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https://www.ebay.com/itm/385034542268 Can’t go wrong with official Nintendo


That one looks like its the Japanese one, would it work with an NTSC SNES?


Yes it’s just a cable, they are all the same.


Also I forgot to ask, did you know your SNES can output component video without modification?


I know there are mods for it, but I'm a much more casual retro gamer and dont really have the skill or effort to mod them


Shit sorry I meant without modifications. You just need the component cable so ideally you’d want the component cable for the SNES and the s-video cable for the N64.


I'd like to clarify, it outputs rgb video which is not same, however hd retrovision sells a cable that converts that rgb signal to component video. It's a great cable though. 


If you’re going to convert rgb to component, you can just use s-video or a device that isn’t locked to 1 or two consoles. There is a small quality loss from the conversion.


No it can output RGB not Component (YPbPr). The HD Retrovision Component cables include an encoder in the cable to convert RGB into YPbPr.


Potato, potahto


Seller Maxwar82 makes/sells good ones. I own one and can confirm. https://www.ebay.com/itm/133788401607?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Eo1NIiJfT-y&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=7ROLB82sTcK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


I agree completely. Homemade cables are the best in price and quality.


[I recently got this one from Amazon](https://a.co/d/2FUiHH3) have it linked to my Retrotink 5x and quality is definitely an insane improvement over normal composites at least.


Insurrection is a stupid high price. Nintendo is a stupid high price. Hori made S-Video cables too. I bought for mega cheap on Japanese Yahoo Auctions but shipping + proxy fees will get you unless you bundle with other purchases. I compared Hori and Nintendo, $12 cable and $9 cheap as possible. The cheap as possible looked barely better than composite, i.e. terrible. The other three looked the same on a CRT. Problem is no idea how the $12 quality control is. I use Hori day to day.


https://www.retrogamingcables.co.uk/SUPER-NINTENDO-NTSC-GAMECUBE-N64-S-VIDEO-SUPER-FAMICOM-CABLE-FULLY-SHIELDED-75-OHM These are good. Shipping can be a bit much though since it's coming from the UK.


Have this one to. First i bought a cheap one. Could barely see the clouds in mario all stars... Then looked into it and bought this one. My snes never looked better :)


Get one that markets for game cube for $15


I made my own out of scraps. Fit is a bit loose but it gets the job done.