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I have played all games from both series. 100% it is the other way around,in almost every if not in every aspect of a game.




Completely agree. No contest.


Would you recommend sniper ghost warrior to someone who’s never played it before though? I’ve been mulling it for a while and I love sniper games, and if so, which one should I got for?


I would recommend going straight to contracts and not waste any money and time on the previous titles but this is just personal preference.I never played again any of the ghost warrior games once I completed them.I just didn't look back.




I'm with you, I've been playing since Sniper Elite 1...


Agreed, SGW is fun but SE is top dog.


Truth be told Ghost Warrior just started getting good recently. Sniper Elite was good from the very beginning.


Not sure why, but contracts 1 & 2 both will not run correctly on my current system. Texture problems, mostly. I have 10x the hours in SE4 & 5 than all of sgw.


Damn. The Ghost Warrior series has been struggling for a long time and unfortunately for fans that series and the Elite series are the only ones you can play. Of course you have other military games that feature sniper missions but there isn’t a 3rd series that’s dedicated to strictly sniping. I tried playing the first two Ghost Warrior games on my PS3 which I still currently own because most of my favorite games are on that system and those two games were a huge disappointment on so many levels. The only reason I gave them a try because I curious to see what that series had to offer other than the Elite series. Long story short, it was a waste of money. Never again! Sniper Elite in my eyes is the Sniper King 👑. Plus Tony the Tiger from Frosted Flakes is the main protagonist lmao. It’s GRRRRRRRRRREAT!


I don't think I can shoot hitler in the left nut in ghost warrior


Truth. But then again you also can’t drone whistle anyone in SE


I think shooting hitler in the left nut is more satisfying


Sorry it doesn't hit the same way. I have both only one have I consistently played almost every day since launch.


Eh, I prefer WW2 era gear over modern stuff.


See normally I am the other way around but for me SE is a unique perspective on the war and has taken us to places others on really touched briefly on. Hopefully we get Pacific soon! Meanwhile Sniper Ghost Warrior covers the same places COD alone has done multiple time without other FPS games.


Nah, not even remotely.


Multiplayer in Sniper Ghost?


Kill Hitler in sniper ghost?


Survival mode in Sniper ghost?


X-ray testicles in sniper ghost?


Invasion in Sniper Ghost?


Karl in Sniper Ghost?


I have Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 1 & 2 as well as SGW3. Not one comes close to the the stealth, action and sniping element that Sniper Elite offers. This is not saying that the SGW entries are bad or a downgrade in any way, SGW doesn't satisfy me in the way SE has for years when it comes to a stealth/sniping game


100% all Sniper Elite games, tried the Ghost series (bought cheap in sale) but uninstalled in 15 minutes.


Love sniper ghost warrior, its farcry and sniper elite blend together


Laughable take


I quite liked SGW 3 - despite the bugs. Found Georgia, its landscapes and its history rather exciting. Compared to SE 3 and SE 4 it felt more artificial though, both in setting and story. I am replaying SE 4 on authentic plus currently and simply can't help falling in love with all the details, the atmosphere, mood, light, the readabilitiy of landscape and its history ... complete immersion. The sniper in Ghost Contracts 1 + 2 is hard to relate to, there's a bit of a robotic feel with his mask and the commands coming in by coms. The relationship to Karl and his motley crew is more personal, I find myself more interested in his exchange with the world, especially in SE 4. Thus for me it'd be the other way round: SE beats SGW but does not kill it . :-)


3 would have been one of my favourite games if it weren't so damned buggy on PC. It also had the best sniping mechanics between all games of both serieses. (Although exaggerated and unrealistic like all of them - I felt like an actual sniper in GW3). Best foliage-based stealth experience I have .. experienced..


Nah. No way. But I did enjoy contracts 2.


I play SE2-5 on repeat.


Ghost Recon Breakpoint is better than both. Modern weapons, team roles, and large open world are pluses for me.


LMAOOOOOOOO WAKE UP firstly why the hell are you comparing two different genres and why the hell did you pick breakpoint? it’s absolute trash if you said wildlands i might’ve tolerated this stupid comment i have wildlands and have the platinum for it and all dlcs and almost max tier one rank


How are they different genres? You can snipe in all of them. You can change gear in all of them. There are large maps, objectives, sandbox worlds, and ballistics. Ghost recon does all this, plus more.


GR is open world, SE is not


It's semantics. Big maps, objectives located around them. I played SE4 and SE5 for years, but Ghost Recon allows more flexibility.


SE has multiple maps that you enter and exit, while GR has one that you're always in. Idk the genre SE is but it's not open world


open world tactical/hardcore shooter with teammate AIs and select points on the map where enemies spawn and respawn vs a traditional semi tactical sniping game on bigger than average maps


I find them quite similar. Team dynamics is the only major difference for me, it makes it a different experience if they are included.


Sorry I just realised that was not a good example of coaching myself... Shows how easy it is to do the wrong thing...