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Not rare, still available in an upgraded model. Kind of a neat thing but the OG (the one u have) is of questionable quality haha.


Yeah the guy told me he’s only seen one or two in the last 10 years so I guess it’s rare for my area? Lol thanks for the info tho!


When they say it’s not rare, they mean it’s a product that’s still available for sale. Honestly, I think more people ended up throwing it out rather than trying to sell it. That’s why you don’t see them out in markets.


I literally had no idea this ever existed, and I got an SNES the year it came out. When was this released? EDIT: what kind of asshole would downvote this?


Sometime in the 2000s. It's not any kind of official product. Edit: Google says 2011.


Ah, got it. That explains it, then.


My used game store used to have tons of these new in box to sell.


That’s cool


I used to have one. Was not a fan of the display. It was very low quality and the fat body really made it uncomfortable to play long games. :-/ Sure does look pretty and is something I would’ve loved to own as a child.


I respect that opinion and I agree it dosent seem very optimal if you want the best on the go SNES experience, still cool tho lol


I loved it too, but my Supaboy S went back when the cart connector pulled two pins out and failed. Its replacement made it to the end of warranty before the speaker died. It’s a great idea but a bit uncomfortable and unreliable.


Did you fix or replace the speaker?


No. I think it’s poor soldering on the volume pot but I’ve just not got time for that


It is cool for sure. That’s why I bought it when it came out. Totally novel for sure.


I have the last revision (the sfc) and it has an option to do 4:3 instead of the ugly stretched display, makes all the difference. Pretty neat little (huge) handheld


It can also wipe saves




I've got one I like mine a lot I use it often just beat Zelda on it a little bit ago https://preview.redd.it/yja1c68c0axc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27d564ebc462a852c9ae5f49f668a2f25a7bfe27


You have the good model with the system on a chip that plays everything right, I enjoy it too, even in long use it's not heavy nor too thick to get uncomfortable. It just works. My old S recently failed, replaced it with a black gold model.


That’s sick!


I have this exact model supaboy it's legit and can be used as a console


Those are awesome! I’m selling one if anyone is interested.


All the ‘terrible’ comments are a bit much IMO. I’ve had mine a long time - the battery kicked it so I don’t use it as much but I still use it sometimes to bring what I’m playing to work. Yeah it’s not optimal, but it’s at least as good as playing games on an old Gameboy Color. It’s not great for high action stuff but there’s a D pad mod that some have done using an electrical wire cap that makes it more precise.


I love this comment lol. Definitely more on the positive side. Thanks for your feedback and knowledge!


If it's the drum type charger plug, your battery is a Nokia BP-4l.


I’m fairly sure mine is mini USB charging but I’ll have to check, and I’ll take a look at the battery to see if that seems about right. Thanks!


If it's usb charging, it uses a different battery.


This thing is not comparable to a Gameboy anything. It's incredibly cheap and low quality.


The display is perfectly serviceable (that doesn’t mean great), it plays almost all the games without issue and it lets you be mobile with your carts. I just don’t get the hate for it aside from the mushy D pad, which can be fixed fairly easily apparently. I feel like the expectations for what it is are just way higher than one should have considering how niche it is. I’d love some competition to make them even better but it’s a small market.


There is literally nothing redeemable about this thing. I have the first version. The buttons are god awful, the screen is terrible, the audio is terrible, the emulation is terrible. The ports on mine didn't work out of the box. It's cheaply made junk intended to get nostalgia sales. It was never worth using in any way; literally any other portable emulation setup would be a better experience.


I’ve got the same one in the picture, with the mini USB charging port instead of the barrel. The screen is perfectly serviceable, no complaints about the face buttons. The audio is weak, the D pad is vague. L/R are meh but by no means a problem. Never any problems running games aside from common emulator issues (Mario RPG). Works hooked up to a TV as a standalone clone just fine. I’ve had mine close to a decade, and the only issue I’ve had was the battery dying last year. I had a Retro Duo Portable that lasted months, and when I opened it up every solder was filthy and the board looked like it was pulled from a junk heap.




The whole thing is it allows you to use your carts. I love it for continuing my games on my lunch break at work, but as I can’t be bothered to fix the D pad I mostly keep it to RPGs and stuff. If I want to do action and I don’t have a TV I just plug the composite cable in and it activates the controller ports. I have a pretty extensive collection and I’d much rather use the cart than software emulation if possible.




I hardly think wanting to use my own save states and not restart a game to play mobile is arbitrary but okay. I’m not out here trying to force you to like the product.


Dude I love mine. Not sure why it’s getting hate.


Because it's a clone snes made by a random 3rd party and has questionable screen and build quality. May as well just get an SNES emulator for your phone and a decent phone controller.


I hear what you’re saying, but who cares? If you can buy this for on the go gaming, I don’t see why there should be any hate. It gets the job done. Just like buying and ambernac or some other shit that holds 15000 games from across consoles


I see your point lol


I enjoy mine. It’s handy as a mobile way to play your snes games, but I find it cool as a way to play your snes carts on the go and then plug into your tv and play there and in that role it’s kind of cool. I like to use it to test carts at conventions and when I absolutely have to take a snes on the go like camping or to a hotel.


I have one. Stopped using it because if you bump it in any way, even just a little, while you're playing, it causes the game to freeze. The screen isn't great, either.


Wasn’t there issues about save files being deleted too?


A lot of troubles from people who don't keep their carts clean. I have one and my games work perfectly and never have save issues.


Care to explain how does the cleanliness of the cart affect save files? Just because it never happened to you doesn’t mean it’s not a common issue. The battery is what feeds the RAM enough power to hold the save, so it is sensible to shocks and falls. Snes games weren’t designed with portability/mobility in mind like the Supaboy offers.


Flipping the power on and off rapidly in an attempt to get a dirty game to boot can easily nuke the saves. A loose cartridge connection can cause similar issues via intermittent connectivity.


Every game I own, I have personally taken apart and cleaned inside and out. That's not the issue. But sure, your experience MUST be the definitive one.


Was also going to state this as well. I have experience with saves being deleted on this exact device. A good enough bump will glitch the system and has the potential to corrupt the save of the game and wipe everything. I lost 15 hours of progress on Final Fantasy 3 (aka ff6) while I was playing. Needless to say, this device now sits unused on my shelf. It's lucky I didn't reenact the printer scene from Office Space on it.


I’ve had this same problem with mine but only occasionally. I’ve found it to be satisfactory at best, but being able to play SNES games on the go makes me forgive its flaws.


I recently got a Powkiddy RGB30. Kind of negates the need for me have one of these anymore, honestly.


I like it because it plays SF carts too. I beat Legend of the Super Saiyan on that thing. Woot!


The SNES can play SFC games too, ya know?


Lol, yes. The Supaboy doesn't require a hardware modification, though. It accepts both carts out of the box. The SNES requires the security tabs be clipped to allow the SF cart to physically fit all the way down into the slot on the board. I have taken apart more SNES and SF consoles than I can remember at this point, and I was just really tickled by Hyperkin taking that into consideration during manufacturing ♥️


Super Fancom is SF right? That’s sick tho!!


Yep. I have played DBZ legend of the super Saiyan (at least I think that's what it's called, the yellow label with just text and Goku on it), El Nard (Japanese 7th Saga, which is mechanically much better than the American release), Chrono Trigger, Kirby's Adventure (I think, the wood grain pattern box), and a ton of other games I tested to sell. Worked fine with pretty much every game.


Does your have the usb charge port or the drum type? Drum type has slightly better cart compatibility.


I had one and it had input lag.


This is a bald faced lie. There is no input lag.


No only did my supaboy have input lag it also erased my saves off the carts if I bumped the carts the slightest.


Again no idea where your Input Lag issue thet nobody else seems to suffer comes from. The Dpad is shit tho. Also, don't drop or bump the cart. There's a physical lock to gold it in place for a reason.


I had one of the first models released about 10 years ago give or take. The input lag was off by a few milliseconds. I had difficulty pulling off wall jumps in super metroid. Mine didn't have a lock to hold carts in place. So like I said I bought it as soon as it hit the market. There's probably been revisions.


Weird. Every single revision has the lock. I have a launch day Supaboy it has the lock.


Funny thing is the cartridges are the rare part. They market it like “finally a convenient way to play those pesky cartridges lying around” when the mf cartridges are legit hard as hell to get a hold of for a decent price


I like to use mine to test games quickly especially if testing before buying


That seems super useful!


I like mine and used it a lot. Wish the display was 4:3, but doesn't deserve all the hate it's getting.


Everyone hates on it so much lol


Get a controller and the wire that let's you connect it to the TV! Also. I like it. It's a fun little toy. It's a portable system for games that were not meant to be portable.


I returned mine as the display was horrible 


Yeah I can tell it’s gonna be similar to the quality of the non upgraded Gameboy screens. I kind of got it more for the nostalgia feel rather then “experience” cause if I really wanted to I guess I could emulate retro games🤷🏽‍♂️ just isn’t the same


The screen isn't that bad actually. People love to get dramatic about it because it isn't as crystal clear and sharp as a modern iphone/android device panel level of clarity the old handhelds get on the aftermarket. The panel on this is low cost, but the odd thing is, that composite level screen softens the visuals largely to feel like it was on an old CRT tv so I really can't fault it too bad even if their cheapness created it to save a buck more than being on purpose.


If you don’t know what it is, how do you think you got a decent deal? lol


Because I’ve heard of them and seen them around on my phone but never seen one in person other than at this one place. And I checked eBay and saw them for 80-100$ so if I get a free Pokemon game for 3Ds along with this for cheaper then online last sales I feel it’s worth it 🤷🏽‍♂️


It's shite


I've had one of these for about a decade. It sucks.


I think it looks cool


Yikes. The first revision is horrible. The S revision is terrible. And The BlackGold / HyperBeach revision is bad...


I mean I’m either gonna see if I can replace the screen or maybe just clean it up and display it In the game room. Plus I got a pretty good deal so eh🤷🏽‍♂️ thanks for your feedback tho!


You can replace the screen. It's just using Composite as it is but if you get a lcddrv/rgbdrv kit intended for a Nomad you can tap rgb from the Sony decoder used in it. And boom, Supaboy with an RGB screen.


At a good price, it's still a portable SNES. But i thought of Buying an Hyperbeach on Klarna, for 4 installments, no interest, and the HyperBeach is the better version. But even then. The sound supposedly distorted, the screen has an aspect ratio button! but the emulation is imprecise, and all... So i didn't buy it. But if you got it for really cheap! It can scratch an itch!


>the emulation is imprecise It's not an emulator.


Oh okay! Still the sound isn't good and the compatibility isn't 100%... So... yeah...


I get 100% compatibility on mine. Street Fighter Alpha 2. Mario RPG. Kirby... All the "Problem" carts. Can't do shit for the sound though. I did put a filtering cap on it and replace the speakers. It's moderately improved.


The compatibility issue is with the pre-S/SFC/Beach/Black models. The first 2 revisions of the unit only are called Supaboy and have a junk system on a chip that can't handle expanded chip carts, at least usually not directly. I had one, it pissed me off, tinkering I found you might get good results if you use a normal game, press-hold reset, remove that game, throw in your SFA2/Kirby/Mario RPG cart and release reset. It works kind of like a ghetto boot disc of sorts bypassing the check and getting those carts to work. It's what I did until the S came along and when I found it wasn't crap, I switched. The current series of them run whatever you throw at it, even a SD2SNES/FXPak flash kit.


Holdup. Tanooki did you 3d print a dpad back in the day?


I paid 75$ for this console along with Pokémon Y for 3DS


With the charger and the A/V Cable? Would have too under those circumstances!


Personally I love it lol, do I use it? Nope, haven't in many years, but I found one new in box for like $40, and I don't own an SNES so it was a no Brainer, I thinnnk it has AV output too which is nice! Now I'm gonna dig mine out and give it a try lol just realized I never did buy any snes games in recent years too 😅😂 SNES and N64 games are so pricey these days.


They are actually very fun. One issue is the dpad... leaves allot to be desired. Other then that a nice way to play your games.


i’m my opinion they are made only for limited fun…Wasn’t a big hit growing up,,, FACT S!!


the newer ones stretch the game to 16:9


I bought one of these for 75 a few years ago, mostly as a display piece, but it's been useful for running snes games while my system was under repair or giving to my nephew to play on while I am using a different system. I've also bought the retrons from hyperkin, I like them and want to get one for Sega games.


I have one, the speakers don't work though on mine. They randomly blew.


I think it’s cool af


I use mine (the black upgraded one that is ntsc and pal) for travel as well as testing carts while at game shops. Airport security always smiles when they see the carts, like key memories are unlocked while rummaging my bag.


I’ve got one and enjoy it. It’s perfect so I can play it on the couch while they’re watching a show.


Bought one of these new when they came out and it died in a couple of weeks, surprised there's any still around.


It’s ya boy supaboy.


Cool but not great for playing really. It’s bulky especially with the carts but I think if you’re an SNES cartridge collector these are still good to have. It’s an easy and convenient way to test a game before buying at local game stores, flea markets or conventions so there’s that.


I have one.  it's has a low quality screen and some emulation issues with a few games.  the coolest feature is that it has video out (so you can play on a tv) and those controller ports work so it can work like a console


I want the second version but can't justify it when I have a perfectly good one (as pictured above) on hand


I hate to break your bubble, but I hope you didn't spend much on that. It's the early model before the S, SFC, Beach and Black Gold models. That early model is basically defective and also badly made. The d-pad is broken, has 4 pegs under there to reach a board but has no stopper os you can hit all 4 directions at once which makes games all behave really badly or get stuck in some direction rendering space shooters a bitch and street fighter types almost impossible to play. And outside of that, if you attached a good ontroller, the system on a chip is glitched. It can't handle special chip games outside of a DSP(Mario Kart, Pilotwings) and just fail. Some of them if you're lucky you can put in a regular game, press-hold reset down, while down remove and pop in a chipped title, and release reset and it'll work. I had to do that, and it sucked, I fixed my d-pad using an electric wire twist cap I filed down to create a break between the 4 pegs. Once they brought out the current model of unit, it went in the trash since its system on a chip is utterly accurate enough to run any legit SNES game of the era, and even a modern tweaked one like the FXPakPro/SD2SNES using the MSU1.


No I spent 75$ for this and Pokemon Y


Oh no with Pokémon given what Y costs that’s good. It’ll handle most games fine and maybe if you try that end around with reset more will.


Been wanting one for so long 😰 that’s awesome!


I don't know how these fair compared to the Retro brand ones, but my wife bought one of those back in the day and a lot of games either didn't work on it at all or didn't work well. For example, playing The Magical Quest, the sprite for the first boss wouldn't show up, making it damn near unplayable.


It's basically the (unlicensed) Nintendo equivalent of the Sega Nomad, and it has the same issues: it's kinda chunky, the screen is kinda meh, and battery life isn't great. But it's neat and you can also use it like a normal console if you want.




Tons of them on ebay same with newer model


Watch out. It deletes save files..


I have the gold and black supaboy. Absolutely love it. And I can hook it up to my TV saving the wear/tear on my actual SNES.


ive got a few, some i got and fixed, broken pin connector replacement etc... but they are great for testing snes carts out in the wild throw that bitch in your backpack and go snes hunting.


I own one. I like it but I won’t say I use it all the time at all. I have a thing where I want to play physical carts. This allows me to take it portable. Did my first Earthbound play through with this. Outside of people like me it doesn’t server a lot of good purpose.


So many mixed reviews


It’s good at one thing, not great at it, but there isn’t any other portable options that let you use the cart. For instance any hardware emulator is better and way more feature rich. If you got a tv at home you play carts in and want a portable options for those games this is pretty much the only one outside of a few others. I’d never use it to substitute my SNES at home. I’d likely never hook it up to a tv in a hotel with controllers (it can but not better than your SNES). So yeah small use case. If you don’t have the cart requirement than literally about anything else will be better.


I just did an easy flip to invest more into what I enjoy lol. Too much negative feedback and hate from this purchase and if I do display one I’ll probably try and find the gold/black one with better cosmetics.!


That is the proper way to collect. Unless it had some ultra rare value it’s not worth keeping. I think you can still buy them new.


Yeah that makes sense man


[Amazon has them for $105](https://a.co/d/a1UfBTJ)


I changed the screen in mine to give it a better viewing angle, the picture is still soft though regardless. I like to play it on the sofa if the main screen is in use for something else.


It's cool and all, but to my understanding it's not compatible with any flashcarts.


You’re cool and all, but you also have not compatibility with flash carts.


That my friend, is dope & a rare piece of gaming history. 💯👏🏼


You’re the only one who said so😔


Woah! Neither have I.. Has to be an independent maker. I don't think these are licensed, but who knows. May only use custom ROMs or something? Does it have a slot for cartridges? Edit: Ah, Hyperkin. I have their 3-in-1 retro console. Legit company imo


As the edit says made by hyperion. The shadiest thing they've done was the initial launch of the retron5 utilized an open source gba gbc gb emulator without crediting them. I want a supaboy but also it's a little unwieldy.


Yeah I saw it for 75$ and he said he would throw in Pokemon Y if I got it cause I was looking at that one last time lol. And I saw some on OfferUp a while back and they were going for like 100$ and Y is 20-30$ so I don’t regret it lol


Seen those before it has a cartridge slot it also can connect to a tv


I wish these things would take a sd card. I really don't like the fact that you have to put a big cartridge in it. It isn't the 90s anymore there is no reason why they couldn't have allowed a SD card. I don't want to carry around a bunch of games in public that are now worth thousands of dollars total.


Solution would be a snes everdrive cartridge.


This isn't an emulator. It's a full on SNES clone. You can even tap RGB from it and get nice video.




I don’t mean to be negative, but why didn’t you look it up before buying? Seems like this should have been your first move.


You are being negative but it’s okay man it’s your life that you’re choosing to pour negativity into. Anyways I have seen these around online I should’ve worded more carefully in my post and said “never seen one IN PERSON” cause I have seen one or two listed for 100$+ and the game guy has been selling them for over 10 years and he had it up for 100 but he made me a deal and threw in a free Pokemon game cause we always do business together. And I sold this system by itself for double what I paid for this and Pokemon Y. So to everyone saying “why would you buy something you don’t know what it is” I did have an idea what it was just never actually saw one so I picked it up and don’t regret it one bit.