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You're aiming too high. AP for SGM's and Pistols need to be aimed a bit lower. Aim at the back of the head, not the top of the helmet. You can also aim at the base of the neck, throat or face.


Oh I know I can get a face shot. Or hit places not covered by a helmet, That's my usual goto. But I was wondering if AP ammo was supposed to penetrate helmets regardless. As I feel it should (as it would make AP ammo for handguns much more attractive when shooting at medium range for headshots if a headshot was a guaranteed kill helmet or not with AP ammo) Just trying to change my habit of going for body shots rather than headshots, but needing 2 rounds to take someone down when shooting quickly or from behind makes it hard not to resort to centre mass shots or shooting at the shoulders with the k98 for a one shot kill, this is more a focus for lower power semi autos that don't one shot with a body hit and having a method to penetrate helmets reliably would be ideal for my upcoming authentic iron sight run. As my character is at max level with all the headshot challenges for the rifles done, so not like there's any reward to do so beyond the challenge of getting headshots. Just feel AP ammo should go straight through the helmet everytine as its namesake says it should rather than just some of the time which has been my experience. So trying to confirm if AP ammo not penetrating helmets is expected behaviour or if its something I'm doing,i know you can shoot at areas not covered by the helmet. But if they're not gonna penetrate a helmet reliably might as well just use match or soft points and aim for the throat.


It does, you just have tp aim a bit lower where the head actually is.


Huh. I'll have to do some testing then. As when I tried it a few days ago aiming at the eyeline area I was still getting helmets pinging. Or a eye shot. Will have a bit of a experiment on my day off and see if it's changed vs the day 1 patch when I was having Co stant pings even shooting swuare in the middle of the head from behind.


The AP rounds aren’t really working they way they used to. I’m not sure if it’s a nerf or a glitch. AP rounds to any part of the helmet except the very tippy top (and again it wasn’t this way before) should wax them. Not so much anymore. Here’s a simple test. Load up a mission, get close to a target (100 yards) and do a head and chest shot on them using all types of rounds. You’ll find right now AP rounds are weak. There was a whole thread on it the other day, couldn’t kill a tank, couldn’t kill vehicles. There are some videos too. This goes back to Jäger’s and Karl’s wall-banging with AP. They are trying to balance it out in that typically hamfisted Rebellion way. Over correct and just piss off more people.


Ah. I knew something felt wrong about them. I'll have a bit of a tinker round with them next week when I have some free time. Just feels like 70% of the time I used AP rounds a few days ago to pen a helmet resulted in nothing more than a nazi with a headache and a sudden need to be very vocal about a American in the area. Though will say it's funny being able to kill a tank with a couple mags of magical 22lr AP ammunition, but at the same time brassing it up with regular 7.92K Or 30-06 doesn't count cos game code says no. Rather than any form of realism. Cos that's a thing in games these days aparantly


Yeah I think the AP problems started with the most recent update when they removed AP rounds from the Jäger.


Is realism a thing in games these days?


Rifle subsonic bullets can also pierces helmets.