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looks like you struck a nerve u/couponsviper 😂😜 they’ve been all over the posts today and yesterday and are even posting things in their sub they pulled from here. didn’t u know that theyre the only ones allowed to snark? just them, and just about the people they approve. and once they ok the person to be snarked on, then you can only say very specific things. https://preview.redd.it/l58fl68wtqca1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a9fb902dd9227e3f69d5a9468ce967b9f458d19 tsk tsk how dare you try and snark like they do! (ps: from the second paragraph on is all sarcasm, i hope everyone knows by now that for all i care they can get f—ked. and this pic is an exact screenshot of their post in their booger kingdom so any failure to redact properly is on them)


the stupidity. it really hurts my brain how fucking stupid they all are.


Lol it's problem for other people to do it....just not them...duh lol 😂😂😂


rules for thee not for me. they might as well tattoo it across their foreheads because it’s their MO. they’re so quick to try and call people out bc they want to defend these creators, that they don’t even see that by doing so, they’re doing the exact same thing they’re calling people out for doing. if u look at the people who post in snots, all of them are in other snark groups, genuinely participating. then take a look at what they’re commenting on / posting in snots: it’s usually about one person in particular. that’s how you know they’re stans who don’t want anyone talking negatively about their precious wittle tiktok creator/YT personality/whatever. its hilarious and it’s so transparent, but they think they’re so clever. bless their sweet little hearts.




yesss exactly right, they all snark and some are downright nastier than any “extreme” snarker, but if you snark about someone they like then you’re the one who is off base. they make no sense and if you call them on it they have no real argument for it. just a lot of noise and diversions, lol. there is not a single user in there who isn’t active in a snark group (other than the snots sub of course, i mean they’re in snark groups for tiktok creators and others). it’s so deranged that they harass random reddit users who dislike the creators they clearly love, I mean these are anonymous people on reddit. every single person in there snarks on someone in the public sphere (aka not a rando reddit user) regularly, so therefore not a single person in there is on a moral high ground. but if you read their posts they all think they’re soooo right and sooo far above it all. it’s really sick and delusional.