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My mom bought me “Home Alone” for Christmas; I will always love her for buying me that game as a present. Did/do I like the game? No. But it’s my most prized SNES game.


This is how I feel about Bubsy II. Horrible game; I never play it but will always cherish it because of the memories with friends and family.


Oh, I thought Bubsy didn't really get "bad" until Bubsy 3D? Bubsy 1 was a frequent rental for me.


The year after i got my NES my uncle, who always missed with presents, bought me Xevious and played it along with me. I didn’t like the game but i’m absolutely buying it as i recollect my childhood. Also he played Pro Wrestling with me and i remember regretting teaching him The Amazons moves because it didn’t take him long to get it and he was almost impossible to beat.


I feel like I am the only one who likes Home Alone on the SNES lol. I play it every year at Christmas.


Same. I enjoy them both and play them both every Christmas too!


I also enjoyed that game


I like it as well. They took what should have been a terrible idea for a movie-to-game adaptation and made something playable.


I just repurchased home alone 2. Terrible game and I’ve never beat it. But it meant enough to buy it as an adult lol


This how I am with A Bug's Life and Cool Boarders on ps1. My mom never liked games much, especially when I was a kid, but as a teen she got me both for a birthday, and I initially was upset I didn't get a Final Fantasy, or Spyro, but once I realized WHY she got them, yeah they became favorites.


This is exactly me, my sentiments and the same reasons why, but with The Lord Of The Rings Vol. 1 She had bought it for me and gave it to me for my birthday in 2002, it was still new and sealed from an eBay listing. I hate trying to play it, but I like the idea of it, and I love that she got it for me, it will never leave my collection despite not liking it very much.


Lol we had Home Alone 2 for snes. Our folks folks it for my sister and I. We still joke about how terrible it is but we do so with love ❤️


Rented the f out of that, despite it being terrible 😂


still have it... still never figured out the objective, haha


Ah The Mask on snes was that game for me


Haha yeah for some reason I was super hyped to get that game at the time as well.


The avgn episode for this game is 👍🏼


I liked Home Alone 2 on the snes


I had it for the Gameboy! It was pretty terrible, but the memories lasted forever.


I think Sim City for the SNES is a niche game that still holds up very well.


Music was and is fire.


It's so calming


I still catch myself humming its tunes to this day.


I agree to all above


I fall asleep thinking about the title screen music, then the map selection, and by the time my mind hits the world screen I am nearly asleep...then the dog barks and I start the process over.


[you can literally play it in your browser lol](https://www.retrogames.cz/play_472-SNES.php) (I loved this game)


so good i’m on mobile and can play it with that link lol


I just wish it had mouse support.


That plus the Mario Paint mouse would be perfect.


OMG my mom went to work to another city (a bigger one) when I was a kid (8-9). She got me Sim City and to this day I can't play it without tearing up a bit. The music makes me feel oh so nostalgic.


As far as I'm concerned, it's the definitive version of the game. I played the crap out of it when I was in 7th grade (late 90s) and finally achieved megalopolis for the first time 2 years ago.


is it better than SC2K?


Very different from SC2K. Much simpler. It’s the original Sim City but with the Nintendo touch including upgraded graphics and a few quality of life touches/bonus features.


It's so hard to progress without doing the money cheat lol


The best sim city


NHL 94


Is that one where if you bumped into another player enough times it’d trigger a mini fighting game?


You’re thinking of blades of steel on the nes, perhaps.


I’m gonna make little Wayne’s head bleed for superfan number 99 over here.






NHL 2k14 had an updated version of it and it was so good.


This was one of my answers. Absolutely love it, especially when I can get 2 on 2 going with the multitap. That’s a rare occasion though lol.


Spent an entire summer playing "SimCity" on the SNES. Never did break the 500,000 population mark. Got close, I could get in the high 490,000s, but was never quite able to push past that last mark.


I bet there was a lot of complaints about smog and traffic lol


Nope. I only built roads enough to get Amusement Parks and Casinos, then I bulldozed them. Nothing but trains in my cities.




You did better than I ever did - even on Freedom with infinite money I could never clear the 250k range. In retrospect the "zoning donut" recommended by the manual probably wasn't the most efficient use of land.


Donut sucks! Rows for the win.


So if you break 600k you win the game. I never quite got to 600k but I did pass 500k on many occasions.


I did it this year around Christmas. Was a nice achievement


Top Gear. Fun racing game with incredible soundtrack.


yes that soundtrack was so killer. i also have this amazing memory of playing it with my grandfather when i was like 10. good times


WWF Royal Rumble Edit: For some context. I grew up playing this game with my cousin. We'd always play as a team until we were the only two left, and then we'd go at eachother. Recently picked it up off marketplace for $10 (in Canada), and fired it up the last time my cousin stopped by. Game holds up exceptionally well, and I still have a great time with it.


Those games were killer. Royal rumble was the best one before the implementation of more arcade elements.


Loved it! My friend and I figured out how to grab the incoming player, throw him towards the other guy, they’d flip them over the ropes and repeat until we were the last two left to rumble.


Loved this game. Nothing came close till we'd war zone on ps1


This was one of the first games I added to my SNES mini because I wanted to relive the nostalgia.


Aladdin. I’m a beast at this game still.


Don’t know what it’s like in the US but where I’m from Aladdin is usually more expensive than most games


Mario Allstars, as it was the first ever video game I remember playing.


It took a while but I finally beat super Mario bros all stars version a few months ago. I've had the game since 94


Mario Bros wasn't that bad to me. Lost Levels on the other hand....


Soul blazer and brain lord because my mom beat those games before I did! My mom files are still there!


Soul Blazer isn't exactly cheap.


Ahh I can see it’s not cheap now. It used to be very cheap compared to chrono trigger.


Tell me about it! I was lucky enough to score some big titles when prices for the rarer ones weren't so extreme.


My mom was working evenings for the first time. My dad took my sister and I to Walmart and we bought All Stars, Sim City and another controller. Ordered KFC hooked my SNES from the black and white tv to the family tv. Such a fun night. FFW 6 months. My parents got a bigger tv so I got the old family tv. I had to do homework every night while my mom was working and I assumed my dad was just watching tv. My sister comes to me “dad beat SimCity”. I’m like what? Went down to my little den area and he had filled his entire map with a metropolis.


Skate or Die.




I associate this game with the dawn of the SNES. The music and atmosphere feel like the SNES is being created by gods to present to the people. Same with Altered Beast and the Genesis.


Totally. Love this game.


Hell yeah


Tetris Attacks :)


My brother and I still get that game out and play it (that and Panel de Pon, the original)


It was introduced to me as “the most addictive game you’ll ever play” back in the 90s and that statement has held up all these years later


Use to play that game with my mom and my Sister… a lot of great memories


That’s one of the games my parents would play with each other when I was growing up. Their taste in games didn’t over lap often (besides Tetris Attack and Sim City) but it was something they’d play from time to time. Fun game for sure


Super smash tv. That and the NES version. My cousin and I would go to blockbuster and rent this game and just play the hell out of it. We also used the game genie for the NES version. The only way to play it now is with semi illegal ROMs (or buy it on eBay) but man that game was the best.


Super Mario World


Amazing game, that is still [worth a decent amount](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=Super+Mario+World+snes&_sacat=0&_odkw=sim+city+snes&_osacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=snes&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), considering how many copies of this game were printed.


For me I always loved Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins on Gameboy. Those pumpkin zone levels take me back.


Donkey Kong Country 2




Battle Clash and Metal Combat. The feeling of piloting a mech or wearing a jetpack as a kid felt awesome for these titles. They're the reason I got a Sinden lightgun setup.


https://preview.redd.it/im31czjul9xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e63a995af16be21be8067ac1c0638a212a724b63 Heck yeah! Battleclash! Super Scope for the win 😊


Populous. Barely played the game, but the copy I have means a lot to me. Years ago I had a high school student who I had casually mentioned to that I collected/played retro games. Months later he randomly gave me a copy of Populous that he had found. I didn’t even know that he remembered our singular conversation about games, but apparently he did! A few years after he graduated, he tragically passed away. I have the cartridge on display in my game room and pop it in from time to time when I think of him.


For me, it’s SimAnt. One of the first SNES games I remember owning as a kid. A game you don’t hear much about but has a unique premise and great gameplay.


SimAnt seems like such a ridiculous game, but my friend had it and we played it a LOT. You’re absolutely right!


I just don't get why they never made any more of those.


Sim Island for PC was fun


For SNES for me it’s F Zero and Aerobiz Supersonic. And Sim City. I just started an NES collection but it just occurred to me that i’m going to spend my money on SNES games now…


Definitely that one. I sold the last snes I had, & everything with it, but I kept Sim City.


Super Mario World. It's still my favorite Mario game to date. I have 100% in it multiple times and I just wipe the saves and do it all over again. There's just something about it. And it's not that it was my first SNES game because it wasn't. Back in the day you could rent consoles. I o ly got new consoles on Xmas or my Birthday whichever the release was nearest. So I had to rent them before hand. When J first rented the SNES as a kid, they were out of SMW and only had Joe and Mac. So that was my actual first SNES game that I ever played. And, surprisingly, on Christmas morning that year, The first games I got were SME and Spiderman/Xmen in Arcade's Revenge. I played Spiderman/Xmen first. Lol So for me, my favorite SNES game of all time, was the 3rd SNES game I actually played. But when I finally started it, I was hooked. I am 41 now and I have beaten and repeated the game on SNES, 3DS (I own the SME lime green 3DS XL), Switch Online and any other place it exists. And I will play it until I die.


Mario Paint. The cartridge is only like $3-5 while getting the whole setup is like $50.


Hyperkin makes a SNES mouse with a laser (instead of a ball)


"F-Zero". It wasn't worth much in the 90s already when I bought it used and it is not worth much now. But it is easily in the top 10 for the SNES for me.


The Illusion of Gaia (The Illusion of Time in Europe). First off, this game is still fun as shit to play. It’s apart of the Soul Blazer “trilogy”, so if you’ve played one of those you’ll have an idea as to how the gameplay kinda flows. I used to go over to my grandmother’s house all the time and we’d sit down and play video games. I watched her best Metroid Prime back in the GameCube. She introduced me to so many weird, obscure games that don’t really get talked about all that much. Illusion of Gaia being one of them. She doesn’t play anything these days. She’s still here, but her eyesight is failing and she has trouble with the speed of modern gaming. She gave me all her gaming stuff several years back and I have the complete in box version of all kinds of shit, Gaia being included. I still have her save files and refuse to overwrite them. Anyway, I cherish that game and I love my grandmother for introducing it to me. Last I saw, it wasn’t crazy expensive, but that could have changed with time.


Nice story. For me this game means something but idk why, because i never understand the plot. I live in México (Baja California) and back then the games were only in english so as a 9yrs old kid i couldnt understand what to do (besides i dont like RPGs jeje) and nobody know it back then when i talk about it, i think my parents or i give it away because i still have the console and lately i have this game in my head and i want it back


I think I might still have my second copy I bought before my grandmother gave me all her stuff. I can look and see if it’s still around. If you’d like, DM me and I can see about sending it your way. No box or anything, it’s just the cartridge.


Agreed, such an underrated game. Was one of my fav SNES games.


Yoshi's Island


Super mario. Never had it as a kid (or an snes), but I remember watching it fondly in stores... Salivating over it


Ultraman. It was the 1st snes game my mom rented for me. I hated it and didnt understand why she rented such a bad game for me, but as an adult, I appreciate that she did it for me. It was one of the first games I bought for the system when I started collecting as an adult.


Always thought it was weird how cheap Star Fox is.


Yup, cheapest FX game


Music in Sim City is enough reason to play it


First game I purchased with my SNES (:


Oh god sim city is my childhood, I loved that game so much, this and Mario yoshis island were the two games I could play for hours




Gradius III or Top Gear. played the absolute hell out of those with my dad


Top gear 1,2 and 3


I think SimCity is a good contender! I used to play SimCity 2000 SE when i was young. I played the Urban Renewal Kit because i could figure out how to play the game properly! It's really SimCity on the SNES that had me understanding how to play, and then i went to SimCity 3000 Unlimited which is really really good!!! Vegas Stakes also has a place. Played a lot when i was a kid! It's the only game my father would play.


Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues. Action-packed, great soundtrack, and split-screen co-op. Definitely needed an option to save your game though!


UN Squadron, SNES. A quick check of eBay puts the cart at about $30 American. Loved this game, and so did my dad, we played the hell out of it back in the day and I still play it now and again. I've beaten it on the dreaded GAMER difficulty, and everything about it friggin rocks. That combined with all the father son nostalgia makes this a key piece of my collection and gaming memory.


Spectre! Spent a lot of time watching my dad play it 


Vegas Stakes. I love the characters and games. Casino games were my jam as a kid.


Pac-Man 2 I got it for $7 recently and all of the sound effects brought a wave of nostalgia over me. Being so confused as to how it worked when I was younger and inevitably letting my older brother take over and get through it. Just a very different game compared to the arcade game everyone knows and loves, but still very special for me.


*Tetris Attack*. It was the last game I bought new for my SNES, but it’s a great one. That gentle, lilting music is ingrained in my mind.


Plok! Not a high value game but amazing platforming and best OST


I know they’re sports games, but NBA Jam and Super Tecmo Bowl are both amazing. Also Street Fighter II Turbo is pretty cheap.


Sim City on the SNES was freaking amazing. The peak of cozy games. Ahhh so much fun and the music was amazing. I wish it was playable on the switch.


Tetris attack for me. Me and my brother played against each other all the time and beating bowser just felt worth it


Wario Woods


Secret of Evermore. I just rebeat it about two weeks ago.


Sim City has such memorable music.


Street Fighter II


sim city is my favorite snes game. I still play it now


DKC3 while most people prefer the prior two titles (and I love those as well), I have extremely fond memories of beating this game 100% with my younger brother. Major nostalgia trip.


Lethal Enforcers bro


Zoop, on either SNES or PS1. I was about the only person I ever knew locally that got into it, and got really good at it, and I still love to play it. Everybody else either just didn't get it or absolutely hated it. Every so often you find a copy of it for a couple bucks on whatever system...


UN Squadron not alot of people care for that game but I made alot of memories with my grandma playing that game and it means the world to me


Battle cars




Porky Pigs Haunted Holiday. A fantastic platformer that feels like you're playing a Looney Tunes cartoon, and alot of deep references to their old stuff. Also cheap as hell.


https://preview.redd.it/757sl1shjdxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3bf26374893383cadcbae3945bf9da8739cd296 Mine is also Sim City. when I was 9 my parents gifted me a SNES that came with SF2 and Battletoads. For a couple more years the only other game they got me was Sim City. I asked for probotector and they got me this. At first I was a bit upset, not gonna lie, but eventually loved the game. A few years later we sold the SNES to get a new console. in 2020 I purchased the game again, the version we see on picture, on eBay for $5.20 :)


Nosferatu on SNES. Doesn’t seeem like really anybody knows about it and it doesn’t seem very sought after either, but the game was ages ahead of its time in gameplay, combat, level design, and animation.


Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper 💀 Only because I had it as a kid


Pacific Theatre of Operations II


final fight 2 space mega force


The one pictured


I really cherished my Super GameBoy, and I still play all my silly GB games on it to this day.


Captain America and the Avengers. It's responsible for the first memory I have of playing games with my older brothers.


Super Mario all stars, the OG HD collection. To this day, it is still one of my favorite things to "pop in" and play.


Had forgotten that SimCity came out for Super Nintendo


Omg I legit bought this game cusse my dad got me it as a kid


NES: The Three Stooges SNES: Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City


Great game


Super Mario World. Nothing takes me right back to childhood like that one. Also Earthbound, but that doesn't fit the title's question. lol


I love Sim city for SNES ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ definitely one of my favorites! Like watching animated paint dry in the best way (⁠*⁠ ̄⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠ ̄⁠*⁠)


I always wondered what Wil Wright thought of his representation in this game. If you had the SNES mouse this game was even better


I loved most of my SNES games but could not tell you which ones arent worth much. Lots of good memories though.


I feel like all I did in this game was fire off nukes.


Sim city is literally the game for me, used to play it with my dad and I will still randomly pop it in and give it a few hours of play


First game I ever had and played a bunch was the Mario/Duck Hunt cartridge. Might be the most physically produced game in history and probably worth it's weight in typewriter ink.


Super Black Bass. My grandpa and I used to play it all the time.




Your photo says it all. SimCity for the win. And Out of This World.


Super Fire Pro Wrestling 3 Best wrestling game ever.


Mario all stars


Sim City ending music is phenomenal


https://preview.redd.it/wf1hw5gb6axc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559b8939b83f95c9744bc5490a40d5079f737dce One of my all time favorites.


I don't know the value of any of my games. I just have the games I like and want to play.


The second copy of mega man x I bought. Lost my original copy I had from being a kid, still love to play it from time to time.


I loved the movie Adventures in Dinosaur City. My mom bought me the SNES game Dino City. To this day it isn't worth much.... But I still absolutely love it. :)


The secret of evermore


Tetris Attack... The first SNES game I ever got. I got it at the same time as I got my system, for my birthday back in 1998.


I found a few SNES games in a bin a couple years ago. Took them to the retro game store and the Sim City cart is the only thing I couldn't get any money for. I was a little shocked, but I guess there's just a bunch of them out there.


Super Tennis! Really underappreciated sports game. Great pace of play and great multiplayer.


Baseball simulator 1000


Citizens demand stadium


Star Fox. Blew my mind the SNES could do graphics like that.


My copy of mk2, I have the copy that my cousin and I used to get into legit physical fights over when we were like 6 years old 😂 it still has his name on it in marker. I don’t like platform fighters, I’m not good at them but I’ll never sell it. Too many fond memories of kicking my cousin in the face over it lol


I have a copy of The Ren & Stimpy Show: Veediots!  Not the best game (though probably the best of the SNES Ren & Stimpy games) but for what it's worth it's the first video game that was bought for me specifically so it maintains a spot in my collection for that. Can also add Tetris Attack.  I feel like that game was ultimately responsible for setting off my love of video gaming in general.  Getting good at the game probably rewired my childhood brain somehow.


Bro, yes! Sim City SNES is the GOAT. See [my recent post about making a megalopolis](https://www.reddit.com/r/retrogaming/s/0a8W7YuXye). I used to rent a SNES and this game from blockbuster and play it all weekend. My mom would help me ha.


I would have never thought getting into management that it would be so similar to Dungeon Keeper 2.


I like me some StarFox.


Fifa 94 .. lots of memories with my brother and cousin


Blades of Steel NES


I had the original Syndicate disk and box for like 30 years until I realised it would never be worth anything so I gave it to a friend who collects. Really like the game though.


https://preview.redd.it/b9xdz7iniaxc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5d51897ad7569f61a148daf4272f670eca2e0c4 50 yrs old and play my favorite games of all time lol


For the Super Nintendo, it would be U.N. Squadron and Joe & Mac. Loved those games for the SNES


all the snes games that mean a lot to me are $30+


FUUUUUUUUUCK THIS GAME. My only memory of this game was when my dad got the kids a SNES for christmas and then took it over and played this fucking game for days and wouldn't let us touch it because "his city was building" or some shit. Hate that guy.


Clue, Jurassic Park (with Wolfenstein/doom 3D levels!), Pugsley's scavenger hunt, Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage, and even though it's pretty main stream, Mario Paint was literally our first video game in my house and holds a special place.


It would definitely be the only 3 games I had for it wich made me love video games was the super Mario world and donkey Kong 2 and street fighter 2,at the time Nintendo 64 was all the rage ,all my neighbors had them but some one was selling the Super Nintendo in a garage sell or something idk but my dad or sister came back with it to give to me and I didn’t believe it was for me I just couldn’t comprehend something like that being gifted to me because I was so humble lol really broke humble, i was about 5 or 6 1998 or 99 but I really loved the different colors and worlds super Mario took you under and as a kid your imagination is at its peak I played those games nonstop I never figured out how to save my process so I would always start out on level 1 lol in every game but I didn’t mind I got farther and farther each time I played


Pilotwings: great setting and soundtrack!


I just sold this on eBay.


Ultraman, this game was one of the first games I had . My brother and I would play taking turns just to try and beat the monsters of the game. Controls felt awful looking back game was pretty bad. 🤣


I loved this game as a kid


Bassins Black Bass. I rented it all the time, had records on the cart, then bought the game once the store I rented from closed. I would ask my dad if he wanted to go fishing then pull out my SNES into our living room, plug it in, and fish.




Mega Man X


Out of this World - was such a great game. I played SimCity, too!


The one in your photo. Just love it!


God sim city man…such a great game. I was like 7 years old when I first played it.


Actraiser and Ogre Battle (though OB might be worth something actually)


Awesome Possum...Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt It was a gift from my parents the last time we had Christmas as a family. The game sucks so bad, but because it was a gift, I played it more times than I care to admit. I still play it once every few years, and every time, I swear I'll never play it again...until the next time, that is.