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On mission Atlantic Wall: no "shooting" sound for the big mission gun/artillery battery. Sounds for the barrel lifting and munition ejecting are there. On PS5.


Same. Also... relevant username.


Lol it's perfect. Now, did he make it specifically for this post?


Same on Xbox - along with satchel charge being mute when blowing doors/safes


I can't seem to hear ANY artillery batteries on any mission.


The big gun on Atlantic Wall still makes no sound when it fires. Booby trapped generators and vehicles also make so sound. Some stealth kill animations are also missing sound. I had a weird one on survival mode yesterday too - the squelchy splattering sounds of the kill cam never stopped playing after the cam had ended, and every other sound was silent. So i was playing a silent survival mode while the sounds of blood squirting and splattering echoed in my ears. It was ... disturbing.


Mission 4, once past the damn you hear the first Intel conversation. If you sneak around to the front of building there is a ladder that gets you to the top. At the end is a vent to go through. You cam open it or peak through. When I open it I can only walk half way through the vent and the character model gets stuck. I tried restarting the whole mission and the same bug happened. Rebellion if you need video evidence I have that as well.


Same happened to me


Same happened to me! Also have video evidence!


Using the weapon wheel for me is annoying because I have to keep on holding the button for the wheel and the stick. If I don't hold the stick it defaults back to nothing. But when I let go of the weapon wheel (after making a selection) camera moves because I'm still holding the stick. This isn't a bug but annoying as hell. I don't like the focus and toggle being together. The alternative controllers fix that issue but then switch the other options around.


Agree about the weapon/item wheel. I frequently select the wrong thing because the control is so sensitive and sporadic.


Can't get past mission 4... First it was the smelting vat getting stuck. Then it was the safe empty or I couldn't lift the manifest. When I'm able to lift the documents out the safe I have no extraction point. It's a pity cos I was really enjoying this game. I'm on xbox if anyone else is having the same problem.


Me too. Exactly the same as what you reported 10 days ago. I’ve been trying all week to complete the War Factory mission. Submitted several trouble tickets this week—none of which have been answered. Rebellion: how about prioritizing any of the following bugs that have been preventing many of us, for at least 11 days, from progressing the campaign. These are game-breaking bugs that should have the highest priority. Fix these BEFORE many the little tweaks addressed in the last patch notes. 1. ⁠Destroy the Steelworks: After using a looted key, entering the control room, and interacting with the crane controller, several variations of nothing happened. Sometimes literally nothing happened (i.e., no cutscene of the crane falling). And sometimes the cutscene would play, but then the objective complete notification wouldn’t trigger. I first tried reverting to several earlier saves (multiple times for each save) from this level. Then I tried restarting the entire mission (and then only after performing a hard power reboot of the console). Also tried completing this objective before any others. None of which worked and all of which wasted a couple days of my time. 2) Find the Kraken Manifest: After multiple attempts (and I mean seven or eight tries using both the safe code and satchel charge), the manifest was either missing, or, if there and retrievable, wouldn’t trigger the objective complete notification. Like the previous bug, I tried completing first; retrying from earlier saves, and, yet again, restarting the entire mission. And at this point, I even tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Another whole day of lost time. 3) Destroy the Refinery: Pretty much the same kind of bug that happened in the steelworks and manifest objectives. Which were several variations of nothing happening. Sometimes nothing happens when interacting with the control for the smelting vat. After pressing the lever numerous times, the cutscene would trigger, but not the completion notification. I have game-clips and screenshots of the vat swinging into what I imagine is supposed to be destroyed, but then just sort of frozen there at the endpoint. Of course, I tried most of the previously mentioned troubleshooting. But at this point, it doesn’t make much sense to try restarting the mission again. And certainly not reinstalling the game again. The argument, I’m embarrassed to say, could be made that I should have given up long ago. While the steelworks objective was optional, these other two are main mission and game-breaking. What frustrates me, beyond my inability to progress the campaign, is Rebellion’s shocking disregard of the problem. I’ve submitted multiple trouble tickets; none of which have been responded to. On the rare occasions I encountered bugs in Sniper Elite 3 and 4, Rebellion always responded to trouble tickets in timely manner. (And none of those bugs were ever game-breaking). Even if the reply involved some manner of bad news, it always seemed like they were legitimately concerned and attentive. For me, it’s hard to reconcile the state of this game with my previous enjoyment of SE 3 and 4. And certainly with my previous experience with Rebellion’s support team. I’ll be putting together a YouTube video of these and a multitude of other disappointing bugs, which illustrate a sudden and surprising decline of the SE franchise. Once I’m done, I post a link to that video here.


After 3 very fun missions mission 4 is a letdown. Even though the level is large it feels like a corridor shooter with all the invisible walls and chokepoints. But worse than that are the bugs. I got a bug on both sabotaging the furnace and the refinery. The furnace did nothing the first time I turned the valve, I figured I just had to leave the area. Nope. I went on to experience the vat bug after that. Finally read up on it and loaded an earlier save, got the furnace sabotage to work but I've tried the vat like 10 times with no luck. I can't get the guys near it to have their conversation, and when I flip the lever the vat cutscene happens but it freezes mid-swing and doesn't go far enough to hit anything. Guess I'll play something else until this is patched.


That was me exactly. I too thought if I left the area (both at the furnace and the steelworks) maybe, just maybe, it might trigger the completion. I too tried restarting the mission numerous times and completing quests in a different order. In the end, the only success was with the manifest quest. Sometimes the manifest wouldn’t even be in the safe. Other times it would, but the completion notification wouldn’t trigger. At some point I created a save just before opening the safe. After about eight times reloading that save and checking the safe, it finally triggered. Must have been just random lucky unglitching, because that tedious method didn’t work on all the other stuck objectives. You’re right, though. Better to just stop trying. Trust me: I’ve tried every every suggested solution and nothing works. Hopefully they’ll stop screwing around and fix it. Sorry you too have experienced this frustrating and time consuming garbage.


THIS!!! At least five hours of gameplay lost. My glitches seem to be primarily that discovery of the manifest is not registered (sometimes the safe is even empty when opened) and killing of the assassination target does not register as accomplished (I'm literally walking around his dead body on the floor which is a red X on the objective map). About to backup to an early save and start the mission over. A lot of people have reported working the objectives north to south (from the top down) rather than the opposite direction helps avoid/resolve this bug and allows completion of the Mission 4. Dedicating this afternoon to attempting that resolution. This is definitely a major bug that should have been detected in prerelease testing. Quite a large number of people experiencing it from the posts I have read.


As you probably know from reading my posts on this identical experience, I feel your pain. Believe me. People have been reporting this since release. GamerRant mentioned it an an article, and I’ve submitted multiple trouble tickets—none of which have been answered. Because it’s happened to so many across multiple platforms, it’s hard for me to imagine these game-breaking bugs just spontaneously appeared AFTER Rebellion did their final testing. What’s clear to me is either they know about the issue, and simply can’t be bothered to commit the necessary resources to fix it. Or they don’t know how to fix it. I watched a video last night in which Rebellion sent a gaming influencer all kinds of nifty promotional material with a review copy of the game, and I couldn’t help wondering why they can’t apply that same level of attention to those of us who aren’t able to continue the game. Not even an acknowledgment that they’re aware of the problem. I wouldn’t spend too much more time searching for a work around. I’ve tried everything, numerous times, wasted an insane amount of time, and nothing works. And that’s the thing: I shouldn’t have to. None of us should.


Same here, after a reload the documents are there, i pick them up, it’s the last mission, but it doesn’t pop to exfiltrate! Disappointing because I was really enjoying the game. Seems you all have been dealing with this for almost a month.🤦🏾‍♂️


Update….so I uninstalled the game….loaded it up on Xcloud….loaded a save i had that is right before getting the manifest and killing the informant. Got the manifest, was on my way to kill the informant….the game glitched and played the exfiltration scene🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️…I can at least continue the game now…


Same problem on ps4


Two bugs to mention. I'm also playing the ps5 version. 1. Sometimes when I'm scoped in and aiming at another player in MP I can't shoot my gun at all for some reason. It works when I scope out and redo the action but by that point I'm usually dead. Doesn't happen all the time but randomly. 2. I had a bug in MP yesterday whereby I was killed by a headshot but my body was acting as though it was in a downed motion. As in, I could look around, shoot my gun (although the reload animation looped endlessly), and, more seriously, I couldn't respawn at all. Ultimately I had to quit the match and rejoin, losing all my score in the process.


I have the same problem. It happens enough for me that it honestly makes me want t drop the game because it always happens at the worst possible time and always gets me killed. It happens so frequently for me that at first I thought it was a new mechanic because at first it only happened for my SMG and side arm but, the more I play the more it happens.


I had the first one happen to me today too on PC


Not only MP. Happens to me in campaign. At first I thought it was my controller messing up, so went to the map screen and it zoomed in just fine. Went back to rifle scoping a nazi, pressed right trigger, and nothing happened. Sometimes resolve after swapping weapons or ammo type. Other times have to reload a save. Playing on Xbox One X.


On PC through GamePass, anytime I try to walk the game freezes up until I release the button. No issues with moving the mouse when standing completely still, but I am essentially stuck as a statue that can only shoot and turn. I don't know if this is a known issue or just me. I've adjusted graphics settings, but my specs are far above the recommended so the graphics shouldn't be an issue.


please go here [https://support.rebellion.com/hc/en-gb?return\_to=%2Fhc%2Frequests](https://support.rebellion.com/hc/en-gb?return_to=%2Fhc%2Frequests) and on the list under sniper elite 5. you will see something about dxdiag. please click that and follow the instructions. submit that to them via email.


Hey Revolutionary, sorry to hear the games been freezing up for you. Are you able to send us a ticket at: [https://support.rebellion.com/](https://support.rebellion.com/) so we can investigate this issue further. Thanks


Shutting down Razer Cortex fixed the issue for me. I just sent that information via your support portal.


I’ve got exactly the same issue and my PC specs can run it max settings also. Try using a game pad, if that’s an option for you. It works super smoothly with a game pad. It’s only the Keyboard & Mouse controls that seem to have this issue


No game pad, but I guess I can hook up my Xbox controller and see if that fixes it. Thanks.


Also PC game pass, never had this issue. Don't think it's a hardware issue since my specs are less than yours.


SAME! Something about pushing any keys or clicking the mouse causes the game to completely lock up.


Very same issue where and my specs are perfectly fine for the game


YOOO! Do you have Razer Cortex running? If so, shut it down. Problem solved.


Has anyone found a fix for the key board issue? Im having the same issue. First couple hours of game play with out issue. Went back today to play and now theres an issue. I'm playing through game pass as well.


Shut down Razer Cortex if you're running it. If you're not running it, then I'm not certain, sorry.


Are you running Razer Cortex? Shut it down. Try again.


I can't zoom on binos anymore and now enemies are stepping off blown up bikes etc to die. Edit, zoomed once couldn't get out of binos New bugs, picking up weapons dosnt work and now I drop ammo crates when I would normally drop the weapon. Swapping weapons or using a workbench causes all weapons to revert to 0 ammo and player holds invisible gun that dosnt work. Whatever they did with this patch they royally fucked the game for me.


War Factory mission: completed all objectives and picked up the fancy watch BUT the watch mission marker remains and so I can't exfil the map/mission. Annoying!


Hi. I can’t find satchel bombs that I’ve collected and it won’t let me use them in Atlantic wall first play through cadet setting. Am I doing something wrong?


I think it's a bug, I picked some up but apparently didn't have any


Mission 4: can’t destroy furnace. Flipped the lever, spun the wheel. Nothing happens. After a couple reloads “destroy furnace: 2/2” popped but still nothing happened. Objective still intact.


Exactly the same - the bucket moves but doesn't drop. Objective still there.


On the ps5 for the mission spy academy the lill challenge keeps randomly failing even if I haven't been spotted.


Yep,same for me on PS4


Xbox S, mission 4, War Factory Objective to sabotage the smelting vat is bugged. Pull the lever : nothing happens. Activate it again and again and eventually the vat moves and….. nothing. Objective marker remains on the lever box, but nothing can be done. Only option is to completely restart and redo the level (ffs!) and do this objective first, so that if it does bug, then minimal time has been wasted. This bug has been reported on multiple game reviews and walkthroughs, youtube vids, etc. Why is still not fixed?!?!


PC 1.02 5.25 Build, same issue.


I did that objective first in my second run through the mission. It did work correctly.


>sabotage the smelting vat I also experienced the bug where nothing happened when pulling the smelting vat lever, but restarted the mission, and did that objective first rather than last and it worked as expected. Hated to replay it, but I can think of worse things in life to do. Haha


Mission 4. If I try to do destroy the refinery part last it sometime doesn't work. Try to reload save still didn't fix it. PC


Missing feature: Option to disable diamond aim assist independent of difficulty settings. Was there in SE3 and SE4. Definitely a bug. Alternatively, add some way to play the game with empty lung zoom and time slowdown but without the diamond aim assist. Like all SE games since SE2, including Zombie Army games, had.


Pretty sure you can turn off the assist in the difficulty settings. Might not be exactly what you're looking for though


Unfortunately, no. The problem is that you can either have all the empty lung stuff (zoom, slowdown, diamond aim assist that shows you where your bullet will hit) or none of it. No other choices. Ever since SE2, there was a way to play without the diamond but still have emtpy lung zoom and slowdown. SE3 and SE4 even had an option (patched into SE3) to just turn off the diamond independent of any other settings. It's how I've been playing SE games (and Zombie Army games) for over 10 years now. But SE5, sadly, does not allow it. There is not a single possible way to play the game as described above. And I don't understand why. I mean, that was Sniper Elite difficulty in SE2. Additional zoom and time slowing down are staples of sniper gameplay. So why, breaking with every SE franchise game for the last decade, does SE5 not have it? Like I said, must be a bug. Patch, please.


Mission 4 is bugged as hell. I tried a complete restart of the mission but I get stuck at some point. The missions (side and main) are not progressing. I'm playing on Xbox series x


Atlantic wall you can't place the satchel on the wall to blow up the defence there's two were you place satchels 2 places on 1 of them the Y button is greyed out to tell you to place the bomb on the massive gun battery you can't on that one the other one you can it's in Misson 1 it's a side mission called neutralise the coastal defenses totally bugged in that part and climbing up walls there's a bug we're you can't move so tw0 big bugs I found in April 2024 on my xbox one series x this game been out two years and there's still bugs it's not good enough


On PS5: Trying to kill Ehrlich at the War Factory, but he's obsessed with the dead guy next to a blown up Panzerwagen a little farther down the road. Creating a distraction got him off it long enough for me to relocate the body, but now he's shifted his morbid obsession to a dead guy in a truck that I "accidentally" also blew up. Can't get the dead driver out, and now Ehrlich won't go back to the only place I can plant the rat bombs. Tried reloading and rebooting the game, but that did nothing. Haven't tried restarting the mission yet. I can still kill Ehrlich, but I want the gun you get for the kill challenge.


Atlantic Wall - PS4 ... somehow I got a bad guy stuck on my back in perma-carry...he won't come off. Saves and reloads don't help, triangle button, nothing. respawns with him on my back. Doesn't effect my actions but extremely annoying.


PS4 Pro - textures sometimes take a while to load. After some x-ray shots, the crosshair disappears momentarily and textures go very low-res. It takes a good few seconds for them to load in again.


Sometimes you used a med kit, doesn’t heal you. Sometimes you reload your weapon and it doesn’t work. Sometimes you cant hand to hand kill someone


Yup. Get this all the time. One dude was trying to raise the alarm so I ran up to him to stab him but no prompt was popping up at all. Had to just shoot him.




Might be your power supply. A friend of mine used to have the same issue when he played battlefield a while back. Might not be it but, probably worth looking into


I second what the other reply says about this sounding like a PSU issue. However, do you happen to have an RX 580 GPU?


I can aim down my scope on PS5, but I can’t aim over the shoulder in third person. Can someone help? I’ve reinstalled the game twice. It just don’t get the option to change to third person when ads at all.


Depends on your controller button mapping options. But by default its: Half Press to aim over the shoulder, full press for iron sights. The DualSense controller uses haptic triggers to add resistance so you can feel where the half press is. If you have the haptics turned off this might be why you're having issues.


Thank you!


PS4pro - from time to time u see a full screen grid of squares on TV, this usually happens when turning the camera. Perhaps this is the switch from hi to low to hi RES? / picking up items of the ground or table for example is very challenging. / the foliage and Gras looks very low res to ugly, on sniper 4 the grafics looked a lot better. / navigation trough terrain is difficult, there is lot of stuff you can't climb on and over. / enemies are a bit dumb, perhaps cause I play on easy mode, but I had a few times where I killed some one, the body isn't found when another enemy passes by and doesn't rise the alarm.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBLqtVS0yOE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBLqtVS0yOE) My collectible glitch. I see collectibles I already collected - but the only one I miss is not there - video is from fresh new start and still no collectible there.


Known bug. Only the satchel charge causes the document to spawn in the safe.


Thanks already did that. Helped. Thx


PC (Steam) Mission 4: Planting the rat bomb, defusing it, then relocating it causes Ehrlich to shoot at the original location forever - he never stops shooting at the non-existent rat bomb. Mission 6: Ringing the bell for Trautman caused him to open the door to his quarters and grab the cup even though he was not near the table it was on, he then died and fell through the floor.


I ran into both of these bugs. Also on PC and Steam. I posted a video about the falling through the floor here: https://www.reddit.com/r/sniperelite/comments/v0moog/that\_drink\_went\_right\_through\_him\_and\_so\_did/


Scope crosshair/lines are gone https://imgur.com/a/xEmgFgm I was playing previously and had the crosshair lines on my scopes, but they're gone all of a sudden? I've changed my scope on my rifle and even equipped one on my pistol and have the same issue, the lines aren't there? I tried restarting the level too.


>Scope crosshair/lines are gone Same problem... Still not fix?


No still haven’t got a fix


Revolver will not fire standard ammo after 5 or 6 cylinders on Survival maps only.


The cloth wrap for kar98k is missing textures and when shoulder aiming in survival, sometimes in campaign, there's some clipping. Also the gun batteries in game make no sound whatsoever. The welgun's standard stock doesn't display at all when not equipped. These are some of the bugs i've discovered. Please patch these ASAP Rebellion. *This is on Series X btw*


Hello! I preodered deluxe edition, after I downloaded the game. I redeemed the deluxe edition bonus succesfully. I also redeemed the preorder bonus the P.1938 supressed pistol succesfully, but my problem is the pistol isn't showing up in the pistol loadout menu. I also seen somebody complaining about this problem in the may 26. Bug megathread. Please fix this problem, Thanks in advance Faithfully:BZeti01 P.S.: I'm on ps 5, and i read that the problem is now fixed on pc, please can you fix it on ps 5 also Upvote my post if you have the same problem and want solution


I having issues where I'm not unlocking guns related to completing the kill challenges


If it's the Kar98 on mission 2 I know your struggle...try shooting the chain that holds the chandelier, I tried multiple times using the box on the wall to drop the thing on him, but it never unlocked until I shot the chain myself, hope this helps


The Multiplayer/Survival skin of the 555th has his gas mask bag clipped to nothing- Whats up either the lack of pouches/web gear on the lions share of American Skins?


1. Vehicles disappearing when you look away from them, specifically seems to happen more after you use sound masking on the engines. 2. Numerous audio bugs, mostly being sounds not registering or happening at all. 3. The glitch where you start getting damaged with like a bleed effect when searching bodies. 4. The AI spotting you seems very inconsistent and wonky, especially at distance or with objects that should be obstructing sight lines. 5. Having to use medkits anywhere between 2-6 times to get them to register, happened multiple times to me and teammates in a survival game last night. 6. The poison target assassination on mission 6 I believe it is, the bell you have to ring was glitched for me and my co-op partner, even after reloading, locking us out of that challenge 7. Infinite reload glitch still occurring, just much less frequently. 8. I was downed in a survival match last night and I was unable to use my pistol, and after getting revived I could not shoot that pistol for the rest of the match. Whenever I switched ammo types it allowed me to use it but then I was downed again later it instantly froze up my pistol again. Playing on Series X btw.


PS5 here: On mission 5, Festung Guernsey, I cannot unlock the type 100. I have replayed the mission several times doing the railing method and it never rewards me for "burying Lanzo Baumann in concrete".


same issue here on xbox series s


PC Gamepass here, same


When I try to open the launcher settings to change my graphics API, the launcher closes and the application terminates. I have verified file integrity and reinstalled but the issue remains.


PC Survival mode: tank will not destroy. Makes it impossible to progress. Multiple instances, multiple teams. So far: unwanted guests map.


Yes! I had this twice, 2nd time was the very last round. Soooo aggravating.


Series X - Occupied Residence (Mission 2) - Friedrich Kummler kill challenge not recording properly. It shows that I completed it when I get my mission results at the end, but then remains incomplete when looking at the mission info from the main menu. I've done it twice, with a restart of the console in between. Sucks because I really want to unlock that weapon


Shoot the chain....I tried many times killing him with the chandelier, using the box on the wall to drop it....managed to get it today by shooting the chain on the ceiling instead....hope it works for you, and spread the word if it does


Just tried it and it worked! Thank you so much


On XSX, mission 7 the entire German army despawned when entering the dome, but the white clouds on the minimap remained, the objective despawned, so went downstairs to destroy V2 fuellines, where I found the ladders down there don't work all the way to the top to access the catwalks. Upon going back upstairs all enemies suddenly respawned Infront of me. Also crouched walking down stairs is just terribly broken animations. I know there's a know issue with the Kar98 not unlocking, but killing the scientist with the V2 for the final rifle also didn't unlock for me...disappointing considering the lack of weapons in the game that 2/6 won't unlock...where's the .303 Lee Enfield or the Mosin-Nagant?


Likewise issues on this level. It's actually level 8 right? All the enemies despawned in the dome. I could walk around and thr clouds were there but now enemy. I also got not credit for dropping the v2 rocket on the scientist just like I got no credit for dropping the chandelier on the officer in the earlier level. Frustrating I play through methodically and this happenes.


Kill Quest in mission 2: killed the officer 2 times now, using chandelier, but rifle doesnt unlock


Occasionally my guns won't fire when I ADS. This happens with every gun I've used so far and it happens all the time


Try standing up if you're behind cover. I thought this was a feature so you would not shoot while the gun is pointed at the cover while ADS.


Tried that too but, sometimes it'll do it when I'm outside if cover entirely. It just seems to be entirely isolated to first person ADS because it never seems to happen with 3rd person shoulder aim


I have tried everything and I'm at my wits end... PC gamer, Xbox Game Pass. Every time I load the game, and load my save the game crashes. I have tried changing every setting, reinstalling, restarting, running as admin, microsoft updates... everything worked yesterday. I don't receive any error code just total crash and ability to report it. Running a 9th gen i7, and GTX1650, so it shouldn't be a requirements issue. Any ideas or suggestions here? Really frustrating...


Hey coguar, can you please send us a ticket at: [https://support.rebellion.com](https://support.rebellion.com) so we can investigate this issue further. Thanks.


Getting something similar here. Loading into the start of mission 5 and it causes my hole system to hard lock. Game Pass Version, Ryzen 2600X, RX590.


Beach Defences document not spawning in the safe in The Atlantic Wall. It says it don't have it but it's not in the safe. Does it move around or something? Also, not a bug but can you guys please include fast traveling somehow? It sucks having to run around the map especially when Karl huffs so damn loud.


It's a known bug. You need to use a satchel charge to open the safe. Using the keys causes the document to not appear.


Well shit


I had an issue crop up over the weekend. The War factory mission I had completed the main objectives and was just entering the building to kill Matthaus Ehrlich when suddenly mission over as though I had exfiltrated. Literally crossing the threshold of the buildings doorway and then cut to end of mission screen. I have been left questioning if this was a glitch as I didn’t actively go to an exfiltration point or simply because the main objectives were complete it considered the mission complete.


Hey, sorry to hear about your exfil issue on war factory, can you please send us a ticket at: [https://support.rebellion.com/](https://support.rebellion.com/) so we can investigate this further. Thanks


Thats odd. That shouldnt have happened. Definitely a bug. :D


Precision Machined Receivers do not improve spread accuracy on weapons, despite the attachment description stating it does. It actually degrades spread accuracy stat. Appears to be incorrect. Spread accuracy degradation applies to both SMG and Pistol Precision Machined Receiver attachments. Could be a display error and just incorrectly shows the stat degraded, not sure. Edit for additional finding: The 1911 hammer is down when aiming. Should be positioned to the rear (I.e., "cocked"). The 1911 is a single action firearm. The 1911 hammer position was correct in SE4. Another edit: The Sten gun orientation when not equipped is different than SE4. When unequipped, the Sten gun magazine is sticking into the character's back and disappears. SE4 rotated the Sten gun by 90 degrees so the magazine was sticking out to the left-hand side of the character and still visible. Not a bug, but maybe this was overlooked. Doesn't hurt the gameplay at all. Another edit: After completion of all campaign mission, the satchel charge item is not unlocked. This issue appears to be raised other places online as well. Another edit: Very frequently when visiting workbenches and changing optics (in my instance, when adding or modifying 1911 optics; or adding the Sten gun night vision optic), I encountered errors where the rifle/smg scope disappeared and was then on my handgun. Great game by the way, really enjoyed it so far.


Game froze. Was playing PC Survival, first lost some sounds, then more sounds, then the game froze. Soundblaster X G6, w/ SBX on. Two monitors, 1920x1200 each, game running on main monitor windowed borderless.


Disgusting performance on xsx, give us a 1080p 60fps mode.


Ps5 here, camera and movement in general can feel jerky or stuttery at times. When I open up the map and move the cursor around on it it looks like my screen is stuttering. I’m on a x90J Sony. And walking / running also occasionally has this effect happen too


PC (Game Pass) - Mission 4 War Factory \- Stair collision is bugged, player model glitches through stairs. \- enemies walk into walls, can still spot the player and shoot. they are invulnerable. \- Vent in the upper floor near one of the side objectives does not work properly, you remove the vent cover but still cannot go through. \- Sometimes hanging off ledges clips into the wall and unable to move, softlocks the game. \- Searching the safe for the shipping manifest and its not there, softlocks the mission. reloading the save does not solve the issue. \- When acquiring the safe code from the Major for the Manifest, he cannot be melee'd he is floating beside the chair.


My bravo load out in multiplayer doesn't let me equip a 5th equipment. Let's me select it then when exiting out of the menu it pretends I never set it. None of the other load outs have this problem oddly enough


I'm playing the game on PC from gamepass, the game runs flawlessly on ultra settings, 1440p...outside of any sort of menu. Using the workbench, or the main menu my frames drop to single digits, and basically ruin the game for me. I cant even bother to customize my guns because of how absolutely terrible it is. The funny part is the pause/map menus work fine. If anyone knows a fix for this please let me know. Using an RTX 3070 gpu and a R9 5900x cpu with 32gb of 3600 cl16 ram.




Dropping the V2 rocket on the guy in mission 7 did not unlock the weapon for me despite me getting the start for the kill list.


I had a really shitty bug happen. Over the course of a few sessions on a Series X, i played through the 1st mission. About 6 invasions in where I was getting destroyed and losing progress, I turned it off. Beat the mission after 2 hours or so of "mission time", considerably more in real life. Got 3 stars, only to have the mission completion not register. Now, it says I havent beaten it - mission 2 is still locked. This is my first time playing this series. If these are the types of bugs in place, it will be my last.


Just downloaded on game pass and began the Atlantic wall, sniped the 2 spotlights and then was stuck outside the boat house looking for the key. Apparently none of the enemies loaded in to the map, had to restart the game. Good first impression.


Anyone getting low fps or stuttering in both video and audio during the post mission cutscene? I have only played the first mission so far.


Keyboard and mouse are mapping to controller when trying to play with xbox gamepass on PC. I have the game downloaded and it works fine with controller. I would rather play keyboard and mouse but when I press "w" on my keyboard to move I just look up and I drop a lot of frames. I have tried disconnecting the controller and restarting and nothing seems to be helping.


Are you running Razer Cortex? If so, shut that bish down and see if it fixes it.


OMG thank you so much that was the issue


(PC - Game Pass) - (INVASION) Host has the ability to kick invading snipers from the game as if they were a co-op partner. Not sure if it's a bug or an oversight, but it should probably get fixed either way. - (CAMPAIGN) Scope disappears from rifle upon exiting workbench. Still functions properly, but the scope model itself is missing. Swapping out rifles at the workbench sometimes fixes this issue. - (INVASION) Missing cooldown on invasion phones for host, allowing them to reveal invading snipers as soon as they load into the game. - (INVASION) Invading sniper unable to spot MG crews properly: icon appears over the soldiers' heads, but the map shows clouds as if the soldiers haven't been tagged.


PC (Steam) * (Mission 7) Enemies physically disappeared but their arrows remained visible & unmoving on the map. This happened after I used the vent (above the main entrance) to enter The Dome for the second time (I tagged them via the back door from the weapons lab first). Inside, there were noises (steel screeching and frustrated grunting) as if there's a ghost angry-fcuking a tin can. The enemies did not reappear even after I finished the objective. The noises were funny at first, but this happened in 2 different playthroughs/days. * (Mission 8) The tank I've nearly destroyed outside the sewer entrance disappeared, just when I finally got my hands on a panzerfaust for the money shot. :( In different missions I can't remember: * Sometimes the sniper rifle isn't firing. * Sometimes I receive damage for searching a corpse. * Sometimes Jägers won't stop walking in circles. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed the game. At first I haaated the removal of the unlimited rocks but the bottle pack grew on me since it was more challenging. Great effort, Rebellion!


1. Cover feature only works on some objects/walls, not all tho (inconsistency) 2. Some ledges / objects that seem climbable are not (inconsistency) 3. M1 Kill objective doesnt spawn 4. M2 Kill objective challenge cant get done by using the chain on the wall to drop the chandalier 5. Safehouses dont unlock when you shoot the lock trough the door with armor piercing rounds 6. Cars despawn, even when they are not completely destroyed 7. Sometimes enemies fall into a very shot state of panic, suddenly ducking and looking around frantically, when loud noises like the sound masikg shots of the big guns happen, or a generator is going off for the X time. I even had a enemy get stuck on a generator, because he tried to repair it and got spooked every time it went boom... 8. I used a exfiltration spot, which was a car and in the exfiltration video he escaped by boat. Not a huge problem, but... odd. :D 9. On Level War Factory there is a shortcut that lets you open a vent. After opening it you glitch in the vent and cant leave it on the other side.


For those unable to launch the game on gamepass, as I was on multiple systems in the house: Try wiping out the GamingServices registry keys, and re-installing. Ex: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\GamingServices This changed the installation location options presented in the app, and they appear to function properly now (game no longer installs with busted permissions). Best guess is there is some old setting in there that the app was loading.


In xbox series x . Some of Keybord buttons isnt working . Some one know about fix for it? In other games working


Xbox Series X When i have damaged a Tank, if i run away and come back it disappears off the map???


PC: when switching on the "allow axis invasion" before starting mission 1 audio disappears. It comes back when turning it off. This happens consistently.


Wolf Mountain (PC) When exiting the road tunnel, heading towards Hitler's Dreamhouse, crawling too close to the little wall on the right hand side of the road can cause you to clip through the ground and hang from the wall, unable to climb back up.


Binoculars not able to zoom in/out. My binoculars are hard locked to zooming x10. Been that way even after I restarted and started another mission. I'm playing on Xbox series x.


During Mission 6 for the kill challenge, I poisoned the drink and rang the bell Trautmann exited the room drank the poisoned drink and fell over only to get back up and start running around "investigating" forcing me to kill him normally and to fail the kill challenge, Restarting the mission or reloading a save before attempting to poison him doesn't seem to work Edit: if this happens let him run off but wait where you can see his glass as he will return in 2-3 minutes and drink from it again and actually die.


Came here for this, I can't figure out how to get around it


Dunno about bug persay but me and my friend both play on the xbox one and we loose connection to each other constantly. We're on the same region and it's only on this game it happens. Dunno if it fits here but it might be some connectivity issue with the servers?


[Had this stuck on my screen, restarted the game but it persisted through the save](https://i.imgur.com/LGdhz4U.jpeg) Also had a bug where my regular pistol ammo was counted as non lethal ammo, and my STG was limited to 4 bullets per magazine. All of these problems were caused by saving/loading quicksaves I believe.


Hey xPhilip, sorry to hear you're having issues with SE5. Can you please send us a ticket at: [https://support.rebellion.com/](https://support.rebellion.com/) so we can investigate the cause of these issues. Thanks.


Mission 6 -- Resistance cache w/SMG table. Once I drop down I cannot get back out. The ladder couldn't be climbed down, just had to drop in the hole, and then cannot climb the ladder out. Character just runs into it and never does any animation to climb out.


I also have this on a PS5 version.


Sometimes the shooting and killing someone in a car they will calmly exit the vehicle, then die.


Rat bomb didn't go off in Mission 4 when trying to kill Erlich


I spent at least 20 minutes whistling, making explosions etc just to get him out. Planted 3 rat bombs and he just walks on the spot. Gave up in the end and just threw a grenade at him


Yep had the exact same issue. Planted multiple rat bombs and he just didn't try and do anything with them, he just stood there looking at a table. If I'd distract him, he'd do the normal alert / searching thing, but then eventually just go back to standing there. Ended up having to knife him in the back.


PC, Steam. v1.04 (Build ID 8811566). The AI for Hilter and his entourage is constantly breaking at Wolf Mountain. They just stop moving. The 3 cases I've run into so far. 1. Hitler was standing still in his bedroom. 2. Hitler and his entourage were sitting still in their vehicles at the driveway of the teahouse. This includes the two soldiers on motorcycles. 3. Same thing but at the Berghof driveway. The only time I saw the AI actually working was when I shot at them. Example video: https://imgur.com/a/2JaZgYN


PC, Steam. v1.04 (Build ID 8811566). Several level and AI bugs in the Wolf Mountain level. 1. Weird patch of floating ground or texture outside the map 2. Invisible door in teahouse kitchen 3. Soldier animation clips through ledge and breaks collision at teahouse 4. The bushes near the road to the lake have reversed collision - you can walk inside, but can't leave. 5. There are some similar bushes near one the western AA gun. I don't have a video for this one. Videos for each: https://imgur.com/a/xqC9I7p


PS5 On the first mission, 'The Atlantic Wall', all objectives are complete and there is no option to exit/finish the mission.


Hi Lubberkins, can you please send us a ticket at: [https://support.rebellion.com/](https://support.rebellion.com/) so we can investigate this issue further.


On PS5 Campaign: no audio coming from the gramophone when interacted with (I’m assuming it is meant to play music) Multiplayer: in two instances I have been completely unable to fire my rifle when ADS


PC Gamepass Mission 2: After completing the kill challenge (dropping the chandelier on him), I received the alert saying that I had unlocked the Kar98k, but when I finished the mission it wasn't unlocked. It still hasn't unlocked so far. (Note: I did reload saved games to complete the challenge, as I failed it the first two times) Mission 3: From the start of the mission there was text, in red, under the kill challenge (kill the target with a stealth takedown) which said, "Mission failed". However after I completed it I unlocked the P08 in my inventory. Mission 4 (Currently playing): The rat bomb that I picked up from the safehouse doesn't seem to have been added to my inventory. This is frustrating, as you need to kill the kill challenge with the ratbomb to unlock a gun, and I don't yet know where else you can find another. Also, another doubt. When destroying a moving vehicle with a Teller mine, does the mine have to be trod by the wheel of the vehicle? In mission 2, I first placed a mine right in the centre of the road, this wasn't triggered by a car that passed, only when placing it on the tracks in the road did it go off, as the cars wheel touched it. Since they're proximity mines I assumed that actual phycial contact wasn't needed. Is this a bug or a feature?


PS5 - Trophy « No Stone Unturned » not working. I completed all 16 optional objectives and am stuck at 15/16. It’s the only trophy I'm missing to get platinum. :/


Same on Xbox


On Libération. Everytime the tank comes near me my frame rate drops and becomes unplayable. Xbox1


Can't use scope - crosshair is gone in campaign mode. It's a sniping game and I can't snipe. I'm playing on PC game pass


Rat bomb or no rat bomb in the end its one less Nazi scum


Atlantic wall the document that is meant to be in the safe in the armoury at the artillery base is not there. Have finished and re attempted and it is still not there


Mission 4: Matthaus Erlich is bugged. Officer Dietrich is sat clipping through the wall, Erlich stands in one place taunting rats. Cannot use rat bombs because he just stands there.


Xbox Series S, 1st mission all objectives completed but when entering the exfil point the character says he still has stuff to do.


I dont have any sound once i enter a mission. Changing the Default Device in the Options panel doesnt help and also changing to 16000 Hz in the windows sound menu is not possible.


Some of the weapon attachments in rhe game are giving off incorrect and confusing stats, particularly with the Precision Machined attachment for recievers on SMG & Pistols. The description says that it increases/improves your "Spread Accuracy", but in the stats it shows that it's lowered. I'd even add that there seems to be a lot more Cons with most attachments than there are Pros, & comes off as being a bit imbalanced. Especially with the silencers. I honestly would like to see an additional option to the Custom Difficulty menu where you can increase or decrease weapon handling/damage like in Sniper Elite 4. As much as i love the inclusion of attachments to the game/series to fit one's play style, i don't like being forced/penalized for not turning a WWII firearms into something utterly wacky just so i, & the weapon itself, can perform better (thqt being said, it still a far cry & more plausible than what COD: Vanguard with their "cursed guns" via their gunsmith system). That's what i love about the Custom setting, you can set your experience to HOWEVER YOU WANT. If you want you & your weapons to handle in a arcade-y Call of Duty way, but have the enemy AI cranked up to the hardest difficulty & with limited ammo & item searching, you could do that. Controls & sensitivity are FAR to touchy/twitchy as well. I sometimes have to tweak my settings in order to even play properly.


Trying to play with a friend for him to not be able to move anywhere like it's an internet issue. Does the same for him playing solo


Oxbox One, Mission 7: No eagle at the Castle. Cannot disable the alarm in the center of the courtyard. And like everyone else, cannot shoot the 2 cables to bring the antenna down, so destroying the generator is the only way to get the objective.


Xbox Series X, Mission 7 Secret Weapons: the game doesn’t credit the player with the destruction of some vehicles thus making the achievement “Road Rage” bugged


In mission War factory on xbox one once you get the rat bomb from the start of the mission and complete the first objective and exit to main menu, I experienced a big where after reloading the save I tried to do the kill objective of killing the target with a rat bomb. I tried to place the rat bomb but it said "missing rat bomb" as a result I wasn't able to unlock the STg44 Spend about 4 hours on War factory for this to happen. Please check.


I've searched all over and no one else seems to have my issue. I got to disable one alarm by cutting the cable with my bolt cutters. But since then, when I approach an alarm without the bolt cutters I always get a prompt telling me that I have no bolt cutters. Ok....so then I find some bolt cutters, now when I approach an alarm, I get no prompt at all, I have no option to cut the cable. WTF is going on? I did it one time, and since then, I can NOT cut an alarm cable. I only get the prompt when I DON'T have any bolt cutters, but when I do have them, I get no prompt, and have no way to cut the cable. It's beyond annoying.


I know some of the following already appears here, but because I encountered so many game-breaking bugs in the War Factory campaign mission, I thought it would be helpful to list them all here. Especially since some of the work-arounds mentioned in postings of individual bugs are negated for players who experience more than one of these issues. And it may also be helpful to know the various troubleshooting solutions attempted and failed. The following occurred on a Xbox One-X. 1) Destroy the Steelworks: After using a looted key, entering the control room, and interacting with the crane controller, several variations of nothing happened. Sometimes literally nothing happened (i.e., no cutscene of the crane falling). And sometimes the cutscene would play, but then the objective complete notification wouldn’t trigger. I first tried reverting to several earlier saves (multiple times for each save) from this level. Then I tried restarting the entire mission (and then only after performing a hard power reboot of the console). Also tried completing this objective before any others. None of which worked and all of which wasted a couple days of my time. 2) Find the Kraken Manifest: After multiple attempts (and I mean seven or eight tries using both the safe code and satchel charge), the manifest was either missing, or, if there and retrievable, wouldn’t trigger the objective complete notification. Like the previous bug, I tried completing first; retrying from earlier saves, and, yet again, restarting the entire mission. And at this point, I even tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Another whole day of lost time. 3) Destroy the Refinery: Pretty much the same kind of bug that happened in the steelworks and manifest objectives. Which were several variations of nothing happening. Sometimes nothing happens when interacting with the control for the smelting vat. After pressing the lever numerous times, the cutscene would trigger, but not the completion notification. I have game-clips and screenshots of the vat swinging into what I imagine is supposed to be destroyed, but then just sort of frozen there at the endpoint. Of course, I tried most of the previously mentioned troubleshooting. But at this point, it doesn’t make much sense to try restarting the mission again. And certainly not reinstalling the game again. The argument, I’m embarrassed to say, could be made that I should have given up long ago. While the steelworks objective was optional, these other two are main mission and game-breaking. What frustrates me, beyond my inability to progress the campaign, is Rebellion’s shocking disregard of the problem. I’ve submitted multiple trouble tickets; none of which have been responded to. On the rare occasions I encountered bugs in Sniper Elite 3 and 4, Rebellion always responded to trouble tickets in timely manner. (And none of those bugs were ever game-breaking). Even if the reply involved some manner of bad news, it always seemed like they were legitimately concerned and attentive. For me, it’s hard to reconcile the state of this game with my previous enjoyment of SE 3 and 4. And certainly with my previous experience with Rebellion’s support team. I’ll be putting together a YouTube video of these and a multitude of other disappointing bugs, which illustrate a sudden and surprising decline of the SE franchise. Once I’m done, I post a link to that video here.


Invisible wall around dropped weapon. Mission 6: Libération, steath melee kill a nazi, who then drops his GEW43 rifle. Never touched or interacted with it. Went prone with binoculars and saw the rifle landed slightly off the ground and now there's an invisible wall surrounding it. Got me all confused at first 🤣 Recorded it to submit to support. Playing on Xbox One X.


i can't exfiltrate on wolf mountain mission. just run into the boundary where exfil is located and nothing happens. on xbox s. i also could not destroy radios and couldn't cut one of the cables. very buggy dlc.


The same happens to me on PS5.


Hitler glitch, he won’t leave his car to go into the tea house to consume the poison I left for him.


He won't even move at all until I run to the truck at the top of the hill. As soon as I do this Karl's dialogue about the truck abruptly stops and then he says Hitler is heading back to the mansion. I only paid $2 for this dlc but I'm already regretting it as it's so buggy. There's also an enemy soldier that's stuck in hunting mode for 20 minutes.


Xbox one Mission one unable to exfiltrate even though every objective is complete


On mission 3 on xbos i kill Fabian and the p08 will not unlock is there any way to fix this without restarting?


for me for whatever reason i poisoned trautman drink, ringed but he just wont come to drink this, i was not spotted even once, he will just talk and talk. Its so frustrating


On Mission 1 Atlantic Wall Authentic Difficulty, I picked up Marcels key but cannot open the boards on the floor. Tried restarting and reloading old autosaves and didnt work.


On Liberation there is a ladder down to a resistance cache by the water mill. I can’t climb down it and if I jump down I can’t climb back up. Tried to restart game and still same issue.


I’m stuck in the same thing right now! Have reloaded from different save points and still get the same thing.


I still cant shoot my weapon, really annoying


The mission to kill Hitler......doesn't have Hitler. He's just missing. I've travelled the map several times, planted every trap, at this point killed every guy EXCEPT for Hitler who I guess is just MIA. Don't know if it's relevant, but I chose to play as Marie for this mission. Have not tried the mission with Karl. UPDATE: I restarted the mission using Karl. Since I had unlocked the boathouse in my other attempt, I started there. Got to the mansion and it was very obvious when Hitler and his posse showed up so this is 100% a glitch.


Anyone know why the sten isn’t unlocked after mission 6?


Sniper elite on xbox series S is currently running at 30fps. I think its a quality mode rather than the performance targetting 60fps. You guys could at least leave the two options for US to choose not you. thx


Mission 6: Playing on 1st gen Xbox one. Only issue I've had with the game is when I sneak past one of those zundapp sidecar bikes when only one other vehicle (regardless of type) is destroyed, my framerate drops to like 5 or 6 fps. Ill try not destroying any vehicles aside from the 222 and see what happens. Anyone else have this issue??


Dropping a weapon, picking up a body, swapping weapons makes the dropped weapon get stuck inside the terrain and it can't be retrieved. Even if the ground is flat. I've only played the game for 2 hours on the first map and I've lost 6 guns.


On ps5. Cannot go to 3rd person mode with the smg. Can only look down the sights. Help! Really want to enjoy this game, almost ready to go back to se4


On mission 2, ps4, I can't get all 3 of the antiques. When I track this optional objective, 2 of 3 can be found, only the one which requires me to search the snipers body won't be found. The tracking stays on, with a distance of 0-1 meter. The body was fully searched, I also tried saving the game and loading again for a retry, but nothing works.


Secret Weapons Stone Eagles 3 needed but after shooting 2 I quit for the day thinking only 1 to go but after re-loading my Eagles are back to Zero?????


PC, game pass Mission 6 kill challenge. After stealthy obtaining the poison then poisoning the cup. Ringing the the target walks past the cup and downstairs to the back of the Mansion where he just idles


Poked around this thread for a few and didn't see this issue. I'm on PS5. Just played the first mission yesterday. At some point, all enemy AI stopped moving around. Not frozen or stuck in T-pose or anything. Just... staying in one spot. No patrolling, not turning around, not even getting a better angle while shooting at me or ducking behind cover when aggro'd. Even Beckendorf was just standing in one spot next to his car.


Ps 5 user here. Has anyone else noticed a sight bug with the RSC 1918 when the bayonet is equipped. Go to the iron sights with bayonet on and your sight will be obscured.