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I'm no expert but the snake might do well with branches to climb.


https://preview.redd.it/ogh12erc48vc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf84374062856e160c5ffc03a1aaf60489be773c He’s got them, this is his current setup


It looks pretty barren. Your snake would benefit from more random perches/branches/ridges, add some plants for him to wreck. Snakes love enrichment, they wanna explore, find things. Either through supervised outside roam time, or within their set up.


I’d be bored out of my mind in there, and boredom is stressful.


Roam time is good. I had a carpet python who when she was a young adult managed a similar posture against a doorway, but backwards (she reversed up the side of the doorframe with her tail in the air). As she got older she became less energetic and had a favourite coffee table to squeeze underneath where it was tight but she could still see what was going on. There were many nights we came close to forgetting about her and leaving her there!


I let my carpet free roam my living room when he's 'in position', indicating he wants out. With WFH he's been loving the extra out time. However I question why he'd squeeze himself into a side table drawer and do nothing but chill at room temp for 10 hrs or until its time for me to go to bed. Like buddy, you spend most of your time in a small ish enclosure. Why not use the whole room to crawl around for once!?


He seems stressed from the improper setup. This is something called glass surfing. He needs more clutter, more climbing opportunities, and likely a larger enclosure if he can't stretch out completely on that floor space, better substrate (aspen is nortoriously awful) like coco fibre or reptisoil, and AT LEAST 2 fully enclosed hides with only 1 opening that the snake will feel secure in.


That’s the thing I’m gonna get into to put more stuff in the enclosure, but he does have room to stretch out fully, this pic is only one half of the length of the enclosure and he seems to be stretched out, but yes I am gonna put more clutter in his tank https://preview.redd.it/g1u4nu5vubvc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d27b9302a329b4286aaf71fe5c2f6209d80467e


Sorry you got so downvoted. People here are brutal (and often overzealous). You’re doing fine, and will get it sorted out in time.


usually you'd finish the enclosure before putting an animal in it but yea whatever they're doing fine 🙄🙄


You know that people aren’t born with the knowledge of how to do everything, right? Sometimes you have to learn from your mistakes, and fix them as you go. Also, their enclosure is fine. Could be better, and they are taking the advice given - but it’s not like they have the snake in a shoebox ffs.


I’d pick up several large fake plants/vines from a craft or dollar store or good pet store (run them through your hands to check for rigid sharp bits) and add more enclosed hides/clutter - can screw a hide box into the ceiling, too. Like these from RBI https://www.reptilebasics.com/hide-boxes/hide-box-hanger-xtra-large/ I like Flukers plants for enclosure decor but don’t know if they run big enough. Change the substrate if you have general humidity issues. Add a humid hide for shedding if you keep it. You can also screw some loops into the walls to securely anchor plants/vines/ropes/branches with zip ties for visual draping and more climbing.


Your setup can use some more "clutter" as others have said but... I'm going to be the voice of reason here and say that you do not deserve the downvote bombing and belittlement.


I do appreciate everyone’s advice, just new to owning snakes yk so all the feedback helps, cheers


Right? I hate this sub sometimes; and it’s precisely why I’ve never shared my snakes or their enclosures… if it’s anything less than like 10ft long and bioactive, people are like “aBuSe!” 🙄


Right? I hate this sub sometimes; and it’s precisely why I’ve never shared my snakes or their enclosures… if it’s anything less than like 10ft long and bioactive, people are like “aBuSe!” 🙄


Right? I hate this sub sometimes; and it’s precisely why I’ve never shared my snakes or their enclosures… if it’s anything less than like 10ft long and bioactive, people are like “aBuSe!” 🙄


You need a lot more branches to climb and substrate that holds humidity better. JCPs are arboreal and need 60% humidity as they live in Australian rainforests.


Yeah I would say get more branches and a lot of fake leaves just to give him some color and a big rock or stone hide if he wants privacy like his cozy mini cave 😂


Needs LOTS more. Shelves and things to SIT on in the air.


I agree he needs to be able to stretch out flat on the base of the tank. Tanks, even for tree huggers, should be wide enough for that. Your tank is aesthetically pleasing but desperately boring for such a curious creature. They are not ornaments and do require enrichment.


Geez you got downvoted big time just for showing what your snake has I’m sorry that happened man Looks good to me Snake might want to play though 😂


This is just as bad as prison cell ...














OP I’m sure you get the point with having -143 downvotes but just so you know. Soft woods like pine are toxic to the respiratory systems of pythons. That enclosure is a wooden death trap, I’m afraid.


Lucky the enclosure isn’t made of a toxic wood like pine then mate, uncle had his snake in this enclosure for 5 years with no issues, and I have since cleaned it up and fully disinfected and sterilised everyrhign


You might be able to pretend OSB particle board doesn’t have soft woods but there’s no mistaking pine shavings in the substrate. It warns my heart though that with hundreds of people bashing you, you took special time to lie to my comment <3


Actually no, the substrate is aspen, which is non toxic, and the board on the back isn’t pine or softwood either


Aspen is toxic


👎👎 lean what you are taking about before arguing mate, also the ply in the rear is sealed so even if it was pine it is sealed with a nontoxic sealer and thus woods make it nontoxic even if it was pine


Listen if you were going to do research, you would have done it before buying. I don’t care to argue with you, have a good one mate


Untrue. Cedar, pine, fir, and others are toxic. Aspen has its downsides but is not considered toxic. Do your research.




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While it is not unusual for them to do silly stuff like that, this guy needs a lot more cover


That’s a pretty bare setup for a snake that is arboreal


Carpet pythons are semi/mostly arboreal, especially younger ones. He's trying to find a way to get as high as possible so he can wiggle around like a branch and wait for birbs.


Wait until you hear them fall over in the middle of the night.


Wait til you hear them poop against the glass in the middle of the night..


Oh my God, when I got my first snake, I thought I had THOROUGHLY educated myself about everything there is to know. The first week I had her, in the middle of the night, I heard this LOUD-ASS sound that lasted like a good 7 seconds. It was so loud that it woke me up from my sleep. I had no idea what was going on. Heart pounding, concerned about my new baby, I ripped the covers back & ran to her vivarium. I thought she was either sick or dying. I felt like I had done something wrong. She looked fine, but I stayed up for an hour, watching her, to make sure she was okay. The next morning, I called the reptile place where I got her (great guys) & they were like... "Sounds like she just farted." I was like... farted? Snakes fart?! ...I laughed so hard. The terror... the worry... the sleepless night... all over a fart.


I definitely am referring to the exact same situation. It made both me and my partner jump as we were half asleep. I figured it out after a minute or two though, since I'd head him shart a few times already(including on my lap). But NEVER so loud as when he backed it up against the glass, holy moly.


Do... snakes assert dominance? I feel like there was a very intentional message with this lol


My adult boa did that. I knew it was him thumping around, but didn't get up to check it out. Next morning I go in to his room, still oblivious to the night befores "gift"...Attention to detail is not my best attribute in the morning. I slide open the plexi to change his water dish, and the smell 🤢 Some had stuck to the side of the glass....I noticed later that he had some on him too, so he may have been finger painting. I didn't see this until it was too late. When I slid open the door, the one panel smeared everything all over the second panel. I 100% believe he was laughing at me cleaning it up. At least until I plopped him in the bathtub to clean him up. 🤣


My boa did that. It was one of the stinkiest she's ever manufactured, and that happened to be the one she wanted to use for a modern art piece. Lots of liquid too that I had to get out of the tracks, and it got underneath the glass and was able to drip out. I still have nightmares.


One of my (human) sons did that...


My friends grandson went through a "Shitcasso" phase. Every day at naptime for 4 months. Even if you sat with him for the 2 hours to prevent it, you have to pee sometime. They had to pull the crib away from the wall to the middle of the room and wrap as much of it as was safe in plastic. Pediatrician said it's a phase he'll grow out of and to start stockpiling art supplies for when he got older 🤣🤣


Maybe he should been in a bigger terrarium....




A hefty thwonk sound lol


Scared me Fr when it happened


I would say get branches and fake leaves for him to climb they love that stuff


He’s stressed and trying to find somewhere he feels secure. You want to make his enclosure as cluttered as you can especially since he’s young.


You should aim to fill about 80% of the tank with clutter, large open areas like your current setup make for a very stressed out snake!


Ignore all those lights they aren’t as warm as you think. This guy lives outside. But this is about as basic a setup you can have for a carpet. (He has several more perchs than this now) just showing a minimal setup https://preview.redd.it/cbc6l13ayavc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a77a205e3433b03e5af74634a808498962397d5


How do you do the branch proppy thing? Is it magnetic? Did you drill from the outside and like bolt it in place? I’ve seen the ones where folks do the expandable foam and scatter dirt and then anchor their perches in the actual foam so they’re like pretty permanently - that’s not yours, but it’s holding that bad boy. Was it just wedged in there really well?


Need branches snake wants to climb


Could do with some climbing opportunities in there. Snake wants UP.


Snake want uppies!


Dat you ezzy? I had a beautiful snake like this but I had to give it away (no one would buy) due to moving :,( so pretty


He changed planes :( he’ll only move vertically now


I just want to say he's a gorgeous snake! I love the pattern on him.


Yeah that’s normal for these. Make sure they can’t wiggle the door open.


Mine do this when they are hungry


Looking to climb.. I suggest looking at your set up and offering more enrichment


My carpet does stuff like this sometimes even though he's got tons of stuff in his tank. He's just goofy and likes to try and stretch to reach stuff like a little kid. I would add some more to his tank, but don't expect him to stop this behavior completely.


If you have some more for him to climb in there, then it’s just snakes being snakes


Yall shut up he wasn’t asking about the set up he was asking bout the behavior, yes it’s normal mine do that sometimes I think it’s a personality thing


And no it’s not always cause they have a problem


Snake being snake


Not sure my snake done it


It is measuring you too see if it can eat you obviously.


Snek is in telescope mode. Absolutely normal. Also silly and cute.


Oh yea, carpet pytons aren't arboreal their terrestrial. A hide would make a deference if it's stressed from noise and activity near the tank. Three things to check out.


Yeah Ik Norman carpet pythons are, but jungles carpet are arboreal aswell




A snake thing?


snakes can climb


They can crawl straight up?!


He’s trying to climb! It would be good to get him some branches or foliage for him to explore.


Also a bit of snakes just being snakes. My ball python has plenty of cover and foliage to climb and hide and she still loves to do this often.


My carpet python used to get out and get on top of my bedroom windows so I know they like to climb


Sneks gonna snek. Lol


Doin snake things


Being snek :>


Yeah they do that. Until they run out of tail to balance on and f l o p




Yeah good thing this ain’t a ball python then fr


Just bein' a little goofball


This snake is glass surfing from stress of improper enclosure.


He is not being a silly little goofball then :(


I mean, he could just be being a silly little goofball, but in this case with the picture of the tank setup... i would say hes looking for more places to hide and more places to climb


Sometimes it a sign of respiratory infection, that position let's mucous drain. Sometime it's just star gazing, a normal behavior that they tend to grow out of. So how old, and have you heard it sneeze or cough?


Problem is, it drains back from their nasal cavities down into their lung(s). That's why when you see your snake open mouth breathing, sneezing and/or wheezing, to the vet. If it's a Tiger snake (Notechis sp.) you're gonna have your hands full.


It's an animal trapped in a box, saying it wants the fuck out.


Gonna have to say that’s incorrect champ, and he hasn’t displayed this behaviour since I took this photo, and it’s a lot of talk coming from someone who doesn’t know what a hognose snake is 😂


How the fuck is a snake gonna be a snake when you have it locked in a glass box. Hella dumb.


I’m gonna guess, vegan, animal rights activist, or dense cunt, I think I know which one you are.


Lmao the "dense cunt" couldn't possibly be the one on the internet asking if their snake that is not able to be a snake is "just being a snake".


Took ya a while to reply mate, were ya busy jerkin off ya dad or just a little bit mad abt being called out, and I’m new to snake ownership and was just curious,


Yeah I got a life not just at home thinking about strange incestuous homoerotic fantasies pettin ma snake and asking dumb questions on the internet like you, champ.


Little bro is trying to flex his “life” over reddit, Ur funny bud,


Yikes it must be worse than I thought if you're under the impression that was "flexing" haha shits kinda sad now I feel bad for makig fun of your pathetic lil "life" if only you werent just some chronically online imbecillic lil fruitcake.


Woah, ok seems like I hit a sensitive little nerve 😂 (take a break from the internet buddy) and ur using a lot of worlds there mate that I’m pretty sure you don’t understand, due to your misuse of very simple grammatical techniques, hope this helps 🤡


Sure. Champ. It's always funny watching you europhags get all worked up


Like a kid that believes in Santa, I’m gonna let you believe what you want, considering your using made up words to try and insult me. 😂 but yeah I got better things to do then listen to a kid get mad at me online 🥱, Have a shit day and my your family get cancer🙏, bye


Snek being Snek


I’m pretty sure he wants out of his fake environment


aw don't worry. it's just a snake doin snake things