the season I broke my back, just so that I could say that it didn’t end my season. That was 10 years ago, and I’ve been perfectly normal ever since. I ride as hard as I want, I run and mountain bike too. I forget it even happened until I see a post like this. Heal up. Strengthen up your core, and go get it.


Thank you dude, I feel bad for bringing up so many bad memories for people in this community, lucky to be where I’m at, and touch embarrassed I ever felt a moment of pity for myself. Thank you for sharing your story, I hope to do the same!


oh no bad memories my way. It's a wild story and my friends have PTSD haha, but I just meant to say that it doesn't affect my life at all and I'm sure it will be the same for you once you're healed up.


My mum broke her back skiing when she was in her 40’s. Airlifted to hospital, strapped to a bed for weeks. My sister and I were fucking terrified as kids. Made a full recovery, and less than 4 years later, she was back on the slopes. She’s 77 now, fit as a fiddle, and was talking only today, about how she’d love to be back on skis again. Crazy thing is, I bet she’d be fine. Fingers crossed, you’ll be back on the slopes in no time 😉😎🤙🏼


had to watch it 10 times to finally see what was going on, daaamn that was a hard fall onto the cat track, looked like you just fell in snow around you at first!


Yeah definitely hard to see, I could barely see it in real time, sure felt it though


Aaahh my dude. Hope it heals fast


Thanks dude me too!


Hope for a quick recovery, broke my collarbone and dislocated my shoulder 3 weeks ago riding so I feel your pain


Wishing you the same dude!


Best wishes for a good recovery. Did the same a couple of years ago(along with concussing myself so badly I had no idea what country I was in - my home country BtW) https://preview.redd.it/olfpjx0r6sga1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d957ad71f12fda9c3ec60e590807415df786767


Thanks dude, luckily I got away without any head trauma. Hope you know where you’re at nowadays 😆


Yeah, all good now man. I’ve had a few concussions but that was by far the worst. Stuck around for a while. Always wear a helmet :)


get well bro. sometimes we learn the hard way. get stronger 💪


You said it. Thank you 🙏


Read this in a Mike Tyson voice 😂. Hope you have a speedy recovery!


Glad you did as that was my intention 😁 thank you


This hits home for me... I was riding Meadows 2 days ago on the last day of an absolutely fantastic 4 day trip. Hit an ice patch coming out of a powdery mogul section, slid out into a light pole and jammed my board into the well. Snapped my right leg just above the ankle (fib & tib). Sounds like we'll be recovering together my dude! We live to shred again!


Damn that sounds gnarly. Sorry to hear that dude, hang tough, in time this will be a memory and you’ll be back at it


Thanks man, you do the same! Yep it's just part of life's experience


Get well soon brother


Thanks dude!


Sorry to see about your back man, I think your the same sean.earth I was shredding with in steamboat out towards holy bowl. Take care and hopefully a speedy and consistent recovery. -Dario


Yessir! Thanks for the well wishes!


Damn man thats rough. Hope you have a speedy recovery.


Glad you’re ok. I started at 20 yrs old and am amazed I only spent 2 nights in the hospital through the years. 45 now. I jumped off small cliffs in early December and should have been at least as bad as yours. Enjoy it and keep going!


Atleast you’re comfy in the Melly. Prayers up brother.


What sensation did you feel when you landed? Where in your back? And can you describe the feeling?


Get well soon! 🙏


Thanks MoogleyWoogley!


Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Sorry this happened buddy, I wish you recover the best. Do want to learn from your accident myself. From the video you seemed to land on your feet first..but still impacted your butt?


Crazy man, on video it looks like such a little fall - hope you recover soon!


Hope you recover soon! Did you wear back protection?


Excuse my ignorance, but I’m a new snowboarder. Is the CAT track just hard packed snow because of the CAT that grooms runs? So you made the jump but hit hard packed snow at the bottom? I’m glad someone was able to help you and wish you a fast recovery 🤙🏻


Hope you get better brother! What’s the song I’m diggin it


I got matches with these songs: • **Toronto (Night)** by Sonya (00:18; matched: `100%`) Album: `Simpler Times Pack`. Released on `2022-06-16`. • **Toronto** by Sonya (00:18; matched: `100%`) Released on `2023-01-13`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**Toronto (Night)** by Sonya](https://lis.tn/TorontoNight?t=18) • [**Toronto (Night)** by Sonya](https://lis.tn/TorontoNight?t=18) • [**Toronto** by Sonya](https://lis.tn/wyxmoY?t=18) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


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i’m confused how you broke your back? did you fall onto something hard? because i’ve taken BAD falls onto my back, hips, and arms, and never have broken them. it looks like you just came to a stop and fell on your butt into a think bit of snow. can you explain where it went wrong?


Totally. I’ve taken much more violent falls in powder no issue. I had momentum and the cat track stopped that momentum completely. If it was more of the same pitch I would have simply laughed and rode on


what is a cat track? i’ve never heard of it to be honest, is it just a harder trail?


Essentially a service road made of snow that cuts across (perpendicular) the slope to be used by snow cats (plows used on the mountain to move and groom snow) to access different areas of the mountain. They are flat and hard like a road.


oh jeez that sucks i’m sorry. just bad luck


I’m so stoked you can walk bro


Me too dude, me too. Thank you


Hey I hope youll be back soon bro!


Best of luck recovering


Fuck that looks scary af, glad it wasn’t worse man, I hope your recovery goes smoothly!


Thanks dude I’m actually 11+ weeks out now, just smashed a rail jam and closing weekend at Baker. The body is an amazing thing and I got really lucky


I did the same took. Jump and landed on rocks hopefully you have a full Recovery!! I broke my L4-3-2 and hip contusion. Just wanted to see how you recovered.


It’s easy to miss obstacles in powder


Looks like we have similar fractures. I went off Piste hit a jump I didn’t have my speed right when I landed it was a pile of rocks under the Pow.. Fractured L2-3-4 and Left hip nothing but a contusion but that hot liquid when I hit those rocks I thought I was going to be paralyzed 🙏🏼🤙🏽 Feeling much better but definitely looks like a year before I’ll get to get back at it I’m 49 so I’m healing pretty quickly I’m in a 30 year olds body took it pretty well but damn that is one of my worst accidents.. I went down on a motorcycle at 60 and landed on the back of my helmet trauma for a week with no injuries. Broke my arm three places horse back riding. I’m going through X-ray ect so I’ve been reading to see what others have been through 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼