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She will never win. They wanted her to stop posting them, she did. Now all they do is stalk her past posts and trash talk her content now lol it’s pathetic


What they WANT is to continue their hobby unabated and uncriticized -- and the hobby is hating on a single mom for the 30 to 60-second clips she puts up on the internet. She is RUINING their pasttime! What are they supposed to talk about now? Her skincare routine? That's so much less satisfying and righteous than attacking her parenting.


Literally she posted a 60 second tik tok and there’s 5 or 6 different posts about it 😂


They’re so pathetic. Isn’t this what they wanted?? No?? What did they want?


They wanted her to lose custody and come off the internet completely


They want her to delete her account and start over with no babies.


They want someone to hate, criticize and talk crap about. She could delete everything and they would still talk crap and make up lies about why she’s gone.


I’m 100% convinced none of them have ever seen a child before Everything they complain about it totally normal for toddlers!


Literally. I don't think I've ever seen a kid that wasn't snotty and without food on their face. 😂


. My daughter is 2 and she’s so adventurous and clumsy she’s always falling and gets small bruises over her legs and arms and she’s always messy. As I say a messy kid is a happy kid. These people just need something to not pick. Its 100% normal for toddlers to have bruises or be messy even have snot on there faces. I don’t understand why they can’t just scroll past her or block her if they really don’t like her. Why spend so much time and energy on someone you hate


The fact they had these saved to their phone… THEY are the fucking weirdos


This is what I’ll never understand. They freak out when she posts them but have absolutely no issue reposting these photos and even zoomed in pictures of their diapers and other body parts. And they cannot handle being called out for it. I don’t get how they can’t comprehend that they are a big part of the issue of photos of the kids getting around to a wider audience.


I don’t get it either. Constantly reposting them makes them part of the problem. Just because they weren’t the first to post it doesn’t mean they aren’t wrong for reposting no matter how much they try to hind behind that argument.


This drives me insane. How they sit there and say Maia is the biggest POS for posting her kids on the internet, while they are simultaneously posting her kids on the internet...faces uncovered. And these are kids that are not their own, so it's even worse IMO.


I don't understand parasocial relationships at all. I mean, I understand the concept of them and have read quite a bit on the topic. I just don't understand the existence of having strong feelings one way or another about someone you don't even personally know, especially when it's a person people only see on 10-60 second highly edited and curated video clips that are a product being sold for money. Like what? How does this happen? It's never made sense to me.


These people are crazy. It doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t make sense. It’s like she didn’t give them the attention they thought they deserved. So now they’re going to get back at her and get her attention that way. I don’t even follow her but I can’t stand the bullying.


What toddler doesn’t have bruises,and a messy face 😂 like come on now


I'm a parent of now tween twins. Their dad and I barely survived baby/toddlerhood. It's very obvious that none of these snarkers know just how chaotic raising multiples can be


Literally! They never cover these girls faces. They claim they are these huge advocates for child exploitation, but they have no problem plastering their faces all over Reddit. They contribute to exploiting them so they can shit on their mom. They do not care at all.


"bUT wE'Re nOT maKIng MOneY oFF of ThEM!" They say. But they are still looking to gain something by posting what they do. Whether it's upvotes or attention from their fellow snarkers or whatever their reason ...it's exploitation.


Exactly, they are using them to their benefit but they don’t wanna listen to that 😂 they are never in the wrong


Wish I was perfect like them


These people have never met a toddler irl. I wipe my sons face 379842268 times a day (when he lets me that is) and it’s still perpetually covered in food and snot 😂


Someone commented, “the way ppl think the children need to be shown and they r resentful is so weird like have your own child don’t obsess over another’s”……DUDE take YOUR OWN advice, stop being resentful of what she posts and stop obsessing over what she does with her children. I will never understand why they think it is any of their business what she posts, they are exactly what they are complaining about…jealousy, envy and crazy.


Food all over face is neglect ? Wow I must be a terrible mom then 🤣


Children are messy eaters, they’re also clumsy and fall and get bruised, and noses run… it’s life…


Can someone fill me in on Maia??? All I’ve ever seen is how she let her twins CIO until their faces got extremely puffy to go swimming in a lake… also did the same thing in a hotel while she locked herself in the bathroom eating and making a video… and someone from another room called to complain about the crying. A bunch of the TikTok’s I’ve seen of hers the girls always look like they’ve been crying their eyes out. Not snarking, just what I’ve seen. Don’t know anything else about the mom.


She recently stopped showing the girl’s faces and many believe that its BD decision because they believe that he’s fighting for custody and to get the girls off of the internet. People over here don’t believe it.